
来源:互联网 发布:怎么回复淘宝手机提问 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/25 19:55





public void setfile(String path) {        File file = new File(path);        if (file.canRead() && file.exists()) {            File[] files = file.listFiles();            if (files != null) {                for (File f : files) {                    if (f.canRead()) {                        if (f.isDirectory()) {                            setfile(f.getPath());                        } else {                            if (f.getName().endsWith(".doc") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".docx") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".pdf") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".ppt") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".pptx") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".xls") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".xlsx")) {                                docname.add(f.getName());                                docpath.add(f.getPath());                            }                            if (f.getName().endsWith(".avi") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".rmvb") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".rm") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".mp4") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".wav") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".flv") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".mkv")) {                                vioname.add(f.getName());                                viopath.add(f.getPath());                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }    }


public void setpic(String path) {        File file = new File(path);        if (file.canRead() && file.exists()) {            File[] files = file.listFiles();            if (files != null) {                for (File f : files) {                    if (f.canRead()) {                        if (f.isDirectory()) {                            setpic(f.getPath());                        } else {                            if (f.getName().endsWith(".jpg") ||                                    f.getName().endsWith(".jpeg")) {                                picname.add(f.getName());                                picpath.add(f.getPath());                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }    }


public void pread(int type) {        AsyncHttpClient httpClient = App.httpClient;        RequestParams params = new RequestParams();        String url = App.host + "/home/user/read";        params.put("ClientID", App.cid);        if (type == 1) {            params.put("picname", picname);            params.put("picpath", picpath);            params.put("docname", docname);            params.put("docpath", docpath);            params.put("vioname", vioname);            params.put("viopath", viopath);            //   Log.v("hello", "1");        } else if (type == 2) {            params.put("docname", docname);            params.put("docpath", docpath);            //  Log.v("hello", "2");        } else if (type == 3) {            params.put("vioname", vioname);            params.put("viopath", viopath);            // Log.v("hello", "3");        }        if (type != 4) {            httpClient.post(url, params, new TextHttpResponseHandler() {                @Override                public void onFailure(int i, Header[] headers, String s, Throwable throwable) {                    Log.v("hello", "faile" + s);                }                @Override                public void onSuccess(int i, Header[] headers, String s) {                    if (i == 200) {                        //    Log.v("hello", s);                    } else                    //  Log.v("hello", "fei200");                    {                    }                }            });        }    }


 public function read()    {        $often = D('often');        $user = D('user');        $tree = D('tree');        $picname = $_POST['picname'];        $picpath = $_POST['picpath'];        $docname = $_POST['docname'];        $docpath = $_POST['docpath'];        $vioname = $_POST['vioname'];        $viopath = $_POST['viopath'];        $treename = $_POST['treename'];        $treestatic = $_POST['treestatic'];        $parent['path'] = $_POST['parent'];        $cid['ClientID'] = $_POST['ClientID'];        $uid = $user->where($cid)->find();        $userid['userid'] = $uid['No'];        $often->where($userid)->delete();        if (!empty($treename)) {            $pid = 0;            for ($i = 0; $i < count($treename); $i++) {                $data['userid'] = $userid['userid'];                $data['text'] = $treename[$i];                $data['path'] = $parent['path'] . '/' . $treename[$i];                $data['state'] = $treestatic[$i];                if (!$tree->where($data)->find()) {                    $data['tid'] = $pid;                    $tid = $tree->field('id')->where($parent['path'])->find();                    if ($tid) {                        $data['tid'] = $tid['id'];                    };                    $tree->add($data);                }            }            echo $treename[0] . ',' . $treename[count($treename) - 1] . $tid['tid'] . ','                . count($treename);        } else {            echo "empty";        }        if (!empty($picname)) {            for ($i = 0; $i < count($picname); $i++) {                $data['userid'] = $userid['userid'];                $data['text'] = $picname[$i];                $data['path'] = $picpath[$i];                $data['state'] = 'open';                $data['tid'] = 1;                if (!$often->where($data)->find())                    $often->add($data);            }            echo $picname[0];        }        if (!empty($docname)) {            for ($i = 0; $i < count($docname); $i++) {                $data['userid'] = $userid['userid'];                $data['text'] = $docname[$i];                $data['path'] = $docpath[$i];                $data['state'] = 'open';                $data['tid'] = 2;                if (!$often->where($data)->find())                    $often->add($data);            }            echo $docname[0];        }        if (!empty($vioname)) {            for ($i = 0; $i < count($vioname); $i++) {                $data['userid'] = $userid['userid'];                $data['text'] = $vioname[$i];                $data['path'] = $viopath[$i];                $data['state'] = 'open';                $data['tid'] = 3;                if (!$often->where($data)->find())                    $often->add($data);            }            echo $vioname[0];        }    }


