
来源:互联网 发布:linux 文件夹访问权限 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:05

  • 特定术语
  • MOOS简介
    • MOOS结构
    • CMOOSApp类
  • CMOOSApp介绍
  • 重要虚函数介绍
    • Iterate
    • OnNewMail
    • OnConnectToServer
    • OnDisconnectFromServer
    • OnStartUp
  • 例一
    • 订阅消息
    • 发布消息
    • 解析消息
      • parseStringstring char
      • parseStringQstring char
      • parseStringstring string
      • parseQuotedStringstring char
      • chompStringconst string char
      • removeWhiteconst string
      • biteStringconst string char
    • 用PeekMail来拣选消息
    • 检查陈旧的消息
  • 例二
  • 测试新应用
    • 通过uMS测试
      • 通过另一个应用测试
  • CMOOSMsg
  • 6重要的CMOOSApp思想
    • 1从配置文件中读取配置信息
    • 2 解析配置文件
    • 3 AppTick 和 CommsTick 的作用
  • CMOOSVariables
    • 发布变量
    • 更新变量
  • 8两个附加功能
    • 状态字符串
    • 功能二
  • 附件
    • 附件一











1. 没有点到点的通信。即,应用和应用之间不能直接进行通信,只能通过MOOSDB通信。
2. 所有的应用到服务器的通信都是由应用发起的。
3. 每一个应用都有特定的名字。
4. 各个应用之间互不了解。







  1. 新建一个”main.cpp”
  2. 新建一个CMOOSApp的派生类
  3. 在main()函数中对上一步骤中的派生类实例化
  4. 在此对象中调用 ::Run() 函数








  • 不要在此代码中进入一个等待数据的无线循环
  • 可以通过下面两种方法配置Iterate被调用的频率f:
    • 调用MOOSApp::SetAppFreq(double dfFreq)函数
    • 在配置文件(.moos)中,设置AppTick值
  • 通过上面两种方法设置的Iterate被调用的频率,是Iterate被调用的最大频率。比如,如果Iterate中的代码执行完成需要1s,那么即使你设置的频率大于1Hz,Iterate也不可能按照你设置的频率运行。
  • 如果想要Iterate运行频率越大越好,那么可以SetAppFreq(0)
  • 可以通过MOOSTime()函数返回一个浮点类型的Unix时间戳。
    • 例如 double dfTimeNow = MOOSTime();


当你把你感兴趣的消息注册后,其他应用发布了这些消息,那么函数OnNewMail将会在CMOOSApp::Run()函数中被调用。其中,新到来的消息是被存储在std::list< CMOOSMsg >中。 比如当新邮件到达时,我们需要根据邮件内容来改变一些成员变量的值,就需要在此函数中操作。








  • 直接赋值
  • 读取配置文件(.moos)中的值(后文会又详细介绍)



//main.cpp#include "Emergency.h"int main(int argc, char *argc[]){    //如果运行时无输入参数,那么使用默认的配置文件和应用名称    const char *sMissionFile = "Mission.moos";    const char *sMOOSName = "Emergency";    //如果运行时有输入参数,那么把第一个参数作为配置文件名称    //第二个参数作为应用名称    //比如:  Emergency Emergency.moos pEmergency    //       则运行后配置文件是Emergency.moos    //              应用名称是pEmergency    switch(argc)    {    case 3:        sMOOSName = argv[2];    case 2:        sMissionFile = argv[1];    }    Emergency TheApp;    TheApp.Run(sMOOSName, sMissionFile);    return 0;}

//Emergency.h#ifndef _EMERGENCY_H_#define _EMERGENCY_H_#include <MOOSLIB/MOOSApp.h>class Emergency : public CMOOSApp{public:    Emergency();    virtual ~Emergency();protect:    bool OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail);    bool Iterate();    bool OnConnectToServer();    bool OnStartUp();};#endif

//Emergency.cpp#include "Emergency.h"//默认构造函数Emergency::Emergency(){}//默认析构函数Emergency::~Emergency(){}bool OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    return true;}bool Iterate(){    return true;}bool OnConnectToServer(){    return true;}bool OnStartUp(){    return true;}


CMake是一个跨平台的软件,在很多平台可以使用。一般在windows下,我们会直接使用VS生成项目,在linux下面,我们也可以使用QT Creater生成项目,但是两个不同平台上面的项目不能相互移植。这就有了CMake的用武之地,我们可以先编写一个CMakeLists.txt文件,将需要的.h和.cpp文件包含进来,然后在不同的平台使用CMake调用各自的编译器生成各自的工程。


//CMakeLists.txt# Set System Specific Librariesif (${WIN32})  SET(SYSTEM_LIBS    wsock32)else (${WIN32})  SET(SYSTEM_LIBS    m    pthread)endif (${WIN32})SET(SRC   Emergency.cpp   main.cpp)//设置可执行文件名称//值得注意的是,该名称并不是应用名称//应用名称是在main文件中定义的名称ADD_EXECUTABLE(Emergency ${SRC})TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Emergency   MOOS   MOOSGen   MOOSUtility   contacts   mbutil   geometry   ${SYSTEM_LIBS})# Install TargetsINSTALL(TARGETS Emergency  RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin)




myoung@myoung-linux:~/off0714/UVLMiniAuv/moos-ivp-12.2$ ./ 





尾舱泄露的意思就是当传感器检测到AUV的尾舱发生泄露时,就会发送消息ACT给MOOSDB要求AUV STOPALL(此处只是为了和定深超时的FLOAT区分,并不是严谨的要求STOPALL)。假设包含尾舱泄露的消息名称为AUV_STATUS,泄露时值为LEAK。





如果我们要订阅”current_depth”的注册语句m_Comms.Register("CURRENT_DEPTH", 0.25)来说,它的最大读取频率为4Hz,原因在上文中说过;如果写作对m_Comms.Register("CURRENT_DEPTH", 0),它将会以尽可能大的频率读取新消息。


  • 在应用开始的时候,我们就需要决定哪些消息是我们需要的,所以我们需要在OnStartUp()中注册。这也是为什么我们要在OnStartUp()中解析配置文件。
  • 应用和MOOSDB的连接是异步的,他们的连接取决于是否有其它的应用在和MOOSDB连接。所以,OnConnecToServer()可能在OnStartUp()的之前或者之后被调用,如果是之前调用,那么我们希望注册消息发生在OnStartUp()的末尾,如果是之后调用,那么我们希望注册的消息发生在OnConnectToServer()中。






parseString(string, char)

// Procedure: parseString(string, char)
// Example: svector = parseString(“apples, pears,banannas”, ‘,’);
// svector[0] = “apples”
// svector[1] = ” pears”
// svector[2] = “bananas”

parseStringQ(string, char)

