
来源:互联网 发布:pptv网络电视播放器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 06:36










public abstract class Jelly {        String name;             //果冻名称      String fruitMaterial;   //果冻的材料      String pigment;          //染色        public void prepare(){          System.out.println("The jelly's name is "+name);          System.out.println("The jelly's fruitMaterial is "+fruitMaterial);          System.out.println("The jelly's pigment is "+pigment);      }        public void melt(){          System.out.println("melt the material");      }      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the fruit");      }      public void cold(){          System.out.println("cold the material");      }      public void box(){          System.out.println("put the jelly into boxes");      }        public String getName() {          return name;      }  }



public class AppleJetty extends Jelly{        public AppleJetty() {          this.name = "appleJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "apple";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the apple");      }  }      public class BananaJetty extends Jelly{        public BananaJetty() {          this.name = "bananaJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "banana";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the banana");      }  }      public class OrangeJetty extends Jelly{        public OrangeJetty() {          this.name = "orangeJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "orange";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the orange");      }  }


public class JellyCompany {        SimpleJettyFactory simpleJettyFactory;        public JellyCompany(SimpleJettyFactory simpleJettyFactory) {          this.simpleJettyFactory = simpleJettyFactory;      }        public Jelly orderJelly(String type){          Jelly jelly;          jelly = simpleJettyFactory.createJetty(type);            jelly.prepare();          jelly.melt();          jelly.put();          jelly.cold();          jelly.box();            return jelly;      }  }


public class SimpleJettyFactory {      public Jelly createJetty(String type){          Jelly jelly = null;            if(type.equals("appleJetty")){              jelly = new AppleJetty();          }else if(type.equals("orangeJetty")){              jelly = new OrangeJetty();          }else if(type.equals("bananaJetty")){              jelly = new BananaJetty();          }            return jelly;      }  }


public class SimpleFactorySimulator {      public static void main(String[] args){            SimpleJettyFactory simpleJettyFactory = new SimpleJettyFactory();          JellyCompany jellyCompany = new JellyCompany(simpleJettyFactory);          Jelly jelly = jellyCompany.orderJelly("appleJetty");          System.out.println("该公司已生产 "+jelly.getName());      }  }


The jelly's name is appleJetty  The jelly's fruitMaterial is apple  The jelly's pigment is no  melt the material  put the apple  cold the material  put the jelly into boxes  该公司已生产 appleJetty

public abstract class Jelly {        String name;      String fruitMaterial;      String pigment;        public void prepare(){          System.out.println("The jelly's name is "+name);          System.out.println("The jelly's fruitMaterial is "+fruitMaterial);          System.out.println("The jelly's pigment is "+pigment);      }        public void melt(){          System.out.println("melt the material");      }      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the fruit");      }      public void cold(){          System.out.println("cold the material");      }      public void box(){          System.out.println("put the jelly into boxes");      }        public String getName() {          return name;      }    }


public class ShanghaiAppleJelly extends Jelly{        public ShanghaiAppleJelly() {          this.name = "ShanghaiAppleJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "apple";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the apple and lots of sugar");      }  }      public class ShanghaiBananaJelly extends Jelly{        public ShanghaiBananaJelly() {          this.name = "ShanghaiBananaJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "banana";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the banana and lots of sugar");      }  }      public class ShanghaiOrangeJelly extends Jelly{        public ShanghaiOrangeJelly() {          this.name = "ShanghaiOrangeJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "orange";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the orange and lots of sugar");      }  }


public class BeijingAppleJelly extends Jelly {        public BeijingAppleJelly() {          this.name = "BeijingAppleJelly";          this.fruitMaterial = "apple";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the apple and cut into large pieces");      }  }      public class BeijingBananaJelly extends Jelly{        public BeijingBananaJelly() {          this.name = "BeijingBananaJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "banana";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the banana and cut into large pieces");      }  }      public class BeijingOrangeJelly extends Jelly{        public BeijingOrangeJelly() {          this.name = "BeijingOrangeJetty";          this.fruitMaterial = "orange";          this.pigment = "no";      }        @Override      public void put(){          System.out.println("put the orange and cut into large pieces");      }  }


public abstract class JellyCompany {        public Jelly orderJelly(String type){          Jelly jelly;          jelly = createJelly(type);   //注意此处将实例化延迟到了实现子类            jelly.prepare();          jelly.melt();          jelly.put();          jelly.cold();          jelly.box();            return jelly;      }        abstract Jelly createJelly(String type);  }


public class BeijingJellyCompany extends JellyCompany {        Jelly createJelly(String type){          if(type.equals("appleJelly")){              return new BeijingAppleJelly();   //因为是北京公司,所以采用生产北京果冻的生成方法          }else if(type.equals("orangeJelly")){              return new BeijingOrangeJelly();          }else if(type.equals("bananaJelly")){              return new BeijingBananaJelly();          }else              return null;      }  }    public class ShanghaiJellyCompany extends JellyCompany {        Jelly createJelly(String type){          if(type.equals("appleJelly")){              return new ShanghaiAppleJelly();          }else if(type.equals("orangeJelly")){              return new ShanghaiOrangeJelly();          }else if(type.equals("bananaJelly")){              return new ShanghaiBananaJelly();          }else              return null;      }  }


public class JellySimulator {        public static void main(String[] agrs){          JellyCompany beijingJellyComyany = new BeijingJellyCompany();          JellyCompany shanghaiJellyComyany = new ShanghaiJellyCompany();            Jelly jelly = beijingJellyComyany.orderJelly("appleJelly");          System.out.println("BeijingJelly : "+jelly.getName());            System.out.println("==================");            jelly = shanghaiJellyComyany.orderJelly("orangeJelly");          System.out.println("ShanghaiJelly : "+jelly.getName());      }  }


The jelly's name is BeijingAppleJelly  The jelly's fruitMaterial is apple  The jelly's pigment is no  melt the material  put the apple and cut into large pieces  cold the material  put the jelly into boxes  BeijingJelly : BeijingAppleJelly  ==================  The jelly's name is ShanghaiOrangeJetty  The jelly's fruitMaterial is orange  The jelly's pigment is no  melt the material  put the orange and lots of sugar  cold the material  put the jelly into boxes  ShanghaiJelly : ShanghaiOrangeJetty


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