
来源:互联网 发布:查看linux下的用户 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:07



/** * * @author fzq * @comment 以Redis为基础实现的分布式锁 需要script的支持 * @date 2016-09-02 */class RedLock //implements \Phalcon\DI\InjectionAwareInterface{private $redis = null;// private $_di = null;const LOCK_EX_PREFIX = 'str_exlock_';const LOCK_PREFIX = 'str_lock_';public function __construct( $redis ) {$this->redis = $redis;}/** * 加扩展锁 *  * 算法:先查看是否持有锁 如果持有锁则直接返回 * 否则加锁 * 加锁失败则返回false否则返加真 * @param string $strKey: biz key * @param string $irecor: record id * @param string $uid: user id * @param int $ttl time to live * @return boolean|number */public function lockEx( $strBiz, $iRecordID, $uid, $ttl = 60 ){if( !$this->redis )return false;$curTime = TimeUtils::getIntTime();$strKeyID = '"' . self::LOCK_EX_PREFIX . $strBiz . '_' . $iRecordID .  '"';// $strUID = '"' . $uid . '"';if( is_string( $uid ) ){$uid = '"' . $uid . '"';}$script = <<<EOTlocal ttl = redis.call( 'ttl', $strKeyID );if( ttl >= $ttl ) thenlocal strVal = redis.call( 'get', $strKeyID );local objVal = cjson.decode( strVal ); if objVal['uid'] == $uid thenreturn true;elsereturn false;endelseif ttl < 0 thenlocal val = {};val["uid"] = $uid;val["localTime"] = $curTime;local setRes = redis.call( 'setnx', $strKeyID, cjson.encode( val ) );if setRes == 1 thenreturn redis.call( 'expire', $strKeyID, $ttl );endelseif ttl > 0 and ttl < $ttl thenlocal strVal = redis.call( 'get', $strKeyID );local objVal = cjson.decode( strVal ); if objVal['uid'] == $uid thenreturn redis.call( 'expire', $strKeyID, $ttl );elsereturn false;endelsereturn false;endEOT;return $this->redis->eval( $script );}/** * 加锁 *  * @param string $strBiz * @param int $id * @param int $ttl * @return boolean */public function lock( $strBiz, $iRecordID, $ttl = 60 ) {if( !$this->redis )return false;$strKeyID = self::LOCK_PREFIX . $strBiz . '_' . $iRecordID;if( $this->redis->set ( $strKeyID, TimeUtils::getIntTime(), ['NX','EX' => $ttl] )){return true;}return false;}/** * 解扩展锁 *  * 只能解自己持有的锁 * @param string $strBiz * @param int $id * @param int $uid */public function unlockEx(  $strBiz, $iRecordID, $uid ){if( !$this->redis )return false;$strKeyID = '"' . self::LOCK_EX_PREFIX . $strBiz . '_' . $iRecordID .  '"';if( is_string( $uid ) ){$uid = '"' . $uid . '"';}$script = <<<EOTlocal lockData = redis.call( 'get', $strKeyID );if lockData == false thenreturn true;elselocal objData = cjson.decode( lockData );if( objData[ 'uid' ] == $uid ) thenreturn redis.call( 'del', $strKeyID );endreturn false;endEOT;return $this->redis->eval( $script );}/** * 解锁 * @param string $strBiz * @param int $iRecordID */public function unlock( $strBiz, $iRecordID ) {if( !$this->redis )return false;$strKeyID = self::LOCK_PREFIX . $strBiz . '_' . $iRecordID;return $this->redis->del ( $strKeyID );}/** * 检测是否持有锁 *  * 只对扩展锁有效 * @param $strBiz * @param $id * @param $uid */public function isHoldLock( $strBiz, $iRecordID, $uid ){if( !$this->redis )return false;if( is_string( $uid ) ){$uid = '"' . $uid . '"';}$strKeyID = '"' . self::LOCK_EX_PREFIX . $strBiz . '_' . $iRecordID .  '"';$script = <<<EOTlocal lockData = redis.call( 'get', $strKeyID );if lockData == false thenreturn false;elselocal objData = cjson.decode( lockData );if( objData[ 'uid' ] == $uid ) thenreturn true;elsereturn false;endendEOT;return $this->redis->eval( $script );}/** * @param string $strBiz * @param int $iRecordID * return object(stdClass)[97]     * public 'localTime' => int 1473045341     * public 'uid' => int 3 */public function getLockInfo( $strBiz, $iRecordID ){if( !$this->redis )return false;$strKeyID = self::LOCK_EX_PREFIX . $strBiz . '_' . $iRecordID;$strJson = $this->redis->get( $strKeyID );if( $strJson ){$jsonData = json_decode( $strJson );$jsonData->recordID = $iRecordID;$jsonData->biz = $strBiz;return $jsonData;}return false;}// public function setDI(\Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector) // {// $this->_di = $dependencyInjector;// }// public function getDI() // {// return $this->_di;// }}


$rl = new RedLock( $this->nredis );$strUID = 'asdflkjasdflkjq;we13123412351asdfasdf';var_dump( $rl->lockEx( 'audit_narrator', 9, $strUID, 300 ));//true ttl 300var_dump( $rl->lockEx( 'audit_narrator', 9, $strUID, 500 ));//true ttl 500var_dump( $rl->lockEx( 'audit_narrator', 9, 2, 500 ));//falsevar_dump( $rl->lockEx( 'audit_narrator', 9, 3, 500 ));//truevar_dump( $rl->unlockEx( 'audit_narrator', 9,3 ));//truevar_dump( $rl->lockEx( 'audit_narrator', 9, 3, 900 ));//true

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