web手势库AlloyFinger运用( 控制CANVAS中图片移动、缩放、旋转)

来源:互联网 发布:梦龙网络计划编制软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 23:16








"loadRes": function(arr) {
this.resCount = arr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var type=this._getTypeByExtension(arr[i].src.match(this.FILE_PATTERN)[5]);
if (type === "audio") {
this.loadAudio(arr[i].id, arr[i].src);
} else if (type === "js") {
} else if (type === "img") {
this.loadImage(arr[i].id, arr[i].src);


"loadRes2": function(arr) {
this.resCount = arr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
this.loadImage(arr[i].id, arr[i].src);






<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <title>Canvas+AlloyFinger —— test</title>    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no"/>    <style>@charset "utf-8";@media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:359px){html{font-size:12px;}body{ font-size:1.2rem;}}@media screen and (min-width:360px) and (max-width:374px){html{font-size:13.5px;}}@media screen and (min-width:375px) and (max-width:383px){html{font-size:14.07px;}}@media screen and (min-width:384px) and (max-width:392px){html{font-size:14.38px;}}@media screen and (min-width:393px) and (max-width:410px){html{font-size:14.75px;}}@media screen and (min-width:411px) and (max-width:413px){html{font-size:15.41px;}}@media screen and (min-width:414px) and (max-width:479px){html{font-size:15.52px;}}@media screen and (min-width:480px) and (max-width:511px){html{font-size:18px;}}@media screen and (min-width:512px) and (max-width:639px){html{font-size:19.19px;}}@media screen and (min-width:640px){html{font-size:24px;}}*{ margin:0; 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       if (window.createObjectURL!=undefined) { // basic            url = window.createObjectURL(file) ;        } else if (window.URL!=undefined) { // mozilla(firefox)            url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file) ;        } else if (window.webkitURL!=undefined) { // webkit or chrome            url = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(file) ;        }        return url ;    } $('.canvasBg').on('click',function(){$('#upfile').trigger('click');});var c1 = document.getElementById("c1");  c1.width = 640;c1.height = 640 / $('#c1').width() * $('#c1').height();var ctx1 = c1.getContext("2d");$('#upfile').on('change',function(){upimgurl = getObjectURL(this.files[0]);    upimg = new Image();    upimg.src = upimgurl;    upimg.onload = function(){ ctx1.clearRect(0,0,c1.width,c1.height);        var Stage = AlloyPaper.Stage, Bitmap = AlloyPaper.Bitmap,Loader=AlloyPaper.Loader;        var stage = new Stage("#c1");        stage.autoUpdate=false;        var ld = new Loader();        ld.loadRes2([{ id: "test", src: upimgurl },        ]);        ld.complete(function () {            var bmp = new Bitmap(ld.get("test"));            bmp.originX = 0.5;            bmp.originY = 0.5;            bmp.x = stage.width / 2;            bmp.y = stage.height / 2;            stage.add(bmp);            //stage.update();updateStage();            var initScale = 1;            new AlloyFinger(bmp, {                multipointStart: function () {                    initScale = bmp.scaleX;                },                rotate: function (evt) {                    bmp.rotation += evt.angle;                    //stage.update();updateStage();                },                pinch: function (evt) {                    bmp.scaleX = bmp.scaleY = initScale * evt.scale;                    //stage.update();updateStage();                },                pressMove: function (evt) {                    bmp.x += evt.deltaX;                    bmp.y += evt.deltaY;                    evt.preventDefault();                    //stage.update();updateStage();                }            });        });//将上传的图片画入canvas圆中function updateStage(){ctx1.beginPath();if(c1.width > c1.height){ctx1.arc(c1.width/2 , c1.height/2 , c1.height/2 , 0 , 2*Math.PI);}else{ctx1.arc(c1.width/2 , c1.height/2 , c1.width/2 , 0 , 2*Math.PI);}ctx1.save();ctx1.clip();stage.update();ctx1.restore();whiteText();}}; });function whiteText(){ctx1.font = 'bold 40px "PingFangSC-Regular","sans-serif","STHeitiSC-Light","微软雅黑","Microsoft YaHei"';ctx1.fillStyle = '#f00';  ctx1.textBaseline="middle";  ctx1.textAlign="center";  ctx1.fillText('测试文字',c1.width/2,c1.height/2);}$('#showImgBtn').on('click',function(){$('#showImg').attr('src',c1.toDataURL("image/jpg"));$('#showImg').show();$('#c1').hide();});</script></body></html>


/* AlloyFinger v0.1.2 * By dntzhang * Github: https://github.com/AlloyTeam/AlloyFinger */;(function() {    function getLen(v) {        return Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);    }    function dot(v1, v2) {        return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y;    }    function getAngle(v1, v2) {        var mr = getLen(v1) * getLen(v2);        if (mr === 0) return 0;        var r = dot(v1, v2) / mr;        if (r > 1) r = 1;        return Math.acos(r);    }    function cross(v1, v2) {        return v1.x * v2.y - v2.x * v1.y;    }    function getRotateAngle(v1, v2) {        var angle = getAngle(v1, v2);        if (cross(v1, v2) > 0) {            angle *= -1;        }        return angle * 180 / Math.PI;    }    var AlloyFinger = function (el, option) {        el.addEventListener("touchstart", this.start.bind(this), false);        el.addEventListener("touchmove", this.move.bind(this), false);        el.addEventListener("touchend", this.end.bind(this), false);        el.addEventListener("touchcancel",this.cancel.bind(this),false);        this.preV = { x: null, y: null };        this.pinchStartLen = null;        this.scale = 1;        this.isDoubleTap = false;        this.rotate = option.rotate || function () { };        this.touchStart = option.touchStart || function () { };        this.multipointStart = option.multipointStart || function () { };        this.multipointEnd=option.multipointEnd||function(){};        this.pinch = option.pinch || function () { };        this.swipe = option.swipe || function () { };        this.tap = option.tap || function () { };        this.doubleTap = option.doubleTap || function () { };        this.longTap = option.longTap || function () { };        this.singleTap = option.singleTap || function () { };        this.pressMove = option.pressMove || function () { };        this.touchMove = option.touchMove || function () { };        this.touchEnd = option.touchEnd || function () { };        this.touchCancel = option.touchCancel || function () { };        this.delta = null;        this.last = null;        this.now = null;        this.tapTimeout = null;        this.touchTimeout = null;        this.longTapTimeout = null;        this.swipeTimeout=null;        this.x1 = this.x2 = this.y1 = this.y2 = null;        this.preTapPosition={x:null,y:null};    };    AlloyFinger.prototype = {        start: function (evt) {            if(!evt.touches)return;            this.now = Date.now();            this.x1 = evt.touches[0].pageX;            this.y1 = evt.touches[0].pageY;            this.delta = this.now - (this.last || this.now);            this.touchStart(evt);            if(this.preTapPosition.x!==null){                this.isDoubleTap = (this.delta > 0 && this.delta <= 250&&Math.abs(this.preTapPosition.x-this.x1)<30&&Math.abs(this.preTapPosition.y-this.y1)<30);            }            this.preTapPosition.x=this.x1;            this.preTapPosition.y=this.y1;            this.last = this.now;            var preV = this.preV,                len = evt.touches.length;            if (len > 1) {                this._cancelLongTap();                var v = { x: evt.touches[1].pageX - this.x1, y: evt.touches[1].pageY - this.y1 };                preV.x = v.x;                preV.y = v.y;                this.pinchStartLen = getLen(preV);                this.multipointStart(evt);            }            this.longTapTimeout = setTimeout(function(){                this.longTap(evt);            }.bind(this), 750);        },        move: function (evt) {            if(!evt.touches)return;            var preV = this.preV,                len = evt.touches.length,                currentX = evt.touches[0].pageX,                currentY = evt.touches[0].pageY;            this.isDoubleTap=false;            if (len > 1) {                var v = { x: evt.touches[1].pageX - currentX, y: evt.touches[1].pageY - currentY };                if (preV.x !== null) {                    if (this.pinchStartLen > 0) {                        evt.scale = getLen(v) / this.pinchStartLen;                        this.pinch(evt);                    }                    evt.angle = getRotateAngle(v, preV);                    this.rotate(evt);                }                preV.x = v.x;                preV.y = v.y;            } else {                if (this.x2 !== null) {                    evt.deltaX = currentX - this.x2;                    evt.deltaY = currentY - this.y2;                }else{                    evt.deltaX = 0;                    evt.deltaY = 0;                }                this.pressMove(evt);            }            this.touchMove(evt);            this._cancelLongTap();            this.x2 = currentX;            this.y2 = currentY;            if (evt.touches.length > 1) {                this._cancelLongTap();                evt.preventDefault();            }        },        end: function (evt) {            if(!evt.changedTouches)return;            this._cancelLongTap();            var self = this;            if( evt.touches.length<2){                this.multipointEnd(evt);            }            this.touchEnd(evt);            //swipe            if ((this.x2 && Math.abs(this.x1 - this.x2) > 30) ||                (this.y2 && Math.abs(this.preV.y - this.y2) > 30)) {                evt.direction = this._swipeDirection(this.x1, this.x2, this.y1, this.y2);                this.swipeTimeout = setTimeout(function () {                    self.swipe(evt);                }, 0)            } else {                this.tapTimeout = setTimeout(function () {                    self.tap(evt);                    // trigger double tap immediately                    if (self.isDoubleTap) {                        self.doubleTap(evt);                        clearTimeout(self.touchTimeout);                        self.isDoubleTap = false;                    }else{                        self.touchTimeout=setTimeout(function(){                            self.singleTap(evt);                        },250);                    }                }, 0)            }            this.preV.x = 0;            this.preV.y = 0;            this.scale = 1;            this.pinchStartLen = null;            this.x1 = this.x2 = this.y1 = this.y2 = null;        },        cancel:function(evt){            clearTimeout(this.touchTimeout);            clearTimeout(this.tapTimeout);            clearTimeout(this.longTapTimeout);            clearTimeout(this.swipeTimeout);            this.touchCancel(evt);        },        _cancelLongTap: function () {            clearTimeout(this.longTapTimeout);        },        _swipeDirection: function (x1, x2, y1, y2) {            return Math.abs(x1 - x2) >= Math.abs(y1 - y2) ? (x1 - x2 > 0 ? 'Left' : 'Right') : (y1 - y2 > 0 ? 'Up' : 'Down')        }    };    if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof exports === 'object') {        module.exports = AlloyFinger;    }else {        window.AlloyFinger = AlloyFinger;    }})();