// Procedure: parseStringQ(string, char)
// Notes: Differs from “parseString” in that the separator is
// ignored if it is found in an open-quote mode. That is
// after an odd # of double-quote characters have appeared.
// Example: str = “left=apples # left=pears # left=\”bana#nas\””
// w/out Q: svector = parseString(str, ‘#’);
// svector[0] = [left=apples ]
// svector[1] = [ left=pears ]
// svector[2] = [ left=”bana#]
// svector[3] = [nas”]
// Compare: svector = parseStringQ(str, ‘#’);
// svector[0] = [left=apples ]
// svector[1] = [ left=pears ]
// svector[2] = [ left=”bana#nas”]

parseString(string, string)

// Procedure: parseString(string, string)
// Example: svector = parseString(“apples @ pears @ banannas”, “@”);
// svector[0] = “apples ”
// svector[1] = ” pears ”
// svector[2] = ” bananas”

parseQuotedString(string, char)

// Procedure: parseQuotedString(string, char)
// Example: svector = parseQuotedString(“”apples,pears”,banannas”, ‘,’);
// svector[0] = “apples,pears”
// svector[1] = “bananas”

chompString(const string&, char)

// Procedure: chompString(const string&, char)
// Example: svector = chompString(“apples, pears, bananas”, ‘,’)
// svector[0] = “apples”
// svector[1] = ” pears, bananas”

removeWhite(const string&)

// Procedure: removeWhite(const string&)
// Example: input_str = “apples, pears, bananas ”
// str = removeWhite(input_str)
// str = “apples,pears,bananas”

biteString(const string&, char)

// Procedure: biteString(const string&, char)
// Example: input_str = “apples, pears, bananas”
// str = biteString(input_str, ‘,’)
// str = “apples”
// input_str = ” pears, bananas”



bool CSimpleApp::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p;    for(p=NewMail.begin(); p!=NewMail.end(); p++)    {        CMOOSMsg &rMsg = *p;        if(MOOSStrCmp(rMsg.GetKey(), "CURRENT_DEPTH"))        {            DEPTH(rMsg);        }        else if(MOOSStrCmp(rMsg.GetKey(), "AUV_STATUS"))        {            STATUS(rMsg);        }    }    return true;}

除了使用上述方法外,我们还可以使用CMOOSCommsClient::PeekMail()函数来做这件事情。这个函数可以从到来的所有消息中提取特定的消息(我们订阅过的消息)。而且,这个函数还可以提取最新的消息值,意思就是如果CURRENT_DEPTH消息在距离上次提取时已经更新过好几次了,所以我们的应用中的MOOSMSG_LIST中已经保存了好几个该消息,我们使用CMOOSCommsClient::PeekMail()函数可以只提取最新的一个消息值。 并且,使用CMOOSCommsClient::PeekMail()的话,是从MOOSMSG_LIST中剪切出此条消息,而不是复制。





bool CSimpleApp::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    CMOOSMsg Msg;    double dfNow = MOOSTime();    if (m_Comms.PeekMail(NewMail, "CURRENT_DEPTH", Msg, false, true))    {        if (!Msg.IsSkewed(dfNow))        {            DEPTH(Msg);        }    }    return true;}



//main.cpp#include "Emergency.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    //如果运行时无输入参数,那么使用默认的配置文件和应用名称    const char *sMissionFile = "Mission.moos";    const char *sMOOSName = "Emergency";    //如果运行时有输入参数,那么把第一个参数作为配置文件名称    //第二个参数作为应用名称    //比如:  Emergency Emergency.moos pEmergency    //       则运行后配置文件是Emergency.moos    //              应用名称是pEmergency    switch(argc)    {    case 3:        sMOOSName = argv[2];    case 2:        sMissionFile = argv[1];    }    Emergency TheApp;    TheApp.Run(sMOOSName, sMissionFile);    return 0;}

//Emergency.h#ifndef _EMERGENCY_H_#define _EMERGENCY_H_#include <MOOSLIB/MOOSApp.h>class Emergency : public CMOOSApp{public:    Emergency();    virtual ~Emergency();protected:    bool OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail);    bool Iterate();    bool OnConnectToServer();    bool OnStartUp();    //注册变量    void DoRegistrations();    double m_current_depth;    double m_bKeepingDepth;    double m_dfKeepingDepthStartTime;    double m_dfKeepDepthMaxTime;    bool m_bKeepingDepthFlag;};#endif

//Emergency.cpp#include <stdio.h>#include "Emergency.h"#include <MOOSGenLib/MOOSGenLibGlobalHelper.h>using namespace std;Emergency::Emergency(){    m_current_depth = 0.0;    //m_bKeepingDepth = 1000.0;    m_dfKeepingDepthStartTime = -1.0;    //m_dfKeepDepthMaxTime = 30.0;    m_bKeepingDepthFlag = false;}Emergency::~Emergency(){}bool Emergency::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p;    for(p=NewMail.begin(); p!=NewMail.end(); p++)    {        CMOOSMsg &rMsg = *p;        string key = rMsg.m_sKey;        MOOSTrace("key is %s\n", key.c_str());        string sdata = rMsg.m_sVal;        MOOSTrace("sdata is %s\n", sdata.c_str());        m_current_depth = rMsg.GetDouble();        if (key == "CURRENT_DEPTH")        {            m_bKeepingDepthFlag = true;            MOOSTrace("current depth is:%s\n",sdata.c_str());        }        else if (key == "AUV_STATUS")        {            MOOSTrace("AUV_STATUS is:%s\n",sdata.c_str());            if (sdata == "LEAK")            {                m_Comms.Notify("ACT", "STOPALL");            }        }    }    return true;}bool Emergency::OnConnectToServer(){    //上文说过,注册消息,一是OnStartUp()的末尾    //二是在OnConnectToServer()中    DoRegistrations();    return true;}bool Emergency::Iterate(){    double dfNowTime = MOOSTime();    if (m_bKeepingDepthFlag)    {        if (m_current_depth > m_bKeepingDepth)        {            if (m_dfKeepingDepthStartTime < 0.0)            {                m_dfKeepingDepthStartTime = dfNowTime;            }            double time = dfNowTime - m_dfKeepingDepthStartTime;            if (time > m_dfKeepDepthMaxTime)            {                m_Comms.Notify("ACT", "FLOAT");            }        }        else if (m_current_depth < m_bKeepingDepth)        {            m_dfKeepingDepthStartTime = -1.0;        }    }    return true;}bool Emergency::OnStartUp(){    //上文说过,注册消息,一是OnStartUp()的末尾    //二是在OnConnectToServer()中    if(m_MissionReader.GetValue("KeepingDepth",m_bKeepingDepth))    {              MOOSTrace("从配置文件中读取持续水深为%lf\n", m_bKeepingDepth);    }    else    {        m_bKeepingDepth = 1000;        MOOSTrace("使用默认持续水深为%lf\n", m_bKeepingDepth);    }    if(m_MissionReader.GetValue("KeepDepthMaxTime",m_dfKeepDepthMaxTime))    {               MOOSTrace("从配置文件中读取持续水深%lf的最大时间为%lf\n", m_bKeepingDepth, m_dfKeepDepthMaxTime);    }    else    {                m_dfKeepDepthMaxTime = 30;        MOOSTrace("使用默认持续水深%lf的最大时间为%lf", m_bKeepingDepth, m_dfKeepDepthMaxTime);    }    DoRegistrations();    return true;}//在此函数内,用m_Comms.Register("sName", 0)注册我们感兴趣的消息void Emergency::DoRegistrations(){    m_Comms.Register("CURRENT_DEPTH", 0);    m_Comms.Register("AUV_STATUS", 0.25);    return;}

