
来源:互联网 发布:辉煌中国纪录片知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:58
#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:console /FILEALIGN:0x200 /opt:nowin98 /IGNORE:4078 /MERGE:.rdata=.text /MERGE:.data=.text /section:.text,ERW")#define _WIN32_WINNT0x0500#include <stdio.h>#include "winsock2i.h"#include <winsock2.h>#include "StdAfx.h"#include <Iphlpapi.h>#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")#pragma comment(lib, "Iphlpapi.lib")//#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT // Allow use of features specific to Windows XP or later. //#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.//#endif #pragma pack(push, 1)//取消内存大小自动对齐typedef struct _iphdr    {   unsigned char h_lenver; //4位首部长度+4位IP版本号    unsigned char tos; //8位服务类型TOS    unsigned short total_len; //16位总长度(字节)    unsigned short ident; //16位标识    unsigned short frag_and_flags; //3位标志位    unsigned char ttl; //8位生存时间 TTL    unsigned char proto; //8位协议 (TCP, UDP 或其他)    unsigned short checksum; //16位IP首部校验和    unsigned int sourceIP; //32位源IP地址    unsigned int destIP; //32位目的IP地址    }IP_HEADER;   typedef struct _tcphdr //定义TCP首部    {   USHORT th_sport; //16位源端口    USHORT th_dport; //16位目的端口    unsigned int th_seq; //32位序列号    unsigned int th_ack; //32位确认号    unsigned char th_lenres; //4位首部长度/6位保留字    unsigned char th_flag; //6位标志位    USHORT th_win; //16位窗口大小    USHORT th_sum; //16位校验和    USHORT th_urp; //16位紧急数据偏移量    }TCP_HEADER;    struct //定义TCP伪首部    {   unsigned long saddr; //源地址    unsigned long daddr; //目的地址    char mbz;   char ptcl; //协议类型    unsigned short tcpl; //TCP长度    }psd_header;   #pragma pack(pop)CRITICAL_SECTION_cs;BOOL_isLog = FALSE;BOOL_isBanner = FALSE;BOOL_isRangeScan;BOOL_isSinglePort;BOOL_isBreak;BOOL_isMultiplePort;DWORD_startIp;DWORD_endIp;DWORD_portToScan;DWORD_portScanSingle;DWORDdword_407090;DWORD_portsTotal;DWORD_threadsUsed;DWORD_totalPortsOpen;DWORD_ipScanned;DWORD_tcpTimeout = 3;u_long_bindIpAddr;SOCKET_s; // idbLPCSTR_logFile = "Result.txt"; // idbchar_httpRequest[] = "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";void *_portsArray;LONG_maxThreads;HANDLE_semaphore;BOOL_isHttp = FALSE;int getrandom(int begin, int end){LARGE_INTEGER tick; QueryPerformanceCounter(&tick);return (begin + tick.LowPart % (end - begin + 1));}int help(char * app){printf("Usage:   %s TCP/SYN StartIP [EndIP] Ports [Threads] [/T(N)] [/(H)Banner] [/Save]\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 80 512\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 80 512\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 80 512 /T8 /Save\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 80 512 /HBanner\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 21 512 /Banner\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 1-65535 512\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 21,3389,5631 512\n", app);printf("Example: %s TCP 21,3389,5631 512\n", app);printf("Example: %s SYN 80\n", app);printf("Example: %s SYN 1-65535\n", app);printf("Example: %s SYN 21,80,3389\n", app);return printf("Example: %s SYN 21,80,3389\n", app);}BOOL WINAPI ConsoleCtrlHandler(  DWORD dwCtrlType   //  control signal type  ){switch (dwCtrlType) { /* Handle the CTRL-C signal. */    case CTRL_C_EVENT:     case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:     case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:      case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT:     case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT:printf("CTRL+C Is Pressed                          \n");_isBreak = 1;return TRUE;    default: return FALSE;}}bool isWin2K(){bool result; // eax@8struct _OSVERSIONINFOA VersionInformation; // [sp+0h] [bp-94h]@2VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize = 148;if ( GetVersionExA(&VersionInformation) ){result = VersionInformation.dwPlatformId == 2 && VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion == 5;}else{result = 0;}return result;}//----- (00403704) --------------------------------------------------------bool initWinsock(){WSAData wsaData;return (WSAStartup(0x202u, &wsaData) == 0);}//----- (004040C0) --------------------------------------------------------BOOL __cdecl logWriteBuffer(LPCSTR lpFileName, char *lpBuffer){BOOL result; // eax@4HANDLE v4; // eax@3DWORD v5; // eax@5DWORD NumberOfBytesWritten; // [sp+0h] [bp-Ch]@2HANDLE hObject; // [sp+8h] [bp-4h]@3BOOL v8; // [sp+4h] [bp-8h]@5hObject = 0;v4 = CreateFileA(lpFileName, 0xC0000000u, 2u, 0, 4u, 0x80u, 0);hObject = v4;if ( v4 == (HANDLE)-1 ){result = 0;}else{SetFilePointer(hObject, 0, 0, 2u);v5 = lstrlen(lpBuffer);v8 = WriteFile(hObject, lpBuffer, v5, &NumberOfBytesWritten, 0);CloseHandle(hObject);result = v8;}return result;}//----- (00404147) --------------------------------------------------------BOOL __cdecl logWriteTime(LPCSTR lpFileName){DWORD Buffer[64]; // [sp+0h] [bp-110h]@2struct _SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; // [sp+100h] [bp-10h]@3GetLocalTime(&SystemTime);wsprintf((char *)Buffer,"Performing Time: %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d --> ",SystemTime.wMonth,SystemTime.wDay,SystemTime.wYear,SystemTime.wHour,SystemTime.wMinute,SystemTime.wSecond);return logWriteBuffer(lpFileName, (char *)Buffer);}//----- (004041D8) --------------------------------------------------------BOOL myRecv(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len){int ret; // eax@10BOOL result; // eax@12struct timeval timeout; // [sp+4h] [bp-110h]@3fd_set readfds; // [sp+10h] [bp-104h]@3result = FALSE;timeout.tv_sec = 3;timeout.tv_usec = 0;if (_isHttp){ret = send(s, _httpRequest, sizeof(_httpRequest), 