
来源:互联网 发布:网络收音机软件哪个好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 22:37

add new table with simple step:

SQL> set numwidth 20

SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number() from dual;




$> expdp sgreports/sgreports tables=sgreports.test2 directory=expdir logfile=test2.log dumpfile=test2.dmp flashback_scn=8331188817820


On the destination system:

1. As the system user, create the Oracle directory for the export dump file. Make sure the physical directory exists on the filesystem.

     create directory impdir as '/oracle/ora_backup';
  1. Copy the export dump file, test.dmp from the source system to /oracle/ora_backup

  2. scp test2.dmp oracle@nazar.prc.sun.com:/oracle/ora_backup

3. Import the application schema:

$> impdp system/sys directory=impdir dumpfile=test2.dmp logfile=test2.log

connect strmadmin/strmadmin@stream1BEGIN     DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_TABLE_RULES(                    table_name     => 'sgreports.test2',                           streams_type   => 'capture',                                      streams_name   => 'capture_stream1',                             queue_name     => 'capture_stream1_queue',                       include_dml    => true,                                       source_database=>'henry.sun.net',                             include_ddl    => true,                                         inclusion_rule => true);                                      END;                         /

BEGIN     DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_TABLE_RULES(      table_name      => 'sgreports.test2',          streams_type    => 'apply',              streams_name    => 'apply_stream11',                  queue_name      => 'capture_stream1_queue',                    include_dml     => true,                        include_ddl     => true,                             source_database => 'henry.sun.net',                               inclusion_rule  => true);                                 END;                                 /
