
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝开放平台自己开发 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 11:05


定义:元组是具有 特定数量和序列 的元素 的数据结构  (注意断句哈!)







using System;public class Example{   public static void Main()   {      Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>[] scores =                     { new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Jack", 78),                      new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Abbey", 92),                       new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Dave", 88),                      new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Sam", 91),                       new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Ed", null),                      new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Penelope", 82),                      new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Linda", 99),                      new Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>("Judith", 84) };      int number;      double mean = ComputeMean(scores, out number);      Console.WriteLine("Average test score: {0:N2} (n={1})", mean, number);   }   private static double ComputeMean(Tuple<string, Nullable<int>>[] scores, out int n)    {      n = 0;            int sum = 0;      foreach (var score in scores)      {         if (score.Item2.HasValue)         {             n += 1;            sum += score.Item2.Value;         }      }           if (n > 0)         return sum / (double) n;      else         return 0;   }}// The example displays the following output://       Average test score: 88 (n=7)




        public Tuple<int, string> ManEntryPN(DateTime recTime, double netLossRate, double electricityOnline, double electricitySell)        {            //检验查询            Tuple<int, string> tuple = null;            string testProc = "queryManagePageData";            SqlParameter[] testParas = new SqlParameter[] {                new SqlParameter("@recTime",recTime),                new SqlParameter("@netLossRate",netLossRate),                new SqlParameter("@electricityOnline",electricityOnline),                new SqlParameter("@electricitySell",electricitySell),                new SqlParameter("@indexName","TestManEntryPN")            };            DataTable dt = new DataTable();            dt = sqlhelper.ExecuteQuery(testProc, testParas, CommandType.StoredProcedure);            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)            {                //如果该日期数据已经录入                return tuple = new Tuple<int, string>(1, recTime + "数据已经录入");            }            //数据录入            string insertProc = "queryManagePageData";            SqlParameter[] insertParas = new SqlParameter[] {                new SqlParameter("@recTime",recTime),                new SqlParameter("@netLossRate",netLossRate),                new SqlParameter("@electricityOnline",electricityOnline),                new SqlParameter("@electricitySell",electricitySell),                new SqlParameter("@indexName","ManEntryPN")            };            int res = sqlhelper.ExecuteNonQuery(insertProc, insertParas, CommandType.StoredProcedure);            if (res > 0)            {                //如果录入成功                return tuple = new Tuple<int, string>(0, "Sucess");            }            return tuple = new Tuple<int, string>(1, "插入失败");        }


例如,Thread.Start(Object) 方法只有一个参数,即你可以传一个值给该线程的启动方法。 如果你提供Tuple<T1, T2, T3> 对象作为方法参数,则你可以给该线程的启动方法传3个值。

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