java 远程提交MR jar包并获得application_id

来源:互联网 发布:nginx 允许目录浏览 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:23

2. java代码在windowns上通过ssh远程执行linux命令


<dependency>    <groupId>com.github.cverges.expect4j</groupId>    <artifactId>expect4j</artifactId>    <version>1.6</version></dependency>


/** * @Title: 远程提交mapreduce jar包 * @Description: 远程提交mapreduce jar包,并将控制台输出重定向到一个临时文件里,访问该临时文件,得到applicationID。 */public class SubmitMRjar {    public static void main(String[] args) {        String[] cmd = {"nohup yarn jar /root/mrtest/hadoopTest.jar hdfs://10.2.**.**:8020/demo.txt hdfs://10.2.**.**:8020/outputsang 1>sangSSSS.txt"};        exec(cmd);        String[] cmd1={"head -n 15 /root/sangSSSS.txt"};        exec(cmd1);    }    /**     * 执行命令     * @param cmd     */    public static void exec(String[] cmd){        ConnectLinux2Command shell = new ConnectLinux2Command("10.2.**.**", 22, "root", "******");        shell.executeCommands(cmd);        if(cmd[0].startsWith("head")){            String str = shell.getResponse();            getAppid(str);        }        try {            Thread.sleep(2000);//休眠2s后再关闭,防止没有提交完成就关闭SSH连接        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        shell.disconnect();//关闭SSH连接    }    public static void getAppid(String response){        String[] info = response.split("\n");        for(String line : info){            if(line.contains("job: http://")){                String[] str = line.split("/");                System.out.println(str[str.length-2]);            }        }    }}


import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Hashtable;import java.util.List;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelShell;import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;import com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo;import expect4j.Closure;import expect4j.Expect4j;import expect4j.ExpectState;import expect4j.matches.EofMatch;import expect4j.matches.Match;import expect4j.matches.RegExpMatch;import expect4j.matches.TimeoutMatch;public class ConnectLinux2Command {     private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ConnectLinux2Command.class);        private Session session;        private ChannelShell channel;        private static Expect4j expect = null;        private static final long defaultTimeOut = 1000;        private StringBuffer buffer=new StringBuffer();        public static final int COMMAND_EXECUTION_SUCCESS_OPCODE = -2;        public static final String BACKSLASH_R = "\r";        public static final String BACKSLASH_N = "\n";        public static final String COLON_CHAR = ":";        public static String ENTER_CHARACTER = BACKSLASH_R;        public static final int SSH_PORT = 22;        //正则匹配,用于处理服务器返回的结果        public static String[] linuxPromptRegEx = new String[] { "~]#", "~#", "#",":~#", "/$", ">" };        public static String[] errorMsg=new String[]{"could not acquire the config lock "};        //ssh服务器的ip地址        private String ip;        //ssh服务器的登入端口        private int port;        //ssh服务器的登入用户名        private String user;        //ssh服务器的登入密码        private String password;        public ConnectLinux2Command(String ip,int port,String user,String password) {            this.ip=ip;            this.port=port;            this.user=user;            this.password=password;            expect = getExpect();        }        /**         * 关闭SSH远程连接         */        public void disconnect(){            if(channel!=null){                channel.disconnect();            }            if(session!=null){                session.disconnect();            }        }        /**         * 获取服务器返回的信息         * @return 服务端的执行结果         */        public String getResponse(){            return buffer.toString();        }        //获得Expect4j对象,该对用可以往SSH发送命令请求        private Expect4j getExpect() {            try {                log.debug(String.format("Start logging to %s@%s:%s",user,ip,port));                JSch jsch = new JSch();                session = jsch.getSession(user, ip, port);                session.setPassword(password);                Hashtable<String, String> config = new Hashtable<String, String>();                config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");                session.setConfig(config);                localUserInfo ui = new localUserInfo();                session.setUserInfo(ui);                session.connect();                channel = (ChannelShell) session.openChannel("shell");                Expect4j expect = new Expect4j(channel.getInputStream(), channel                        .getOutputStream());                channel.connect();                log.debug(String.format("Logging to %s@%s:%s successfully!",user,ip,port));                return expect;            } catch (Exception ex) {                log.error("Connect to "+ip+":"+port+"failed,please check your username and password!");                ex.printStackTrace();            }            return null;        }        /**         * 执行配置命令         * @param commands 要执行的命令,为字符数组         * @return 执行是否成功         */        public boolean executeCommands(String[] commands) {            //如果expect返回为0,说明登入没有成功            if(expect==null){                return false;            }            log.debug("----------Running commands are listed as follows:----------");            for(String command:commands){                log.debug(command);            }            log.debug("----------End----------");            Closure closure = new Closure() {                public void run(ExpectState expectState) throws Exception {                    buffer.append(expectState.getBuffer());// buffer is string                    // buffer for appending                    // output of executed                    // command                    expectState.exp_continue();                }            };            List<Match> lstPattern = new ArrayList<Match>();            String[] regEx = linuxPromptRegEx;            if (regEx != null && regEx.length > 0) {                synchronized (regEx) {                    for (String regexElement : regEx) {// list of regx like, :>, />                        // etc. it is possible                        // command prompts of your                        // remote machine                        try {                            RegExpMatch mat = new RegExpMatch(regexElement, closure);                            lstPattern.add(mat);                        } catch (MalformedPatternException e) {                            return false;                        } catch (Exception e) {                            return false;                        }                    }                    lstPattern.add(new EofMatch(new Closure() { // should cause                        // entire page to be                        // collected                        public void run(ExpectState state) {                        }                    }));                    lstPattern.add(new TimeoutMatch(defaultTimeOut, new Closure() {                        public void run(ExpectState state) {                        }                    }));                }            }            try {                boolean isSuccess = true;                for (String strCmd : commands){                    isSuccess = isSuccess(lstPattern, strCmd);                }                //防止最后一个命令执行不了                isSuccess = !checkResult(expect.expect(lstPattern));                //找不到错误信息标示成功                String response=buffer.toString().toLowerCase();                for(String msg:errorMsg){                    if(response.indexOf(msg)>-1){                        return false;                    }                }                return isSuccess;            } catch (Exception ex) {                ex.printStackTrace();                return false;            }        }        //检查执行是否成功        private boolean isSuccess(List<Match> objPattern, String strCommandPattern) {            try {                boolean isFailed = checkResult(expect.expect(objPattern));                if (!isFailed) {                    expect.send(strCommandPattern);                    expect.send("\r");                    return true;                }                return false;            } catch (MalformedPatternException ex) {                return false;            } catch (Exception ex) {                return false;            }        }        //检查执行返回的状态        private boolean checkResult(int intRetVal) {            if (intRetVal == COMMAND_EXECUTION_SUCCESS_OPCODE) {                return true;            }            return false;        }        //登入SSH时的控制信息        //设置不提示输入密码、不显示登入信息等        public static class localUserInfo implements UserInfo {            String passwd;            public String getPassword() {                return passwd;            }            public boolean promptYesNo(String str) {                return true;            }            public String getPassphrase() {                return null;            }            public boolean promptPassphrase(String message) {                return true;            }            public boolean promptPassword(String message) {                return true;            }            public void showMessage(String message) {            }        }}
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