
来源:互联网 发布:可以拼长图的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 17:10

Scrapy Item Pipeline学习笔记

Item Pipeline 主要用于从网页抓取(spider)后对数据Item进行收集,写入数据库或文件中。


spider 在获得item后,会传递给item pipeline,进行后续数据收集工作。
在setting中对item pipeline类路径进行配置,scrapy框架会调用该item pipeline类,为了正确调用,
item pipeline类必须按照框架要求实现一些方法。使用者只需关注实现这些方法即可。


下面文件实现了一个简单的item pipeline类,对抓取的新闻数据进行进一步处理并写入文件中。这些方法的功能见注释。
1. 文件:pipelines.py

1. 初始化函数实现非常自由,无需限定参数,只需保证from_crawler类方法能够调用该初始化函数生成相应的实例及可。
2. 框架所使用方法声明参数固定。(保证框架能够正确调用)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Define your item pipelines here## Don't forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting# See: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.htmlclass News2FileFor163Pipeline(object):    """    pipeline: process items given by spider    """    def __init__(self, filepath, filename):        """        init for the pipeline class        """        self.fullname = filepath + '/' + filename        self.id = 0        return    def process_item(self, item, spider):        """        process each items from the spider.        example: check if item is ok or raise DropItem exception.        example: do some process before writing into database.        example: check if item is exist and drop.        """        for element in ("url","source","title","editor","time","content"):            if item[element] is None:                raise DropItem("invalid items url: %s" % str(item["url"]))        self.fs.write("news id: %s" % self.id)        self.fs.write("\n")        self.id += 1        self.fs.write("url: %s" % item["url"][0].strip().encode('UTF-8'))        self.fs.write("\n")        self.fs.write("source: %s" % item["source"][0].strip().encode('UTF-8'))        self.fs.write("\n")        self.fs.write("title: %s" % item["title"][0].strip().encode('UTF-8'))        self.fs.write("\n")        self.fs.write("editor: %s" % item["editor"][0].strip().                      encode('UTF-8').split(':')[1])        self.fs.write("\n")        time_string = item["time"][0].strip().split()        datetime = time_string[0] + ' ' + time_string[1]        self.fs.write("time: %s" % datetime.encode('UTF-8'))        self.fs.write("\n")        content = ""        for para in item["content"]:            content += para.strip().replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '')        self.fs.write("content: %s" % content.encode('UTF-8'))        self.fs.write("\n")        return item    def open_spider(self, spider):        """        called when spider is opened.        do something before pipeline is processing items.        example: do settings or create connection to the database.        """        self.fs = open(self.fullname, 'w+')        return    def close_spider(self, spider):        """        called when spider is closed.        do something after pipeline processing all items.        example: close the database.        """        self.fs.flush()        self.fs.close()        return    @classmethod    def from_crawler(cls, crawler):        """        return an pipeline instance.        example: initialize pipeline object by crawler's setting and components.        """        return cls(crawler.settings.get('ITEM_FILE_PATH'),                   crawler.settings.get('ITEM_FILE_NAME'))
  1. 抓取project中settting.py的相关配置代码
# Configure item pipelines# See http://scrapy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.htmlITEM_PIPELINES = {    'NewsSpiderMan.pipelines.News2FileFor163Pipeline': 300,}


如果抓取数据的内容非常多,使用item pipeline 对数据处理并写入数据库中乃王道。

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