基于hadoop生态圈的数据仓库实践 —— OLAP与数据可视化(三)

来源:互联网 发布:下载别人网站php 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:30
三、Impala OLAP实例
        本节使用前面销售订单的例子说明如何使用Impala做OLAP类型的查询,以及实际遇到的问题及解决方案。为了处理SCD和行级更新,我们前面的ETL使用了Hive ORCFile格式的表,可惜到目前为止,Impala还不支持ORCFile。用Impala查询ORCFile表时,错误信息如下图所示。

        这是一个棘手的问题。如果我们再建一套和dw库中表结构一样的表,但使用Impala能够识别的文件类型,如Parquet,又会引入两个新的问题:一是CDH 5.7.0的Hive版本是1.1.0,有些数据类型不支持,如date。另一个更大的问题是增量装载数据问题。dw库的维度表和事实表都有update操作,可Impala只支持数据装载,不支持update和delete等DML操作。如果每天都做insert overwrite覆盖装载全部数据,对于大数据量来说很不现实。


1. 建立olap库、表、视图
use hive;select concat('create table ', t1.tbl_name, ' (',group_concat(concat(t2.column_name,' ',t2.type_name) order by t2.integer_idx),') stored as parquet;') into outfile '/data/hive/create_table.sql'  from (select t1.tbl_id,               t1.tbl_name           from TBLS t1, DBS t2         where t1.db_id = t2. db_id            and t2.name = 'dw'            and tbl_type <> 'VIRTUAL_VIEW'            and (tbl_name like '%dim' or tbl_name like '%fact')) t1,       (select case when v.column_name = 'date' then 'date1' else v.column_name end column_name,               replace(v.type_name,'date','timestamp') type_name,               v.integer_idx,               t.tbl_id          from COLUMNS_V2 v,                CDS c,                SDS s,                TBLS t         where v.cd_id = c.cd_id           and c.cd_id = s.cd_id           and s.sd_id = t.sd_id) t2 where t1.tbl_id = t2.tbl_id group by t1.tbl_name;
create table product_dim (product_sk int,product_code int,product_name varchar(30),product_category varchar(30),version int,effective_date timestamp,expiry_date timestamp) stored as parquet;
use hive;select concat('create view ', t1.tbl_name, ' as ', replace(replace(t1.view_original_text,'\n',' '),' date,',' date1,'), ';')    into outfile '/data/hive/create_view.sql'  from TBLS t1, DBS t2 where t1.db_id = t2.db_id    and t2.name = 'dw'    and t1.tbl_type = 'VIRTUAL_VIEW';
create view allocate_date_dim as SELECT date_sk, date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind FROM date_dim;
hive -e 'create database olap;use olap;source /data/hive/create_table.sql;source /data/hive/create_view.sql;'

2. 初始装载数据
use hive;select concat('insert overwrite table olap.', t1.tbl_name, ' select ', group_concat(t2.column_name order by t2.integer_idx),' from dw.', t1.tbl_name ,';') into outfile '/data/hive/insert_table.sql'  from (select t1.tbl_id,               t1.tbl_name           from TBLS t1, DBS t2         where t1.db_id = t2. db_id            and t2.name = 'dw'            and tbl_type <> 'VIRTUAL_VIEW'            and (tbl_name like '%dim' or tbl_name like '%fact')) t1,       (select v.column_name,               replace(v.type_name,'date','timestamp') type_name,               v.integer_idx,               t.tbl_id          from COLUMNS_V2 v,                CDS c,                SDS s,                TBLS t         where v.cd_id = c.cd_id           and c.cd_id = s.cd_id           and s.sd_id = t.sd_id) t2 where t1.tbl_id = t2.tbl_id group by t1.tbl_name;
        生成的insert_table.sql文件包含所有insert olap表的语句,例如:
insert overwrite table olap.product_dim select product_sk,product_code,product_name,product_category,version,effective_date,expiry_date from dw.product_dim;
hive -e 'source /data/hive/insert_table.sql;'

