Basic Translation Rules for SC

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买家好评语大全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:17

                Basic Translation Rules for SC

                Module: Module 21 - Technical Translation

                Activity:  Overview



Software engineers are usually not required with profound translation skills, but will have to take some SW UI translation and Loc bug fix work. Thus some basic knowledge about technical translations become necessary.

Here, basic translation rules for Simplified Chinese (also called as "SC" or "CHS") are introduced.

NOTE: Pay attention to ALL of below rules, as they are very critical to your translations, no matter the UI ones or not.



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Please follow this link for an instruction on Chinese input method 微软拼音输入法  -->.


As words and phrases occur repeatedly in localization, consistency in translation is a very important issue. To maintain consistency among different components -- Software UI, online Help and printed Doc, a glossary is absolutely necessary. No project should start without a glossary. Translators and engineers should refer to same glossary in a project.

For general technical terms not listed in the glossary, official terminology will be used whenever available. If no standard terms have been defined, terms from dictionaries are to be used. Terms not found in dictionaries will be checked out in published software, books, journals, technical documents, etc., provided they are not mistranslation.

While it is important to keep to the glossary, it should be emphasized that context is the deciding factor. Often a word may take on a different meaning in a certain context not listed in the glossary. In such situations, it is up to the translator to decide whether to follow the glossary or not. Special attention must be paid to small differences in the language form, which might lead to significantly different meanings. An example is the difference between abstract actions and the result of such actions, like "application" and "applications".

Many English terms and phrases related to computer technology have fixed translations in Chinese. Right or wrong, they have been de facto standards and it does not make sense trying to change them with other more "sensible" translations. Again, the translator is advised to pay attention to the context of such words with fixed translations. Errors are frequently made when the translator sees the word and comes up with the fixed translation automatically.


Try to avoid using passive voice when translating into Chinese.

1) Use active voice in Chinese to replace passive voice in English:


 English: Files are deleted.

 Chinese: 已删除文件。

2) Use 无人称句 to translate passive voice:


 English: A NetWare IP domain must be specified.

 Chinese: 必须指定一个 NetWare IP 域。

3) Use in Chinese when necessary:


 English: The account is disabled.

 Chinese: 帐户已被禁止。


There is generally no plural case in Chinese, and delete 's' following acronyms.


 English: Two files.

 Chinese: 两个文件。


 English: Several VLMs.

 Chinese: 若干个 VLM


5.1 Remove hyphenation in translation.


 English: Auto-date.

 Chinese: 自动日期。

 English: 64-, 128-, and 256-MB.

 Chinese: 64128 256 MB

5.2 However, the hyphenation shall be kept if it is used for numbering.


 English: Figure 2-1

 Chinese: 2-1


6.1 When translating the English "-ing" form, try to use either or 正在 in the translation.


 English: Error deleting file <1>.

 Chinese: 删除 <1> 时出错。

 English: Copying file <1>.

 Chinese: 正在复制文件 <1>

6.2 However, do not translate as above when "-ing" form is used as adjective.


 English: Merging properties.

 Chinese: 合并特性。

Also, not all "be v-ing" sentence shall be translated as "正在".


 7.1 When English and Chinese texts meet, leave one space in between.

One single-byte space is needed before and after any English word, or any Arabic and Roman numerals.

When the first word of the sentence is an English word or Arabic numerals, do not add a space in front of the word or number.

No space is needed before or after any Chinese punctuation.

If the first requirement is in contradiction with the third one, please follow the latter.



 English: Every Windows application.

 Chinese: 每一种 Windows 应用程序。


 English: 20 meters long and 16 meters wide.

 Chinese: 20 米长,16 米宽。


7.2 Exception of slash (/)

When the slash (/) is used in Chinese translation (although it is not common usage), no space shall be added before or after "/" even the text surrounding it are all Chinese characters.



 English: on/off

 Chinese: /


7.3 Exception of bracket - [ ]

When the bracket, [ ], is used in Chinese translation (although it is not common usage), spaces shall be added before [ and after ]. No space is needed after [ or before ].



 English: Change option to True Color (24 bit).

 Chinese: 将选项改为“True Color (24 bit)”(真彩色 [24 ])。

 Note: There is no space between bracket and other punctuation.


Sentences containing "if"1) Not all "if" shall be translated as 如果.

2) The order of translation shall be adjusted according to the Chinese style.


9.1 Use single-byte Arabic numbers for measurement data, statistics and day, month, year. Translation is subject to usage of numbers in English. Arabic number is used in translation when Arabic number is used in English. Chinese is used in translation when number is expressed with English words.9.2 Either Chinese or Arabic number may be used for approximate numbers.

9.3 Use Arabic number when unit is English characters.


 English: The integrated parallel port uses a 25-pin D-subminiature connector on the computer's back panel.