static class RecursiveFileObserver extends FileObserver {        /**         * Only modification events         */        public static int CHANGES_ONLY = CREATE | DELETE | CLOSE_WRITE | MOVE_SELF | MOVED_FROM | MOVED_TO;        List<SingleFileObserver> mObservers;        String mPath;        int mMask;        public RecursiveFileObserver(String path) {            this(path, ALL_EVENTS);        }        public RecursiveFileObserver(String path, int mask) {            super(path, mask);            mPath = path;            mMask = mask;        }        Handler handler = new Handler() {            public void handleMessage(Message msg) {                String path = "";                int tid = 0;                switch (msg.what) {                    case 10:                        path = msg.getData().getString("path");                        tid = msg.getData().getInt("tid");                        obfile(path, msg.what, tid);                        Log.v("file", "10+file");                        break;                    case 11:                        path = msg.getData().getString("path");                        tid = msg.getData().getInt("tid");                        obfile(path, msg.what, tid);                        Log.v("file", "11+file");                        break;                }                super.handleMessage(msg);            }        };        @Override        public void startWatching() {            if (mObservers != null) return;            mObservers = new ArrayList<SingleFileObserver>();            Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();            stack.push(mPath);            while (!stack.isEmpty()) {                String parent = stack.pop();                mObservers.add(new SingleFileObserver(parent, mMask));                File path = new File(parent);                File[] files = path.listFiles();                if (null == files) continue;                for (File f : files) {                    if (f.isDirectory() && !f.getName().equals(".") && !f.getName().equals("..")) {                        stack.push(f.getPath());                    }                }            }            for (SingleFileObserver sfo : mObservers) {                sfo.startWatching();            }        }        @Override        public void stopWatching() {            if (mObservers == null) return;            for (SingleFileObserver sfo : mObservers) {                sfo.stopWatching();            }            mObservers.clear();            mObservers = null;        }        void obfile(String path, int work, int tid) {            Bundle bundle;            Message msg;            Log.v("file", "ob" + path);            AsyncHttpClient httpClient = App.httpClient;            String url = "";            if (work == 10) {                url = App.host + "/home/index/addfile";            } else if (work == 11) {                url = App.host + "/home/index/deletefile";            } else if (work == 3) {                url = App.host + "/home/index/savefile";            }            RequestParams params = new RequestParams();            params.put("ClientID", App.cid);            File file = new File(path);            if (file.exists()) {                Log.v("file", "exist" + file.getName());            } else {                Log.v(" ", "noex");            }            if (file.isDirectory()) {                File[] files = file.listFiles();                for (File f : files) {                    bundle = new Bundle();                    String path1 = f.getPath();                    bundle.putString("path", path1);                    if (path1.endsWith(".jpg") ||                            path1.endsWith(".jpeg")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 1);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path1.endsWith(".doc") ||                            path1.endsWith(".docx") ||                            path1.endsWith(".pdf") ||                            path1.endsWith(".ppt") ||                            path1.endsWith(".pptx") ||                            path1.endsWith(".xls") ||                            path1.endsWith(".xlsx")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 2);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path1.endsWith(".avi") ||                            path1.endsWith(".rmvb") ||                            path1.endsWith(".rm") ||                            path1.endsWith(".mp4") ||                            path1.endsWith(".wav") ||                            path1.endsWith(".flv") ||                            path1.endsWith(".mkv")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    }                }            }            params.put("text", file.getName());            params.put("state", "open");            params.put("path", file.getPath());            params.put("tid", tid);            httpClient.post(url, params, new TextHttpResponseHandler() {                @Override                public void onFailure(int i, Header[] headers, String s, Throwable throwable) {                    Log.v("file", "failue");                }                @Override                public void onSuccess(int i, Header[] headers, String s) {                    if (i == 200)                        Log.v("file", "success" + s);                    else                        Log.v("file", "fei 200");                }            });        }        @Override        public void onEvent(int event, String path) {            Message msg = new Message();            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();            switch (event) {//                case FileObserver.ACCESS://                    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "ACCESS: " + path);//                    break;//                case FileObserver.ATTRIB://                    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "ATTRIB: " + path);//                    break;//                case FileObserver.CLOSE_NOWRITE://                    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "CLOSE_NOWRITE: " + path);//                    break;//                case FileObserver.CLOSE_WRITE://                    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "CLOSE_WRITE: " + path);//                    break;                case FileObserver.CREATE:                    Log.i("file", "CREATE: " + path);                    bundle = new Bundle();                    bundle.putString("path", path);                    if (path.endsWith(".jpg") ||                            path.endsWith(".jpeg")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 1);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".doc") ||                            path.endsWith(".docx") ||                            path.endsWith(".pdf") ||                            path.endsWith(".ppt") ||                            path.endsWith(".pptx") ||                            path.endsWith(".xls") ||                            path.endsWith(".xlsx")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 