3. 修改销售订单定期装载脚本
use dw;set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;  set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;  set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=1000; -- product_count_fact表create table product_count_fact_part(product_sk int)partitioned by (product_launch_date_sk int);insert overwrite table product_count_fact_part partition (product_launch_date_sk)select product_sk,product_launch_date_sk from product_count_fact;drop table product_count_fact;alter table product_count_fact_part rename to product_count_fact;-- sales_order_fact表create table sales_order_fact_part(order_number int, customer_sk int, customer_zip_code_sk int, shipping_zip_code_sk int, product_sk int, sales_order_attribute_sk int, order_date_sk int, allocate_date_sk int, allocate_quantity int, packing_date_sk int, packing_quantity int, ship_date_sk int, ship_quantity int, receive_date_sk int, receive_quantity int, request_delivery_date_sk int, order_amount decimal(10,2), order_quantity int )partitioned by (entry_date_sk int)clustered by (order_number) into 8 buckets      stored as orc tblproperties ('transactional'='true');insert overwrite table sales_order_fact_part partition (entry_date_sk)select order_number,       customer_sk,       customer_zip_code_sk,       shipping_zip_code_sk,       product_sk,       sales_order_attribute_sk,       order_date_sk,       allocate_date_sk,       allocate_quantity,       packing_date_sk,       packing_quantity,       ship_date_sk,       ship_quantity,       receive_date_sk,       receive_quantity,       request_delivery_date_sk,       order_amount,       order_quantity,       entry_date_sk  from sales_order_fact;drop table sales_order_fact;alter table sales_order_fact_part rename to sales_order_fact;
use olap;set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;  set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;  set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=1000; -- product_count_fact表create table product_count_fact_part(product_sk int)partitioned by (product_launch_date_sk int)stored as parquet;insert overwrite table product_count_fact_part partition (product_launch_date_sk)select product_sk,product_launch_date_sk from product_count_fact;drop table product_count_fact;alter table product_count_fact_part rename to product_count_fact;-- sales_order_fact表create table sales_order_fact_part(order_number int, customer_sk int, customer_zip_code_sk int, shipping_zip_code_sk int, product_sk int, sales_order_attribute_sk int, order_date_sk int, allocate_date_sk int, allocate_quantity int, packing_date_sk int, packing_quantity int, ship_date_sk int, ship_quantity int, receive_date_sk int, receive_quantity int, request_delivery_date_sk int, order_amount decimal(10,2), order_quantity int )partitioned by (entry_date_sk int)stored as parquet;insert overwrite table sales_order_fact_part partition (entry_date_sk)select order_number,       customer_sk,       customer_zip_code_sk,       shipping_zip_code_sk,       product_sk,       sales_order_attribute_sk,       order_date_sk,       allocate_date_sk,       allocate_quantity,       packing_date_sk,       packing_quantity,       ship_date_sk,       ship_quantity,       receive_date_sk,       receive_quantity,       request_delivery_date_sk,       order_amount,       order_quantity,       entry_date_sk  from sales_order_fact;drop table sales_order_fact;alter table sales_order_fact_part rename to sales_order_fact;