/* Alloy Game Engine * By AlloyTeam http://www.alloyteam.com/ * Github: https://github.com/AlloyTeam/AlloyGameEngine * MIT Licensed. */;(function (root, factory) {    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {        define([], factory);    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {        module.exports = factory();    } else {        root.AlloyPaper = factory();    }}(this, function () {'use strict';// The base Class implementation (does nothing)var Class = function () { };// Create a new Class that inherits from this classClass.extend = function (prop) {    var _super = this.prototype;    var prototype = Object.create(_super);    // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype    for (var name in prop) {        if (name != "statics") {            // Check if we're overwriting an existing function            prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&            typeof _super[name] == "function"  ?                (function (temp_name, fn) {                    return function () {                        var tmp = this._super;                        // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method                        // but on the super-class                        this._super = _super[temp_name];                        // The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we                        // remove it when we're done executing                        var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);                        this._super = tmp;                        return ret;                    };                })(name, prop[name]) :                prop[name];        }    }    // The dummy class constructor    function _Class() {        // All construction is actually done in the init method        this.ctor.apply(this, arguments);    }    //继承父类的静态属性    for (var key in this) {        if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && key != "extend")            _Class[key] = this[key];    }    // Populate our constructed prototype object    _Class.prototype = prototype;    _Class.prototype._super = Object.create(_super);    //静态属性和方法    if (prop.statics) {        for (var key in prop.statics) {            if (prop.statics.hasOwnProperty(key)) {                _Class[key] = prop.statics[key];                if (key == "ctor") {                    //提前执行静态构造函数                    _Class[key]();                }            }        }    }    // Enforce the constructor to be what we expect    _Class.prototype.constructor = _Class;    // And make this class extendable    _Class.extend = Class.extend;    return _Class;};window.Class = Class;//AlloyPapervar AlloyPaper={};AlloyPaper.DefaultCursor = "default";AlloyPaper.Cache = {};AlloyPaper.TWEEN = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "ctor": function() {            if (Date.now === undefined) {                Date.now = function() {                    return new Date().valueOf();                };            }            this._tweens = [];        },        "REVISION": "14",        "getAll": function() {            return this._tweens;        },        "removeAll": function() {            this._tweens = [];        },        "add": function(tween) {            this._tweens.push(tween);        },        "remove": function(tween) {            var i = this._tweens.indexOf(tween);            if (i !== -1) {                this._tweens.splice(i, 1);            }        },        "update": function(time) {            if (this._tweens.length === 0) return false;            var i = 0;            time = time !== undefined ? time : typeof window !== "undefined" && window.performance !== undefined && window.performance.now !== undefined ? window.performance.now() : Date.now();            while (i < this._tweens.length) {                if (this._tweens[i].update(time)) {                    i++;                } else {                    this._tweens.splice(i, 1);                }            }            return true;        },        "Tween": function(object) {            var _object = object;            var _valuesStart = {};            var _valuesEnd = {};            var _valuesStartRepeat = {};            var _duration = 1e3;            var _repeat = 0;            var _yoyo = false;            var _isPlaying = false;            var _reversed = false;            var _delayTime = 0;            var _startTime = null;            var _easingFunction = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None;            var _interpolationFunction = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.Linear;            var _chainedTweens = [];            var _onStartCallback = null;            var _onStartCallbackFired = false;            var _onUpdateCallback = null;            var _onCompleteCallback = null;            var _onStopCallback = null;            var _paused = false,                _passTime = null;            for (var field in object) {                _valuesStart[field] = parseFloat(object[field], 10);            }            this.toggle = function() {                if (_paused) {                    this.play();                } else {                    this.pause();                }            };            this.pause = function() {                _paused = true;                var pauseTime = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.performance !== undefined && window.performance.now !== undefined ? window.performance.now() : Date.now();                _passTime = pauseTime - _startTime;            };            this.play = function() {                _paused = false;                var nowTime = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.performance !== undefined && window.performance.now !== undefined ? window.performance.now() : Date.now();                _startTime = nowTime - _passTime;            };            this.to = function(properties, duration) {                if (duration !== undefined) {                    _duration = duration;                }                _valuesEnd = properties;                return this;            };            this.start = function(time) {                AlloyPaper.TWEEN.add(this);                _isPlaying = true;                _onStartCallbackFired = false;                _startTime = time !== undefined ? time : typeof window !== "undefined" && window.performance !== undefined && window.performance.now !== undefined ? window.performance.now() : Date.now();                _startTime += _delayTime;                for (var property in _valuesEnd) {                    if (_valuesEnd[property] instanceof Array) {                        if (_valuesEnd[property].length === 0) {                            continue;                        }                        _valuesEnd[property] = [_object[property]].concat(_valuesEnd[property]);                    }                    _valuesStart[property] = _object[property];                    if (_valuesStart[property] instanceof Array === false) {                        _valuesStart[property] *= 1;                    }                    _valuesStartRepeat[property] = _valuesStart[property] || 0;                }                return this;            };            this.stop = function() {                if (!_isPlaying) {                    return this;                }                AlloyPaper.TWEEN.remove(this);                _isPlaying = false;                if (_onStopCallback !== null) {                    _onStopCallback.call(_object);                }                this.stopChainedTweens();                return this;            };            this.stopChainedTweens = function() {                for (var i = 0, numChainedTweens = _chainedTweens.length; i < numChainedTweens; i++) {                    _chainedTweens[i].stop();                }            };            this.delay = function(amount) {                _delayTime = amount;                return this;            };            this.repeat = function(times) {                _repeat = times;                return this;            };            this.yoyo = function(yoyo) {                _yoyo = yoyo;                return this;            };            this.easing = function(easing) {                _easingFunction = easing;                return this;            };            this.interpolation = function(interpolation) {                _interpolationFunction = interpolation;                return this;            };            this.chain = function() {                _chainedTweens = arguments;                return this;            };            this.onStart = function(callback) {                _onStartCallback = callback;                return this;            };            this.onUpdate = function(callback) {                _onUpdateCallback = callback;                return this;            };            this.onComplete = function(callback) {                _onCompleteCallback = callback;                return this;            };            this.onStop = function(callback) {                _onStopCallback = callback;                return this;            };            this.update = function(time) {                if (_paused) return true;                var property;                if (time < _startTime) {                    return true;                }                if (_onStartCallbackFired === false) {                    if (_onStartCallback !== null) {                        _onStartCallback.call(_object);                    }                    _onStartCallbackFired = true;                }                var elapsed = (time - _startTime) / _duration;                elapsed = elapsed > 1 ? 1 : elapsed;                var value = _easingFunction(elapsed);                for (property in _valuesEnd) {                    var start = _valuesStart[property] || 0;                    var end = _valuesEnd[property];                    if (end instanceof Array) {                        _object[property] = _interpolationFunction(end, value);                    } else {                        if (typeof end === "string") {                            end = start + parseFloat(end, 10);                        }                        if (typeof end === "number") {                            _object[property] = start + (end - start) * value;                        }                    }                }                if (_onUpdateCallback !== null) {                    _onUpdateCallback.call(_object, value);                }                if (elapsed == 1) {                    if (_repeat > 0) {                        if (isFinite(_repeat)) {                            _repeat--;                        }                        for (property in _valuesStartRepeat) {                            if (typeof _valuesEnd[property] === "string") {                                _valuesStartRepeat[property] = _valuesStartRepeat[property] + parseFloat(_valuesEnd[property], 10);                            }                            if (_yoyo) {                                var tmp = _valuesStartRepeat[property];                                _valuesStartRepeat[property] = _valuesEnd[property];                                _valuesEnd[property] = tmp;                            }                            _valuesStart[property] = _valuesStartRepeat[property];                        }                        if (_yoyo) {                            _reversed = !_reversed;                        }                        _startTime = time + _delayTime;                        return true;                    } else {                        if (_onCompleteCallback !== null) {                            _onCompleteCallback.call(_object);                        }                        for (var i = 0, numChainedTweens = _chainedTweens.length; i < numChainedTweens; i++) {                            _chainedTweens[i].start(time);                        }                        return false;                    }                }                return true;            };        },        "Easing": {            "Linear": {                "None": function(k) {                    return k;                }            },            "Quadratic": {                "In": function(k) {                    return k * k;                },                "Out": function(k) {                    return k * (2 - k);                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return.5 * k * k;                    return -.5 * (--k * (k - 2) - 1);                }            },            "Cubic": {                "In": function(k) {                    return k * k * k;                },                "Out": function(k) {                    return --k * k * k + 1;                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return.5 * k * k * k;                    return.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * k + 2);                }            },            "Quartic": {                "In": function(k) {                    return k * k * k * k;                },                "Out": function(k) {                    return 1 - --k * k * k * k;                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return.5 * k * k * k * k;                    return -.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * k * k - 2);                }            },            "Quintic": {                "In": function(k) {                    return k * k * k * k * k;                },                "Out": function(k) {                    return --k * k * k * k * k + 1;                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return.5 * k * k * k * k * k;                    return.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * k * k * k + 2);                }            },            "Sinusoidal": {                "In": function(k) {                    return 1 - Math.cos(k * Math.PI / 2);                },                "Out": function(k) {                    return Math.sin(k * Math.PI / 2);                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    return.5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * k));                }            },            "Exponential": {                "In": function(k) {                    return k === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(1024, k - 1);                },                "Out": function(k) {                    return k === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * k);                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    if (k === 0) return 0;                    if (k === 1) return 1;                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return.5 * Math.pow(1024, k - 1);                    return.5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (k - 1)) + 2);                }            },            "Circular": {                "In": function(k) {                    return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - k * k);                },                "Out": function(k) {                    return Math.sqrt(1 - --k * k);                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return -.