CRASH 一个赌博小游戏的编写

来源:互联网 发布:强国人 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:30

初步实现了本人从面向过程到面向对象编程的转变 :)



/**************************** 一個簡單的賭博遊戲,遊戲規則如下:* 玩家擲兩個骰子,點數為1到6,* 如果第一次點數和為7或11,則玩家勝,* 如果點數和為2、3或12,則玩家輸,* 如果和為其它點數,則記錄第一次的點數和,* 然後繼續擲骰,直至點數和等於第一次擲出的點數和,則玩家勝,* 如果在這之前擲出了點數和為7,則玩家輸。** Write by Tayii, 20080620*****************************/
#include <iostream>using std::cin ;using std::cout ;using std::endl ;classCrashGame{public:            CrashGame() ;    // constructor   void     crashMain() ;    // main    void     crash() ;       // one total running   void     rollFirst() ;   // roll first time   void     rollAgain() ;  // roll after first time   void     showResult();   // after current bout over, show the total result   unsigned gainPoint() ;   void     queryPlayAgain() ;  // query & set playAgain//   void     setGameOver( bool ) ;//   bool     getGameOver() ;  // get gameOver//   char     getPlayAgain() ; // get playAgain   private:   unsigned winCount ;    // win times in toal bout times   unsigned lossCount ;   // loss times in toal bout times   unsigned myPoint ;     // gameplayer's point after one turn   char     playAgain ;   //  query, indicate to call roolAgain() or not   bool     gameOver ;     // flag, result of program running, lead to call queryPlayAgain() or not   unsigned rollTimes ;    // loop times  i.e. roll times of this bout   unsigned boutTimes ;   // total bout times};
#include <iostream>using std::cin ;using std::cout ;using std::endl ;#include <ctime>using std::time ;#include <cstdlib>using std::rand ;using std::srand ;#include <iomanip>using std::setw ;#include "crashGame.h" ;CrashGame::CrashGame()  // constructor{   winCount  = 0 ;   lossCount = 0 ;   gameOver  = 0 ;   rollTimes = 1 ;  //beacuse the argument is used in rollAgain()   boutTimes = 0 ;}// main runningvoid CrashGame::crashMain(){   char      answer ;         do   {      cout << "Do you wanna playing CrashGame ?  (Y/N)  " ;      cin >> answer ;   }   while ( ( 'y' != answer ) && ( 'Y' != answer )               && ( 'n' != answer ) && ( 'N' != answer ) ) ;   cout << endl ;      while ( ( 'y' == answer ) || ( 'Y' == answer ) )   {      ++boutTimes ;            cout << setw( 40 ) << "Play bout:  " << boutTimes << endl ;            crash() ;  // run Crash() one time            showResult() ;            do      {         cout << "/nDo you wanna playing CrashGame again ?  (Y/N)  " ;         cin >> answer ;      }   while ( ( 'y' != answer ) && ( 'Y' != answer )                  && ( 'n' != answer ) && ( 'N' != answer ) ) ;      cout << endl ;   }      cout << "GAME OVER!" << endl ;   }//runnig crashGame once wholevoidCrashGame::crash(){   srand ( time( 0 ) ) ;      rollFirst() ;      while ( !gameOver )   {      queryPlayAgain() ;            if ( !gameOver )         rollAgain() ;   }      gameOver = 0 ;}// roll firstvoidCrashGame::rollFirst(){         myPoint = gainPoint() ;   // first time sum of 2 points      if ( ( 7 == myPoint ) || ( 11 == myPoint ) )   {      ++winCount ;      cout << "You win this bout in the 1st time ! " << endl ;       gameOver = 1 ;    }   else if ( ( 2 == myPoint ) || ( 3 == myPoint )  || ( 12 == myPoint ) )   {      ++lossCount ;      cout << "You loss this bout in the 1st time ! " << endl ;      gameOver = 1 ;     }   else      cout << "No win or loss!" << endl ;}voidCrashGame::rollAgain(){   unsigned sum_point ;    // 2+ times sum of 2 points      ++rollTimes ;         // loop times add      sum_point = gainPoint() ;            if ( 7 == sum_point )   {      ++lossCount ;      cout << "You loss this bout in the " << rollTimes << "th time ! " << endl ;        gameOver = 1 ;     }   else if ( myPoint == sum_point )   {      ++winCount ;      cout << "You win this bout in the " << rollTimes << "th time ! " << endl ;      gameOver = 1 ;      }      else      cout << "No win or loss!" << endl ;}void CrashGame::showResult(){   cout << "/nIt's the rout " << boutTimes << " : /n/n"        << setw( 15 ) << "Win" << setw( 15 ) << "Loss/n"        << setw( 15 ) << winCount << setw( 15 ) << lossCount         << endl ;}// gain sum of 2 dicesunsigned CrashGame::gainPoint(){   unsigned dice1, dice2 ;   unsigned sumPoint ;      dice1 = ( 1 + rand() % 6 ) ;   dice2 = ( 1 + rand() % 6 ) ;      sumPoint = dice1 + dice2 ;      cout << "Your current Point = " << sumPoint << " ,   ( " << dice1 << " + " << dice2 << " )." << endl ;           return sumPoint ;}voidCrashGame::queryPlayAgain(){   do   {      cout << "Continue playing ? (Y/N)  " ;      cin >> playAgain ;   } while ( ( 'y' != playAgain ) && ( 'Y' != playAgain )              && ( 'n' != playAgain ) && ( 'N' != playAgain ) ) ;   cout << endl ;      if ( ( 'n' == playAgain ) || ( 'N' == playAgain ) )   {      cout << "You stop playing." << endl ;      gameOver = 1 ;   }}/*voidCrashGame::setGameOver( bool aa ){   gameOver = aa ;}boolCrashGame::getGameOver(){   return  gameOver ;}charCrashGame::getPlayAgain(){   return  playAgain ;}*/
#include  <iostream>using  std::cout ;using  std::endl ;using  std::cin  ;#include "crashGame.h"int main(){   int wait ;      CrashGame  crash1 ;      crash1.crashMain() ;      cin >> wait ;      return 0 ;}