【转自官网】WURFL 浏览器版本识别API+末尾附WURFL工具包

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云节点选择 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:06

WURFL OnSite Java API: User Guide

Please note - there are breaking changes in API release v1.8. For documentation of releases before API v1.8 please refer to the README file included with that version. If you need aditional help for versions prior to 1.8 feel free to contact us at support@scientiamobile.com


To enable WURFL on your application you need to register for a free
account on scientiamobile.com and download the latest release from
your file manager. Once you have imported the included JAR files,
you are ready to begin configuring WURFL in your application. If you
are using Maven to handle external dependencies, you can import
WURFl by following this

*Note: The WURFL API is closely tied to the wurfl.xml file. New versions
of the wurfl.xml are compatible with old versions of the API by nature,
but the reverse is not true. Old versions of the wurfl.xml are not
guaranteed to be compatible with new versions of the API.*

The WURFLEngine is a high-level interface introduced to further
abstract and simplify management of the WURFL API.

In most cases, initializing the WURFLEngine is enough to start
using the API and is the entry point to all WURFL functionalities.
The default implementation of WURFLEngine is GeneralWURFLEngine.

Please note that since version the package names have changed to com.scientiamobile : update your configuration accordingly. If by any chance you need to update with the old package name a legacy release package will be present. All new modules, like WurflUpdater, will only be available with the new package names.

import com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.Device;import com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.EngineTarget;import com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.GeneralWURFLEngine;public class Wurfl {    public static void main(String[] args) {        GeneralWURFLEngine wurfl = new GeneralWURFLEngine("wurfl.xml");        wurfl.setEngineTarget(EngineTarget.accuracy);        String user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; N9600 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.111 Mobile Safari/537.36";        Device device = wurfl.getDeviceForRequest(user_agent);        System.out.println("Is Tablet: " + device.getCapability('is_tablet'));        System.out.println("Can Assign Phone Number: " + device.getCapability('can_assign_phone_number'));    }}

If you are configuring using a web.xml file, you can:

<listener>  <listener-class>     com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.web.WURFLServletContextListener  </listener-class></listener><context-param>  <param-name>wurfl</param-name>  <param-value>/WEB-INF/wurfl.zip</param-value></context-param><context-param>  <param-name>wurflPatch</param-name>  <param-value>/WEB-INF/patch_1.xml,/WEB-INF/patch_2.xml</param-value></context-param><context-param>  <param-name>wurflEngineTarget</param-name>  <param-value>accuracy</param-value></context-param>

Capability Filtering

In order to reduce memory usage and increase performance, you can specify a
subset of the 500+ WURFL capabilities to load into memory. The list of the
selected capabilities can be set by calling the setCapabilityFilter method
on a WURFLEngine instance. The list can be passed as either a string array
(String[]) or as a generic collection (Collection<String>):

String[] capabilities = {    "device_os",     "brand_name",    "model_name",    "release_date",    "has_qwerty_keyboard"};

If you are configuring using a web.xml file, you can apply a filter by:

<context-param>    <param-name>capability-filter</param-name>    <param-value>        device_os        brand_name        model_name        release_date        has_qwerty_keyboard    </param-value></context-param>

Virtual Capabilities

Virtual capabilities are an important feature of the WURFL API that
obtain values related to the requesting agent out of the HTTP request
as a whole (as opposed to limiting itself to capabilities that are found
in WURFL).

In order to compute its final returned value, a virtual capability may
look at regular (non-virtual) capabilities as well as other parameters
that can be derived from the HTTP request at run-time. Virtual capabilities
are useful to model aspects of the HTTP Client that are not easily captured
through the finite number of profiles in WURFL.