 Chinese: 集成并行端口使用计算机背面板上的 25 针超小 D 型连接器。

 English: This I/O port sends data in parallel format (where eight data bits, or one byte, are sent simultaneously over eight separate lines in a single cable).

 Chinese: I/O 端口以并行格式发送数据(即通过一条电缆的八条单独线路同时发送八个数据位或一个字节)。

 English: Chapter 2

 Chinese: 2

Note:  Chapter/Section number is expressed in Arabic number.

9.4 Expressions such as 1/4 or 四分之一 are acceptable while "4 分之 1" is not allowed.


10.1 The date shall be rewritten according to the Chinese style.


 English: March 15, 1996.

 Chinese: 1996 3 15 日。

 Note:  use "" instead of "".

10.2 The time is kept in original format.


 English: 8:00 AM

 Chinese: 8:00 AM

10.3 Days of week are translated as follows:

English  Chinese  English  ChineseSunday  星期日   SUN   星期日

Monday  星期一   MON   星期一

Tuesday  星期二   TUE   星期二

Wednesday  星期三   WED   星期三

Thursday  星期四   THU   星期四

Friday   星期五   FRI   星期五

Saturday  星期六   SAT   星期六

Note: "Sunday" is translated as "星期日" instead of "星期天" just for the sake of consistency.


11.1 Keep original measurement whenever possible. Usage of English unit or Chinese is subject to customer.



 English: The first EIDE drive is installed in the 1-inch (lower) drive bay labeled "HD1"; a second drive is installed in the 1.6-inch bay labeled "HD2."

 Chinese: 第一个 EIDE 驱动器安装在标有“HD1”的 1 英寸(下部)驱动器托架中;第二个驱动器安装在标有“HD2”的 1.6 英寸托架中。


 English: The cable should not be longer than 2 meters.

 Chinese: 电缆不应长于 2 米。


 English: The temperature should be room temperature (29°C).

 Chinese: 温度应保持为室温 (29°C)


11.2 The abbreviation of measurement should be kept in English.



 English: 1.25 in/cm/kg

 Chinese: 1.25 in/cm/kg


If an amount unit such as K, M, or G is placed before measurement unit, generally the original format shall be kept.



 English: 128 MB memory

 Chinese: 128 MB 内存





12.1 Acronyms should generally be left without translating.


 English: A local area network (LAN) refers to ...  In addition, a LAN is normally...

 Chinese: 局域网 (LAN) 是指……此外,LAN 通常……

 English: Lithium ion batteries do not have the "memory effect" that is exhibited by nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) and nickel-cadmium (NiCD) batteries.

 Chinese: 锂离子电池没有镍氢 (NiMH) 电池和镍镉 (NiCD) 电池出现的“记忆效应”。

12.2 However, if acronyms are stipulated in Glossary to be translated, follow the Glossary.

ac/AC power -- 交流电源

dc/DC power -- 直流电源


13.1 Change English punctuation marks into their Chinese equivalents, and, in most cases, use double-byte Chinese punctuation marks.


NOTE For Simplified Chinese translation, be sure to use punctuation points in GB2312 code, which are lower than ones in BIG5 code.

13.2 Use double-byte parentheses when the text inside contains Chinese characters, and use single-byte parentheses when the text inside contains ONLY alphanumeric characters. Use brackets for secondary parentheses (i.e. parentheses inside parentheses).

13.3 Use single-byte ellipsis (...) in software UI.

13.4 Leave no spaces after double-byte punctuation marks. See example below.

13.5 Move the final punctuation mark inside parentheses or quotes out if the text inside the parentheses or quotes is not a complete sentence.

13.6 Do not change the punctuation, i.e. characters, used in a place other than text sentence or paragraph, e.g. formula, function, command, program lines, directory, URL, etc. Especially, when the characters are used as separators, do not change them. The typical separators are : , ; . ! . ? .


 English: Select "Printers."

 Chinese: 选择“打印机”。

 Note: The last period is moved outside quotes.

 English: &Save as...

 Chinese: 另存为(&S)...

 Note: Single-byte parentheses and ellipsis are used.

 English: Delete message. (You just want to delete a message from your inbox.)

 Chinese: 删除信息。(您只要删除收件箱中的一项信息。)

 Note: Double-byte periods and parentheses are used, and last period remains inside parentheses.

 English: See "Supervising the Network" chapter 2 "Using NETADMIN."

 Chinese: 参阅《监控网络》的第 2 章“使用 NETADMIN”。

 Note: Chinese 书名号 are used.

 English: dir c:/*.pdf

 Chinese: dir c:/*.pdf

 Note: The characters ':' and '.' here are not punctuation indeed.

13.7 Please pay attention to the special usage of in Chinese:

 English:        The box on the upper-right half of screens 1, 2, and 4 displays help information for the option with a currently highlighted field.