  • 添加olap库中维度表的覆盖装载语句。
  • 根据分区定义修改dw事实表的装载语句。
  • 添加olap库中事实表的增量装载语句。
-- 设置环境与时间窗口  !run /root/set_time.sql   set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;  set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;  set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=1000;    -- 装载customer维度    ...-- 装载olap.customer_dim表insert overwrite table olap.customer_dim select * from customer_dim;    -- 装载product维度    ...-- 装载olap.product_dim表insert overwrite table olap.product_dim select * from product_dim;-- 装载product_count_fact表truncate table product_count_fact;insert into product_count_fact partition (product_launch_date_sk)select product_sk,date_sk  from (select a.product_sk product_sk,               a.product_code product_code,               b.date_sk date_sk,               row_number() over (partition by a.product_code order by b.date_sk) rn          from product_dim a,date_dim b         where a.effective_date = b.date) t where rn = 1; -- 全量装载olap.product_count_fact表truncate table olap.product_count_fact;insert into olap.product_count_fact partition (product_launch_date_sk)select * from product_count_fact;-- 装载销售订单事实表 -- 前一天新增的销售订单,因为分区键字段在最后,所以这里把entry_date_sk字段的位置做了调整。-- 后面处理分配库房、打包、配送和收货四个状态时,同样也要做相应的调整。 INSERT INTO sales_order_fact partition (entry_date_sk)SELECT        a.order_number,        customer_sk,    i.customer_zip_code_sk,      j.shipping_zip_code_sk,        product_sk,     g.sales_order_attribute_sk,    e.order_date_sk,    null,    null,    null,    null,    null,    null,    null,    null,    f.request_delivery_date_sk,    order_amount,        quantity,    h.entry_date_sk      FROM        rds.sales_order a,         customer_dim c,        product_dim d,        order_date_dim e,      request_delivery_date_dim f,     sales_order_attribute_dim g,    entry_date_dim h,    customer_zip_code_dim i,      shipping_zip_code_dim j,      rds.customer k,     rds.cdc_time l WHERE     a.order_status = 'N'AND a.customer_number = c.customer_number    AND a.status_date >= c.effective_date    AND a.status_date < c.expiry_date AND a.customer_number = k.customer_number  AND k.customer_zip_code = i.customer_zip_code  AND a.status_date >= i.effective_date  AND a.status_date <= i.expiry_date  AND k.shipping_zip_code = j.shipping_zip_code  AND a.status_date >= j.effective_date  AND a.status_date <= j.expiry_date    AND a.product_code = d.product_code    AND a.status_date >= d.effective_date    AND a.status_date < d.expiry_date    AND to_date(a.status_date) = e.order_dateAND to_date(a.entry_date) = h.entry_date   AND to_date(a.request_delivery_date) = f.request_delivery_dateAND a.verification_ind = g.verification_ind  AND a.credit_check_flag = g.credit_check_flag  AND a.new_customer_ind = g.new_customer_ind  AND a.web_order_flag = g.web_order_flag AND a.entry_date >= l.last_load AND a.entry_date < l.current_load ;    -- 重载PA客户维度    ...-- 装载olap.pa_customer_dim表insert overwrite table olap.pa_customer_dim select * from pa_customer_dim;-- 处理分配库房、打包、配送和收货四个状态...-- 增量装载olap.sales_order_fact表insert into olap.sales_order_fact partition (entry_date_sk)select t1.*   from sales_order_fact t1,entry_date_dim t2,rds.cdc_time t3 where t1.entry_date_sk = t2.entry_date_sk   and t2.entry_date >= t3.last_load and t2.entry_date < t3.current_load ;-- 更新时间戳表的last_load字段    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rds.cdc_time SELECT current_load, current_load FROM rds.cdc_time;