//Mission.moos(放到bin目录,也就是可执行文件的目录下)SeverPort = 9000Severhost = localhostProcessConfig = Emergency{    KeepingDepth = 2000    KeepDepthMaxTime = 10}

//CMakeLists.txt# Set System Specific Librariesif (${WIN32})  SET(SYSTEM_LIBS    wsock32)else (${WIN32})  SET(SYSTEM_LIBS    m    pthread)endif (${WIN32})SET(SRC   Emergency.cpp   main.cpp)ADD_EXECUTABLE(Emergency ${SRC})TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Emergency   MOOS   MOOSGen   MOOSUtility   contacts   mbutil   geometry   ${SYSTEM_LIBS})# Install TargetsINSTALL(TARGETS Emergency  RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin)





  • 另外写一个应用,发布”CURRENT_DEPTH”和”AUV_STATUS”消息
  • 利用MOOS中自带的一个工具”uMS”向MOOSDB中发送数据。



  1. 启动MOOSDB(如果之前已经启动过MOOSDB可以忽略此步骤,启动方法为在终端中直接输入MOOSDB,回车即可)
  2. 启动uMS(启动方法为在终端中直接输入uMS,回车即可),然后在uMS图形话界面中点击”Connect”


  3. 启动你新写的应用(启动完成后,你会看到此应用在MOOSDB和uMS中可以被检测到)
  4. 在uMS中发布”Heading”或者”VehicleStatus”变量。两种方法如下:
    myoung@myoung-linux:~$ uPokeDB VehicleStatus=stopall



//main.cpp#include "Simulator.h"int main(int argc, char* argv[]){    const char* sMissionFile = "Mission.moos";    const char* sMOOSName = "MyMOOSApp2";    switch (argc)    {    case 3:        sMOOSName = argv[2];    case 2:        sMissionFile = argv[1];    }    CSimulator TheApp;    TheApp.Run(sMOOSName, sMissionFile);    return 0;}

//Simulator.h#ifndef _SIMULATOR_H_#define _SIMULATOR_H_#include <MOOSLIB/MOOSApp.h>class CSimulator:public CMOOSApp{public:    CSimulator();    virtual ~CSimulator();protected:    bool OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail);    bool Iterate();    bool OnConnectToServer();    bool OnStartUp();};#endif

//Simulator.cpp#include "Simulator.h"#include <math.h>CSimulator::CSimulator(){}CSimulator::~CSimulator(){}bool CSimulator::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    return true;}bool CSimulator::OnConnectToServer(){    return true;}bool CSimulator::Iterate(){    static int k = 0;    if (k++%10 == 0)    {        static double dfHeading = 0;        dfHeading+=MOOSWhiteNoise(0.1);        m_Comms.Notify("Heading", dfHeading, MOOSTime());            }    if (k%35 == 0)    {        static double dfVolts = 100;        dfVolts-=fabs(MOOSWhiteNoise(0.1));        std::string sStatus = MOOSFormat("Status=%s, BatteryVoltage=%.2f, Bilge = %s",            dfVolts > 50.0? "Good":"Bad",            dfVolts,            k%100 > 50? "On":"Off");        m_Comms.Notify("VehicleStatus", sStatus, MOOSTime());    }    return true;}bool CSimulator::OnStartUp(){    return true;}

//Mission.moosServerPort = 9000Serverhost = localhostProcessConfig = Simulator{    //设置Iterate调用频率    AppTick = 10    //设置与MOOSDB交流频率    CommsTick = 10    //机器人名称    VehicleName = AUV    //其它参数    InitialLocation = [3*1]{0, 1, 2}    InitialConditions = Bilge = off, BatteryVoltage = 101,    Heading = 0.57}









ProcessConfig = ProcessName{    //参数值    ParameterName = Value}



  • CommTick决定了该应用和MOOSDB通信的频率

    • f = 1/CommTick Hz
  • AppTick决定了Iterate被调用的频率(大约频率)

    • f = 1/AppTick Hz

6.2 解析配置文件


#include "Simulator.h"#include <math.h>CSimulator::CSimulator(){}CSimulator::~CSimulator(){}bool CSimulator::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    return true;}bool CSimulator::OnConnectToServer(){    return true;}bool CSimulator::Iterate(){    static int k = 0;    if (k++%10 == 0)    {        m_dfHeading += MOOSWhiteNoise(0.1);        std::string sVarName = m_sVehicleName+"_Heading";        m_Comms.Notify(sVarName, m_dfHeading, MOOSTime());    }    if (k%35 == 0)    {        m_dfBatteryVoltage -= fabs(MOOSWhiteNoise(0.1));        std::string sStatus = MOOSFormat("Status = %s,            BatteryVoltage = %.2f, bilge = %s",            m_dfBatteryVoltage > 50.0? "Good":"Bad",            m_dfBatteryVoltage,            m_sBilge.c_str());        std::string sVarName = m_sVehicleName + "_Status";        m_Comms.Notify(m_sVehicleName, sStatus, MOOSTime());    }    return true;}bool CSimulator::OnStartUp(){    m_sVehicleName = "UnNamed";    if (!m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("VehicleName",         m_sVehicleName))    {        MOOSTrace("Warning parameter \"VehicleName\" not             specified. Using default of \"%s\" \n",             m_sVehicleName.c_str());    }    std::vector<double> vInitialLocation(3, 0.0);    int nRows = vInitialLocation.size();    int nCols = 1;    if (!m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("InitialLocation",         vInitialLocation, nRows, nCols))    {        MOOSTrace("Warning parameter \"InitialLocation\" not             specified. Using default of \"%s\" \n",             DoubleVector2String(vInitialLocation).c_str());    }    std::string sComplex;    if (m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("InitialConditions", sComplex))    {        m_sBilge = "off";        MOOSValFromString(m_sBilge, sComplex, "bilge");        m_dfBatteryVoltage = 100.0;        MOOSValFromString(m_dfBatteryVoltage, sComplex, "BatteryVoltage");        m_dfHeading = 0;        MOOSValFromString(m_dfHeading, sComplex, "Heading");    }    else    {        return MOOSFail("no \"InitialConditions\"             specified in mission file (compulsory)\n");    }    MOOSTrace("Verbose Summary:\n");    MOOSTrace("\tVehicle is called %s\n", m_sVehicleName.c_str());    MOOSTrace("\tInitial Location is : %s\n",         DoubleVector2String(vInitialLocation).c_str());    MOOSTrace("\tHeading is : %f\n", m_dfHeading);    MOOSTrace("\tBatteryVoltage is %s\n", m_sBilge.c_str());    return true;}

