
来源:互联网 发布:唐望 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 18:02



         The pthread_cond_broadcast() or pthread_cond_signal() functions may be called by a thread whether or not it currently owns the mutex that threads calling pthread_cond_wait() or  pthread_cond_timedwait() have associated with the condition variable during their waits; however, if predictable scheduling behavior is required, then that mutex shall be locked by the thread calling  pthread_cond_broadcast() or pthread_cond_signal().



         关于上述论点, 文章《Condvars: Signal With Mutex Locked Or Not?》(http://www.domaigne.com/blog/computing/condvars-signal-with-mutex-locked-or-not/)中做了详细解释,下面的描述主要翻译自该文章。















#define COND_CHECK(func, cond, retv, errv) \if ( (cond) ) \{ \   fprintf(stderr, "\n[CHECK FAILED at %s:%d]\n| %s(...)=%d (%s)\n\n",\              __FILE__,__LINE__,func,retv,strerror(errv)); \   exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \} #define ErrnoCheck(func,cond,retv)  COND_CHECK(func, cond, retv, errno)#define PthreadCheck(func,rc) COND_CHECK(func,(rc!=0), rc, rc)#define FOREVER for(;;) pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;pthread_cond_t  cv    = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;int predicate = 0;unsigned long nwakeup   = 0; // number of wakeupunsigned long nspurious = 0; // number of spurious wakeup/*****************************************************************************//* thread - wait on condvar, do stats and reset the condvar                  *//*****************************************************************************/void*thread(void* ignore){   int rc;   FOREVER {      // wait that predicate becomes true       //      rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);      PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_lock", rc);      while (predicate==0) {         rc = pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &mutex);         PthreadCheck("pthread_cond_wait", rc);         nwakeup++;                     // we've been wakeup         if (predicate==0) nspurious++; // we got a spurious wakeup      }      // reset predicate to false       //      predicate=0;      rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);      PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_unlock", rc);   }   // never reached    //   pthread_exit(NULL);}/*****************************************************************************//* signal_thread - set predicate to true and signal the condvar              *//*****************************************************************************/void*signal_thread(void* ignore){   int rc;   FOREVER {      // set the predicate to true and wakeup one thread      //      rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);      PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_lock", rc);      predicate=1;      rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); // unlock before signal      PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_unlock", rc);      rc = pthread_cond_signal(&cv);      PthreadCheck("pthread_cond_signal", rc);   }   // never reached    //   pthread_exit(NULL);}/*****************************************************************************//* main- main thread                                                         *//*****************************************************************************/const int NTHREADS = 8; // # threads waiting on the condvar intmain(){   pthread_t tid[NTHREADS];  // threads waiting on  the condvar   pthread_t tsig;           // thread that signals the condvar   int       rc;             // return code   // create our threads   //   for (int i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {      rc = pthread_create(tid+i, NULL, thread, NULL);      PthreadCheck("pthread_create", rc);   }   rc = pthread_create(&tsig, NULL, signal_thread, NULL);   PthreadCheck("pthread_create", rc);   // wait 3 sec, print statistics and exit   //   sleep(3);   rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);   PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_lock", rc);   printf("# wakeup   = %8lu\n# spurious = %8lu (%2.2f%%)\n",           nwakeup, nspurious, (float)nspurious/nwakeup*100.0         );   rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);   PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_unlock", rc);   // that's all, folks!   //   return EXIT_SUCCESS;}


# wakeup   =   487936# spurious =   215469 (44.16%)










         在线程进行signal/broadcast之前,也可能会发生优先级反转。继续考虑上图的场景:T1是个低优先级(P1)的线程,T2是高优先级(P2)的线程,T3的优先级(P3)介于T1和T2之间:P1 < P3 < P2。







#define COND_CHECK(func, cond, retv, errv) \if ( (cond) ) \{ \   fprintf(stderr, "\n[CHECK FAILED at %s:%d]\n| %s(...)=%d (%s)\n\n",\              __FILE__,__LINE__,func,retv,strerror(errv)); \   exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \} #define ErrnoCheck(func,cond,retv)  COND_CHECK(func, cond, retv, errno)#define PthreadCheck(func,rc) COND_CHECK(func,(rc!=0), rc, rc)#define FOREVER for(;;) pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;pthread_cond_t *ptr_cv;int predicate = 0;int nthreads; /*****************************************************************************//* thread - tell the shutdown thread that we're done                        *//*****************************************************************************/void*thread(void* ignore){   int rc;   // this thread now terminate    //   rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);   PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_lock", rc);   nthreads--; // we have one thread less in the pool   // note: we unlock first, and then signal    //   rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);   PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_unlock", rc);   rc = pthread_cond_signal(ptr_cv);   PthreadCheck("pthread_cond_signal", rc);      // Ok, time to retire   //   pthread_exit(NULL);}/*****************************************************************************//* shutdown_thread- wait all threads in the pool to finish and clean-up      *//* condvar                                                                   *//*****************************************************************************/void*shutdown_thread(void* ignore){   int rc;   // wait as long as one thread in the pool is running   //   rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);   PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_lock", rc);   while (nthreads>0) {      rc = pthread_cond_wait(ptr_cv, &mutex);      PthreadCheck("pthread_cond_wait", rc);   }   // all thread stopped running: we can destroy the condvar   //   rc = pthread_cond_destroy(ptr_cv);   PthreadCheck("pthread_cond_destroy", rc);   free(ptr_cv);   // unlock mutex, and bye!    //   rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);   PthreadCheck("pthread_mutex_unlock", rc);   pthread_exit(NULL);}/*****************************************************************************//* main- main thread                                                         *//*****************************************************************************/const int NTHREADS = 8; // # threads in the poolintmain(){   pthread_t     pool[NTHREADS]; // threads pool   pthread_t     tshd;           // shutdown thread   unsigned long count=0;        // counter   int           rc;             // return code   FOREVER {      // initialize condvar       //      nthreads=NTHREADS;      ptr_cv = (pthread_cond_t*) malloc(sizeof(*ptr_cv));      ErrnoCheck("malloc", (ptr_cv==NULL), 0);      rc = pthread_cond_init(ptr_cv, NULL);      PthreadCheck("pthread_cond_init", rc);      // create shutdown thread      //      rc = pthread_create(&tshd, NULL, shutdown_thread, NULL);      PthreadCheck("pthread_create", rc);      // create threads pool      //      for (int i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {         rc = pthread_create(pool+i, NULL, thread, NULL);         PthreadCheck("pthread_create", rc);         rc = pthread_detach(pool[i]);         PthreadCheck("pthread_detach", rc);      }      // wait shutdown thread completion      //      rc = pthread_join(tshd, NULL);       PthreadCheck("pthread_join", rc);      // great... one more round      //      ++count;      printf("%lu\n", count);    }   // should be never reached   //   return EXIT_SUCCESS;}




         我个人倾向于,在持有锁的情况下进行signal/broadcast。首先,这样做可以避免隐蔽的bug;然后,在使用了wait morphing优化的Pthreads实现中,这样做几乎没有性能损耗;其次,我认为只有在明确表明性能可以得到显著提升时,才有必要先unlock,后signal/broadcast,优化那些并非导致性能瓶颈的点,是没有必要的。





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