leetcode Set Matrix Zeroes

来源:互联网 发布:imovie mac 教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:07

Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place.

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Follow up:

Did you use extra space?
A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea.
A simple improvement uses O(m + n) space, but still not the best solution.
Could you devise a constant space solution?



class Solution {public:    void setZeroes(vector<vector<int> >& matrix) {        if(matrix.empty() || matrix.empty())        return;    int row = matrix.size();        int sol = matrix[0].size();        int i, j;        bool rowflag = false;        bool solflag = false;        //记录第0行、第0列中是否原来有0        for(j=0; j<sol; ++j) if(matrix[0][j]==0) solflag = true;        for(i=0; i<row; ++i) if(matrix[i][0]==0) rowflag = true;        //非第0行、第0列中元素为0,设置为该0元素对应的第0行、第0列为0,以用第0行、第0列来记录哪一列、哪一行中要设置为零        for(i=1; i<row; ++i)        {        for(j=1; j<sol; ++j)        {        if(matrix[i][j]==0)        {        matrix[i][0] = 0;        matrix[0][j] = 0;        }        }        }        //从1开始,因为要用第0行、第0列来记录哪一列、哪一行中要设置为零        for(i=1; i<row; ++i)        if(matrix[i][0] == 0)        for(j=1; j<sol; ++j)        matrix[i][j] = 0;        for(j=1; j<sol; ++j)        if(matrix[0][j] == 0)        for(i=1; i<row; ++i)        matrix[i][j] = 0;        //如果第0行、第0列中原来是否有0        if(solflag)        for(j=0; j<sol;++j)        matrix[0][j] = 0;        if(rowflag)        for(i=0; i<row; ++i)        matrix[i][0] = 0;    }};

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