SeverPort = 9000Severhost = localhostProcessConfig = Simulator{    AppTick = 10    CommsTick = 10    VehicleName = TheGoodShipMOOS    InitialLocation = [3*1]{0, 1, 2}    InitialConditions = Bilge = off, BatteryVoltage = 101, Heading = 0.57}

6.3 AppTick 和 CommsTick 的作用


  • CommsTick决定了该应用与MOOSDB通信的频率
    • f = 1/CommsTick Hz
  • AppTick决定了Iterate函数被调用的频率
    • f = 1/AppTick Hz


7 CMOOSVariables



//摘自MOOSApp.h/*添加一个动态变量参数: sName   该动态变量的变量名sSubscribeName  更新变量时MOOSDB中的变量名(使用方法见下面的更新变量)sPublishName    发布变量时MOOSDB中的变量名(使用方法见下面的发布变量)CommsTime       更新频率(1/CommsTime)如果是更新变量,则"sPublishName"为空如果是发布变量,则"sSubscribeName"为空*/bool AddMOOSVariable(std::string sName, std::string sSubscribeName,     std::string sPublishName, double dfCommsTime);//返回变量sName的指针CMOOSVariable * GetMOOSVar(std::string sName);//更新变量时用,用以注册MOOSDB中的变量bool RegisterMOOSVariables();//更新变量时用,用以更新本地的变量值bool UpdateMOOSVariables(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail);//当动态变量是"double"类型时,使用此函数为该变量赋值bool SetMOOSVar(const std::string & sName, const std::string &sVal, double dfTime);//当动态变量是"string"类型时,使用此函数为该变量赋值bool SetMOOSVar(const std::string & sVarName, double dfVal, double dfTime);//发布变量时使用,用以更新MOOSDB中的变量值bool PublishFreshMOOSVariables();



  1. AddMOOSVariable(“X”, “”, “GPS_X”, 0);
  2. PublishFreshMOOSVariables();



  1. AddMOOSVariable(“Temp”, “ENGINE_TEMP”, “”, 0);
  2. RegisterMOOSVariables();
  3. UpdateMOOSVariables(NewMail);



1. 进程运行时间
2. 到目前为止发布过的所有消息名
3. 当前正在发布的所有消息名

对于状态字符串中的内容,我们可以通过重载std::string CMOOSApp::MakeStatusString()来自定义状态字符串包含的内容,CMOOSApp会优先选择重载的此函数。