Virtual capabilities depend on certain real capabilities, which may be
considered mandatory for this reason. These capabilities are:

  • device_os
  • device_os_version
  • is_tablet
  • is_wireless_device
  • pointing_method
  • preferred_markup
  • resolution_height
  • resolution_width
  • ux_full_desktop
  • xhtml_support_level
  • is_smarttv
  • can_assign_phone_number
  • brand_name
  • model_name
  • marketing_name
  • mobile_browser_version

To retrieve the value of a virtual capability, use the getVirtualCapability()
method from a Device object:

Variable Name Type Description **is_app** enumerable Tells you if the Requesting HTTP Client is an App or not.The control capability is called `is_app` (`virtual_capability` group) and can have values `default`, `force_true` and `force_false` **is_smartphone** enumerable This is a virtual capability that will tell you if a device is a Smartphone for some arbitrary (and subject to change) definition of Smartphone by ScientiaMobile. The virtual capability returns true or false. Patch files can use the `is_smartphone` control capability to override the value returned by the virtual capability. Control capability `is_smartphone` can take value `default`, `force_true` and `force_false`. **is_robot** enumerable This is a virtual capability that tells you if the HTTP Client is a Bot (robot, crawler or other programmable agent that stalks the web). Control capability is `is_robot` (`virtual_capability` group) and can have values `default`, `force_true` and `force_false`. **is_mobile** enumerable This is just an ALIAS for `is_wireless_device`. There’s no control capability associated to this virtual capability. **is_full_desktop** enumerable This is just an ALIAS for `ux_full_desktop`. There’s no control capability associated to this virtual capability. **is_windows_phone** enumerable Check if device runs any version of Windows Phone OS. This virtual capability relies on the `device_os` (`product_info` group) capability. **is_ios** enumerable Check if device runs any version of iOS.This virtual capability relies on the `device_os` (`product_info` group) capability. **is_android** enumerable Check if device runs any version of Android OS. This virtual capability relies on the `device_os` (`product_info` group) capability. **is_touchscreen** enumerable This virtual capability tells you whether a device has a touch screen. There is no control capability. Mostly an alias for `pointing_method` == `touchscreen` (`product_info` group) capability. **is_largescreen** enumerable True if the device has a horizontal screen resolution greater than 320 pixels. Relies on the `resolution_width` (`display` group) capability. **is_wml_preferred** enumerable True if the device is better served with WML. Capability relies on `preferred_markup` (`markup` group). **is_xhtmlmp_preferred** enumerable True if the device is better served with XHTML MP (Mobile Profile). Capability relies on `preferred_markup` (markup group). **is_html_preferred** enumerable True if the device is better served with HTML. Capability relies on `preferred_markup` (markup group). **advertised_device_os** string This virtual capability will infer the name of the Device OS based on user-agent string analysis (and possibly the analysis of other HTTP headers and WURFL capabilities). **advertised_device_os_version** string This virtual capability will infer the name of the Device OS Version based on user-agent string analysis (and possibly the analysis of other HTTP headers and WURFL capabilities). **advertised_browser** string This virtual capability will infer the name of the browser based on user-agent string analysis (and possibly the analysis of other HTTP headers and WURFL capabilities). **advertised_browser_version** string This virtual capability will infer the name of the browser based on user-agent string analysis (and possibly the analysis of other HTTP headers and WURFL capabilities). **form_factor** enumerable This virtual capability will return one of the following values that identify a client’s form factor: `Desktop`, `Tablet`, `Smartphone`, `Feature Phone`, `Smart-TV`, `Robot`, `Other non-Mobile`, `Other Mobile` **complete_device_name** string Concatenates brand name, model name and marketing name (where available) of a device into a single string. **is_phone** enumerable This is a virtual capability that will tell you if a device is a mobile phone . The virtual capability returns true or false. Patch files can use the `is_phone` control capability to override the value returned by the virtual capability. Control capability `is_phone` can take value `default`, `force_true` and `force_false`. **is_app_webview** enumerable This capability returns true if a HTTP request is from an app based webview. **device_name** string Concatenates brand name and marketing name of a device into a single string. If marketing name is not available, model name is used instead.