 Chinese:       屏幕 12 4 右上部的方框显示了当前高亮度显示选项的帮助信息。


14.1 Commands are left without translating. Example

 English: Use the setup command to...

 Chinese: 使用 setup 命令以……

14.2 Strings intended to be typed as part of an instruction shall be kept in English.


 English: Type format to format the diskette in drive A.

 Chinese: 键入 format 以格式化 A 驱动器中的磁盘。

14.3 Command lines consist of a command and may include one or more of the command's possible parameters.


 English:  del c:/myfile.doc

 Chinese:  del c:/myfile.doc

14.4 File names and directory names and URLs shall not be translated.


 English: autoexec.bat and c:/windows

 Chinese: autoexec.bat c:/windows

 English: Use a text editor to create a file called if_found in your root directory.

 Chinese: 使用文本编辑器在根目录下创建一个名为 if_found 的文件。

14.5 Volume and device names shall not be translated also.


 English: Volume SYS is installed.

 Chinese: SYS 已安装。

14.6 Variables are symbols for which users substitute a value and shall not be translated.


 English: module n (where n represents the memory module number)

 Chinese: 模块 n(其中 n 代表内存模块编号)

14.7 Third party product names shall be not translated.


 English: DOS commands.

 Chinese: DOS 命令。

14.8 The company names shall not be translated.


 English: Novell, Inc. and Microsoft.

 Chinese: Novell, Inc. Microsoft

14.9 Words in all caps.


 English: TCP/IP

 Chinese: TCP/IP

14.10 Disk/CD name


 English: Insert the Dell System Software CD into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.

 Chinese: Dell System Software CD 插入 CD-ROM DVD-ROM 驱动器。

14.11 Virtually all programming terms shall not be translated: function, subroutine, procedure, data type, variable, constant, object, collection, class, etc.


 English: When you are using VBA to work with Word, a Document object represents an open document, and all Document objects are part of the Application object's Documents collection.

 Chinese: 当您用 VBA 操作 Word 时,Document 对象表示一个打开的文档,而且所有的 Document 对象都是 Application 对象的 Documents 集合的成员。


15.1 User interface (UI) components are windows, tabs, buttons, icons, menus, lists, radio buttons, check boxes, text boxes and other controls that appear on the monitor screen or display. In translation, UI components shall be kept in double-byte quotation mark. Example

 English: Click OK.

 Chinese: 单击“确定”。

 English: Change option to True Color (24 bit).

 Chinese: 将选项改为“真彩色(24 位)”。

15.2 Screen text is text that appears on the screen of your display or external monitor. It can be a system message, for example, or it can be text that you are instructed to type as part of a command (referred to as a command line).


 English: The following message appears on your screen:

           No boot device available.

 Chinese: 屏幕将显示以下信息:



 16.1 Keycaps, the labeling that appears on the keys on a keyboard, are enclosed in angle brackets.



 English: Press <Enter>.

 Chinese: <Enter> 键。

 Note: Spaces surrounding <Enter> are necessary.


16.2 Key combinations are series of keys to be pressed simultaneously (unless otherwise indicated) to perform a single function.



 English: Press <Ctrl><Alt><Enter>.

 Chinese: <Ctrl><Alt><Enter> 组合键。

 Note: No space is added between > and <.


16.3 Use the following translation for several particular keys:



 English: Press spacebar.

 Chinese: 按空格键。


 English: Press the left-arrow key (right-arrow key/up-arrow key/down-arrow key).

 Chinese: 按左箭头键(右箭头键/上箭头键/下箭头键)。


 English: Press F10.

 Chinese: F10 键。


 English: Press <F10>.

 Chinese: <F10> 键。


17.1 书名号 are added to translation of manual or book title.


 English: ... see Chapter 12 in the Windows 98 User's Guide.

 Chinese: ……请参见《Windows 98 用户手册》第 12 章。

17.2 Translation of appendix, chapter or section titles are quoted with double quotation marks.


 English: ... see Special Characters in chapter 4, Programming Fundamentals.

 Chinese: ……请参见第 4 章“程序设计基础”中的“特殊字符”一节。


18.1 Virtual name and addressThe virtual name, address, and company or organization is usually used in document to give an example. By default, those items will not be translated. If it is required by the client to translate those items, the translation shall be really virtual ones that are not same or similar (even in pronunciation) to the people or organization in reality.

18.2 Real name and addressThe name of a real person is usually not translated. If the client requires to translate the name, it shall be translated according to《英语姓名译名手册》(1997, 商务印书馆).


All High-ANSI special characters (e.g.  ) shall be remained the same as they are in source document. In on-line document, those characters might not be displayed for the limitation of OS or browser. In such case, they shall be replaced with combinations of text and parentheses, e.g., (R), (TM), and (C).