//CMOOSApp.h///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   MOOS - Mission Oriented Operating Suite////   A suit of Applications and Libraries for Mobile Robotics Research//   Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology and//   Oxford University.////   This software was written by Paul Newman at MIT 2001-2002 and Oxford//   University 2003-2005. email:   This file is part of a  MOOS Core Component.////   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or//   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as//   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the//   License, or (at your option) any later version.////   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of//   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU//   General Public License for more details.////   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License//   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software//   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA//   02111-1307, USA.////////////////////////////    END_GPL    //////////////////////////////////// MOOSApp.h: interface for the CMOOSApp class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifndef MOOSAPPH#define MOOSAPPH#include <MOOSGenLib/MOOSGenLib.h>#include "MOOSCommClient.h"#define DEFAULT_MOOS_APP_COMMS_FREQ 5#define DEFAULT_MOOS_APP_FREQ 5#define MOOS_MAX_APP_FREQ 50#define MOOS_MAX_COMMS_FREQ 200#define STATUS_PERIOD 2#include "MOOSVariable.h"#include <set>#include <map>typedef std::map<std::string,CMOOSVariable> MOOSVARMAP;/** This is a class from which all MOOS component applications can be derivedmain() will typically end with a call to MOOSAppDerivedClass::Run(). It providesautomatic connection to the MOOSDB, provides slots for Mail Processing and applicationwork, callbacks for connection/disconnection to MOOSDB, Configuration file reading anddynamic (runtime) variables. Definately worth getting to know. */class CMOOSApp{public:    CMOOSApp();    virtual ~CMOOSApp();protected:    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    //                       THE MOST IMPORTANT AND USEFUL MEMBERS    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////public:    /**called to start the application    @param sName The name of this application (used to read configuration from a mission file and if sSubscribeName is NULL, to register with the MOOSDB)    @param the name of the mission file    @param the subscribe name of the application. If NULL then sName    */    bool Run( const char * sName,const char * sMissionFile,const char * sSubscribeName);    bool Run( const char * sName,const char * sMissionFile);    /** Called when the class has succesully connected to the server. Overload this function    and place use it to register for notification when variables of interest change */    virtual bool OnConnectToServer();    /** Called when the class has disconnects from  the server. Put code you want to run when this happens in a virtual version of this method*/    virtual bool OnDisconnectFromServer();    /** requests the MOOSApp to quit (i.e return from Run)*/    bool RequestQuit();protected:    /** called when the application should iterate. Overload this function in a derived class    and within it write all the application specific code. It will be called at approximately    nFreq = 1/AppTick Hz*/    virtual bool Iterate();    /** called when new mail has arrived. Overload this method in a derived class to process new mail.    It will be called at approximately 1/CommsTick Hz. In this function you'll most likely interate over the    collection of mail message received or call a m_Comms::PeekMail() to look for a specific named message.    @param NewMail a list of new mail messages*/    virtual bool OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST & NewMail);    /** optionally (see ::EnableCommandMessageFiltering() ) called when a command message (<MOOSNAME>_CMD) is recieved by the application.    @param a copy of CmdMsg the message purporting to be a "command" - i.e. has the name <MOOSNAME>_CMD */    virtual bool OnCommandMsg(CMOOSMsg Msg);    /** make a status string - overload this in a derived class if you want to modify or what the statuts string looks like */    virtual std::string MakeStatusString();    /** The MOOSComms node. All communications happens by way of this object. You'll often do things like  m_Comms.Notify("VARIABLE_X","STRING_DATA",dfTime) top send data */    CMOOSCommClient m_Comms;    /** Set the time between calls into the DB - can be set using the CommsTick flag in the config file*/    bool SetCommsFreq(unsigned int nFreq);    /** Set the time  between calls of ::Iterate (which is where you'll probably do Application work)- can be set using the AppTick flag in the config file*/    void SetAppFreq(double dfFreq);    /** return the boot time of the App */    double GetAppStartTime();    /**a very useful object that lets us retrieve configuration information from the mission file using calls like ::GetConfigurationParam() */    CProcessConfigReader m_MissionReader;    /** A function which Run eventually calls which itself  calls on NewMail and Iterate*/    bool DoRunWork();    /** sets the error state of the app and a comment  - this is published as a field in <PROCNAME>_STATUS */    void SetAppError(bool bFlag, const std::string & sReason);    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    //                       UTITLITY  METHODS    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    /** Called to set the MOOS server info used rarely usually this info will be picked up by the MOOSApp    automatically when it ::Run is called specifying the configuration file (which contains the DB's coordinates)    @param sServerHost name of the machine hosting the MOOSDB application    @param lPort port nuymber that MOOSDB listens on*/    void SetServer(const char * sServerHost="LOCALHOST",long lPort=9000);    /** By default MOOSDB comms are on - but you may want to use the structuire of MOOSApp as a standalone    application - if so call this function with a false parameter*/    bool UseMOOSComms(bool bUse);    /** call to say if you want mail to be delivered sorted by time*/    void SortMailByTime(bool bSort=true){m_bSortMailByTime = bSort;};    /** set to true to make the App sensitive (and quit) to Iterate() returning false*/    void SetQuitOnFailedIterate(bool bQuit){m_bQuitOnIterateFail = bQuit;};    /**  Call this to write a debug string to the DB under the name "MOOS_DEBUG"  */    bool MOOSDebugWrite(const std::string & sTxt);    /** enable/disable the behind the scenes search for command messages */    void EnableCommandMessageFiltering(bool bEnable);    /** Allow ::Iterate to be called without a connection to a DB*/    void EnableIterateWithoutComms(bool bEnable);    /** dispatching function for ::OnCommandMsg */    bool LookForAndHandleAppCommand(MOOSMSG_LIST & NewMail);    /** return the application name */    std::string GetAppName();    /** return the application mission file name */    std::string GetMissionFileName();    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    //  DYNAMIC VARIABLES  - AN OPTIONAL GARNISH    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    /** Add a dynamic (run time) variable        @param sName name of the variable        @param sSubscribeName if you call RegisterMOOSVariables() the variable will be updated with mail        called <sSubscribeName> if and when you call UpdateMOOSVariables()        @param sPublishName  if you call PublishFreshMOOSVariables() (and you've written to the dynamic varible since the last call) the variable will be published under this name.        @param CommsTime - if sSubscribeName is not empty this is the minimum time between updates which you are interested in knowing about, so if CommsTime=0.1 then the maximum update rate you will see on the variable from the DB is 10HZ. */    bool AddMOOSVariable(std::string sName,std::string sSubscribeName,std::string sPublishName,double dfCommsTime);    /** Sets the value of a previously added dynamic variable to the given CMOOSVariable.     * @return \c true if the variable's type and value were set, \c false otherwise.   */    bool SetMOOSVar(const CMOOSVariable& MOOSVar);    /** return a pointer to a named variable */    CMOOSVariable * GetMOOSVar(std::string sName);    /** Register with the DB to be mailed about any changes to any dynamic variables which were created with non-empty sSubscribeName fields */    bool RegisterMOOSVariables();    /** Pass mail (usually collected in OnNewMail) to the set of dynamic variables. If they are interested (mail name matches their subscribe name) they will update themselves automatically */    bool UpdateMOOSVariables(MOOSMSG_LIST & NewMail);    /** Set  value in a dynamic variable if the variable is of type double (type is set on first write )*/    bool SetMOOSVar(const std::string & sName,const std::string & sVal,double dfTime);    /** Set  value in a dynamic variable if the variable is of type string (type is set on first write ) */    bool SetMOOSVar(const std::string & sVarName,double dfVal,double dfTime);    /** Send any variables (under their sPublishName see AddMOOSVariable)  which been written too since the last call of PublishFreshMOOSVariables()*/    bool PublishFreshMOOSVariables();    /** a map of dynamic/run time moos variables that may be set by comms - avoid messy long    if else if statements */    MOOSVARMAP m_MOOSVars;    /** Returns true if Simulate = true is found in the mission/configuration file (a global flag) - the mission file is not re-read on each call */    bool IsSimulateMode();    /** flag saying whether MOOS is running with a simulator    can be set by registering for SIMULATION_MODE variable*/    bool m_bSimMode;    /** called just before the main app loop is entered. Specific initialisation code can be written    in an overloaded version of this function */    virtual bool OnStartUp();    /** start up the comms */    virtual bool ConfigureComms();    /** Port on which server application listens for new connection */    long m_lServerPort;    /** name of machine on which MOOS Server resides */    std::string m_sServerHost;    /** std::string version of m_lServerPort*/    std::string m_sServerPort;    /** true if the server has been set */    bool m_bServerSet;    /** true if we want to use MOOS comms */    bool m_bUseMOOSComms;    /** name of this application */    std::string m_sAppName;    /** subscribe name of application usually by default this will be m_sAppName*/    std::string m_sMOOSName;    /** frequency at which server will be contacted */    int m_nCommsFreq;    /** frequency at which this application will iterate */    double m_dfFreq;    /** std::string name of mission file */    std::string m_sMissionFile;    /** flag specifying whether command message fitlering is enabled */    bool m_bCommandMessageFiltering;    /** flag to say whether or not App should quit after an Iterate returns false*/    bool m_bQuitOnIterateFail;    /** The start time of the application */    double m_dfAppStartTime;    /** Time at which the Run loop last ran (called Iterate)**/    double m_dfLastRunTime;    /**should mail be handed to the user sorted by increasing time*/    bool m_bSortMailByTime;    /** string that should be written to the status string if the App Error flag is true */    std::string m_sAppError;    /** flag specifying the error state of the App - set via SetAppError()*/    bool m_bAppError;    /** Time since last iterate was called*/    double GetTimeSinceIterate();    /** Return time at which the Run loop last ran (called Iterate) - this is a local time - you need     to add GetMOOSSKew to produce a unified system time**/    double GetLastIterateTime();    /** return number of times iterate has been called*/    int GetIterateCount();    /** returns true if we can iterate without comms*/    bool CanIterateWithoutComms();    /** returns the string which constitutes a command string for this application.    if CommandFiltering is enabled (see EnableCommandMessageFiltering() ) the    application will filter incoming mail and Call OnCommandMsg() (which can be overiden)    if a message with this command string as a name is received. Command strings look    like APPNAME_CMD */    std::string GetCommandKey();    bool m_bDebug;    bool   IsDebug(){return m_bDebug;};public:    /**these two functions are used to handle private MOOSApp work that    need to occur on behalf of derived classes at the same time as the    overloaded OnConnectToServer and OnDisconnectFromServer methods are    called. They are public to allow their invokation from a call back. They    are not interesting to the casual user*/    void OnDisconnectToServerPrivate();    void OnConnectToServerPrivate();    bool OnMailCallBack();    /* by calling this function Iterate and OnNewMail will be     called from the thread that is servicing the MOOS Comms client. It     is provided to let really very specialised MOOSApps have very speedy     response times. It is not recommended for general use*/    bool UseMailCallBack();private:    /* this function is used to process mail on behalf of the client just before       the derived OnNewMail is invoked - it has no interest to the casual user*/    void OnNewMailPrivate(MOOSMSG_LIST & NewMail);    /* and this is a private iterate - we may need to regularly do things behind the scenes */    void IteratePrivate();    /**can we iterate without comms*/    bool m_bIterateWithoutComms;private:    /** Number of times Application has cycled */    int m_nIterateCount;    /** Number of  Application has had new mail */    int m_nMailCount;    /** last time a status message was sent */    double m_dfLastStatusTime;    /** called before starting the Application running. If parameters have not beedn set correctly    it prints a help statement and returns false */    bool CheckSetUp();    /** ::Run continues forever or until this variable is false*/    bool m_bQuitRequested;};#endif