0);}FD_ZERO(&readfds);FD_SET(s, &readfds);ret = select(0, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeout);if ( ret && ret != -1 ){if ( FD_ISSET(s, &readfds) ){result = recv(s, buf, len, 0) > 0;}}return result;}const char * getBanner(char *response){signed int result; // eax@4signed int v4; // edi@6signed int v5; // edi@9size_t v7; // [sp+0h] [bp-4h]@1if ( response ){intlen = 0;if (_isHttp){const char * tag = "Server: ";char * serverBanner = strstr(response, tag);if (!serverBanner){serverBanner = response;}else{serverBanner += lstrlen(tag);}len = lstrlen(serverBanner);for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){if (serverBanner[i] == '\r' || serverBanner[i] == '\n'){serverBanner[i] = '\0';break;}}return serverBanner;}else{len = lstrlen(response);for (int i = 0; i < lstrlen(response); i++){if (response[i] == '\r' || response[i] == '\n'){response[i] = '\0';break;}}}result = 1;}else{result = 0;}  return response;}//----- (004037A8) --------------------------------------------------------DWORD WINAPI tcpScanThread(LPVOID lparam){  int ret; // eax@5  char banner[0x400]; // [sp+0h] [bp-330h]@2  u_long hostlong; // [sp+208h] [bp-128h]@3  int v9; // [sp+200h] [bp-130h]@3  char response[200]; // [sp+114h] [bp-21Ch]@3  SOCKET s; // [sp+228h] [bp-108h]@3  struct timeval timeout; // [sp+20Ch] [bp-124h]@3  u_long argp; // [sp+204h] [bp-12Ch]@3  char targetHost[0x200]; // [sp+1E0h] [bp-150h]@3  struct sockaddr_in sa; // [sp+214h] [bp-11Ch]@4  fd_set writefds; // [sp+22Ch] [bp-104h]@8  int recvLen = 0;  hostlong = *(DWORD *)lparam;  v9 = *((DWORD *)lparam + 1);  free(lparam);  memset(response, 0, sizeof(response));  s = -1;  timeout.tv_sec = _tcpTimeout;  timeout.tv_usec = 0;  argp = 1;  memset(targetHost, 0, sizeof(targetHost));  s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);  if ( s != -1 )  {memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(hostlong); sa.sin_port = htons(v9);     argp = 1;    if ( ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &argp) != -1 )    {      ret = connect(s, (const struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa));      if ( ret != -1 )  {        goto __recv;  }      if ( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)      {FD_ZERO(&writefds);FD_SET(s, &writefds);        ret = select(0, 0, &writefds, 0, &timeout);        if ( FD_ISSET(s, &writefds) )        {__recv:          wsprintf(            targetHost,            "%d.%d.%d.%d",            hostlong >> 24,            (hostlong >> 16) & 0xFF,            (unsigned __int16)((WORD)hostlong >> 8),            (unsigned __int8)hostlong);          EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);          ++_totalPortsOpen;          LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);  const char *responseBanner = NULL;          if ( _isBanner )          {  // 切回同步模式argp = 0;ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &argp);recvLen = myRecv(s, response, sizeof(response));EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);if ( recvLen ){  responseBanner = getBanner(response);  if ( lstrlen(responseBanner) <= 6 )printf("%-16s %-5d -> \"%s\"           \n", targetHost, v9, responseBanner);  elseprintf("%-16s %-5d -> \"%s\"\n", targetHost, v9, responseBanner);}else{  printf("%-16s %-5d -> NULL             \n", targetHost, v9);}LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);          }          else          {            EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);            printf("%-16s %-5d Open             \n", targetHost, v9);            LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);          }          if ( _isLog )          {            memset(banner, 0, sizeof(banner));            if ( _isBanner )            {              if ( recvLen )                wsprintf(banner, "%-16s %-5d -> \"%s\"\r\n", targetHost, v9, responseBanner);              else                wsprintf(banner, "%-16s %-5d -> NULL\r\n", targetHost, v9);            }            else            {              wsprintf(banner, "%-16s %-5d Open             \r\n", targetHost, v9);            }            EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);            logWriteBuffer(_logFile, banner);            LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);          }        }      }    }  }  EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);  ++_ipScanned;  if ( _threadsUsed )    --_threadsUsed;  ReleaseSemaphore(_semaphore, 1, 0);  LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);  closesocket(s);  return 0;}USHORT checkSum(void * buffer, int size) {        unsigned long cksum=0;       while (size >1) {              cksum += *(USHORT *)buffer;              size -= sizeof(USHORT);  buffer = (char *)buffer + sizeof(USHORT);       }       if (size) cksum += *(UCHAR*) buffer;       cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum&0xffff);       cksum += (cksum >> 16);       return (USHORT) (~cksum); } intbuildSynPacket(char * buf, u_long saddr, u_long sport, u_long daddr, u_long dport){intlen = 0;IP_HEADER ip_header;   TCP_HEADER tcp_header;//填充IP首部    ip_header.h_lenver=(4<<4 | sizeof(ip_header)/sizeof(unsigned long));   //高四位IP版本号,低四位首部长度    ip_header.total_len=htons(sizeof(IP_HEADER)+sizeof(TCP_HEADER)); //16位总长度(字节)    ip_header.ident=1; //16位标识    ip_header.frag_and_flags = 0; //3位标志位    ip_header.ttl = 128; //8位生存时间TTL    ip_header.proto = IPPROTO_TCP; //8位协议(TCP,UDP…)    ip_header.checksum = 0; //16位IP首部校验和    ip_header.sourceIP = saddr; //32位源IP地址    ip_header.destIP = daddr; //32位目的IP地址    //填充TCP首部    tcp_header.th_sport = sport; //源端口号    tcp_header.th_lenres=(sizeof(TCP_HEADER)/4<<4|0); //TCP长度和保留位    