
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网运动鞋女 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 07:17


二、使用Edge npm 包,好处够强大,C#有多强大,他就有多强大。弊端:不能跨平台。如要跨平台的等mono的支持吧,具体我也没有太关注这个东西。


var mssql = require('mssql');var user = "sa",    password = "123456",    server = "",    database = "test";/** * Ĭ��config���� * @type {{user: string, password: string, server: string, database: string, options: {encrypt: boolean}, pool: {min: number, idleTimeoutMillis: number}}} */var config = {    user: user,    password: password,    server: server, // You can use 'localhost\\instance' to connect to named instance    database: database,    options: {        encrypt: true // Use this if you're on Windows Azure    },    pool: {        min: 0,        idleTimeoutMillis: 3000    }};/** * ��ʼ��config * @param user * @param password * @param server * @param database */var initConfig = function (user, password, server, database) {    config = {        user: user,        password: password,        server: server, // You can use 'localhost\\instance' to connect to named instance        database: database,        options: {            encrypt: true // Use this if you're on Windows Azure        },        pool: {            min: 0,            idleTimeoutMillis: 3000        }    }};/** * �ָ�Ĭ��config */var restoreDefaults = function () {    config = {        user: user,        password: password,        server: server, // You can use 'localhost\\instance' to connect to named instance        database: database,        options: {            encrypt: true // Use this if you're on Windows Azure        },        pool: {            min: 0,            idleTimeoutMillis: 3000        }    };};/** * ִ��ԭ��Sql * @param sql * @params ��������(��Ϊ�գ�Ϊ�ձ�ʾ���Ӳ���) * @param callBack(err,recordset) */var querySql = function (sql, params, callBack) {    var connection = new mssql.Connection(config, function (err) {        var ps = new mssql.PreparedStatement(connection);        if (params != "") {            for (var index in params) {                if (typeof params[index] == "number") {                    ps.input(index, mssql.Int);                } else if (typeof params[index] == "string") {                    ps.input(index, mssql.NVarChar);                }            }        }        ps.prepare(sql, function (err) {            if (err)                console.log(err);            ps.execute(params, function (err, recordset) {                callBack(err, recordset);                ps.unprepare(function (err) {                    if (err)                        console.log(err);                });            });        });    });    restoreDefaults();};//querySql("select id as roleId,roleName from dbo.role","",function(err,recordset){//   console.dir(recordset);//});/** * ��������ѯ * @param tableName ���� * @param topNumber ǰtopNumber�� * @param whereSql  whereSql * @param params    ��ѯ�������


var edge = require('edge');var sqlPath = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=test;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=123456;Connect Timeout=180;Pooling=False";var helloWorld = edge.func(function () {/* async (input) => { string str = "2017-12-12 12:12:12"; return str.Substring(0, 7); } */});helloWorld('JavaScript', function (error, result) {    if (error) throw error;    console.log(result);});//var edge = require('edge');var getInsuranceChannelType = edge.func('sql', {    source: function () {/*     select top 2 * from [InsuranceChannelType]     */},    connectionString: sqlPath});getInsuranceChannelType(null, function (error, result) {    if (error) throw error;    console.log(result);    //console.log(result[0].ProductName);    //console.log(result[1].ReorderLevel);});/*exports.findById = function (req, res, next) {    getEmployeeById({ Id: }, function (error, data) {        if (error) {            console.log(error);            res.send(error.message);        }        if (data) {            res.send(data);        }        else {            var noData = [];            res.send(noData);        }    });}*/var getTop10Products = edge.func('sql', {    source: function () {/*     select top 1 * from [InsuranceCompany]     */    },    connectionString: sqlPath});getTop10Products(null, function (error, result) {    if (error) throw error;    console.log(result);   //console.log(result[0].ProductName);   // console.log(result[1].ReorderLevel);});

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