//CMOOSApp.cpp///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   MOOS - Mission Oriented Operating Suite////   A suit of Applications and Libraries for Mobile Robotics Research//   Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology and//   Oxford University.////   This software was written by Paul Newman at MIT 2001-2002 and Oxford//   University 2003-2005. email:   This file is part of a  MOOS Core Component.////   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or//   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as//   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the//   License, or (at your option) any later version.////   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of//   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU//   General Public License for more details.////   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License//   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software//   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA//   02111-1307, USA.////////////////////////////    END_GPL    //////////////////////////////////// MOOSApp.cpp: implementation of the CMOOSApp class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifdef _WIN32#pragma warning(disable : 4786)#pragma warning(disable : 4503)#endif#include "MOOSGlobalHelper.h"#include "MOOSApp.h"#include <cmath>#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <iterator>using namespace std;// predicate for sorting on timebool MOOSMsgTimeSorter(const CMOOSMsg  &M1, const CMOOSMsg &M2) {    return (M1.GetTime() < M2.GetTime());}////////////////////////////////////////////////////  these are file-scope methods which allow//  redirection of a call back into the CMOOSApp Class//  they don't concern the average user...///////////////////////////////////////////////////bool MOOSAPP_OnConnect(void * pParam){    if(pParam!=NULL)    {        CMOOSApp* pApp = (CMOOSApp*)pParam;        //we may have private work to do        pApp->OnConnectToServerPrivate();        //client work        return pApp->OnConnectToServer();    }    return false;}bool MOOSAPP_OnDisconnect(void * pParam){    if(pParam!=NULL)    {        CMOOSApp* pApp = (CMOOSApp*)pParam;        //private work        pApp->OnDisconnectToServerPrivate();        //client work        return pApp->OnDisconnectFromServer();    }    return false;}bool MOOSAPP_OnMail(void *pParam){    if(pParam!=NULL)    {        CMOOSApp* pApp = (CMOOSApp*)pParam;        //client mail work        return pApp->OnMailCallBack();    }    return false;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Construction/Destruction//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CMOOSApp::CMOOSApp(){    m_dfFreq=DEFAULT_MOOS_APP_FREQ;    m_nCommsFreq=DEFAULT_MOOS_APP_COMMS_FREQ;    m_nIterateCount = 0;    m_nMailCount = 0;    m_bServerSet = false;    m_dfAppStartTime = -1;    m_bDebug = false;    m_bSimMode = false;    m_bUseMOOSComms = true;    m_dfLastRunTime = -1;    m_bCommandMessageFiltering = false;    m_dfLastStatusTime = -1;    m_bSortMailByTime = true;    m_bAppError = false;    m_bQuitOnIterateFail = false;    m_bQuitRequested = false;    SetMOOSTimeWarp(1.0);    EnableIterateWithoutComms(false);}CMOOSApp::~CMOOSApp(){}//this is an overloaded 3 parameter version which allows explicit setting of the registration namebool CMOOSApp::Run(const char * sName,const char * sMissionFile,const char * sMOOSName){    //fill in specialised MOOSName    m_sMOOSName = sMOOSName;    return Run(sName,sMissionFile);}//the main MOOSApp Run functionbool CMOOSApp::Run( const char * sName,                    const char * sMissionFile){    //save absolutely crucial info...    m_sAppName      = sName;    m_sMissionFile  = sMissionFile;    m_MissionReader.SetAppName(m_sAppName);    //by default we will     if(m_sMOOSName.empty())        m_sMOOSName=m_sAppName;    //can we see the mission file    if(sMissionFile!=NULL)    {        if(!m_MissionReader.SetFile(m_sMissionFile.c_str()))        {            MOOSTrace("Warning Mission File \"%s\" not found...\n",m_sMissionFile.c_str());        }        if(1)        {            //what is the global time warp            double dfTimeWarp = 1.0;            if(m_MissionReader.GetValue("MOOSTimeWarp", dfTimeWarp))            {                SetMOOSTimeWarp(dfTimeWarp);            }            //are we expected to use MOOS comms?            m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("UseMOOSComms",m_bUseMOOSComms);            //are we being asked to sort mail by time..            m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("SortMailByTime",m_bSortMailByTime);            //are we in debug mode            m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("DEBUG",m_bDebug);            //are we in simulator mode?            string sSim;            if(m_MissionReader.GetValue("SIMULATOR",sSim))            {                m_bSimMode = MOOSStrCmp(sSim,"TRUE");            }            //are we in playback mode            string sPlayBack;            if(m_MissionReader.GetValue("PLAYBACK",sPlayBack))            {                SetMOOSPlayBack(MOOSStrCmp(sPlayBack,"TRUE"));            }            //OK now figure out our tick speeds  above what is set by default            //in derived class constructors this can be set in the process config block            //by the mission architect            m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("APPTICK",m_dfFreq);            //do we want to enable command filtering (default is set in constructor)            m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("CatchCommandMessages",m_bCommandMessageFiltering);        }    }    //what time did we start?    m_dfAppStartTime = MOOSTime();    //can we start the communications ?    if(m_bUseMOOSComms)    {        if(!ConfigureComms())        {            return false;        }        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        //OK we are going to wait for a conenction to be established        // this is a little harsh but it saves derived classes having to        // hold off connecting to the server until ready        // but we will only hang around for 1 second...        // so it is possible that notifies will fail...but very unlikely        // note this is not a hack! just being helpful. Ths success of an        // application is NOT dependent on this        int t = 0;        int dT = 50;        while(!m_Comms.IsConnected())        {            MOOSPause(dT);            t+=dT;            if(t>5000)                break;        }        //give iostream time to write comms start details up to screen..this is not really necessary        //as the code is thread is aesthetic only        MOOSPause(500);    }    /** let derivatives do stuff before execution*/    if(!OnStartUp())    {        MOOSTrace("Derived OnStartUp() returned false... Quitting\n");        return false;    }    MOOSTrace("%s is Running:\n",GetAppName().c_str());    MOOSTrace("\t AppTick   @ %.1f Hz\n",m_dfFreq);    MOOSTrace("\t CommsTick @ %d Hz\n",m_nCommsFreq);    if(GetMOOSTimeWarp()!