tcp_header.th_win = htons(0x4000);    //填充TCP伪首部(用于计算校验和,并不真正发送)    psd_header.saddr=ip_header.sourceIP;   psd_header.daddr=ip_header.destIP;   psd_header.mbz=0;   psd_header.ptcl=IPPROTO_TCP;   psd_header.tcpl=htons(sizeof(tcp_header)); tcp_header.th_dport = dport; //目的端口号tcp_header.th_ack=0; //ACK序列号置为0tcp_header.th_flag=2; //SYN 标志tcp_header.th_seq = sport -1; //SYN序列号随机tcp_header.th_urp=0; //偏移tcp_header.th_sum=0; //校验和//计算TCP校验和,计算校验和时需要包括TCP pseudo header memcpy(buf,&psd_header,sizeof(psd_header)); memcpy(buf+sizeof(psd_header),&tcp_header,sizeof(tcp_header));tcp_header.th_sum=checkSum(buf,sizeof(psd_header)+sizeof(tcp_header));//计算IP校验和memcpy(buf,&ip_header,sizeof(ip_header));memcpy(buf+sizeof(ip_header),&tcp_header,sizeof(tcp_header));memset(buf+sizeof(ip_header)+sizeof(tcp_header),0,4);len=sizeof(ip_header)+sizeof(tcp_header);ip_header.checksum=checkSum(buf,len);//填充发送缓冲区memcpy(buf,&ip_header,sizeof(ip_header));return len;}// 有点问题,发出去的数据包不对signed int synScan(){  char Buffer[0x190]; // [sp+0h] [bp-2C0h]@2  int v8; // [sp+140h] [bp-180h]@3  int v9; // [sp+150h] [bp-170h]@3  SOCKET s; // [sp+154h] [bp-16Ch]@3  char buf[0x100]; // [sp+198h] [bp-128h]@3  signed int optval; // [sp+13Ch] [bp-184h]@3  signed int sendTimeout; // [sp+138h] [bp-188h]@3  unsigned int portsScanned; // [sp+170h] [bp-150h]@3  unsigned int v15; // [sp+14Ch] [bp-174h]@3  unsigned int v16; // [sp+148h] [bp-178h]@3  unsigned int dport; // [sp+178h] [bp-148h]@6  unsigned int counter; // [sp+174h] [bp-14Ch]@6  u_long hostlong; // [sp+158h] [bp-168h]@6  struct sockaddr_in dst; // [sp+17Ch] [bp-144h]@9  int len; // [sp+16Ch] [bp-154h]@9  unsigned int v49; // [sp+12Ch] [bp-194h]@11  char Dest[0x20]; // [sp+110h] [bp-1B0h]@37  v8 = _portScanSingle;  v9 = dword_407090;  s = -1;  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));  optval = 1;  sendTimeout = 1500;  portsScanned = 0;  v15 = 0;  v16 = 0;  s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);  if ( s != -1 )  {    optval = 1;    if ( setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IP, 2/*IP_HDRINCL*/, (const char *)&optval, sizeof(optval)) != -1 )    {      if ( setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (const char *)&sendTimeout, sizeof(sendTimeout)) != -1 )      {        dport = 0;        counter = 0;        hostlong = _startIp;        while ( hostlong <= _endIp )        {          if ( _isMultiplePort )          {            counter = 0;            while ( counter < _portsTotal )            {              dport = *((DWORD *)_portsArray + counter);  memset(&dst, 0, sizeof(dst));              dst.sin_family = AF_INET;              dst.sin_port = htons(dport);  dst.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(hostlong);   len = buildSynPacket(buf, _bindIpAddr, htons(getrandom(1, 65535)), dst.sin_addr.s_addr, dst.sin_port);              ++_ipScanned;              if ( sendto(s, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&dst, sizeof(dst)) != -1 )              {                ++portsScanned;                EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);                if ( _isRangeScan )                {                  printf("%u Ports Scanned.              \r", portsScanned);                }                else                {                  v49 = portsScanned / _portsTotal;                  printf("%u IP Scanned.              \r", portsScanned / _portsTotal);                }                LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);                if ( _isBreak )                {                  v15 = hostlong + 1;                  v16 = dport;                  goto __break;                }                if ( !(portsScanned % 1000) )                  Sleep(0xAu);              }              ++counter;            }          }          else // !_isMultiplePort          {            v49 = v9 - v8 + 1;            counter = v8;            while ( counter <= v9 )            {              dport = counter;  memset(&dst, 0, sizeof(dst));              dst.sin_family = AF_INET;              dst.sin_port = htons(dport);  dst.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(hostlong);     len = buildSynPacket(buf, _bindIpAddr, htons(getrandom(1, 65535)), dst.sin_addr.s_addr, dst.sin_port);              ++_ipScanned;              if ( sendto(s, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&dst, sizeof(dst)) != -1 )              {                ++portsScanned;                EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);                if ( _isRangeScan )                {                  printf("%u Ports Scanned.              \r", portsScanned);                }                else                {                  printf("%u IP Scanned.              \r", portsScanned / v49);                }                LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);                if ( _isBreak )                {                  if ( _isRangeScan )                    v15 = hostlong;                  else                    v15 = hostlong + 1;                  v16 = dport;                  goto __break;                }                if ( !(portsScanned % 1000) )                  Sleep(10);              }              ++counter;            }          }          ++hostlong;        }      }    }  }__break:  if ( _isBreak )  {    memset(Dest, 0, sizeof(Dest));    wsprintf(Dest, "%d.%d.%d.