Android MultiDex机制杂谈

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu安装eclipse c 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:47

0x00 为什么需要MultiDex


Conversion to Dalvik format failed:Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536


trouble writing output:Too many field references: 131000; max is 65536.You may try using --multi-dex option.

这说明你的app的main dex方法数已经超过65535,如果打算继续兼容5.0以下手机,你可以采用google提供的MultiDex方案,但main dex方法数为什么不能超过65535呢?

其实在Dalvik的invoke-kind指令集中,method reference index只留了16bits,最多能调用65535个方法。

invoke-kind {vC, vD, vE, vF, vG}, meth@BBBBB: method reference index (16 bits)



/** * Maps the index offsets from one dex file to those in another. For example, if * you have string #5 in the old dex file, its position in the new dex file is * {@code strings[5]}. */public final class IndexMap {    private final Dex target;    public final int[] stringIds;    public final short[] typeIds;    public final short[] protoIds;    public final short[] fieldIds;    public final short[] methodIds;

可以看到,methodIds,typeIds,protoIds,fieldIds都是short[]类型,对于每个具体的method来说都是限制在16bits。google dalvik开发者在这上面挖了个坑,MultiDex就是来填坑的。

0x01 使用MultiDex


compile ''


public class MultiDexApplication extends Application {    public MultiDexApplication() {    }    protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {        super.attachBaseContext(base);        MultiDex.install(this);    }}


multiDexEnabled true

0x02 MultiDex.install过程

先从MultiDex.install开始分析,传入的context是MultiDexApplication,loader是dalvik.system.PathClassLoader,运行时会先去app的dexDir /data/data/pkgname/code_cache/secondary-dexes下找secondary dex(除了main dex,其他都叫secondary dex,一个apk中可能存在多个secondary dex),找到后先校验zip格式,没问题就直接installSecondaryDexes,否则会去强制从apk中重新extract secondary dex。

public static void install(Context context) {...     ClassLoader loader;     try {         loader = context.getClassLoader();         ...         File dexDir = new File(applicationInfo.dataDir, SECONDARY_FOLDER_NAME);         List<File> files = MultiDexExtractor.load(context, applicationInfo, dexDir, false);            if (checkValidZipFiles(files)) {                installSecondaryDexes(loader, dexDir, files);            } else {                Log.w(TAG, "Files were not valid zip files.  Forcing a reload.");                // Try again, but this time force a reload of the zip file.                files = MultiDexExtractor.load(context, applicationInfo, dexDir, true);                if (checkValidZipFiles(files)) {                    installSecondaryDexes(loader, dexDir, files);                } else {                    // Second time didn't work, give up                    throw new RuntimeException("Zip files were not valid.");                }            }


static List<File> load(Context context, ApplicationInfo applicationInfo, File dexDir,        boolean forceReload) throws IOException {    Log.i(TAG, "MultiDexExtractor.load(" + applicationInfo.sourceDir + ", " + forceReload + ")");    final File sourceApk = new File(applicationInfo.sourceDir);    long currentCrc = getZipCrc(sourceApk);    List<File> files;    if (!forceReload && !isModified(context, sourceApk, currentCrc)) {        try {            files = loadExistingExtractions(context, sourceApk, dexDir);        } catch (IOException ioe) {            Log.w(TAG, "Failed to reload existing extracted secondary dex files,"                    + " falling back to fresh extraction", ioe);            files = performExtractions(sourceApk, dexDir);            putStoredApkInfo(context, getTimeStamp(sourceApk), currentCrc, files.size() + 1);        }    } else {        Log.i(TAG, "Detected that extraction must be performed.");        files = performExtractions(sourceApk, dexDir);        putStoredApkInfo(context, getTimeStamp(sourceApk), currentCrc, files.size() + 1);    }    Log.i(TAG, "load found " + files.size() + " secondary dex files");    return files;}


  • apk(ZipFile) 指向/data/app/pkgname.apk
  • dexFile(ZipEntry) 指向classes2.dex
  • extractTo(File) 指向/data/data/pkgname/code_cache/secondary-dexes/
  • extractedFilePrefix(String) pkgname.apk.classes


  1. 在/data/data/pkgname/code_cache/secondary-dexes/创建pkgname.apk.classes12345.zip的tmpFile;
  2. 对步骤1的tmpFile建立ZipOutputStream;
  3. 创建一个指向classes.dex的ZipEntry对象;
  4. 向tmpFile写入这个entry;
  5. 将tmpFile重命名为,tmpFile此时还存在;
  6. 删除tmpFile;






private static void extract(ZipFile apk, ZipEntry dexFile, File extractTo,        String extractedFilePrefix) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {    InputStream in = apk.getInputStream(dexFile);    ZipOutputStream out = null;    File tmp = File.createTempFile(extractedFilePrefix, EXTRACTED_SUFFIX,            extractTo.getParentFile());    Log.i(TAG, "Extracting " + tmp.getPath());    try {        out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmp)));        try {            ZipEntry classesDex = new ZipEntry("classes.dex");            // keep zip entry time since it is the criteria used by Dalvik            classesDex.setTime(dexFile.getTime());            out.putNextEntry(classesDex);            byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];            int length =;            while (length != -1) {                out.write(buffer, 0, length);                length =;            }            out.closeEntry();        } finally {            out.close();        }        Log.i(TAG, "Renaming to " + extractTo.getPath());        if (!tmp.renameTo(extractTo)) {            throw new IOException("Failed to rename \"" + tmp.getAbsolutePath() +                    "\" to \"" + extractTo.getAbsolutePath() + "\"");        }    } finally {        closeQuietly(in);        tmp.delete(); // return status ignored    }}