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - k * k) - 1);                    return.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (k -= 2) * k) + 1);                }            },            "Elastic": {                "In": function(k) {                    var s, a = .1,                        p = .4;                    if (k === 0) return 0;                    if (k === 1) return 1;                    if (!a || a < 1) {                        a = 1;                        s = p / 4;                    } else s = p * Math.asin(1 / a) / (2 * Math.PI);                    return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (k -= 1)) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p));                },                "Out": function(k) {                    var s, a = .1,                        p = .4;                    if (k === 0) return 0;                    if (k === 1) return 1;                    if (!a || a < 1) {                        a = 1;                        s = p / 4;                    } else s = p * Math.asin(1 / a) / (2 * Math.PI);                    return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * k) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + 1;                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    var s, a = .1,                        p = .4;                    if (k === 0) return 0;                    if (k === 1) return 1;                    if (!a || a < 1) {                        a = 1;                        s = p / 4;                    } else s = p * Math.asin(1 / a) / (2 * Math.PI);                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return -.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (k -= 1)) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p));                    return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (k -= 1)) * Math.sin((k - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * .5 + 1;                }            },            "Back": {                "In": function(k) {                    var s = 1.70158;                    return k * k * ((s + 1) * k - s);                },                "Out": function(k) {                    var s = 1.70158;                    return --k * k * ((s + 1) * k + s) + 1;                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    var s = 1.70158 * 1.525;                    if ((k *= 2) < 1) return.5 * (k * k * ((s + 1) * k - s));                    return.5 * ((k -= 2) * k * ((s + 1) * k + s) + 2);                }            },            "Bounce": {                "In": function(k) {                    return 1 - AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.Out(1 - k);                },                "Out": function(k) {                    if (k < 1 / 2.75) {                        return 7.5625 * k * k;                    } else if (k < 2 / 2.75) {                        return 7.5625 * (k -= 1.5 / 2.75) * k + .75;                    } else if (k < 2.5 / 2.75) {                        return 7.5625 * (k -= 2.25 / 2.75) * k + .9375;                    } else {                        return 7.5625 * (k -= 2.625 / 2.75) * k + .984375;                    }                },                "InOut": function(k) {                    if (k < .5) return AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.In(k * 2) * .5;                    return AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.Out(k * 2 - 1) * .5 + .5;                }            }        },        "Interpolation": {            "Linear": function(v, k) {                var m = v.length - 1,                    f = m * k,                    i = Math.floor(f),                    fn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.Linear;                if (k < 0) return fn(v[0], v[1], f);                if (k > 1) return fn(v[m], v[m - 1], m - f);                return fn(v[i], v[i + 1 > m ? m : i + 1], f - i);            },            "Bezier": function(v, k) {                var b = 0,                    n = v.length - 1,                    pw = Math.pow,                    bn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.Bernstein,                    i;                for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {                    b += pw(1 - k, n - i) * pw(k, i) * v[i] * bn(n, i);                }                return b;            },            "CatmullRom": function(v, k) {                var m = v.length - 1,                    f = m * k,                    i = Math.floor(f),                    fn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.CatmullRom;                if (v[0] === v[m]) {                    if (k < 0) i = Math.floor(f = m * (1 + k));                    return fn(v[(i - 1 + m) % m], v[i], v[(i + 1) % m], v[(i + 2) % m], f - i);                } else {                    if (k < 0) return v[0] - (fn(v[0], v[0], v[1], v[1], -f) - v[0]);                    if (k > 1) return v[m] - (fn(v[m], v[m], v[m - 1], v[m - 1], f - m) - v[m]);                    return fn(v[i ? i - 1 : 0], v[i], v[m < i + 1 ? m : i + 1], v[m < i + 2 ? m : i + 2], f - i);                }            },            "Utils": {                "Linear": function(p0, p1, t) {                    return (p1 - p0) * t + p0;                },                "Bernstein": function(n, i) {                    var fc = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.getFactorial();                    return fc(n) / fc(i) / fc(n - i);                },                "getFactorial": function() {                    return function() {                        var a = [1];                        return function(n) {                            var s = 1,                                i;                            if (a[n]) return a[n];                            for (i = n; i > 1; i--) s *= i;                            return a[n] = s;                        };                    }();                },                "CatmullRom": function(p0, p1, p2, p3, t) {                    var v0 = (p2 - p0) * .5,                        v1 = (p3 - p1) * .5,                        t2 = t * t,                        t3 = t * t2;                    return (2 * p1 - 2 * p2 + v0 + v1) * t3 + (-3 * p1 + 3 * p2 - 2 * v0 - v1) * t2 + v0 * t + p1;                }            }        }    }});//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Dom---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Dom = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "get": function(selector) {            this.element = document.querySelector(selector);            return this;        },        "on": function(type, fn) {            this.element.addEventListener(type, fn, false);            return this;        }    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Dom---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.FPS---------------------beginAlloyPaper.FPS = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "get": function() {            if (!this.instance) this.instance = new this();            this.instance._computeFPS();            return this.instance;        }    },    "ctor": function() {        this.last = new Date();        this.current = null;        this.lastMeasured=new Date();        this.fpsList = [];        this.totalValue = 0;        this.value = 60;          },    "_computeFPS": function() {        this.current = new Date();        if (this.current - this.last > 0) {            var fps = Math.ceil(1e3 / (this.current - this.last));            this.fpsList.push(fps);                       this.totalValue += fps;            this.last = this.current;                        }        if (this.current - this.lastMeasured > 1000) {            this.value =Math.ceil( this.totalValue / this.fpsList.length);            this.totalValue = 0;            this.fpsList.length = 0;            this.lastMeasured = this.current;        }    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.FPS---------------------endAlloyPaper.Keyboard = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "ctor": function() {            var KeyboardJS = {},                locales = {},                locale, map, macros, activeKeys = [],                bindings = [],                activeBindings = [],                activeMacros = [],                aI, usLocale;            usLocale = {                map: {                    "3": ["cancel"],                    "8": ["backspace"],                    "9": ["tab"],                    "12": ["clear"],                    "13": ["enter"],                    "16": ["shift"],                    "17": ["ctrl"],                    "18": ["alt", "menu"],                    "19": ["pause", "break"],                    "20": ["capslock"],                    "27": ["escape", "esc"],                    "32": ["space", "spacebar"],                    "33": ["pageup"],                    "34": ["pagedown"],                    "35": ["end"],                    "36": ["home"],                    "37": ["left"],                    "38": ["up"],                    "39": ["right"],                    "40": ["down"],                    "41": ["select"],                    "42": ["printscreen"],                    "43": ["execute"],                    "44": ["snapshot"],                    "45": ["insert", "ins"],                    "46": ["delete", "del"],                    "47": ["help"],                    "91": ["command", "windows", "win", "super", "leftcommand", "leftwindows", "leftwin", "leftsuper"],                    "92": ["command", "windows", "win", "super", "rightcommand", "rightwindows", "rightwin", "rightsuper"],                    "145": ["scrolllock", "scroll"],                    "186": ["semicolon", ";"],                    "187": ["equal", "equalsign", "="],                    "188": ["comma", ","],                    "189": ["dash", "-"],                    "190": ["period", "."],                    "191": ["slash", "forwardslash", "/"],                    "192": ["graveaccent", "`"],                    "219": ["openbracket", "["],                    "220": ["backslash", "\\"],                    "221": ["closebracket", "]"],                    "222": ["apostrophe", "'"],                    "48": ["zero", "0"],                    "49": ["one", "1"],                    "50": ["two", "2"],                    "51": ["three", "3"],                    "52": ["four", "4"],                    "53": ["five", "5"],                    "54": ["six", "6"],                    "55": ["seven", "7"],                    "56": ["eight", "8"],                    "57": ["nine", "9"],                    "96": ["numzero", "num0"],                    "97": ["numone", "num1"],                    "98": ["numtwo", "num2"],                    "99": ["numthree", "num3"],                    "100": ["numfour", "num4"],                    "101": ["numfive", "num5"],                    "102": ["numsix", "num6"],                    "103": ["numseven", "num7"],                    "104": ["numeight", "num8"],                    "105": ["numnine", "num9"],                    "106": ["nummultiply", "num*"],                    "107": ["numadd", "num+"],                    "108": ["numenter"],                    "109": ["numsubtract", "num-"],                    "110": ["numdecimal", "num."],                    "111": ["numdivide", "num/"],                    "144": ["numlock", "num"],                    "112": ["f1"],                    "113": ["f2"],                    "114": ["f3"],                    "115": ["f4"],                    "116": ["f5"],                    "117": ["f6"],                    "118": ["f7"],                    "119": ["f8"],                    "120": ["f9"],                    "121": ["f10"],                    "122": ["f11"],                    "123": ["f12"]                },                macros: [["shift + `", ["tilde", "~"]], ["shift + 1", ["exclamation", "exclamationpoint", "!"]], ["shift + 2", ["at", "@"]], ["shift + 3", ["number", "#"]], ["shift + 4", ["dollar", "dollars", "dollarsign", "$"]], ["shift + 5", ["percent", "%"]], ["shift + 6", ["caret", "^"]], ["shift + 7", ["ampersand", "and", "&"]], ["shift + 8", ["asterisk", "*"]], ["shift + 9", ["openparen", "("]], ["shift + 0", ["closeparen", ")"]], ["shift + -", ["underscore", "_"]], ["shift + =", ["plus", "+"]], ["shift + (", ["opencurlybrace", "opencurlybracket", "{"]], ["shift + )", ["closecurlybrace", "closecurlybracket", "}"]], ["shift + \\", ["verticalbar", "|"]], ["shift + ;", ["colon", ":"]], ["shift + '", ["quotationmark", '"']], ["shift + !,", ["openanglebracket", "<"]], ["shift + .", ["closeanglebracket", ">"]], ["shift + /", ["questionmark", "?"]]]            };            for (aI = 65; aI <= 90; aI += 1) {                usLocale.map[aI] = String.fromCharCode(aI + 32);                usLocale.macros.push(["shift + " + String.fromCharCode(aI + 32) + ", capslock + " + String.fromCharCode(aI + 32), [String.fromCharCode(aI)]]);            }            registerLocale("us", usLocale);            getSetLocale("us");            enable();            KeyboardJS.enable = enable;            KeyboardJS.disable = disable;            KeyboardJS.activeKeys = getActiveKeys;            KeyboardJS.releaseKey = removeActiveKey;            KeyboardJS.pressKey = addActiveKey;            KeyboardJS.on = createBinding;            KeyboardJS.clear = removeBindingByKeyCombo;            KeyboardJS.clear.key = removeBindingByKeyName;            KeyboardJS.locale = getSetLocale;            KeyboardJS.locale.register = registerLocale;            KeyboardJS.macro = createMacro;            KeyboardJS.macro.remove = removeMacro;            KeyboardJS.key = {};            KeyboardJS.key.name = getKeyName;            KeyboardJS.key.code = getKeyCode;            KeyboardJS.combo = {};            KeyboardJS.combo.active = isSatisfiedCombo;            KeyboardJS.combo.parse = parseKeyCombo;            KeyboardJS.combo.stringify = stringifyKeyCombo;            function enable() {                if (window.addEventListener) {                    window.document.addEventListener("keydown", keydown, false);                    window.document.addEventListener("keyup", keyup, false);                    window.addEventListener("blur", reset, false);                    window.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", reset, false);                    window.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", reset, false);                } else if (window.attachEvent) {                    window.document.attachEvent("onkeydown", keydown);                    window.document.attachEvent("onkeyup", keyup);                    window.attachEvent("onblur", reset);                }            }            function disable() {                reset();                if (window.removeEventListener) {                    window.document.removeEventListener("keydown", keydown, false);                    window.document.removeEventListener("keyup", keyup, false);                    window.removeEventListener("blur", reset, false);                    window.removeEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", reset, false);                    window.removeEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", reset, false);                } else if (window.detachEvent) {                    window.document.detachEvent("onkeydown", keydown);                    window.document.detachEvent("onkeyup", keyup);                    window.detachEvent("onblur", reset);                }            }            function reset(event) {                activeKeys = [];                pruneMacros();                pruneBindings(event);            }            function keydown(event) {                var keyNames, keyName, kI;                keyNames = getKeyName(event.keyCode);                if (keyNames.length < 1) {                    return;                }                event.isRepeat = false;                for (kI = 0; kI < keyNames.length; kI += 1) {                    keyName = keyNames[kI];                    if (getActiveKeys().indexOf(keyName) != -1) event.isRepeat = true;                    addActiveKey(keyName);                }                executeMacros();                executeBindings(event);            }            function keyup(event) {                var keyNames, kI;                keyNames = getKeyName(event.keyCode);                if (keyNames.length < 1) {                    return;                }                for (kI = 0; kI < keyNames.length; kI += 1) {                    removeActiveKey(keyNames[kI]);                }                pruneMacros();                pruneBindings(event);            }            function getKeyName(keyCode) {                return map[keyCode] || [];            }            function getKeyCode(keyName) {                var keyCode;                for (keyCode in map) {                    if (!map.hasOwnProperty(keyCode)) {                        continue;                    }                    if (map[keyCode].indexOf(keyName) > -1) {                        return keyCode;                    }                }                return false;            }            function createMacro(combo, injectedKeys) {                if (typeof combo !== "string" && (typeof combo !== "object" || typeof combo.push !== "function")) {                    throw new Error("Cannot create macro. The combo must be a string or array.");                }                if (typeof injectedKeys !== "object" || typeof injectedKeys.push !== "function") {                    throw new Error("Cannot create macro. The injectedKeys must be an array.");                }                macros.push([combo, injectedKeys]);            }            function removeMacro(combo) {                var macro, mI;                if (typeof combo !== "string" && (typeof combo !== "object" || typeof combo.push !== "function")) {                    throw new Error("Cannot remove macro. The combo must be a string or array.");                }                for (mI = 0; mI < macros.length; mI += 1) {                    macro = macros[mI];                    if (compareCombos(combo, macro[0])) {                        removeActiveKey(macro[1]);                        macros.splice(mI, 1);                        break;                    }                }            }            function executeMacros() {                var mI, combo, kI;                for (mI = 0; mI < macros.length; mI += 1) {                    combo = parseKeyCombo(macros[mI][0]);                    if (activeMacros.indexOf(macros[mI]) === -1 && isSatisfiedCombo(combo)) {                        activeMacros.push(macros[mI]);                        for (kI = 0; kI < macros[mI][1].length; kI += 1) {                            addActiveKey(macros[mI][1][kI]);                        }                    }                }            }            function pruneMacros() {                var mI, combo, kI;                for (mI = 0; mI < activeMacros.length; mI += 1) {                    combo = parseKeyCombo(activeMacros[mI][0]);                    if (isSatisfiedCombo(combo) === false) {                        for (kI = 0; kI < activeMacros[mI][1].length; kI += 1) {                            removeActiveKey(activeMacros[mI][1][kI]);                        }                        activeMacros.splice(mI, 1);                        mI -= 1;                    }                }            }            function createBinding(keyCombo, keyDownCallback, keyUpCallback) {                var api = {},                    binding, subBindings = [],                    bindingApi = {},                    kI, subCombo;                if (typeof keyCombo === "string") {                    keyCombo = parseKeyCombo(keyCombo);                }                for (kI = 0; kI < keyCombo.length; kI += 1) {                    binding = {};                    subCombo = stringifyKeyCombo([keyCombo[kI]]);                    if (typeof subCombo !== "string") {                        throw new Error("Failed to bind key combo. The key combo must be string.");                    }                    binding.keyCombo = subCombo;                    binding.keyDownCallback = [];                    binding.keyUpCallback = [];                    if (keyDownCallback) {                        binding.keyDownCallback.push(keyDownCallback);                    }                    if (keyUpCallback) {                        binding.keyUpCallback.push(keyUpCallback);                    }                    bindings.push(binding);                    subBindings.push(binding);                }                api.clear = clear;                api.on = on;                return api;                function clear() {                    var bI;                    for (bI = 0; bI < subBindings.length; bI += 1) {                        bindings.splice(bindings.indexOf(subBindings[bI]), 1);                    }                }                function on(eventName) {                    var api = {},                        callbacks, cI, bI;                    if (typeof eventName !== "string") {                        throw new Error("Cannot bind callback. The event name must be a string.");                    }                    if (eventName !== "keyup" && eventName !== "keydown") {                        throw new Error('Cannot bind callback. The event name must be a "keyup" or "keydown".');                    }                    callbacks = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]);                    for (cI = 0; cI < callbacks.length; cI += 1) {                        if (typeof callbacks[cI] === "function") {                            if (eventName === "keyup") {                                for (bI = 0; bI < subBindings.length; bI += 1) {                                    subBindings[bI].keyUpCallback.push(callbacks[cI]);                                }                            } else if (eventName === "keydown") {                                for (bI = 0; bI < subBindings.length; bI += 1) {                                    subBindings[bI].keyDownCallback.push(callbacks[cI]);                                }                            }                        }                    }                    api.clear = clear;                    return api;                    function clear() {                        var cI, bI;                        for (cI = 0; cI < callbacks.length; cI += 1) {                            if (typeof callbacks[cI] === "function") {                                if (eventName === "keyup") {                                    for (bI = 0; bI < subBindings.length; bI += 1) {                                        subBindings[bI].keyUpCallback.splice(subBindings[bI].keyUpCallback.indexOf(callbacks[cI]), 1);                                    }                                } else {                                    for (bI = 0; bI < subBindings.length; bI += 1) {                                        subBindings[bI].keyDownCallback.splice(subBindings[bI].keyDownCallback.indexOf(callbacks[cI]), 1);                                    }                                }                            }                        }                    }                }            }            function removeBindingByKeyCombo(keyCombo) {                var bI, binding, keyName;                for (bI = 0; bI < bindings.length; bI += 1) {                    binding = bindings[bI];                    if (compareCombos(keyCombo, binding.keyCombo)) {                        bindings.splice(bI, 1);                        bI -= 1;                    }                }            }            function removeBindingByKeyName(keyName) {                var bI, kI, binding;                if (keyName) {                    for (bI = 0; bI < bindings.length; bI += 1) {                        binding = bindings[bI];                        for (kI = 0; kI < binding.keyCombo.length; kI += 1) {                            if (binding.keyCombo[kI].indexOf(keyName) > -1) {                                bindings.splice(bI, 1);                                bI -= 1;                                break;                            }                        }                    }                } else {                    bindings = [];                }            }            function executeBindings(event) {                var bI, sBI, binding, bindingKeys, remainingKeys, cI, killEventBubble, kI, bindingKeysSatisfied, index, sortedBindings = [],                    bindingWeight;                remainingKeys = [].concat(activeKeys);                for (bI = 0; bI < bindings.length; bI += 1) {                    bindingWeight = extractComboKeys(bindings[bI].keyCombo).length;                    if (!sortedBindings[bindingWeight]) {                        sortedBindings[bindingWeight] = [];                    }                    sortedBindings[bindingWeight].push(bindings[bI]);                }                for (sBI = sortedBindings.length - 1; sBI >= 0; sBI -= 1) {                    if (!sortedBindings[sBI]) {                        continue;                    }                    for (bI = 0; bI < sortedBindings[sBI].length; bI += 1) {                        binding = sortedBindings[sBI][bI];                        bindingKeys = extractComboKeys(binding.keyCombo);                        bindingKeysSatisfied = true;                        for (kI = 0; kI < bindingKeys.length; kI += 1) {                            if (remainingKeys.indexOf(bindingKeys[kI]) === -1) {                                bindingKeysSatisfied = false;                                break;                            }                        }                        if (bindingKeysSatisfied && isSatisfiedCombo(binding.keyCombo)) {                            activeBindings.push(binding);                            for (kI = 0; kI < bindingKeys.length; kI += 1) {                                index = remainingKeys.indexOf(bindingKeys[kI]);                                if (index > -1) {                                    remainingKeys.splice(index, 1);                                    kI -= 1;                                }                            }                            for (cI = 0; cI < binding.keyDownCallback.length; cI += 1) {                                if (binding.keyDownCallback[cI](event, getActiveKeys(), binding.keyCombo) === false) {                                    killEventBubble = true;                                }                            }                            if (killEventBubble === true) {                                event.preventDefault();                                event.stopPropagation();                            }                        }                    }                }            }            function pruneBindings(event) {                var bI, cI, binding, killEventBubble;                for (bI = 0; bI < activeBindings.length; bI += 1) {                    binding = activeBindings[bI];                    if (isSatisfiedCombo(binding.keyCombo) === false) {                        for (cI = 0; cI < binding.keyUpCallback.length; cI += 1) {                            if (binding.keyUpCallback[cI](event, getActiveKeys(), binding.keyCombo) === false) {                                killEventBubble = true;                            }                        }                        if (killEventBubble === true) {                            event.preventDefault();                            event.stopPropagation();                        }                        activeBindings.splice(bI, 1);                        bI -= 1;                    }                }            }            function compareCombos(keyComboArrayA, keyComboArrayB) {                var cI, sI, kI;                keyComboArrayA = parseKeyCombo(keyComboArrayA);                keyComboArrayB = parseKeyCombo(keyComboArrayB);                if (keyComboArrayA.length !== keyComboArrayB.length) {                    return false;                }                for (cI = 0; cI < keyComboArrayA.length; cI += 1) {                    if (keyComboArrayA[cI].length !== keyComboArrayB[cI].length) {                        return false;                    }                    for (sI = 0; sI < keyComboArrayA[cI].length; sI += 1) {                        if (keyComboArrayA[cI][sI].length !== keyComboArrayB[cI][sI].length) {                            return false;                        }                        for (kI = 0; kI < keyComboArrayA[cI][sI].length; kI += 1) {                            if (keyComboArrayB[cI][sI].indexOf(keyComboArrayA[cI][sI][kI]) === -1) {                                return false;                            }                        }                    }                }                return true;            }            function isSatisfiedCombo(keyCombo) {                var cI, sI, stage, kI, stageOffset = 0,                    index, comboMatches;                keyCombo = parseKeyCombo(keyCombo);                for (cI = 0; cI < keyCombo.length; cI += 1) {                    comboMatches = true;                    stageOffset = 0;                    for (sI = 0; sI < keyCombo[cI].length; sI += 1) {                        stage = [].concat(keyCombo[cI][sI]);                        for (kI = stageOffset; kI < activeKeys.length; kI += 1) {                            index = stage.indexOf(activeKeys[kI]);                            if (index > -1) {                                stage.splice(index, 1);                                stageOffset = kI;                            }                        }                        if (stage.length !== 0) {                            comboMatches = false;                            break;                        }                    }                    if (comboMatches) {                        return true;                    }                }                return false;            }            function extractComboKeys(keyCombo) {                var cI, sI, kI, keys = [];                keyCombo = parseKeyCombo(keyCombo);                for (cI = 0; cI < keyCombo.length; cI += 1) {                    for (sI = 0; sI < keyCombo[cI].length; sI += 1) {                        keys = keys.concat(keyCombo[cI][sI]);                    }                }                return keys;            }            function parseKeyCombo(keyCombo) {                var s = keyCombo,                    i = 0,                    op = 0,                    ws = false,                    nc = false,                    combos = [],                    combo = [],                    stage = [],                    key = "";                if (typeof keyCombo === "object" && typeof keyCombo.push === "function") {                    return keyCombo;                }                if (typeof keyCombo !== "string") {                    throw new Error('Cannot parse "keyCombo" because its type is "' + typeof keyCombo + '". It must be a "string".');                }                while (s.charAt(i) === " ") {                    i += 1;                }                while (true) {                    if (s.charAt(i) === " ") {                        while (s.charAt(i) === " ") {                            i += 1;                        }                        ws = true;                    } else if (s.charAt(i) === ",") {                        if (op || nc) {                            throw new Error("Failed to parse key combo. Unexpected , at character index " + i + ".");                        }                        nc = true;                        i += 1;                    } else if (s.charAt(i) === "+") {                        if (key.length) {                            stage.push(key);                            key = "";                        }                        if (op || nc) {                            throw new Error("Failed to parse key combo. Unexpected + at character index " + i + ".");                        }                        op = true;                        i += 1;                    } else if (s.charAt(i) === ">") {                        if (key.length) {                            stage.push(key);                            key = "";                        }                        if (stage.length) {                            combo.push(stage);                            stage = [];                        }                        if (op || nc) {                            throw new Error("Failed to parse key combo. Unexpected > at character index " + i + ".");                        }                        op = true;                        i += 1;                    } else if (i < s.length - 1 && s.charAt(i) === "!" && (s.charAt(i + 1) === ">" || s.charAt(i + 1) === "," || s.charAt(i + 1) === "+")) {                        key += s.charAt(i + 1);                        op = false;                        ws = false;                        nc = false;                        i += 2;                    } else if (i < s.length && s.charAt(i) !== "+" && s.charAt(i) !== ">" && s.charAt(i) !== "," && s.charAt(i) !== " ") {                        if (op === false && ws === true || nc === true) {                            if (key.length) {                                stage.push(key);                                key = "";                            }                            if (stage.length) {                                combo.push(stage);                                stage = [];                            }                            if (combo.length) {                                combos.push(combo);                                combo = [];                            }                        }                        op = false;                        ws = false;                        nc = false;                        while (i < s.length && s.charAt(i) !== "+" && s.charAt(i) !== ">" && s.charAt(i) !== "," && s.charAt(i) !== " ") {                            key += s.charAt(i);                            i += 1;                        }                    } else {                        i += 1;                        continue;                    }                    if (i >= s.length) {                        if (key.length) {                            stage.push(key);                            key = "";                        }                        if (stage.length) {                            combo.push(stage);                            stage = [];                        }                        if (combo.length) {                            combos.push(combo);                            combo = [];                        }                        break;                    }                }                return combos;            }            function stringifyKeyCombo(keyComboArray) {                var cI, ccI, output = [];                if (typeof keyComboArray === "string") {                    return keyComboArray;                }                if (typeof keyComboArray !== "object" || typeof keyComboArray.push !== "function") {                    throw new Error("Cannot stringify key combo.");                }                for (cI = 0; cI < keyComboArray.length; cI += 1) {                    output[cI] = [];                    for (ccI = 0; ccI < keyComboArray[cI].length; ccI += 1) {                        output[cI][ccI] = keyComboArray[cI][ccI].join(" + ");                    }                    output[cI] = output[cI].join(" > ");                }                return output.join(" ");            }            function getActiveKeys() {                return [].concat(activeKeys);            }            function addActiveKey(keyName) {                if (keyName.match(/\s/)) {                    throw new Error("Cannot add key name " + keyName + " to active keys because it contains whitespace.");                }                if (activeKeys.indexOf(keyName) > -1) {                    return;                }                activeKeys.push(keyName);            }            function removeActiveKey(keyName) {                var keyCode = getKeyCode(keyName);                if (keyCode === "91" || keyCode === "92") {                    activeKeys = [];                } else {                    activeKeys.splice(activeKeys.indexOf(keyName), 1);                }            }            function registerLocale(localeName, localeMap) {                if (typeof localeName !== "string") {                    throw new Error("Cannot register new locale. The locale name must be a string.");                }                if (typeof localeMap !== "object") {                    throw new Error("Cannot register " + localeName + " locale. The locale map must be an object.");                }                if (typeof localeMap.map !== "object") {                    throw new Error("Cannot register " + localeName + " locale. The locale map is invalid.");                }                if (!localeMap.macros) {                    localeMap.macros = [];                }                locales[localeName] = localeMap;            }            function getSetLocale(localeName) {                if (localeName) {                    if (typeof localeName !== "string") {                        throw new Error("Cannot set locale. The locale name must be a string.");                    }                    if (!locales[localeName]) {                        throw new Error("Cannot set locale to " + localeName + " because it does not exist. If you would like to submit a " + localeName + " locale map for KeyboardJS please submit it at https://github.com/RobertWHurst/KeyboardJS/issues.");                    }                    map = locales[localeName].map;                    macros = locales[localeName].macros;                    locale = localeName;                }                return locale;            }            this.Keyboard = KeyboardJS;        },        "on": function(keyCombo, onDownCallback, onUpCallback) {            this.Keyboard.on(keyCombo, onDownCallback, onUpCallback);        },        "getActiveKeys": function() {            return this.Keyboard.activeKeys();        }    }});//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Loader---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Loader = Class.extend({    "ctor": function() {        this.res = {};        this.loadedCount = 0;        this.resCount = -1;        this.FILE_PATTERN = /(\w+:\/{2})?((?:\w+\.){2}\w+)?(\/?[\S]+\/|\/)?([\w\-%\.]+)(?:\.)(\w+)?(\?\S+)?