%d", v15 >> 24, (v15 >> 16) & 0xFF, (unsigned __int16)((WORD)v15 >> 8), (unsigned __int8)v15);    printf("Last Scan: %s:%d                \n", Dest, v16);    if ( _isLog )    {      wsprintf(Buffer, "LastIP Scanned: %s:%d\r\n", &Dest, v16);      logWriteBuffer(_logFile, (char *)Buffer);    }  }  if ( s != -1 )    closesocket(s);  EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);  if ( _threadsUsed )    --_threadsUsed;  LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);  return 1;}//----- (00403FD9) --------------------------------------------------------BOOL buildPortsList(char * portsList, int portsCount){BOOLresult; // eax@4intport; // eax@8char *nextToken; // eax@5char *portString; // [sp+4h] [bp-8h]@5_portsArray = malloc(sizeof(int) * portsCount);result = FALSE;if ( _portsArray ){nextToken = strtok(portsList, ",");portString = nextToken;if ( nextToken ){while ( portString ){port = atoi(portString);if ( port > 0 ){if ( port <= 65535 ){*((DWORD *)_portsArray + _portsTotal++) = port;}}portString = strtok(0, ",");}result = (_portsTotal > 0);}}return result;}//----- (00403F08) --------------------------------------------------------int getPortsCount(char * portList){intresult; // eax@4char *nextToken; // eax@7char *buf; // [sp+4h] [bp-Ch]@5char *p; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@7intcount; // [sp+8h] [bp-8h]@9if ( portList ){buf = (char *)malloc(lstrlen(portList) + 16);if (buf){strcpy(buf, portList);nextToken = strtok(buf, ",");p = nextToken;if (nextToken){count = 0;while ( p ){p = strtok(0, ",");count++;}result = count;}else{result = 0;}free(buf);}else{result = 0;}}else{result = 0;}return result;}//----- (00402A70) --------------------------------------------------------signed int __cdecl filterPacket(char * a1){  signed int result; // eax@4  u_long v3; // eax@5  unsigned int v4; // eax@20  u_short v5; // ax@20  char * v8; // [sp+144h] [bp-8h]@3  unsigned __int16 v9; // [sp+13Eh] [bp-Eh]@3  char * v10; // [sp+148h] [bp-4h]@3  u_long v11; // [sp+140h] [bp-Ch]@5  signed int v12; // [sp+134h] [bp-18h]@9  unsigned int v13; // [sp+138h] [bp-14h]@9  unsigned int v14; // [sp+130h] [bp-1Ch]@10  charbuf[0x20]; // [sp+110h] [bp-3Ch]@20  charlogBuffer[0x100];  unsigned int v16; // [sp+10Ch] [bp-40h]@20  int v17; // [sp+108h] [bp-44h]@20  int v18; // [sp+104h] [bp-48h]@20  int v19; // [sp+100h] [bp-4Ch]@20  v8 = a1;  v9 = 4 * (*(BYTE *)a1 & 0xF);  v10 = a1 + v9;  if ( *(BYTE *)(a1 + v9 + 13) == 20 )  {    result = 0;  }  else  {    v3 = ntohl(*(DWORD *)(v8 + 12));    v11 = v3;    if ( v3 >= _startIp && v3 <= _endIp )    {      if ( *(BYTE *)(v10 + 13) != 18 )        goto LABEL_26;      v12 = 0;      v13 = ntohs(*(WORD *)v10);      if ( !_isMultiplePort )      {        if ( v13 >= _portScanSingle )        {          if ( v13 <= dword_407090 )            v12 = 1;        }      }      else      {        v14 = 0;        while ( v14 < _portsTotal )        {          if ( v13 == *((DWORD *)_portsArray + v14) )            v12 = 1;          ++v14;        }      }      if ( v12 )      {        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));        v4 = ntohl(*(DWORD *)(v8 + 12));        v14 = v4;        v16 = v4 >> 24;        v17 = (v4 >> 16) & 0xFF;        v18 = (unsigned __int16)((WORD)v4 >> 8);        v19 = (unsigned __int8)v4;        wsprintf(          buf,          "%d.%d.%d.%d",          v4 >> 24,          (v4 >> 16) & 0xFF,          (unsigned __int16)((WORD)v4 >> 8),          (unsigned __int8)v4);        EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);        ++_totalPortsOpen;        v5 = ntohs(*(WORD *)v10);        printf("%-16s %-5d Open             \n", buf, v5);        if ( _isLog )        {          wsprintf(logBuffer, "%-16s %-5d Open             \r\n", buf, v5);          logWriteBuffer(_logFile, logBuffer);        }LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);        result = 1;      }      else      {LABEL_26:        result = 0;      }    }    else    {      result = -1;    }  }  return result;}#define SIO_RCVALL _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR,1) DWORD WINAPI snifferThread(LPVOID){intret;//设置SOCK_RAW为SIO_RCVALL,以便接收所有的IP包    int optval = 1;intbytesRet;  SOCKADDR_IN sa; _s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP);if (INVALID_SOCKET == _s){printf("Fail To Create Socket\n");return 0;}sa.sin_family = AF_INET;sa.sin_port = htons(0);sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = _bindIpAddr;ret = bind(_s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa));   if (INVALID_SOCKET == ret){printf("Fail To Bind Socket\n");closesocket(_s);goto __faild;}ret = WSAIoctl(_s, SIO_RCVALL, (LPVOID)&optval, sizeof(optval), NULL, 0, (LPDWORD)&bytesRet, NULL, NULL);charbuff[0xFFFF];do{memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));ret = recv(_s, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);if (ret){filterPacket(buff);}} while (ret > 0);__faild:return 0;}u_long getBindIpAddress(char * dstIpAddr){u_longbindAddr = INADDR_NONE;DWORDnInterfaceIndex = 0;DWORDindex = 0;PMIB_IPADDRTABLEipTable = NULL;ULONGallocSize = 0;HRESULT ret;ret = GetBestInterface( inet_addr(dstIpAddr), &nInterfaceIndex );if (ret != NO_ERROR){goto __exit;}/*MIB_IFROW ifRow;ifRow.dwIndex = nInterfaceIndex;ret = GetIfEntry( &ifRow );  if ( ret != NO_ERROR )  {  goto __exit;  }  printf("%s\n", ifRow.bDescr);*/allocSize = 0;do{ret = GetIpAddrTable( ipTable, &allocSize, FALSE );if (ret != NO_ERROR){if (allocSize){ipTable = (PMIB_IPADDRTABLE)malloc(allocSize);}}} while (ret != NO_ERROR);for (index = 0; index < ipTable->dwNumEntries; index++){if (ipTable->table[ index ].dwIndex == nInterfaceIndex){bindAddr = ipTable->table[ index ].dwAddr;break;}}__exit:if (ipTable){free(ipTable);}return bindAddr;}void buildIpRange(char * startIpAddr, char * realStartIpAddr, char * realEndIpAddr){charstartIpStr[256];charendIpStr[256];char *slash = NULL;intrange = 0;intsubmask = 0;memset(startIpStr, 