Configuring with the Spring Framework

The WURFL API (starting with 1.4) is completely decoupled from the Spring
framework. This allows non-Spring users to import and use WURFL without having
to include the Spring library and everything involved with it.

Using Spring, does not mean that the web.xml file is no longer involved.
You must tell your application that all the features of the API are
now supported through Spring.

In practice, this means that web.xml will contain the following lines:

<context-param>  <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name>  <param-value>/WEB-INF/wurfl-ctx.xml</param-value></context-param>  :<listener>  <listener-class>    org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener  </listener-class></listener>

In the wurfl-helloworld-spring-{version}.war web application, you can find
an easy way to configure the WURFL API using Spring. The wurfl.ctx context
file will contain:

<bean id="WurflHolder" class="com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.GeneralWURFLEngine">  <constructor-arg index="0" value="classpath:/wurfl.zip" />  <!-- <constructor-arg index="1" value="<< patch here >>"/> -->  <!-- <constructor-arg index="2" value="<< more patches here >>"/> --></bean><!-- DeviceCacheProvider --><bean id="deviceCacheProvider" class="com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.cache.LRUMapCacheProvider" /><!-- <bean id="deviceCacheProvider" class="com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.cache.DoubleLRUMapCacheProvider" /> --><!-- <bean id="deviceCacheProvider" class="com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.cache.HashMapCacheProvider" /> --><!-- <bean id="deviceCacheProvider" class="com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.cache.NullCacheProvider" /> --><!-- <bean id="deviceCacheProvider" class="com.scientiamobile.wurfl.core.cache.EhCacheProvider" /> -->

If you would like to set a capability filter, you will need to add the following
properties to your wurfl-ctx.xml:

<property name="capabilityFilter">    <set>    device_os    brand_name    model_name    release_date    has_qwerty_keyboard    </set></property>

To configure the performance mode of the API, you can edit the /META-INF/wurfl-config.xml

<wurfl-api-config engine-target="accuracy"><wurfl-api-config engine-target="performance">

Finally you can simply access the WURFLEngine instance with the code here, taken from a common Servlet method:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {  WebApplicationContext wac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(getServletContext());  WURFLEngine engine = (WURFLEngine)wac.getBean(WURFLEngine.class.getName());  [...]}

Configuring WURFL updater

API version introduces WURFL updater; a new set of classes which allow a client using WURFL to automatically update
In order to use the WurflUpdater, you must have your personal WURFL Snapshot url in the following format:
https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip where xxxxx is replaced with you personal access token. Also, do note that rootPath must be writable from the process/task that is executing the Java API since WurflUpdater will update rootPath file.

Suggested setting for WURFL updater is “periodic” mode; i.e. WurflUpdater will periodically check to see if a new version of the wurfl.zip has been released,
and if so, download it and reload the engine with the new version; all while the standard WurflEngine is running and serving requests.

Running “periodic” updates.

String rootPath = "wurfl.zip";WURFLEngine engine = new GeneralWURFLEngine(rootPath);// remember to modify the url below with your personal WURFL Snapshot urlWURFLUpdater updater = new WURFLUpdater(engine, rootPath, "https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip");updater.setFrequency(Frequency.DAILY);updater.performperiodicUpdate();

Being a periodic task, the updater will run perpetually until
updater.stopPeriodicUpdate() is called. Periodic update does not return a result. Failed/successful results must be checked in log files/console messages.

If needed, WurflUpdater can also run in “on demand” mode i.e. check for a new version of the wurfl.zip once and then stop.

Running “on demand” update.

String rootPath = "wurfl.zip";WURFLEngine engine = new GeneralWURFLEngine(rootPath);// remember to substitute url below with your personal WURFL Snapshot urlWURFLUpdater updater = new WURFLUpdater(engine, rootPath, "https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip");UpdateResult result = updater.performUpdate();

On demand update runs only once per call and returns a result that can be used to programmatically check if update has been successful or, in case of failure, get an error message.


2016 ScientiaMobile Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.

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