数据库分页语句(ms sqlserver)

来源:互联网 发布:亲权鉴定软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 14:27



select top 页大小 * from table1 where id>       (select max (id) from       (select top ((页码-1)*页大小) id from table1 order by id) as T        )       order by id


CREATE PROCEDURE pagination3 @tblName   varchar(255),       -- 表名 @strGetFields varchar(1000) = '*',  -- 需要返回的列 @fldName varchar(255)='',      -- 排序的字段名 @PageSize   int = 10,          -- 页尺寸 @PageIndex  int = 1,           -- 页码 @doCount  bit = 0,   -- 返回记录总数, 非 0 值则返回 @OrderType bit = 0,  -- 设置排序类型, 非 0 值则降序 @strWhere  varchar(1500) = ''  -- 查询条件 (注意: 不要加 where) AS declare @strSQL   varchar(5000)       -- 主语句 declare @strTmp   varchar(110)        -- 临时变量 declare @strOrder varchar(400)        -- 排序类型 if @doCount != 0   begin     if @strWhere !=''     set @strSQL = "select count(*) as Total from [" + @tblName + "] where "+@strWhere     else     set @strSQL = "select count(*) as Total from [" + @tblName + "]" end  --以上代码的意思是如果@doCount传递过来的不是0,就执行总数统计。以下的所有代码都是@doCount为0的情况 else begin if @OrderType != 0 begin     set @strTmp = "<(select min" set @strOrder = " order by [" + @fldName +"] desc" --如果@OrderType不是0,就执行降序,这句很重要! end else begin     set @strTmp = ">(select max"     set @strOrder = " order by [" + @fldName +"] asc" end if @PageIndex = 1 begin     if @strWhere != ''       set @strSQL = "select top " + str(@PageSize) +" "+@strGetFields+ "  from [" + @tblName + "] where " + @strWhere + " " + @strOrder      else      set @strSQL = "select top " + str(@PageSize) +" "+@strGetFields+ "  from ["+ @tblName + "] "+ @strOrder --如果是第一页就执行以上代码,这样会加快执行速度 end else begin --以下代码赋予了@strSQL以真正执行的SQL代码 set @strSQL = "select top " + str(@PageSize) +" "+@strGetFields+ "  from ["     + @tblName + "] where [" + @fldName + "]" + @strTmp + "(["+ @fldName + "]) from (select top " + str((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) + " ["+ @fldName + "] from [" + @tblName + "]" + @strOrder + ") as tblTmp)"+ @strOrder if @strWhere != ''     set @strSQL = "select top " + str(@PageSize) +" "+@strGetFields+ "  from ["         + @tblName + "] where [" + @fldName + "]" + @strTmp + "(["         + @fldName + "]) from (select top " + str((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) + " ["         + @fldName + "] from [" + @tblName + "] where " + @strWhere + " "         + @strOrder + ") as tblTmp) and " + @strWhere + " " + @strOrder end end   exec (@strSQL) GO



CREATE procedure pagination1 (@pagesize int,  --页面大小,如每页存储20条记录 @pageindex int   --当前页码 ) as set nocount on begin declare @indextable table(id int identity(1,1),nid int)  --定义表变量 declare @PageLowerBound int  --定义此页的底码 declare @PageUpperBound int  --定义此页的顶码 set @PageLowerBound=(@pageindex-1)*@pagesize set @PageUpperBound=@PageLowerBound+@pagesize set rowcount @PageUpperBound insert into @indextable(nid) select gid from TGongwen where fariqi >dateadd(day,-365,getdate()) order by fariqi desc select O.gid,O.mid,O.title,O.fadanwei,O.fariqi from TGongwen O,@indextable t where O.gid=t.nid and t.id>@PageLowerBound and t.id<=@PageUpperBound order by t.id end set nocount off



SELECT TOP 页大小 * FROM Table1 WHERE (ID NOT IN           (SELECT TOP 页大小*页数 id          FROM 表          ORDER BY id)) ORDER BY ID


CREATE PROCEDURE pagination2( @SQL nVARCHAR(4000),    --不带排序语句的SQL语句 @Page int,              --页码 @RecsPerPage int,       --每页容纳的记录数 @ID VARCHAR(255),       --需要排序的不重复的ID号 @Sort VARCHAR(255)      --排序字段及规则)AS DECLARE @Str nVARCHAR(4000) SET @Str='SELECT   TOP '+CAST(@RecsPerPage AS VARCHAR(20))+' * FROM ('+@SQL+') T WHERE T.'+@ID+'NOT IN (SELECT   TOP '+CAST((@RecsPerPage*(@Page-1)) AS VARCHAR(20))+' '+@ID+' FROM ('+@SQL+') T9 ORDER BY '+@Sort+') ORDER BY '+@SortPRINT @Str EXEC sp_ExecuteSql @StrGO