=1.0)        MOOSTrace("\t Time Warp @ %.1f \n",GetMOOSTimeWarp());    /****************************  THE MAIN MOOS APP LOOP **********************************/    while(!m_bQuitRequested)    {        if(!m_Comms.HasMailCallBack())        {            bool bOK = DoRunWork();            if(m_bQuitOnIterateFail && !bOK)                return MOOSFail("MOOSApp Exiting as requested");        }        else            MOOSPause(1000);    }    /***************************   END OF MOOS APP LOOP ***************************************/    return true;}/*called by a third party to request a MOOS App to quit - only useful for  example if a MOOSApp is run in a secondary thread */bool CMOOSApp::RequestQuit(){    m_bQuitRequested = true;    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::DoRunWork(){    //look for mail    double dfT1 = MOOSLocalTime();    //local vars    MOOSMSG_LIST MailIn;    if(m_bUseMOOSComms)    {        if( m_Comms.Fetch(MailIn))        {            /////////////////////////////            //   process mail            if(m_bSortMailByTime)                MailIn.sort(MOOSMsgTimeSorter);            //call our own private version            OnNewMailPrivate(MailIn);            //classes will have their own personal versions of this            OnNewMail(MailIn);            m_nMailCount++;        }        if(m_Comms.IsConnected() ||  CanIterateWithoutComms() )        {            //do private work            IteratePrivate();            //////////////////////////////////////            //  do application specific processing            bool bOK = Iterate();            if(m_bQuitOnIterateFail && !bOK)                return false;            m_nIterateCount++;        }    }    else    {        //do private work        IteratePrivate();        /////////////////////////////////////////        //  do application specific processing        bool bOK = Iterate();        if(m_bQuitOnIterateFail && !bOK)            return false;        m_nIterateCount++;    }    //store for derived class use the last time iterate was called;    m_dfLastRunTime = MOOSLocalTime();    //sleep    if(m_dfFreq>0)    {        int nElapsedTime_ms  = static_cast<int> (1000.0*(m_dfLastRunTime-dfT1));        int nRequiredWait_ms = static_cast<int> (1000.0/m_dfFreq);        if (nElapsedTime_ms < 0) nElapsedTime_ms = 0;        int nSleep = (nRequiredWait_ms - nElapsedTime_ms);        //a 10 ms sleep is a good as you are likely to get, if we are being told to sleep less than this we may as well        //tick once more and let the OS schedule us appropriately        if(nSleep>10 && !m_Comms.HasMailCallBack())        {            MOOSPause(nSleep);        }    }    return true;}void CMOOSApp::SetServer(const char *sServerHost, long lPort){    m_sServerHost = sServerHost;    m_lServerPort = lPort;    m_bServerSet = true;}bool CMOOSApp::CheckSetUp(){    if(m_sServerHost.empty())    {        MOOSTrace("MOOS Server host not specified\n");        return false;    }    if(m_lServerPort==0)    {        MOOSTrace("MOOS Server port not specified\n");        return false;    }    return true;}void CMOOSApp::SetAppError(bool bErr, const std::string & sErr){    m_bAppError = bErr;    m_sAppError =  m_bAppError ? sErr : "";}/////////////////// EXPERIMENTAL July 2008 ////////////////////bool CMOOSApp::UseMailCallBack(){    /* by calling this function Iterate and OnNewMail will be     called from the thread that is servicing the MOOS Comms client. It     is provided to let really very specialised MOOSApps have very speedy     response times. It is not recommended for general use*/    m_Comms.SetOnMailCallBack(MOOSAPP_OnMail,this);    return true;}////////////////////// DEFAULT HANDLERS //////////////////////bool CMOOSApp::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::Iterate(){    if(m_nIterateCount==0)    {        MOOSTrace("Warning default Iterate handler invoked...doing nothing\n");    }    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::OnConnectToServer(){    MOOSTrace("- default OnConnectToServer called\n");    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::OnDisconnectFromServer(){    MOOSTrace("- default OnDisconnectFromServer called\n");    return true;}/** this is a call back from MOOSComms and its use is specialised (not for general consumption)*/bool CMOOSApp::OnMailCallBack(){    return DoRunWork();}bool CMOOSApp::OnCommandMsg(CMOOSMsg  CmdMsg){    MOOSTrace("- default OnCommandMsg called\n");    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::ConfigureComms(){    if(!m_MissionReader.GetValue("SERVERHOST",m_sServerHost))    {        MOOSTrace("Warning Server host not read from mission file: assuming LOCALHOST\n");        m_sServerHost = "LOCALHOST";    }    if(!m_MissionReader.GetValue("SERVERPORT",m_sServerPort))    {        MOOSTrace("Warning Server port not read from mission file: assuming 9000\n");        m_sServerPort = "9000";    }    m_lServerPort = atoi(m_sServerPort.c_str());    if(m_lServerPort==0)    {        m_lServerPort = 9000;        MOOSTrace("Warning Server port not read from mission file: assuming 9000\n");    }    if(!CheckSetUp())        return false;    //OK now figure out our speeds etc above what is set by default    //in derived class constructors    m_MissionReader.GetConfigurationParam("COMMSTICK",m_nCommsFreq);    m_nCommsFreq = m_nCommsFreq <0 ? 1 : m_nCommsFreq;    //register a callback for On Connect    m_Comms.SetOnConnectCallBack(MOOSAPP_OnConnect,this);    //and one for the disconnect callback    m_Comms.SetOnDisconnectCallBack(MOOSAPP_OnDisconnect,this);    //start the comms client....    if(m_sMOOSName.empty())        m_sMOOSName = m_sAppName;    m_Comms.Run(m_sServerHost.c_str(),m_lServerPort,m_sMOOSName.c_str(),m_nCommsFreq);    return true;}/** over load this if you want to do something fancy at statup...*/bool CMOOSApp::OnStartUp(){    return true;}int CMOOSApp::GetIterateCount(){    return m_nIterateCount;}double CMOOSApp::GetAppStartTime(){    return m_dfAppStartTime;}void CMOOSApp::SetAppFreq(double  dfFreq){    if(m_dfFreq<=MOOS_MAX_APP_FREQ)    {        m_dfFreq = dfFreq;    }}bool CMOOSApp::SetCommsFreq(unsigned int nFreq){    if(nFreq<=MOOS_MAX_COMMS_FREQ)    {        m_nCommsFreq = nFreq;        return m_Comms.SetCommsTick(m_nCommsFreq);    }    return false;}bool CMOOSApp::IsSimulateMode(){    return m_bSimMode;}bool CMOOSApp::AddMOOSVariable(string sName, string sSubscribeName, string sPublishName,double dfCommsTime){    CMOOSVariable NewVar(sName,sSubscribeName,sPublishName,dfCommsTime);    //does it already exist?    