project euler 107

来源:互联网 发布:什么软件商城最好用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 01:01

project euler 107



Minimal network
The following undirected network consists of seven vertices and twelve edges with a total weight of 243.

The same network can be represented by the matrix below.

However, it is possible to optimise the network by removing some edges and still ensure that all points on the network remain connected. The network which achieves the maximum saving is shown below. It has a weight of 93, representing a saving of 243 − 93 = 150 from the original network.

Using network.txt (right click and ‘Save Link/Target As…’), a 6K text file containing a network with forty vertices, and given in matrix form, find the maximum saving which can be achieved by removing redundant edges whilst ensuring that the network remains connected.








def problem107():    connectedList = []    for i in range(0, 40):#初始化连通网        connectedList.append([])    def connected(parameters ):#判断当前边是否已经连通了        curempty = -1        for i in range(0, 40):            if (len(connectedList[i]) == 0):                curempty = i                break        key = parameters[0]        finda = False        findb = False        aindex = -1        bindex = -2        for i in range(0, 40):            if (finda == False):                finda = parameters[0] in connectedList[i]                if (finda):                    aindex = i            if (findb == False):                findb = parameters[1] in connectedList[i]                if (findb):                    bindex = i            if (finda and findb):                break        if (aindex == bindex):#已经连通,跳过            return True        if (aindex < 0 and bindex < 0):#没有记录,添加连通区域            connectedList[curempty].append(parameters[0])            connectedList[curempty].append(parameters[1])        elif (aindex > -1 and bindex > -1):#边的两个端点分别属于两个连通区域,将两个区域合并            connectedList[aindex] += connectedList[bindex]            connectedList[bindex] = []        elif (aindex > -1):#只找到一个定点所在的区域,将另一个定点添加到该区域            connectedList[aindex].append(parameters[1])        elif (bindex > -1):            connectedList[bindex].append(parameters[0])        return False    f = open('p107_network.txt')    curline = f.readline()  #跳过第一行    curline = f.readline()    alllist = []    cur = 1    total = 0    while curline:  #从第二行开始解析        temp = curline.split(',')        templist = []        for i in range(0, cur):            if temp[i] == '-':                continue            else:                tempvalue = int(temp[i])                total += tempvalue                templist = [cur, i, tempvalue]                alllist.append(templist)        cur += 1        curline = f.readline()    alllist.sort(key=lambda data : data[2])    #Kruskal    resultList = []    cur = 0    ret = 0    for i in range(0, len(alllist)):        if (connected(alllist[i]) == False):            resultList.append(alllist[i])            ret += alllist[i][2]            cur += 1            if (cur == 39):#需要39条边来连通40个顶点                break    print total - ret
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