/i;        this.ns = 6;        this.sounds = [];        for (var i = 0; i < this.ns; i++) this.sounds.push([]);        this.playing = [];    },    "get": function(id) {        return this.res[id];    },    "loadRes2": function(arr) {        this.resCount = arr.length;        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {this.loadImage(arr[i].id, arr[i].src);        }    },    "loadRes": function(arr) {        this.resCount = arr.length;        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {            var type=this._getTypeByExtension(arr[i].src.match(this.FILE_PATTERN)[5]);            if (type === "audio") {                this.loadAudio(arr[i].id, arr[i].src);            } else if (type === "js") {                this.loadScript(arr[i].src);            } else if (type === "img") {                this.loadImage(arr[i].id, arr[i].src);            }        }    },    "loadImage": function(id, src) {        var img = document.createElement("img");        var self = this;        img.onload = function() {            self._handleLoad(this, id);            img.onreadystatechange = null;        };        img.onreadystatechange = function() {            if (img.readyState == "loaded" || img.readyState == "complete") {                self._handleLoad(this, id);                img.onload = null;            }        };        img.onerror = function() {};        img.src = src;    },    "loadAudio": function(id, src) {        var tag = document.createElement("audio");        tag.autoplay = false;        this.res[id] = tag;        tag.src = null;        tag.preload = "auto";        tag.onerror = function() {};        tag.onstalled = function() {};        var self = this;        var _audioCanPlayHandler = function() {            self.playing[id] = 0;            for (var i = 0; i < self.ns; i++) {                self.sounds[i][id] = new Audio(src);            }            self.loadedCount++;            self.handleProgress&&self.handleProgress(self.loadedCount, self.resCount);            self._clean(this);            this.removeEventListener && this.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", _audioCanPlayHandler, false);            self.checkComplete();        };        tag.addEventListener("canplaythrough", _audioCanPlayHandler, false);        tag.src = src;        if (tag.load != null) {            tag.load();        }    },    "loadScript": function (url) {        var script = document.createElement("script");        script.type = "text/javascript";        var self = this;        if (script.readyState) {  //IE            script.onreadystatechange = function () {                if (script.readyState == "loaded" ||                        script.readyState == "complete") {                    script.onreadystatechange = null;                    self._handleLoad();                }            };        } else {  //Others            script.onload = function () {                self._handleLoad();            };        }        script.src = url;        document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script);    },    "checkComplete": function() {        if (this.loadedCount === this.resCount) {            this.handleComplete();        }    },    "complete": function(fn) {        this.handleComplete = fn;    },    "progress": function(fn) {        this.handleProgress = fn;    },    "playSound": function (id, volume) {        var sound = this.sounds[this.playing[id]][id];        sound.volume = volume === undefined ? 1 : volume;        sound.play();        ++this.playing[id];        if (this.playing[id] >= this.ns) this.playing[id] = 0;    },    "_handleLoad": function (currentImg, id) {        if (currentImg) {            this._clean(currentImg);            this.res[id] = currentImg;                }        this.loadedCount++;        if (this.handleProgress) this.handleProgress(this.loadedCount, this.resCount);        this.checkComplete();    },    "_getTypeByExtension": function(extension) {        switch (extension) {        case "jpeg":        case "jpg":        case "gif":        case "png":        case "webp":        case "bmp":            return "img";        case "ogg":        case "mp3":        case "wav":            return "audio";        case "js":            return "js";        }    },    "_clean": function(tag) {        tag.onload = null;        tag.onstalled = null;        tag.onprogress = null;        tag.onerror = null;    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Loader---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Matrix2D---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Matrix2D = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "DEG_TO_RAD": 0.017453292519943295    },    "ctor": function(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) {        this.a = a == null ? 1 : a;        this.b = b || 0;        this.c = c || 0;        this.d = d == null ? 1 : d;        this.tx = tx || 0;        this.ty = ty || 0;        return this;    },    "identity": function() {        this.a = this.d = 1;        this.b = this.c = this.tx = this.ty = 0;        return this;    },    "appendTransform": function(x, y, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, skewX, skewY, regX, regY) {        if (rotation % 360) {            var r = rotation * AlloyPaper.Matrix2D.DEG_TO_RAD;            var cos = Math.cos(r);            var sin = Math.sin(r);        } else {            cos = 1;            sin = 0;        }        if (skewX || skewY) {            skewX *= AlloyPaper.Matrix2D.DEG_TO_RAD;            skewY *= AlloyPaper.Matrix2D.DEG_TO_RAD;            this.append(Math.cos(skewY), Math.sin(skewY), -Math.sin(skewX), Math.cos(skewX), x, y);            this.append(cos * scaleX, sin * scaleX, -sin * scaleY, cos * scaleY, 0, 0);        } else {            this.append(cos * scaleX, sin * scaleX, -sin * scaleY, cos * scaleY, x, y);        }        if (regX || regY) {            this.tx -= regX * this.a + regY * this.c;            this.ty -= regX * this.b + regY * this.d;        }        return this;    },    "append": function(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) {        var a1 = this.a;        var b1 = this.b;        var c1 = this.c;        var d1 = this.d;        this.a = a * a1 + b * c1;        this.b = a * b1 + b * d1;        this.c = c * a1 + d * c1;        this.d = c * b1 + d * d1;        this.tx = tx * a1 + ty * c1 + this.tx;        this.ty = tx * b1 + ty * d1 + this.ty;        return this;    },    "initialize": function(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) {        this.a = a;        this.b = b;        this.c = c;        this.d = d;        this.tx = tx;        this.ty = ty;        return this;    },    "setValues": function(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) {        this.a = a == null ? 1 : a;        this.b = b || 0;        this.c = c || 0;        this.d = d == null ? 1 : d;        this.tx = tx || 0;        this.ty = ty || 0;        return this;    },    "copy": function(matrix) {        return this.setValues(matrix.a, matrix.b, matrix.c, matrix.d, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Matrix2D---------------------end(function () {    var observe = function (target, arr, callback) {        var _observe = function (target, arr, callback) {            if (!target.$observer) target.$observer = this;            var $observer = target.$observer;            var eventPropArr = [];            if (observe.isArray(target)) {                $observer.mock(target);            }            for (var prop in target) {                if (target.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {                    if (callback) {                        if (observe.isArray(arr) && observe.isInArray(arr, prop)) {                            eventPropArr.push(prop);                            $observer.watch(target, prop);                        } else if (observe.isString(arr) && prop == arr) {                            eventPropArr.push(prop);                            $observer.watch(target, prop);                        }                    } else {                        eventPropArr.push(prop);                        $observer.watch(target, prop);                    }                }            }            $observer.target = target;            if (!$observer.propertyChangedHandler) $observer.propertyChangedHandler = [];            var propChanged = callback ? callback : arr;            $observer.propertyChangedHandler.push({ all: !callback, propChanged: propChanged, eventPropArr: eventPropArr });        };        _observe.prototype = {            "onPropertyChanged": function (prop, value, oldValue, target, path) {                if (value !== oldValue && this.propertyChangedHandler) {                    var rootName = observe._getRootName(prop, path);                    for (var i = 0, len = this.propertyChangedHandler.length; i < len; i++) {                        var handler = this.propertyChangedHandler[i];                        if (handler.all || observe.isInArray(handler.eventPropArr, rootName) || rootName.indexOf("Array-") === 0) {                            handler.propChanged.call(this.target, prop, value, oldValue, path);                        }                    }                }                if (prop.indexOf("Array-") !== 0 && typeof value === "object") {                    this.watch(target, prop, target.$observeProps.$observerPath);                }            },            "mock": function (target) {                var self = this;                observe.methods.forEach(function (item) {                    target[item] = function () {                        var old = Array.prototype.slice.call(this, 0);                        var result = Array.prototype[item].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));                        if (new RegExp("\\b" + item + "\\b").test(observe.triggerStr)) {                            for (var cprop in this) {                                if (this.hasOwnProperty(cprop) && !observe.isFunction(this[cprop])) {                                    self.watch(this, cprop, this.$observeProps.$observerPath);                                }                            }                            //todo                            self.onPropertyChanged("Array-" + item, this, old, this, this.$observeProps.$observerPath);                        }                        return result;                    };                });            },            "watch": function (target, prop, path) {                if (prop === "$observeProps" || prop === "$observer") return;                if (observe.isFunction(target[prop])) return;                if (!target.$observeProps) target.$observeProps = {};                if (path !== undefined) {                    target.$observeProps.$observerPath = path;                } else {                    target.$observeProps.$observerPath = "#";                }                var self = this;                var currentValue = target.$observeProps[prop] = target[prop];                Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {                    get: function () {                        return this.$observeProps[prop];                    },                    set: function (value) {                        var old = this.$observeProps[prop];                        this.$observeProps[prop] = value;                        self.onPropertyChanged(prop, value, old, this, target.$observeProps.$observerPath);                    }                });                if (typeof currentValue == "object") {                    if (observe.isArray(currentValue)) {                        this.mock(currentValue);                    }                    for (var cprop in currentValue) {                        if (currentValue.hasOwnProperty(cprop)) {                            this.watch(currentValue, cprop, target.$observeProps.$observerPath + "-" + prop);                        }                    }                }            }        };        return new _observe(target, arr, callback)    };    observe.methods = ["concat", "every", "filter", "forEach", "indexOf", "join", "lastIndexOf", "map", "pop", "push", "reduce", "reduceRight", "reverse", "shift", "slice", "some", "sort", "splice", "unshift", "toLocaleString", "toString", "size"];    observe.triggerStr = ["concat", "pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift", "size"].join(",");    observe.isArray = function (obj) {        return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';    };    observe.isString = function (obj) {        return typeof obj === "string";    };    observe.isInArray = function (arr, item) {        for (var i = arr.length; --i > -1;) {            if (item === arr[i]) return true;        }        return false;    };    observe.isFunction = function (obj) {        return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == '[object Function]';    };    observe.twoWay = function (objA, aProp, objB, bProp) {        if (typeof objA[aProp] === "object" && typeof objB[bProp] === "object") {            observe(objA, aProp, function (name, value) {                objB[bProp] = this[aProp];            })            observe(objB, bProp, function (name, value) {                objA[aProp] = this[bProp];            })        } else {            observe(objA, aProp, function (name, value) {                objB[bProp] = value;            })            observe(objB, bProp, function (name, value) {                objA[aProp] = value;            })        }    }    observe._getRootName = function (prop, path) {        if (path === "#") {            return prop;        }        return path.split("-")[1];    }    observe.add = function (obj, prop, value) {        obj[prop] = value;        var $observer = obj.