if(m_MOOSVars.find(sName)!=m_MOOSVars.end())        return false;    m_MOOSVars[sName] = NewVar;    return true;}//this function publishes all the fresh variables belong to the//apllication. Useful in many sensor applications!bool CMOOSApp::PublishFreshMOOSVariables(){    MOOSVARMAP::iterator p;    for(p = m_MOOSVars.begin();p!=m_MOOSVars.end();p++)    {        CMOOSVariable & Var = p->second;        if(Var.IsFresh())        {            if(Var.IsDouble())            {                m_Comms.Notify(Var.GetPublishName(),Var.GetDoubleVal(),Var.GetTime());            }            else            {                m_Comms.Notify(Var.GetPublishName(),Var.GetStringVal(),Var.GetTime());            }            Var.SetFresh(false);        }    }    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::SetMOOSVar(const string &sVarName, double dfVal, double dfTime){    MOOSVARMAP::iterator p = m_MOOSVars.find(sVarName);    if(p==m_MOOSVars.end())        return false;    CMOOSVariable & rVar = p->second;    return rVar.Set(dfVal,dfTime);}bool CMOOSApp::SetMOOSVar(const string &sVarName,const  string &sVal, double dfTime){    MOOSVARMAP::iterator p = m_MOOSVars.find(sVarName);    if(p==m_MOOSVars.end())        return false;    CMOOSVariable  & rVar = p->second;    return rVar.Set(sVal,dfTime);}bool CMOOSApp::SetMOOSVar(const CMOOSVariable& Var){    MOOSVARMAP::iterator p = m_MOOSVars.find(Var.GetName ());    if(p==m_MOOSVars.end())        return false;    p->second = Var;    p->second.SetFresh (true);    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::UpdateMOOSVariables(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail){    //we only subscribe to things if we are in simulator mode    MOOSVARMAP::iterator p;    double dfTimeNow = MOOSTime();    for(p = m_MOOSVars.begin();p!=m_MOOSVars.end();p++)    {        CMOOSVariable & rVar = p->second;        CMOOSMsg Msg;        //MOOSTrace("rVar.GetSubscribeName() is %s\n", rVar.GetSubscribeName().c_str());        if(m_Comms.PeekMail(NewMail,rVar.GetSubscribeName(),Msg, false, true))        {            //MOOSTrace("Peek rVar.GetSubscribeName() is %s********\n", rVar.GetSubscribeName().c_str());            if(!Msg.IsSkewed(dfTimeNow))            {                //MOOSTrace("rVar.GetSubscribeName() is not skewed %s\n", rVar.GetSubscribeName().c_str());                rVar.Set(Msg);                rVar.SetFresh(true);            }        }    }    return true;}bool CMOOSApp::RegisterMOOSVariables(){    bool bSuccess = true;    MOOSVARMAP::iterator p;    for(p = m_MOOSVars.begin();p!=m_MOOSVars.end();p++)    {        CMOOSVariable & rVar = p->second;        if(!rVar.GetSubscribeName().empty())        {            double dfCommsTime = rVar.GetCommsTime();            if(dfCommsTime<0)            {                dfCommsTime = 0;            }            bSuccess &= m_Comms.Register(rVar.GetSubscribeName(),dfCommsTime);        }    }    return bSuccess;}bool CMOOSApp::MOOSDebugWrite(const string &sTxt){    if(m_Comms.IsConnected())    {        MOOSTrace(" %s says: %s\n",GetAppName().c_str(),sTxt.c_str());        return m_Comms.Notify("MOOS_DEBUG",sTxt);    }    else    {        return false;    }}bool CMOOSApp::CanIterateWithoutComms(){    return m_bIterateWithoutComms;}void CMOOSApp::EnableIterateWithoutComms(bool bEnable){    m_bIterateWithoutComms = bEnable;}double CMOOSApp::GetTimeSinceIterate(){    return MOOSLocalTime()-m_dfLastRunTime;}double CMOOSApp::GetLastIterateTime(){    return m_dfLastRunTime;}std::string CMOOSApp::GetMissionFileName(){    return m_sMissionFile;}string CMOOSApp::GetAppName(){    return m_sAppName;}bool CMOOSApp::UseMOOSComms(bool bUse){    m_bUseMOOSComms = bUse;    return true;}CMOOSVariable * CMOOSApp::GetMOOSVar(string sName){    MOOSVARMAP::iterator p =  m_MOOSVars.find(sName);    if(p==m_MOOSVars.end())    {        return NULL;    }    else    {        return &(p->second);    }}std::string CMOOSApp::GetCommandKey(){    std::string sCommandKey = GetAppName()+"_CMD";    MOOSToUpper(sCommandKey);    return sCommandKey;}bool CMOOSApp::LookForAndHandleAppCommand(MOOSMSG_LIST & NewMail){    MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator q;    bool bResult = true;    for(q=NewMail.begin();q!=NewMail.end();q++)    {        if(MOOSStrCmp(q->GetKey(),GetCommandKey()))        {            //give a derived class a chance to respond            bResult&= OnCommandMsg(*q);        }    }    return bResult;}void CMOOSApp::EnableCommandMessageFiltering(bool bEnable){    m_bCommandMessageFiltering = bEnable;    if(bEnable)    {        //we had better register for the message        m_Comms.Register(GetCommandKey(),0);    }    else    {        //we are no longer interested        m_Comms.UnRegister(GetCommandKey());    }}std::string CMOOSApp::MakeStatusString(){    std::set<std::string> Published = m_Comms.GetPublished();    std::set<std::string> Registered = m_Comms.GetRegistered();    std::stringstream ssStatus;    ssStatus<<"AppErrorFlag="<<(m_bAppError?"true":"false")<<",";    if(m_bAppError)        ssStatus<<"AppErrorReason="<<m_sAppError<<",";    ssStatus<<"Uptime="<<MOOSTime()-GetAppStartTime()<<",";    ssStatus<<"MOOSName="<<GetAppName()<<",";    ssStatus<<"Publishing=\"";    std::copy(Published.begin(),Published.end(),std::ostream_iterator<string>(ssStatus,","));    ssStatus<<"\",";    ssStatus<<"Subscribing=\"";    std::copy(Registered.begin(),Registered.end(),std::ostream_iterator<string>(ssStatus,","));    ssStatus<<"\"";    return ssStatus.str();}void CMOOSApp::OnDisconnectToServerPrivate(){    return;}//called just before calling a derived classes OnConnectToServer()void CMOOSApp::OnConnectToServerPrivate(){    if(m_bCommandMessageFiltering)    {        m_Comms.Register(GetCommandKey(),0);    }}/** here we do our private mail processing*/void CMOOSApp::OnNewMailPrivate(MOOSMSG_LIST & Mail){    //look to handle a command string    if(m_bCommandMessageFiltering)        LookForAndHandleAppCommand(Mail);}void CMOOSApp::IteratePrivate(){    if(fabs(m_dfLastStatusTime-MOOSTime())>STATUS_PERIOD)    {        std::string sStatus = GetAppName()+"_STATUS";        MOOSToUpper(sStatus);        m_Comms.Notify(sStatus,MakeStatusString());        m_dfLastStatusTime = MOOSTime();    }}

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