
来源:互联网 发布:ps手绘软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 13:47
using System;using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Reflection;using System.Diagnostics;using System.Drawing;namespace AutoExcel{    //Application:代表Excel应用程序本身,Application公开了大量有关正在    //运行的应用程序,应用于该实例的选项及在该实例中打开的当前对象的信息。    //WorkBook:表示Excel应用程序的单个工作簿,通过提供该类(该类能访问WordBooks    //中的所有对象成员),以及数据绑定功能和附加事件来扩展该类。    //WorkSheet:该对象是WorkSheets集合成员,它的许多属性,方法和事件都与Application/WorkBook    //相似。另外Sheets是WorkBook对象属性。    //Range:Excel中的单元格对应的对象。    //chartObjects:取得一个对象,该对象表示工作表上的单个嵌入式图表(chartObject)或者嵌入式图表集合(chartObjects)。    //chart:该控件是公开事件的图表对象,可以绑定到数据上。    class AutoExcelTest    {        public static void Main()        {            CloseExcel();            //创建Application对象            Console.WriteLine("Creating new Excel.Application");            Application app = new Application();            if (app == null)            {                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: EXCEL couldn't be started!");                CloseExcel();                return;            }            Console.WriteLine("Making Application visible");app.visible = true;            //创建WorkBook对象集合            Console.WriteLine("Get Workbokks collection");            Workbooks workBooks = app.Workbooks;            //创建一个新的WorkBook对象            Console.WriteLine("Add a new Workbook");            Workbook workBook = workBooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);            Console.WriteLine("Get Worksheet collection");            //创建WorkSheet对象集合            Sheets sheets = workBook.Worksheets;            if (sheets == null)            {                Console.WriteLine("Worksheet creating Error!");                CloseExcel();                return;            }            _Worksheet workSheet = (_Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1);            if (workSheet == null)            {                Console.WriteLine("Error:WorkSheet is null!");                CloseExcel();                return;            }            Console.WriteLine("Setting the value for cell");            //获取单元格G1            Range range1 = workSheet.get_Range("G1", Missing.Value);            if (range1 == null)            {                Console.WriteLine("Error:Range is null");                CloseExcel();                return;            }            const int nCells = 5;            range1.Value2 = nCells;            //获取A1到E1的Range对象(5个单元格)            Range range2 = workSheet.get_Range("A1", "E1");            int[] arr2 = new int[5];            for (int i = 0; i < arr2.GetLength(0); i++)            {                int x = i;                arr2[i] = x + 1;            }            range2.Value2 = arr2;            //获取A3到E4的Range对象(10)            Range range3 = workSheet.get_Range("A3", "E4");            int[,] arr3 = new int[2, 5];            for (int i = 0; i < arr3.GetLength(0); i++)            {                for (int j = 0; j < arr3.GetLength(1); j++)                {                    arr3[i, j] = i * 10 + j;                }            }            range3.Value2 = arr3;            //比较A3到E4的值            Range range4 = workSheet.get_Range("A3", "E4");            Object[,] arr4 = (Object[,])range4.Value2;            for (int i = arr4.GetLength(0); i <= arr4.GetLength(0); i++)            {                for (int j = arr4.GetLength(1); j <= arr4.GetLength(1); j++)                {                    bool isComparision = (double)arr4[i, j] != arr3[i - 1, j - 1];                    if (isComparision)                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Comparision Faild");                        CloseExcel();                        return;                    }                }            }            //获取A5到J6的Range对象(20)            Range range5 = workSheet.get_Range("A6", "J7");            double[,] arr5 = new double[2, 10];            for (int j = 0; j < arr5.GetLength(1); j++)            {                double arg = Math.PI / arr5.GetLength(1) * j;                arr5[0, j] = Math.Sin(arg);                arr5[1, j] = Math.Cos(arg);            }            range5.Value2 = arr5;            range5.Select();            //获取嵌入式图表对象            ChartObjects chartObjs = (ChartObjects)workSheet.ChartObjects(Missing.Value);            ChartObject chartObj = (ChartObject)chartObjs.Add(20/*Left*/, 100/*Top*/, 450/*Width*/, 260/*Height*/);            _Chart chart = (_Chart)chartObj.Chart;            Object[] arr6 = new object[11];            arr6[0] = range5;//Source:表示图表元数据范围            arr6[1] = XlChartType.xl3DColumn; //Gallery:图表类型            arr6[2] = Missing.Value;//Format:内置自动套用格式的选项编号            arr6[3] = XlRowCol.xlRows;//PlotBy:指定每个系列的绘制是按行还是按列            arr6[4] = 0;//GategotyLables:一个整数,指定源范围包含类别标签的行数或列数            arr6[5] = 0;//SeriesLables:一个整数,指定源范围中包含系列标签的行数或列数            arr6[6] = true;//HasLegend:包含图例            arr6[7] = "ExcelTest";//Title:Chart控件标题文本            arr6[8] = "ExcelTest Category Titel";//CategoryTitle:分类轴标题文本            arr6[9] = "ExcelTest Value Tile";//ValueTitle:数值轴标题文本            arr6[10] = Missing.Value;//ExtraTitle:三维图表的系列轴标题或二维图表的第二个数值轴标题            chart.GetType().InvokeMember("ChartWizard", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, chart, arr6);        }        /// <summary>        /// 关闭Excel进程        /// </summary>        private static void CloseExcel()        {            Process[] process = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL");            foreach (Process p in process)            {                p.CloseMainWindow();            }        }    }}