
来源:互联网 发布:编程免费学习 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 21:37


如果使用的是gnome1。vi /etc/inittab添加x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/gdm 2.修改/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf,找到下面的信息: [xdmcp] Enable=0 或Enable=false 修改为: [xdmcp] Enable=1 或Enable=true 并确保以下信息存在: Port=177 3.重启机器 ok


1。vi /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config . 更改DisplayManager.requestPort: 0==>;!DisplayManager.requestPort: 0 vi /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess  2。更改:#* #any host can get a login window==>;* #any host can get a login window 3。vi /etc/X11/xdm/kdmrc, /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc or /etc/opt/kde2/share/config/kdm/kdmrc . 更改enable设置为true。重启机器


I'm far from an expert but the following worked for me,

Create a user account with the least amount of privalages needed (in my case "videorecorder")allow that user to have network sharescreate a directory to be shared (/var/spool/recordings)set up the sbmpasswd for that user

put the shared folder details into your smb.conf

[linux_video]comment = Shared Videovalid users = videorecorderpublic = yeswritable = yesbrowseable = yespath = /var/spool/Recordings/

then restart the server (>service smb restart)

you might need to put "encrypt passwords = yes" in as well

On the windows machine(s)

Windows Explorer > Tools > map network drive and then browse the network and find a shared folder called 'linux_video' then tick the connect at login box, and then click the connect using a different user name and enter the username and password. ( user=videorecorder in my case and their password)The shared folder should then just appear as another drive letter under Windows.

# service network restart# service smb restart# service iptables restart

smb.confsudo mbpasswd -a root 删除samba用户密码smbpasswd -a root 添加samba用户密码

[diska]comment = Shared Foldervalid users = rootpublic = yeswritable = yesbrowseable = yespath = /diskaencrypt passwords = yessecurity = share guest ok = yes

[diskb]comment = Shared Foldervalid users = rootpublic = yeswritable = yesbrowseable = yespath = /diskbencrypt passwords = yessecurity = share guest ok = yes

[diskc]comment = Shared Foldervalid users = rootpublic = yeswritable = yesbrowseable = yespath = /diskcencrypt passwords = yessecurity = share guest ok = yes





ssh root@**.**.**.**scp -r root@**.**.**.**:/abc/abcd /cygdrive/d