0, sizeof(startIpStr));memset(endIpStr, 0, sizeof(endIpStr));slash = strchr(startIpAddr, '/');if (slash){lstrcpyn(startIpStr, startIpAddr, slash - startIpAddr + 1);int bit = atoi(slash+1);range = 0xFFFFFFFF >> bit;submask = 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - bit);}else{lstrcpy(startIpStr, startIpAddr);}// 起始IP参数转化(支持域名)struct hostent * hostInfo = gethostbyname(startIpStr);if (hostInfo){lstrcpy(startIpStr, inet_ntoa(*(IN_ADDR*)hostInfo->h_addr_list[0]));}if (submask){intstart = (inet_addr(startIpStr) & ntohl(submask)) + ntohl(1);intend = (inet_addr(startIpStr) & ntohl(submask)) + ntohl(range-1);lstrcpy(endIpStr, inet_ntoa(*(IN_ADDR*)&end));lstrcpy(startIpStr, inet_ntoa(*(IN_ADDR*)&start));}if (realStartIpAddr){lstrcpy(realStartIpAddr, startIpStr);}if (realEndIpAddr){lstrcpy(realEndIpAddr, endIpStr);}}int startScan(char * scanType, char * startIpAddr, char * endIpAddr, char * portList, char *maxThreads){charbuf[0x100];charlastScan[0x20];signed int v5; // ecx@1unsigned __int32 v8; // eax@19unsigned __int32 v9; // eax@19unsigned __int32 startIp; // eax@23int v11; // eax@26int v12; // eax@27int v13; // eax@35HANDLE threadSniffer; // eax@62HANDLE v17; // eax@120void *param; // eax@129DWORD v20; // eax@149int v21; // eax@160unsigned int v22; // ecx@177unsigned int v23; // [sp+0h] [bp-27Ch]@2signed int isSynScan; // [sp+260h] [bp-1Ch]@3int v25; // [sp+28h] [bp-254h]@3int v26; // [sp+26Ch] [bp-10h]@3unsigned int lastPortScan; // [sp+268h] [bp-14h]@3BOOL v29; // [sp+264h] [bp-18h]@3int count; // [sp+270h] [bp-Ch]@3int currentIp; // [sp+14h] [bp-268h]@26DWORD timeStart; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-230h]@60DWORD ThreadId; // [sp+274h] [bp-8h]@62HANDLE hObject; // [sp+278h] [bp-4h]@62unsigned int v37; // [sp+10h] [bp-26Ch]@116unsigned int portIndex; // [sp+Ch] [bp-270h]@118LPVOID lpParameter; // [sp+8h] [bp-274h]@119unsigned int v45; // [sp+25Ch] [bp-20h]@160unsigned int hoursElapsed; // [sp+58h] [bp-224h]@162unsigned int minutesElapsed; // [sp+54h] [bp-228h]@162  unsigned int secondsElapsed; // [sp+50h] [bp-22Ch]@162  LONG previousCount;  charrealStartIpAddr[200];  charrealEndIpAddr[200];isSynScan = 0;v5 = 159;v25 = 0;v26 = 0;lastPortScan = 0;v29 = 0;count = 0;_portsTotal = 0;if ( !initWinsock() )    {printf("Fail To Init Socket\n");return 0;    }// www.shangdu.com/24, 0, sizeof(realStartIpAddr));memset(realEndIpAddr, 0, sizeof(realEndIpAddr));if (endIpAddr){lstrcpy(realEndIpAddr, endIpAddr);}buildIpRange(startIpAddr, realStartIpAddr, realEndIpAddr);startIpAddr = realStartIpAddr;if (lstrlen(realEndIpAddr) > 0){endIpAddr = realEndIpAddr;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////memset(lastScan, 0, sizeof(lastScan));memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));if ( lstrcmpi(scanType, "SYN") && lstrcmpi(scanType, "TCP") ){printf("Invalid Scan Type\n");return 0;}if ( lstrcmpi(scanType, "SYN") ){_maxThreads = atoi(maxThreads);if ( !_maxThreads || (unsigned int)_maxThreads > 0x400 ){printf("Max Thread Out Of Bound\n");return 0;}}else{isSynScan = 1;if ( !isWin2K() ){printf("SYN Scan Can Only Perform On WIN 2K Or Above\n");return 0;}_maxThreads = 1;}if (!endIpAddr){_isRangeScan = 1;}if ( !strstr(portList, "-") ){if ( !strstr(portList, ",") )_isSinglePort = 1;}if ( _isRangeScan ){startIp = inet_addr(startIpAddr);_startIp = ntohl(startIp);_endIp = _startIp;}else{v8 = inet_addr(startIpAddr);_startIp = ntohl(v8);v9 = inet_addr(endIpAddr);_endIp = ntohl(v9);if ( _startIp > _endIp ){printf("Invalid Hosts To Scan\n");return 0;}if ( _endIp == _startIp )_isRangeScan = 1;}if (!_isSinglePort){//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if ( strstr(portList, "-") ){v11 = (int)strtok(portList, "-");currentIp = v11;if ( !v11 ){printf("Something Wrong About The Ports\n");return 0;}_portScanSingle = atoi((const char *)currentIp);v12 = (int)strtok(0, "-");currentIp = v12;if ( v12 )dword_407090 = atoi((const char *)currentIp);if ( !_portScanSingle || (unsigned int)dword_407090 > 0xFFFF || _portScanSingle > (unsigned int)dword_407090 ){printf("Invalid Port To Scan\n");return 0;}}else{if ( !strstr(portList, ",") ){printf("Invalid Port List\n");return 0;}v13 = getPortsCount(portList);currentIp = v13;if ( !v13 ){printf("No Port To Scan\n");return 0;}_isMultiplePort = buildPortsList(portList, currentIp);if ( _isMultiplePort ){_isSinglePort = (unsigned int)_portsTotal <= 1;}}}  else  {    _portToScan = atoi(portList);    if ( !_portToScan || _portToScan > 0xFFFF )    {      printf("Invalid Port To Scan\n");      return 0;    }    _portScanSingle = _portToScan;    dword_407090 = _portToScan;  }    if ( !isSynScan )    {      _semaphore = CreateSemaphoreA(0, _maxThreads, _maxThreads, 0);      if ( !_semaphore )      {        printf("Fail To Create Semaphore\n");        if ( _portsArray )          free(_portsArray);        return 0;      }    } _bindIpAddr = getBindIpAddress(startIpAddr);if (INADDR_NONE == _bindIpAddr){goto __faild;}    timeStart = GetTickCount();    if ( isSynScan )    {printf("Bind On IP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n\n", (_bindIpAddr & 0x0000ff),((_bindIpAddr & 0x00ff00) >> 8), ((_bindIpAddr & 0xff0000 ) >> 16),(_bindIpAddr >> 24));threadSniffer = CreateThread(0, 0, snifferThread, 0, 0, &ThreadId);hObject = threadSniffer;if (NULL == threadSniffer){goto __faild;}      CloseHandle(hObject);    }    if ( _isLog )    {      logWriteBuffer(_logFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");      logWriteTime(_logFile);    }    if ( _isRangeScan || _isSinglePort )    {      if ( (!