4. 定义OLAP需求
  • 每种产品类型以及单个产品的累积销售量和销售额是多少?
  • 每种产品类型以及单个产品在每个州以及每个城市的月销售量和销售额趋势是什么?
  • 每种产品类型销售量和销售额和同比如何?
  • 每个州以及每个城市的客户数量及其消费金额汇总是多少?
  • 迟到的订单比例是多少?
  • 客户年消费金额为“高”、“中”、“低”档的人数及消费金额所占比例是多少?
  • 每个城市按销售金额排在前三位的商品是什么?
5. 执行OLAP查询

        impala目前只支持最基本的group by,尚不支持rollup、cube、grouping set等操作,所幸支持union。
select * from(select t2.product_category pro_category,       '' pro_name,       sum(order_quantity) sum_quantity,       sum(order_amount) sum_amount   from sales_order_fact t1, product_dim t2 where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk group by pro_category union all select t2.product_category pro_category,       t2.product_name pro_name,            sum(order_quantity) sum_quantity,       sum(order_amount) sum_amount   from sales_order_fact t1, product_dim t2 where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk group by pro_category, pro_name) t order by pro_category, pro_name;

select * from(-- 明细select t2.product_category pro_category,       t2.product_name pro_name,       t3.state state,   t3.city city,       t4.year*100 + t4.month ym,       sum(order_quantity) sum_quantity,       sum(order_amount) sum_amount   from sales_order_fact t1  inner join product_dim t2 on t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk inner join customer_zip_code_dim t3 on t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk inner join order_date_dim t4 on t1.order_date_sk = t4.date_sk group by pro_category, pro_name, state, city, ym union all-- 按产品分类汇总 select t2.product_category pro_category,       '' pro_name,       t3.state state,   t3.city city,       t4.year*100 + t4.month ym,       sum(order_quantity) sum_quantity,       sum(order_amount) sum_amount   from sales_order_fact t1  inner join product_dim t2 on t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk inner join customer_zip_code_dim t3 on t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk inner join order_date_dim t4 on t1.order_date_sk = t4.date_sk group by pro_category, pro_name, state, city, ym union all-- 按产品分类、州汇总select t2.product_category pro_category,       '' pro_name,       t3.state state,   '' city,       t4.year*100 + t4.month ym,       sum(order_quantity) sum_quantity,       sum(order_amount) sum_amount   from sales_order_fact t1  inner join product_dim t2 on t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk inner join customer_zip_code_dim t3 on t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk inner join order_date_dim t4 on t1.order_date_sk = t4.date_sk group by pro_category, pro_name, state, city, ym) t order by pro_category, pro_name, state, city, ym;

create view v_product_category_month asselect t2.product_category,       t3.year,       t3.month,       t1.month_order_amount,       t1.month_order_quantity  from month_end_sales_order_fact t1 inner join product_dim t2 on t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk inner join month_dim t3 on t1.order_month_sk = t3.month_sk; select t1.product_category,       t1.year,       t1.month,       (t1.month_order_quantity - nvl(t2.month_order_quantity,0)) / nvl(t2.month_order_quantity,0) pct_quantity,          cast((t1.month_order_amount - nvl(t2.month_order_amount,0)) as double) / cast(nvl(t2.month_order_amount,0) as double) pct_amount  from v_product_category_month t1   left join v_product_category_month t2    on t1.product_category = t2.product_category   and t1.year = t2.year + 1   and t1.month = t2.month;

select * from (select t3.state state,       t3.city city,       count(distinct t2.customer_sk) sum_customer_num,       sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount   from sales_order_fact t1 inner join customer_dim t2 on t1.customer_sk = t2.customer_sk inner join customer_zip_code_dim t3 on t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk group by state, city union allselect t3.state state,       '' city,       count(distinct t2.customer_sk) sum_customer_num,       sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount   from sales_order_fact t1 inner join customer_dim t2 on t1.customer_sk = t2.customer_sk inner join customer_zip_code_dim t3 on t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk group by state, city) t order by state, city;

select sum_total, sum_late, round(sum_late/sum_total,4) late_pct  from(select sum(case when order_date_sk < entry_date_sk then 1 else 0 end) sum_late,       count(*)sum_totalfrom sales_order_fact) t;

select year, bn, c_count, sum_band, sum_total, round(sum_band/sum_total,4) band_pct   from (select count(a.customer_sk) c_count,        sum(annual_order_amount) sum_band,       c.year year,         band_name bn    from annual_customer_segment_fact a,         annual_order_segment_dim b,         year_dim c,         annual_sales_order_fact d  where a.segment_sk = b.segment_sk     and a.year_sk = c.year_sk     and a.customer_sk = d.customer_sk     and a.year_sk = d.year_sk   and b.segment_name = 'grid' group by year, bn) t1,(select sum(annual_order_amount) sum_total from annual_sales_order_fact) t2 order by year, bn;

select t2.city, t3.product_name, t1.sum_order_amount, t1.rn  from (select customer_zip_code_sk,       product_sk,       sum_order_amount,       row_number() over (partition by customer_zip_code_sk order by sum_order_amount desc) rn  from (select customer_zip_code_sk,        product_sk,        sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount  from sales_order_fact t1 group by customer_zip_code_sk, product_sk) t) t1 inner join customer_zip_code_dim t2 on t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t2.zip_code_sk inner join product_dim t3 on t1.product_sk = t3.product_sk  where t1.rn <= 3 order by t1.customer_zip_code_sk, t1.rn;

        以上几个查询都在1秒左右得到结果。虽然测试数据很少,但即便这样的数据量在Hive上执行相同的查询也要几分钟时间。Impala的优势在于查询速度快,然而相对于Hive或SparkSQL,当前的Impala仍有诸多不足:不支持update、delete操作;不支持Date类型;不支持XML和JSON相关函数;不支持covar_pop、covar_samp、corr、percentile、 percentile_approx、histogram_numeric、collect_set等聚合函数;不支持rollup、cube、grouping set等操作;不支持数据抽样(Sampling)等等。看来要想日臻完美,Impala还有很多工作要做。
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