iOS UITesting (Objective-C Version) (一)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝活动促销词 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 10:41

UI Testing

UI Testing是2015年苹果公司新公开的一项自动化测试技术,集成在XCode 7中,不过目前版本的UI Test是一个非常Buggy的测试框架。



UI Test 和 Unit Test

对于iOSer来说,Unit Test已经不再陌生了。UI Test和Unit Test都使用XCTestCase这个类进行编码,但它们之间是不同的,最主要的区别是,Unit Test能够像开发者一样,能够获得所有应用程序内的数据;而UI Test只能像用户一样,对设备进行操作并获取屏幕上所展示的数据。
这里提点别的,因为Unit Test已经诞生好几年了,应用情况比较乐观。GitHub上已经有了不少相应的开源测试框架如Kiwi,Specta(需要混合OCMock进行使用)等,还有2个Swift的开源框架(- -没用过,名字都忘记了),这些框架的可读性非常强,且功能比苹果原声测试框架强。但是这些框架都有一个弊端,在跑Case的时候必须按CMD + U跑尽所有的Case,不能单独跑自己想运行的Case,是一个非常麻烦的事情。所以各有利弊,自行抉择。


1. Accessibility 这是苹果官方从iOS 3.0之后为了帮助残疾人所引进的API(详情可见Voice Over),可以通过设置元素的Accessibility,使其可以通过Accessibility进行访问。如果App设置了Accessibility会显著帮助UI Test查询控件的效率,当然实际上大部分的App都没有进行设置,于是我们只能依靠系统设置的Accessibility和Type去查询UI了。

2. Accessibility Inspector,这是Xcode自带的一个插件,可以用来查询控件的Accessibility等信息。具体打开方式XCode -> Open Developer Tool -> Accessibility Inspector就可以打开,使用方法简单就不再赘述,这是UI Test最常用的一个插件,我们可以使用它来查看控件的AccessibilityTitle, AccessibilityValue(尤其的图片和Hybrid页面)等属性,从而帮助编写测试代码。

图1 Accessbility Insepector






宿舍电脑没有PPT- -,改天我再补~还是用图比较好说话。。


首先是XCTestCase,这是实际编写测试样例的类,大致结构如下(添加UI Testing Bundle自动生成的代码)。

#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>@interface wise_choiceUITests : XCTestCase@end@implementation wise_choiceUITests- (void)setUp {    [super setUp];        // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.        // In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs.    self.continueAfterFailure = NO;    // UI tests must launch the application that they test. Doing this in setup will make sure it happens for each test method.    [[[XCUIApplication alloc] init] launch];        // In UI tests it’s important to set the initial state - such as interface orientation - required for your tests before they run. The setUp method is a good place to do this.}- (void)tearDown {    // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.    [super tearDown];}- (void)testExample {    // Use recording to get started writing UI tests.    // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.}@end


其中有一个属性:continueAfterFailure : BOOL。

/*! * @property continueAfterFailure * The test case behavior after a failure. Defaults to YES. */@property BOOL continueAfterFailure;


最后testExample方法,该方法是实际测试样例的方法。所有测试样例必须以test为前缀进行命名,当按下->Product->Test或CMD+U运行所有测试样例时,会运行所有的测试样例,顺序是按照testXXX这个方法名的字典序进行运行。当你的XCode出现了Index Error而无法单独运行某个Case的时候,可以将方法名修改为testaXXX就可以使用CMD优先运行这个测试样例。



@interface XCUIApplication : XCUIElement/*! * Launches the application. This call is synchronous and when it returns the application is launched * and ready to handle user events. Any failure in the launch sequence is reported as a test failure * and halts the test at this point. If the application is already running, this call will first * terminate the existing instance to ensure clean state of the launched instance. */- (void)launch;/*! * Terminates any running instance of the application. If the application has an existing debug session * via Xcode, the termination is implemented as a halt via that debug connection. Otherwise, a SIGKILL * is sent to the process. */- (void)terminate;/*! * The arguments that will be passed to the application on launch. If not modified, these are the * arguments that Xcode will pass on launch. Those arguments can be changed, added to, or removed. * Unlike NSTask, it is legal to modify these arguments after the application has been launched. These * changes will not affect the current launch session, but will take effect the next time the application * is launched. */@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray <NSString *> *launchArguments;/*! * The environment that will be passed to the application on launch. If not modified, this is the * environment that Xcode will pass on launch. Those variables can be changed, added to, or removed. * Unlike NSTask, it is legal to modify the environment after the application has been launched. These * changes will not affect the current launch session, but will take effect the next time the application * is launched. */@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary <NSString *, NSString *> *launchEnvironment;@end

XCUIApplication和整个测试查询的入口,用户可以通过XCUIApplicaiton进行路径查询如App -> Window -> View(XCUIElementTypeOther) -> Button -> ……等进行类似的查询,即可得到UI所有的UI控件,再根据控件提供的相关属性读取信息(如文本(UILabel等)的内容、输入(UITextField等)的内容、Button的选中状态(isSelected)等。由于有了这些信息,我们不仅仅可以读取控件的Frame或ScreenPoint等信息验证程序的UI布局、也可以自定义输入并根据UI显示的输出做黑盒功能测试等。至于其他的,压力测试等、由于两个进程之间同步比较缓慢,操作效率并不是很高,如果想要快速点击按钮等、是否可以通过UI Test实现,我暂时还不了解(你们可以告诉我嘛~)。

XCUIElement < XCUIElementAttributes , XCUIElementTypeQueryProvider>

这三个部分几乎包含了绝大部分的测试代码,XCUIElement提供了一系列与UI交互的API(如单击、双击、滑动等等)、而XCUIElementAttributes提供了访问UI控件部分属性信息的API(如Identifier、frame、Value、Label等)、而XCUIElementTypeQueryProvider提供了一系列的查询SubElment(SubView) (DescendantsMatching NOT ChildrenMatching)的APi,当然这些都是为了编写代码的简便缩写(如app.buttons 和 [app descendantsMatchingType:XCUIElementTypeAny]是等价的)。- -又过12点了~~


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