
来源:互联网 发布:c语言文件fclose 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:48

程序中用了while ((data = csvReader.readNext()) != null)循环进行读取.
查看readNext源码,也是通过BufferedReader的readLine进行一行一行的读取,只是在字符串引用和转义进行了处理.CSV程序默认使用DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = ‘,’逗号作为一列与一列的分割符,DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER = ‘”’双引号作为字符串引用,就是当一列的内容中出现特殊字符如逗号时,怎么区分这个逗号的是列里面的内容还是列之间的分割,例如,一个文件里面某列内容为a,b,c为了区分这个a b c之间的逗号为本来的内容,所以用”a,b,c”这样表示,DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = ‘\’;反斜杠作为转义.
在字符串引用的处理,发现某列数据以双引号开头,但是在这一行没有发现与之对应的双引号,即是说这一行的双引号为奇数个,会读取下一行进行处理,直到找到与之匹配的双引号.例如,我们的报表在151行在Geometry dash后面出现了特殊字符换行符,在xStep后面也出现了换行符
由于CSVReader默认为反斜杠,又不能将转义设置为双引号,这样会和字符串引用的双引号重复,程序处理会混乱,并且程序会抛出异常The separator, quote, and escape characters must be different!,最后重写一个不带转义的CSVReader构造器,重新打个jar包,最后能够读取数据6340034行,解决
public String[] readNext() throws IOException {

    String[] result = null;    do {        String nextLine = getNextLine();        if (!hasNext) {            return result; // should throw if still pending?        }        String[] r = parser.parseLineMulti(nextLine);        if (r.length > 0) {            if (result == null) {                result = r;            } else {                String[] t = new String[result.length+r.length];                System.arraycopy(result, 0, t, 0, result.length);                System.arraycopy(r, 0, t, result.length, r.length);                result = t;            }        }    } while (parser.isPending());    return result;}private String[] parseLine(String nextLine, boolean multi) throws IOException {    if (!multi && pending != null) {        pending = null;    }    if (nextLine == null) {        if (pending != null) {            String s = pending;            pending = null;            return new String[]{s};        } else {            return null;        }    }    List<String> tokensOnThisLine = new ArrayList<String>();    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(INITIAL_READ_SIZE);    boolean inQuotes = false;    if (pending != null) {        sb.append(pending);        pending = null;        inQuotes = true;    }    for (int i = 0; i < nextLine.length(); i++) {        char c = nextLine.charAt(i);        if ( useEscape && c == this.escape) {            if (isNextCharacterEscapable(nextLine, inQuotes || inField, i)) {                sb.append(nextLine.charAt(i + 1));                i++;            }        } else if (c == quotechar) {            if (isNextCharacterEscapedQuote(nextLine, inQuotes || inField, i)) {                sb.append(nextLine.charAt(i + 1));                i++;            } else {                //inQuotes = !inQuotes;                // the tricky case of an embedded quote in the middle: a,bc"d"ef,g                if (!strictQuotes) {                    if (i > 2 //not on the beginning of the line                            && nextLine.charAt(i - 1) != this.separator //not at the beginning of an escape sequence                            && nextLine.length() > (i + 1) &&                            nextLine.charAt(i + 1) != this.separator //not at the   end of an escape sequence                            ) {                        if (ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace && sb.length() > 0 && isAllWhiteSpace(sb)) {                            sb.setLength(0);  //discard white space leading up to quote                        } else {                            sb.append(c);                            //continue;                        }                    }                }                inQuotes = !inQuotes;            }            inField = !inField;        } else if (c == separator && !inQuotes) {            tokensOnThisLine.add(sb.toString());            sb.setLength(0); // start work on next token            inField = false;        } else {            if (!strictQuotes || inQuotes) {                sb.append(c);                inField = true;            }        }    }    // line is done - check status    if (inQuotes) {        if (multi) {            // continuing a quoted section, re-append newline            sb.append("\n");            pending = sb.toString();            sb = null; // this partial content is not to be added to field list yet        } else {            throw new IOException("Un-terminated quoted field at end of CSV line");        }    }    if (sb != null) {        tokensOnThisLine.add(sb.toString());    }    return tokensOnThisLine.toArray(new String[tokensOnThisLine.size()]);}
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