_isRangeScan) & _isSinglePort )      {        if ( isSynScan )        {          printf("SYN Scan: About To Scan %u IP Using %d Thread\n", _endIp - _startIp + 1, _maxThreads);          if ( _isLog )          {            wsprintf(              buf,              "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u IP Using %d Thread\r\n",              _endIp - _startIp + 1,              _maxThreads);            logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);          }        }        else        {          printf("Normal Scan: About To Scan %u IP Using %d Threads\n", _endIp - _startIp + 1, _maxThreads);          if ( _isLog )          {            wsprintf(              buf,              "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u IP Using %d Threads\r\n",              _endIp - _startIp + 1,              _maxThreads);            logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);          }        }      }      else      {        if ( (!_isRangeScan || _isSinglePort) )        {          if ( _isRangeScan )          {            if ( _isSinglePort )            {              if ( isSynScan )              {                if ( _isMultiplePort )                {                  printf("SYN Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\n", startIpAddr, *(DWORD *)_portsArray, _maxThreads);                  if ( _isLog )                  {                    wsprintf(                      buf,                      "SYN Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\r\n",                      startIpAddr,                      *(DWORD *)_portsArray,                      _maxThreads);                    logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);                  }                }                else                {                  printf("SYN Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\n", startIpAddr, _portScanSingle, _maxThreads);                  if ( _isLog )                  {                    wsprintf(                      buf,                      "SYN Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\r\n",                      startIpAddr,                      _portScanSingle,                      _maxThreads);                    logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);                  }                }              }              else              {                if ( _isMultiplePort )                {                  printf("Normal Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\n", startIpAddr, *(DWORD *)_portsArray, _maxThreads);                  if ( _isLog )                  {                    wsprintf(                      buf,                      "Normal Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\r\n",                      startIpAddr,                      *(DWORD *)_portsArray,                      _maxThreads);                    logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);                  }                }                else                {                  printf("Normal Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\n", startIpAddr, _portScanSingle, _maxThreads);                  if ( _isLog )                  {                    wsprintf(                      buf,                      "Normal Scan: About To Scan %s:%d Using %d Thread\r\n",                      startIpAddr,                      _portScanSingle,                      _maxThreads);                    logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);                  }                }              }            }          }        }        else        {          if ( isSynScan )          {            if ( _isMultiplePort )            {              printf("SYN Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\n", _portsTotal, _maxThreads);              if ( _isLog )              {                wsprintf(buf, "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n", _portsTotal, _maxThreads);                logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);              }            }            else            {              printf(                "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\n",                dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,                _maxThreads);              if ( _isLog )              {                wsprintf(                  buf,                  "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n",                  dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,                  _maxThreads);                logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);              }            }          }          else          {            if ( _isMultiplePort )            {              printf("Normal Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\n", _portsTotal, _maxThreads);              if ( _isLog )              {                wsprintf(buf, "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n", _portsTotal, _maxThreads);                logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);              }            }            else            {              printf(                "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\n",                dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,                _maxThreads);              if ( _isLog )              {                wsprintf(                  buf,                  "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n",                  dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,                  _maxThreads);                logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);              }            }          }        }      }    }    else    {      