最后到真正的install阶段,在MultiDex中有三个私有嵌套类V19,V14和V4来负责具体的系统版本,分别对应android 4.4以上,4.0以上和4.0以下系统。

private static void installSecondaryDexes(ClassLoader loader, File dexDir, List<File> files)        throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException,        InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, IOException {    if (!files.isEmpty()) {        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) {            V19.install(loader, files, dexDir);        } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {            V14.install(loader, files, dexDir);        } else {            V4.install(loader, files);        }    }}

以4.4为例,V19.install其实就是对输入additionalClassPathEntries反射调用makeDexElements创建Element[]对象,再去修改dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader的pathList字段表示的DexPathList类中的dexElements字段内容,把Element[]对象添加进去,这样以后dalvik.system.PathClassLoader就可以找到在secondary dex中的class了。

private static final class V19 {    private static void install(ClassLoader loader, List<File> additionalClassPathEntries,            File optimizedDirectory)                    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,                    NoSuchFieldException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {        /* The patched class loader is expected to be a descendant of         * dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader. We modify its         * dalvik.system.DexPathList pathList field to append additional DEX         * file entries.         */        Field pathListField = findField(loader, "pathList");        Object dexPathList = pathListField.get(loader);        ArrayList<IOException> suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<IOException>();        expandFieldArray(dexPathList, "dexElements", makeDexElements(dexPathList,                new ArrayList<File>(additionalClassPathEntries), optimizedDirectory,                suppressedExceptions));        if (suppressedExceptions.size() > 0) {            for (IOException e : suppressedExceptions) {                Log.w(TAG, "Exception in makeDexElement", e);            }            Field suppressedExceptionsField =                    findField(loader, "dexElementsSuppressedExceptions");            IOException[] dexElementsSuppressedExceptions =                    (IOException[]) suppressedExceptionsField.get(loader);            if (dexElementsSuppressedExceptions == null) {                dexElementsSuppressedExceptions =                        suppressedExceptions.toArray(                                new IOException[suppressedExceptions.size()]);            } else {                IOException[] combined =                        new IOException[suppressedExceptions.size() +                                        dexElementsSuppressedExceptions.length];                suppressedExceptions.toArray(combined);                System.arraycopy(dexElementsSuppressedExceptions, 0, combined,                        suppressedExceptions.size(), dexElementsSuppressedExceptions.length);                dexElementsSuppressedExceptions = combined;            }            suppressedExceptionsField.set(loader, dexElementsSuppressedExceptions);        }    }


private static Element[] makeDexElements(ArrayList<File> files, File optimizedDirectory,                                         ArrayList<IOException> suppressedExceptions) {    ArrayList<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>();    for (File file : files) {        File zip = null;        DexFile dex = null;        String name = file.getName();        if (file.isDirectory()) {        } else if (file.isFile()){            if (name.endsWith(DEX_SUFFIX)) {                // Raw dex file (not inside a zip/jar).                try {                    dex = loadDexFile(file, optimizedDirectory);                } catch (IOException ex) {                    System.logE("Unable to load dex file: " + file, ex);                }            } else {...            }        } else {            System.logW("ClassLoader referenced unknown path: " + file);        }        if ((zip != null) || (dex != null)) {            elements.add(new Element(file, false, zip, dex));        }    }    return elements.toArray(new Element[elements.size()]);}

0x03 探明的坑

  • 坑1 如果secondary dex文件太大,可能导致应用在安装过程中出现ANR,这个在0x02 MultiDex.install的最后也提到过,规避方法以后将继续介绍。

  • 坑2 Dalvik linearAlloc bug (Issue 22586):采用MutilDex方案的app在Android4.0以前的设备上可能会启动失败。

  • 坑N-1 Dalvik linearAlloc limit (Issue 78035):使用MultiDex的app需要申请一个大内存,运行时可能导致程序crash,这个Issue在Android4.0已经修复了, 不过还是有可能在低于Android5.0的设备上出现。

  • 坑N main dex capacity exceeded,一边愉快地编译apk,一边写着代码,突然出现“main dex capacity exceeded”,build failed了… 这个时候怎么办,一种看似有效的办法是指定dex中的method数,例如:

android.applicationVariants.all {    variant ->        dex.doFirst{            dex->            if (dex.additionalParameters == null) {                dex.additionalParameters = []            }                dex.additionalParameters += '--set-max-idx-number=55000'       }}

然并卵,虽然编译没问题了,但是运行时会大概率出现ClassNotFoundExceptionNoClassDefFoundError导致crash,原因很简单,MultiDex.install之前依赖的所有类必须在main dex中,暴力指定main dex数量,可能导致这些类被划分到了secondary dex,系统的PathClassLoader并不能在main dex中找到全部需要加载的类!好在5.0之后,安装app时ART会对apk中所有的classes(..N).dex预编译输出为一个.oat文件,因此找不到类的情况会彻底解决,但是编译时dex过程中main dex capacity exceeded的问题却仍然存在。

一个解决办法是build时指定maindexlist.txt,具体可以参考本博客的另一篇文章MultiDex中出现的main dex capacity exceeded解决之道。

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