2);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".avi") ||                            path.endsWith(".rmvb") ||                            path.endsWith(".rm") ||                            path.endsWith(".mp4") ||                            path.endsWith(".wav") ||                            path.endsWith(".flv") ||                            path.endsWith(".mkv")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (new File(path).isDirectory()) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    }                    break;                case FileObserver.DELETE:                    Log.i("file", "DELETE: " + path);                    bundle = new Bundle();                    bundle.putString("path", path);                    if (path.endsWith(".jpg") ||                            path.endsWith(".jpeg")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 11;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 1);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".doc") ||                            path.endsWith(".docx") ||                            path.endsWith(".pdf") ||                            path.endsWith(".ppt") ||                            path.endsWith(".pptx") ||                            path.endsWith(".xls") ||                            path.endsWith(".xlsx")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 11;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 2);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".avi") ||                            path.endsWith(".rmvb") ||                            path.endsWith(".rm") ||                            path.endsWith(".mp4") ||                            path.endsWith(".wav") ||                            path.endsWith(".flv") ||                            path.endsWith(".mkv")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 11;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (new File(path).isDirectory()) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    }                    break;//                case FileObserver.DELETE_SELF://                    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "DELETE_SELF: " + path);//                    break;                case FileObserver.MODIFY:                    //      Log.i("file", "MODIFY: " + path);                    break;//                case FileObserver.MOVE_SELF://                    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "MOVE_SELF: " + path);//                    break;                case FileObserver.MOVED_FROM:                    Log.i("file", "MOVED_FROM: " + path);                    Log.i("file", "DELETE: " + path);                    bundle = new Bundle();                    bundle.putString("path", path);                    if (path.endsWith(".jpg") ||                            path.endsWith(".jpeg")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 11;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 1);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".doc") ||                            path.endsWith(".docx") ||                            path.endsWith(".pdf") ||                            path.endsWith(".ppt") ||                            path.endsWith(".pptx") ||                            path.endsWith(".xls") ||                            path.endsWith(".xlsx")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 11;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 2);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".avi") ||                            path.endsWith(".rmvb") ||                            path.endsWith(".rm") ||                            path.endsWith(".mp4") ||                            path.endsWith(".wav") ||                            path.endsWith(".flv") ||                            path.endsWith(".mkv")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 11;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (new File(path).isDirectory()) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    }                    break;                case FileObserver.MOVED_TO:                    Log.i("file", "MOVED_TO: " + path);                    bundle = new Bundle();                    bundle.putString("path", path);                    if (path.endsWith(".jpg") ||                            path.endsWith(".jpeg")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 1);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".doc") ||                            path.endsWith(".docx") ||                            path.endsWith(".pdf") ||                            path.endsWith(".ppt") ||                            path.endsWith(".pptx") ||                            path.endsWith(".xls") ||                            path.endsWith(".xlsx")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 2);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (path.endsWith(".avi") ||                            path.endsWith(".rmvb") ||                            path.endsWith(".rm") ||                            path.endsWith(".mp4") ||                            path.endsWith(".wav") ||                            path.endsWith(".flv") ||                            path.endsWith(".mkv")) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    } else if (new File(path).isDirectory()) {                        msg = new Message();                        msg.what = 10;                        bundle.putInt("tid", 3);                        msg.setData(bundle);                        handler.sendMessage(msg);                    }                    break;//                case FileObserver.OPEN://                    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "OPEN: " + path);//                    break;                default:                    //    Log.i("RecursiveFileObserver", "DEFAULT(" + event + "): " + path);                    break;            }        }        /**         * Monitor single directory and dispatch all events to its parent, with full path.         *         * @author uestc.Mobius <mobius@toraleap.com>         * @version 2011.0121         */        class SingleFileObserver extends FileObserver {            String mPath;            public SingleFileObserver(String path) {                this(path, ALL_EVENTS);                mPath = path;            }            public SingleFileObserver(String path, int mask) {                super(path, mask);                mPath = path;            }            @Override            public void onEvent(int event, String path) {                String newPath = mPath + "/" + path;                RecursiveFileObserver.this.onEvent(event, newPath);            }        }    }



if (null == mFileObserver) {            mFileObserver = new RecursiveFileObserver("/storage");            System.out.println("epath" + Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath());            Log.v("file", "eeee" + Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath());            mFileObserver.startWatching(); //开始监听        }



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