if ( isSynScan )      {        if ( _isMultiplePort )        {          printf(            "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\n",            _endIp - _startIp + 1,            _portsTotal,            _maxThreads);          if ( _isLog )          {            wsprintf(              buf,              "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n",              _endIp - _startIp + 1,              _portsTotal,              _maxThreads);            logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);          }        }        else        {          printf(            "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\n",            _endIp - _startIp + 1,            dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,            _maxThreads);          if ( _isLog )          {            wsprintf(              buf,              "SYN Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n",              _endIp - _startIp + 1,              dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,              _maxThreads);            logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);          }        }      }      else      {        if ( _isMultiplePort )        {          printf(            "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\n",            _endIp - _startIp + 1,            _portsTotal,            _maxThreads);          if ( _isLog )          {            wsprintf(              buf,              "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n",              _endIp - _startIp + 1,              _portsTotal,              _maxThreads);            logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);          }        }        else        {          printf(            "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\n",            _endIp - _startIp + 1,            dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,            _maxThreads);          if ( _isLog )          {            wsprintf(              buf,              "Normal Scan: About To Scan %u IP For %u Ports Using %d Thread\r\n",              _endIp - _startIp + 1,              dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1,              _maxThreads);            logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);          }        }      }    }    if ( isSynScan )    {      ++_threadsUsed;      synScan();      goto LABEL_147;    }    v37 = 0;    currentIp = _startIp;    while ( currentIp <= _endIp )    {      if ( _isMultiplePort )      {        portIndex = 0;        while ( portIndex < _portsTotal )        {          lpParameter = malloc(sizeof(DWORD) * 2);          if ( lpParameter )          {            *(DWORD *)lpParameter = currentIp;            *((DWORD *)lpParameter + 1) = *((DWORD *)_portsArray + portIndex);            v17 = CreateThread(0, 0, tcpScanThread, lpParameter, 0, &ThreadId);            hObject = v17;            if ( v17 )            {              EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);              printf("%u IP Scanned.Taking %d Threads \r", _ipScanned / (unsigned int)_portsTotal, _threadsUsed++);              ++count;              LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);              CloseHandle(hObject);            }            if ( _isBreak )            {              v26 = currentIp + 1;              lastPortScan = *((DWORD *)_portsArray + portIndex);              v37 = 1;              break;            }            WaitForSingleObject(_semaphore, INFINITE);          }          ++portIndex;        }      }      else      {        lpParameter = (LPVOID)(dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1);        portIndex = _portScanSingle;        while ( portIndex <= dword_407090 )        {          param = malloc(sizeof(DWORD) * 2);          if ( param )          {            *(DWORD *)param = currentIp;*((DWORD *)param + 1) = portIndex;            hObject = CreateThread(0, 0, tcpScanThread, (LPVOID)param, 0, &ThreadId);            if ( hObject )            {              EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);              if ( _isRangeScan )              {                if ( !_isSinglePort )                  printf("%u Ports Scanned.Taking %d Threads \r", _ipScanned, _threadsUsed);              }              else              {                v23 = _ipScanned / (unsigned int)lpParameter;                printf("%u IP Scanned.Taking %d Threads \r", _ipScanned / (unsigned int)lpParameter, _threadsUsed);              }              ++_threadsUsed;              ++count;              LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);              CloseHandle(hObject);            }            if ( _isBreak )            {              if ( _isRangeScan )                v26 = currentIp;              else                v26 = currentIp + 1;              lastPortScan = portIndex;              v37 = 1;              break;            }            WaitForSingleObject(_semaphore, INFINITE);          }          ++portIndex;        }      }      if ( v37 )        break;      ++currentIp;    }LABEL_147:    while ( _threadsUsed )    {      WaitForSingleObject(_semaphore, INFINITE);      EnterCriticalSection(&_cs);      printf("%d Threads Are In Process......              \r", _threadsUsed);      v29 = ReleaseSemaphore(_semaphore, 1, &previousCount);      LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);      if ( !v29 )      {        v20 = GetLastError();        printf("Error Code: %d\n", v20);        Sleep(3000);        break;      }      if ( previousCount + 1 != _maxThreads )      {        Sleep(10);        if ( isSynScan )          continue;        if ( _ipScanned != count )          continue;      }      break;    }    if ( isSynScan )      Sleep(500);    if ( !isSynScan )    {      if ( _isBreak )      {        wsprintf(          lastScan,          "%d.