Ruby meta programming 4(eval/class_eval/module_eval/instance_eval)

来源:互联网 发布:cisco端口看环路 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 02:07


# "#{exp}" evaluates it  as a string and not as an expression, whereas eval( exp ) evaluates a string as an expression.exp = "2+4"puts( eval( exp )) puts( "#{exp}" ) # eval method can evaluate strings spanning many lineseval( 'def aMethod( x )    return( x * 2 ) end num = 100  puts( "This is the result of the calculation:" ) puts( aMethod( num ))' ) # special types of evalclass MyClass  def initialize    @aVar = "Hello world"  end end ob = p( ob.instance_eval { @aVar } )   p( ob.instance_eval( "@aVar" ) ) # eval can evaluate expressions of arbitrary complexity# such ass create method to String classString::class_eval{ define_method(:bye){ puts("goodbye" ) } } "Hello".bye    #=> “goodbye” 
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