【30】Substring with Concatenation of All Words

来源:互联网 发布:最优化方法孙文瑜辅导 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 03:24

You are given a string, s, and a list of words, words, that are all of the same length. Find all starting indices of substring(s) in s that is a concatenation of each word in words exactly once and without any intervening characters.

For example, given:
s: "barfoothefoobarman"
words: ["foo", "bar"]

You should return the indices: [0,9].
(order does not matter).


vector<int> findSubstring(string s, vector<string>& words) {    map< string , int > allwords;    map< string , int > wcount;    vector<int> res;    int len=s.length();    int n=words.size();    if(n==0)return res;    int wl=words[0].length();    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){        if(allwords.find(words[i])==allwords.end()){            allwords.insert(pair<string,int>(words[i],1));        }        else allwords[words[i]]=allwords[words[i]]+1;    }    for(int i=0;i<=len-wl*n;i++){        int wnum=0;        wcount.clear();        for(int j=0;j<n;j++){            string cs=s.substr(i+j*wl,wl);            if(allwords.find(cs)!=allwords.end()){                if(wcount.find(cs)!=wcount.end()){                    wcount[cs]=wcount[cs]+1;                    if(wcount[cs]>allwords[cs])break;                    wnum++;                }                else{                    wcount.insert(pair<string,int>(cs,1));                    wnum++;                }                if(wnum==n)res.push_back(i);            }            else break;        }    }    return res;}

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