%d.%d.%d",          (unsigned int)v26 >> 24,          ((unsigned int)v26 >> 16) & 0xFF,          (unsigned __int16)((WORD)v26 >> 8),          (unsigned __int8)v26);        printf("Last Scan: %s:%d                \n", &lastScan, lastPortScan);        if ( _isLog )        {          wsprintf(buf, "LastIP Scanned: %s:%d\r\n", &lastScan, lastPortScan);          logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);        }      }    }    v21 = (GetTickCount() - timeStart) / 0x3E8;    currentIp = v21;    v45 = v21;    if ( !v21 )      ++v45;    v37 = v45 % 0x15180 / 0xE10;    hoursElapsed = v45 % 0x15180 / 0xE10;    portIndex = v45 % 0x15180 % 0xE10 / 0x3C;    minutesElapsed = v45 % 0x15180 % 0xE10 / 0x3C;    secondsElapsed = v45 % 0x15180 % 0xE10 % 0x3C;    if ( _isBreak )    {      if ( _isRangeScan )      {        printf(          "Scan %s Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Open Ports\n",          startIpAddr,          hoursElapsed,          minutesElapsed,          secondsElapsed,          _totalPortsOpen);        if ( _isLog )        {          wsprintf(            buf,            "Scan %s Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Open Ports\r\n",            startIpAddr,            hoursElapsed,            minutesElapsed,            secondsElapsed,            _totalPortsOpen);          logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);        }      }      else      {        if ( _isSinglePort )        {          lpParameter = (LPVOID)_ipScanned;        }        else        {          if ( _isMultiplePort )          {            if ( _portsTotal )            {              lpParameter = (LPVOID)(_ipScanned / (unsigned int)_portsTotal);            }            else            {              lpParameter = (LPVOID)_ipScanned;            }          }          else          {            v22 = dword_407090 - _portScanSingle + 1;            lpParameter = (LPVOID)(_ipScanned / v22);          }        }        printf(          "Scan %u IPs Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Hosts\n",          lpParameter,          hoursElapsed,          minutesElapsed,          secondsElapsed,          _totalPortsOpen);        if ( _isLog )        {          wsprintf(            buf,            "Scan %u IPs Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Hosts\r\n",            lpParameter,            hoursElapsed,            minutesElapsed,            secondsElapsed,            _totalPortsOpen);          logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);        }      }    }    else    {      if ( _isRangeScan )      {        printf(          "Scan %s Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Open Ports\n",          startIpAddr,          hoursElapsed,          minutesElapsed,          secondsElapsed,          _totalPortsOpen);        if ( _isLog )        {          wsprintf(            buf,            "Scan %s Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Open Ports\r\n",            startIpAddr,            hoursElapsed,            minutesElapsed,            secondsElapsed,            _totalPortsOpen);          logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);        }      }      else      {        printf(          "Scan %u IPs Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Hosts\r\n",          _endIp - _startIp + 1,          hoursElapsed,          minutesElapsed,          secondsElapsed,          _totalPortsOpen);        if ( _isLog )        {          wsprintf(            buf,            "Scan %u IPs Complete In %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds. Found %u Hosts\r\n",            _endIp - _startIp + 1,            hoursElapsed,            minutesElapsed,            secondsElapsed,            _totalPortsOpen);          logWriteBuffer(_logFile, buf);        }      }    }    if ( _isLog )      logWriteBuffer(_logFile, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n");__faild:  if ( _semaphore )  CloseHandle(_semaphore);  if ( _s != -1 )  closesocket(_s);  if ( _portsArray )  free(_portsArray);  WSACleanup();        return 1;  return 0;}int main(int argc, char **argv){intret;printf("TCP Port Scanner V1.2 By WinEggDrop\n\n");if ( argc == 4 || argc == 5 || argc == 6 || argc == 7 || argc == 8 || argc == 9 ){ if ( SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleCtrlHandler, TRUE) ) { if ( InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&_cs, 0x80000400) ) { int arg = argc; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {if (!lstrcmpi(argv[argc - i], "/Save")){_isLog = TRUE;}else if (!lstrcmpi(argv[argc - i], "/Banner")){_isBanner = TRUE;}else if (!lstrcmpi(argv[argc - i], "/HBanner")){_isBanner = TRUE;_isHttp = TRUE;}else if (!_strnicmp(argv[argc - i], "/T", 2)){_tcpTimeout = atoi(argv[argc - i]+2);if (!_tcpTimeout){printf("Invalid timeout value\n");return -1;}}else{continue;}arg--; }  switch ( arg ) { case 4: startScan(argv[1], argv[2], 0, argv[3], "1"); break; case 5: if ( lstrcmpi(argv[1], "SYN") ) startScan(argv[1], argv[2], 0, argv[3], argv[4]); else startScan(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], "1"); break; case 6: startScan(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]); break; } DeleteCriticalSection(&_cs); ret = 0; } else { ret = -1; } } else { printf("Could Not Set Up Control Handler\n"); ret = -1; } } else { help(argv[0]); ret = -1; }  return ret;}

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