hdu5387 钟表指针之间夹角

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云学生机是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:27
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Submit Status Practice HDU 5387
Appoint description: 


Give a time.(hh:mm:ss),you should answer the angle between any two of the minute.hour.second hand 
Notice that the answer must be not more 180 and not less than 0


There are T(1\leq T \leq 10^4) test cases 
for each case,one line include the time 

0\leq hh<24,0\leq mm<60,0\leq ss<60


for each case,output there real number like A/B.(A and B are coprime).if it's an integer then just print it.describe the angle between hour and minute,hour and second hand,minute and second hand.

Sample Input


Sample Output

0 0 0 180 180 0 1391/24 1379/24 1/2 100 140 120         

题意: 给你一个24格式的数字时间,(字符串),问你这个时刻时针与分针 时针与秒针 分针与秒针 之间的夹角,

挺简单的水题,我们发现 秒针每秒转6度,分针每秒转1/10度,每分转6度,时针每小时转30度,没分转1/2度,没秒转

1/120 度,那么我们将表盘看做一个坐标系,12点钟为起点,那么可以计算出每个指针这一刻的角度是多少,但是为了避免

分数的加减,我们将所有的数通分,同时乘以120,那么圆盘一圈360 度变成了360*120 =43200度,肯定在int内,将时间转化

为12制的时间,计算角度,然后做差得到角度,但是输出是范围是0-180 ,所以要求小角,选择 min(x,43200-x)作为差值



#include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>using namespace std;int gcd(int a,int b){    if(b==0)        return a;    else        return gcd(b,a%b);}int main(){    int h,m,s;    int H,M,S;    int ans1,ans2,ans3;    char str[20];    int t;    cin>>t;    while(t--)    {        cin>>str;        h=(str[0]-'0')*10+(str[1]-'0');        m=(str[3]-'0')*10+(str[4]-'0');        s=(str[6]-'0')*10+(str[7]-'0');        if(h>=12)            h-=12;        //cout<<h<<endl;        H=h*3600+m*60+s;        M=m*720+12*s;        S=s*720;        ans1=max(H,M)-min(H,M);        ans2=max(H,S)-min(H,S);        ans3=max(M,S)-min(M,S);        ans1=min(ans1,43200-ans1);        ans2=min(ans2,43200-ans2);        ans3=min(ans3,43200-ans3);        int g1,g2,g3;        g1=gcd(ans1,120);        g2=gcd(ans2,120);        g3=gcd(ans3,120);        ans1/=g1;        ans2/=g2;        ans3/=g3;        int f1,f2,f3;        f1=120/g1;        f2=120/g2;        f3=120/g3;        if(f1==1)        {            cout<<ans1<<" ";        }        else        {            if(ans1==0)            {                cout<<0<<" ";            }            else                cout<<ans1<<"/"<<f1<<" ";        }        if(f2==1)        {            cout<<ans2<<" ";        }        else        {            if(ans2==0)                cout<<0<<" ";            else                cout<<ans2<<"/"<<f2<<" ";        }        if(f3==1)        {            cout<<ans3<<" "<<endl;        }        else        {            if(ans3==0)                cout<<0<<" "<<endl;            else                cout<<ans3<<"/"<<f3<<" "<<endl;        }    }    return 0;}

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