ora-8103 解决脚本

来源:互联网 发布:电话小号软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 00:03
自己写的处理ora-8103 错误的脚本,对象实际已经删除了,但相关信息还是保留在数据字典了,需要修改数据字典,最后是alter system flush shared_pool;因为数据字典环
create or replace procedure del_dictionary(p_obj in number)    Authid Current_User     as    v_file number;    v_block number;    v_cnt number :=2;    v_type number;    v_bo number;    v_count number;begin select count(1) into v_count from obj$ where obj#=p_obj;  --v_type=19 table partition --v_type=20 index partition if v_count=0 then   dbms_output.put_line('The obj#  '||p_obj||' is alreay deleted!');   else   select type# into v_type from obj$ where obj#=p_obj;  if v_type=19 then  select bo#,file#,block# into v_bo,v_file,v_block from tabpart$ where obj#=p_obj;  dbms_output.put_line('file# is:'||v_file||' block# is:'||v_block);  dbms_output.put_line('The block is table partion');  delete from obj$ where obj#=p_obj;  delete from tabpart$ where obj#=p_obj;  delete from  seg$ where file#=v_file and block#=v_block;  update partobj$ set partcnt =v_cnt where obj# =v_bo; else  select bo#,file#,block# into v_bo,v_file,v_block from indpart$ where obj#=p_obj;   dbms_output.put_line('file# is:'||v_file||' block# is:'||v_block);   dbms_output.put_line('The block is index partion');  delete from obj$ where obj#=p_obj;  delete from indpart$ where obj#=p_obj;  delete from  seg$ where file#=v_file and block#=v_block;  update partobj$ set partcnt =v_cnt where obj# =v_bo;   end if;end if;      commit;EXCEPTION   --WHEN v_raise THEN    -- RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20010, 'object_id not exists!');  WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN     RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20011, 'ERROR:'||p_obj||' 不存在!');end;

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