$observer;        $observer.watch(obj, prop);    }    Array.prototype.size = function (length) {        this.length = length;    }    AlloyPaper.Observe = observe;})();//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.RAF---------------------beginAlloyPaper.RAF = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "ctor": function() {            var requestAnimFrame = function() {                return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||                function(callback, element) {                    window.setTimeout(callback, 1e3 / 60);                };            }();            var requestInterval = function(fn, delay) {                if (!window.requestAnimationFrame && !window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame && !(window.mozRequestAnimationFrame && window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame) && !window.oRequestAnimationFrame && !window.msRequestAnimationFrame) return window.setInterval(fn, delay);                var start = new Date().getTime(),                    handle = {};                function loop() {                    var current = new Date().getTime(),                        delta = current - start;                    if (delta >= delay) {                        fn.call();                        start = new Date().getTime();                    }                    handle.value = requestAnimFrame(loop);                }                handle.value = requestAnimFrame(loop);                return handle;            };            var clearRequestInterval = function(handle) {                if (handle) {                    setTimeout(function() {                        window.cancelAnimationFrame ? window.cancelAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ? window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame ? window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame(handle.value) : clearInterval(handle);                    }, 0);                }            };            this.requestInterval = requestInterval;            this.clearRequestInterval = clearRequestInterval;        }    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.RAF---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.To---------------------beginAlloyPaper.To = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "ctor": function () {            this.bounceOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.Out,            this.linear = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None,            this.quadraticIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.In,            this.quadraticOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.Out,            this.quadraticInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.InOut,            this.cubicIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Cubic.In,            this.cubicOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Cubic.Out,            this.cubicInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Cubic.InOut,            this.quarticIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.In,            this.quarticOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.Out,            this.quarticInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quartic.InOut,            this.quinticIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quintic.In,            this.quinticOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quintic.Out,            this.quinticInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Quintic.InOut,            this.sinusoidalIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Sinusoidal.In,            this.sinusoidalOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Sinusoidal.Out,            this.sinusoidalInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut,            this.exponentialIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.In,            this.exponentialOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.Out,            this.exponentialInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut,            this.circularIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Circular.In,            this.circularOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Circular.Out,            this.circularInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Circular.InOut,            this.elasticIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Elastic.In,            this.elasticOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Elastic.Out,            this.elasticInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Elastic.InOut,            this.backIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Back.In,            this.backOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Back.Out,            this.backInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Back.InOut,            this.bounceIn = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.In,            this.bounceOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.Out,            this.bounceInOut = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.InOut,            this.interpolationLinear = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.Linear,            this.interpolationBezier = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.Bezier,            this.interpolationCatmullRom = AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Interpolation.CatmullRom;        },        "get": function (element) {            var to = new this(element);            var stage = this.getStage(element);            stage && stage.toList.push(to);            return to;        },        "getStage": function (element) {            if (!element.parent) return;            if (element.parent instanceof AlloyPaper.Stage) {                return element.parent;            } else {                return this.getStage(element.parent);            }        }    },    "ctor": function(element) {        this.element = element;        this.cmds = [];        this.index = 0;        this.tweens = [];        this._pause = false;        this.loop = setInterval(function() {            AlloyPaper.TWEEN.update();        }, 15);        this.cycleCount = 0;    },    "to": function() {        this.cmds.push(["to"]);        return this;    },    "set": function(prop, value, time, ease) {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push([prop, [value, time, ease]]);        return this;    },    "x": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["x", arguments]);        return this;    },    "y": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["y", arguments]);        return this;    },    "z": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["z", arguments]);        return this;    },    "rotation": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["rotation", arguments]);        return this;    },    "scaleX": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["scaleX", arguments]);        return this;    },    "scaleY": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["scaleY", arguments]);        return this;    },    "skewX": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["skewX", arguments]);        return this;    },    "skewY": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["skewY", arguments]);        return this;    },    "originX": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["originX", arguments]);        return this;    },    "originY": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["originY", arguments]);        return this;    },    "alpha": function() {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].push(["alpha", arguments]);        return this;    },    "begin": function(fn) {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].begin = fn;        return this;    },    "progress": function(fn) {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].progress = fn;        return this;    },    "end": function(fn) {        this.cmds[this.cmds.length - 1].end = fn;        return this;    },    "wait": function() {        this.cmds.push(["wait", arguments]);        return this;    },    "then": function() {        this.cmds.push(["then", arguments]);        return this;    },    "cycle": function() {        this.cmds.push(["cycle", arguments]);        return this;    },    "rubber": function() {        this.cmds = this.cmds.concat([["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 1.25,            "1": 300}], ["scaleY", {            "0": .75,            "1": 300}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": .75,            "1": 100}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 1.25,            "1": 100}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 1.15,            "1": 100}], ["scaleY", {            "0": .85,            "1": 100}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": .95,            "1": 150}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 1.05,            "1": 150}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 1.05,            "1": 100}], ["scaleY", {            "0": .95,            "1": 100}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 1,            "1": 250}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 1,            "1": 250}]]]);        return this;    },    "bounceIn": function() {        this.cmds = this.cmds.concat([["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 0,            "1": 0}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 0,            "1": 0}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 1.35,            "1": 200}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 1.35,            "1": 200}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": .9,            "1": 100}], ["scaleY", {            "0": .9,            "1": 100}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 1.1,            "1": 100}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 1.1,            "1": 100}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": .95,            "1": 100}], ["scaleY", {            "0": .95,            "1": 100}]], ["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 1,            "1": 100}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 1,            "1": 100}]]]);        return this;    },    "flipInX": function() {        this.cmds = this.cmds.concat([["to", ["rotateX", {            "0": -90,            "1": 0}]], ["to", ["rotateX", {            "0": 20,            "1": 300}]], ["to", ["rotateX", {            "0": -20,            "1": 300}]], ["to", ["rotateX", {            "0": 10,            "1": 300}]], ["to", ["rotateX", {            "0": -5,            "1": 300}]], ["to", ["rotateX", {            "0": 0,            "1": 300}]]]);        return this;    },    "zoomOut": function() {        this.cmds = this.cmds.concat([["to", ["scaleX", {            "0": 0,            "1": 400}], ["scaleY", {            "0": 0,            "1": 400}]]]);        return this;    },    "start": function() {        if (this._pause) return;        var len = this.cmds.length;        if (this.index < len) {            this.exec(this.cmds[this.index], this.index == len - 1);        } else {            clearInterval(this.loop);        }        return this;    },    "pause": function() {        this._pause = true;        for (var i = 0, len = this.tweens.length; i < len; i++) {            this.tweens[i].pause();        }        if (this.currentTask == "wait") {            this.timeout -= new Date() - this.currentTaskBegin;            this.currentTaskBegin = new Date();        }    },    "toggle": function() {        if (this._pause) {            this.play();        } else {            this.pause();        }    },    "play": function() {        this._pause = false;        for (var i = 0, len = this.tweens.length; i < len; i++) {            this.tweens[i].play();        }        var self = this;        if (this.currentTask == "wait") {            setTimeout(function() {                if (self._pause) return;                self.index++;                self.start();                if (self.index == self.cmds.length && self.complete) self.complete();            }, this.timeout);        }    },    "stop": function () {        for (var i = 0, len = this.tweens.length; i < len; i++) {            this.tweens[i].pause();            AlloyPaper.TWEEN.remove(this.tweens[i]);        }        this.cmds.length = 0;    },    "exec": function(cmd, last) {        var len = cmd.length,            self = this;        this.currentTask = cmd[0];        switch (this.currentTask) {        case "to":            self.stepCompleteCount = 0;            for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {                var task = cmd[i];                var ease = task[1][2];                var target = {};                var prop = task[0];                target[prop] = task[1][0];                var t = new AlloyPaper.TWEEN.Tween(this.element).to(target, task[1][1]).onStart(function() {                    if (cmd.start) cmd.start();                }).onUpdate(function() {                    if (cmd.progress) cmd.progress.call(self.element);                    self.element[prop] = this[prop];                }).easing(ease ? ease : AlloyPaper.To.linear).onComplete(function() {                    self.stepCompleteCount++;                    if (self.stepCompleteCount == len - 1) {                        if (cmd.end) cmd.end.call(self.element);                        if (last && self.complete) self.complete();                        self.index++;                        self.start();                    }                }).start();                this.tweens.push(t);            }            break;        case "wait":            this.currentTaskBegin = new Date();            this.timeout = cmd[1][0];            setTimeout(function() {                if (self._pause) return;                self.index++;                self.start();                if (cmd.end) cmd.end.call(self.element);                if (last && self.complete) self.complete();            }, cmd[1][0]);            break;        case "then":            var arg = cmd[1][0];            arg.index = 0;            arg.complete = function() {                self.index++;                self.start();                if (last && self.complete) self.complete();            };            arg.start();            break;        case "cycle":            var count = cmd[1][1];            if (count && self.cycleCount == count) {                self.index++;                self.start();                if (last && self.complete) self.complete();            } else {                self.cycleCount++;                self.index = cmd[1][0];                self.start();            }            break;        }    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.To---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.UID---------------------beginAlloyPaper.UID = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "_nextID": 0,        "_nextCacheID": 1,        "get": function() {            return this._nextID++;        },        "getCacheID": function() {            return this._nextCacheID++;        }    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.UID---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Util---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Util = Class.extend({    "statics": {        "random": function(min, max) {            return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));        }    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Util---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Vector2---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Vector2 = Class.extend({    "ctor": function(x, y) {        this.x = x;        this.y = y;    },    "copy": function() {        return new AlloyPaper.Vector2(this.x, this.y);    },    "length": function() {        return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);    },    "sqrLength": function() {        return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;    },    "normalize": function() {        var inv = 1 / this.length();        return new AlloyPaper.Vector2(this.x * inv, this.y * inv);    },    "negate": function() {        return new AlloyPaper.Vector2(-this.x, -this.y);    },    "add": function(v) {        this.x += v.x;        this.y += v.y;    },    "subtract": function(v) {        return new AlloyPaper.Vector2(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y);    },    "multiply": function(f) {        return new AlloyPaper.Vector2(this.x * f, this.y * f);    },    "divide": function(f) {        var invf = 1 / f;        return new AlloyPaper.Vector2(this.x * invf, this.y * invf);    },    "dot": function(v) {        return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y;    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Vector2---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Renderer---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Renderer = Class.extend({    "ctor": function (stage, openWebGL) {        this.stage = stage;        this.objs = [];        this.width = this.stage.width;        this.height = this.stage.height;        this.mainCanvas = this.stage.canvas;        var canvasSupport = !! window.CanvasRenderingContext2D,            webglSupport = function() {                try {                    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");                    return !!(window.WebGLRenderingContext && (canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl")));                } catch (e) {                    return false;                }            }();        if (webglSupport && openWebGL) {            this.renderingEngine = new AlloyPaper.WebGLRenderer(this.stage.canvas);        } else {            if (canvasSupport) {                this.renderingEngine = new AlloyPaper.CanvasRenderer(this.stage.canvas);            } else {                throw "your browser does not support canvas and webgl ";            }        }        this.mainCtx = this.renderingEngine.ctx;    },    "update": function() {        var objs = this.objs,            ctx = this.mainCtx,            engine = this.renderingEngine;        objs.length = 0;        this.computeMatrix();        engine.clear();        var l = objs.length;        for (var m = 0; m < l; m++) {            engine.renderObj(ctx, objs[m]);        }    },    "computeMatrix": function() {        for (var i = 0, len = this.stage.children.length; i < len; i++) {            this._computeMatrix(this.stage.children[i]);        }    },    "initComplex": function(o) {        o.complexCompositeOperation = this._getCompositeOperation(o);        o.complexAlpha = this._getAlpha(o, 1);    },    "_computeMatrix": function(o, mtx) {        if (!o.isVisible()) {            return;        }        if (mtx) {            o._matrix.initialize(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);        } else {            o._matrix.initialize(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);        }        if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Shape) {            o._matrix.appendTransform(o.x, o.y, 1, 1, o.rotation, o.skewX, o.skewY, o.regX, o.regY);        } else {            o._matrix.appendTransform(o.x, o.y, o.scaleX, o.scaleY, o.rotation, o.skewX, o.skewY, o.regX, o.regY);        }        if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Container) {            var list = o.children,                len = list.length,                i = 0;            for (; i < len; i++) {                this._computeMatrix(list[i], o._matrix);            }        } else {            if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Graphics || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Text) {                this.objs.push(o);                this.initComplex(o);            } else {                o.initAABB();                if (this.isInStage(o)) {                    this.objs.push(o);                    this.initComplex(o);                }            }        }    },    "_getCompositeOperation": function(o) {        if (o.compositeOperation) return o.compositeOperation;        if (o.parent) return this._getCompositeOperation(o.parent);    },    "_getAlpha": function(o, alpha) {        var result = o.alpha * alpha;        if (o.parent) {            return this._getAlpha(o.parent, result);        }        return result;    },    "isInStage": function(o) {        return this.collisionBetweenAABB(o.AABB, this.stage.AABB);    },    "collisionBetweenAABB": function(AABB1, AABB2) {        var maxX = AABB1[0] + AABB1[2];        if (maxX < AABB2[0]) return false;        var minX = AABB1[0];        if (minX > AABB2[0] + AABB2[2]) return false;        var maxY = AABB1[1] + AABB1[3];        if (maxY < AABB2[1]) return false;        var minY = AABB1[1];        if (minY > AABB2[1] + AABB2[3]) return false;        return true;    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Renderer---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.CanvasRenderer---------------------beginAlloyPaper.CanvasRenderer = Class.extend({    "ctor": function(canvas) {        if (canvas) {            this.canvas = canvas;            this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");            this.height = this.canvas.height;            this.width = this.canvas.width;        }    },    "hitAABB": function(ctx, o, evt, type) {        var list = o.children.slice(0),            l = list.length;        for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {            var child = list[i];            if (!this.isbindingEvent(child)) continue;            var target = this._hitAABB(ctx, child, evt, type);            if (target) return target;        }    },    "_hitAABB": function(ctx, o, evt, type) {        if (!o.isVisible()) {            return;        }        if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Container) {            var list = o.children.slice(0),                l = list.length;            for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {                var child = list[i];                var target = this._hitAABB(ctx, child, evt, type);                if (target) return target;            }        } else {            if (o.AABB && this.checkPointInAABB(evt.stageX, evt.stageY, o.AABB)) {                this._bubbleEvent(o, type, evt);                return o;            }        }    },    "hitRender": function(ctx, o, evt, type) {        var mtx = o._hitMatrix;        var list = o.children.slice(0),            l = list.length;        for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {            var child = list[i];            mtx.initialize(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);            mtx.appendTransform(o.x - evt.stageX, o.y - evt.stageY, o.scaleX, o.scaleY, o.rotation, o.skewX, o.skewY, o.regX, o.regY);            if (!this.isbindingEvent(child)) continue;            ctx.save();            var target = this._hitRender(ctx, child, mtx, evt, type);            ctx.restore();            if (target) return target;        }    },    "_hitRender": function(ctx, o, mtx, evt, type) {        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 2, 2);        if (!o.isVisible()) {            return;        }        if (mtx) {            o._hitMatrix.initialize(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);        } else {            o._hitMatrix.initialize(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);        }        mtx = o._hitMatrix;        if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Shape) {            mtx.appendTransform(o.x, o.y, 1, 1, o.rotation, o.skewX, o.skewY, o.regX, o.regY);        } else {            mtx.appendTransform(o.x, o.y, o.scaleX, o.scaleY, o.rotation, o.skewX, o.skewY, o.regX, o.regY);        }        var mmyCanvas = o.cacheCanvas || o.txtCanvas || o.shapeCanvas;        if (mmyCanvas) {            ctx.globalAlpha = o.complexAlpha;            ctx.globalCompositeOperation = o.complexCompositeOperation;            ctx.setTransform(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);            ctx.drawImage(mmyCanvas, 0, 0);        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Container) {            var list = o.children.slice(0),                l = list.length;            for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {                ctx.save();                var target = this._hitRender(ctx, list[i], mtx, evt, type);                if (target) return target;                ctx.restore();            }        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Bitmap || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Sprite) {            ctx.globalAlpha = o.complexAlpha;            ctx.globalCompositeOperation = o.complexCompositeOperation;            var rect = o.rect;            ctx.setTransform(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);            ctx.drawImage(o.img, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], 0, 0, rect[2], rect[3]);        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Graphics) {            ctx.setTransform(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);            o.draw(ctx);        }        if (ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3] > 1 && !(o instanceof AlloyPaper.Container)) {            this._bubbleEvent(o, type, evt);            return o;        }    },    "_bubbleEvent": function(o, type, event) {        var result = o.execEvent(type, event);        if (result !== false) {            if (o.parent && o.parent.events && o.parent.events[type] && o.parent.events[type].length > 0 && o.parent.baseInstanceof !== "Stage") {                this._bubbleEvent(o.parent, type, event);            }        }    },    "isbindingEvent": function(obj) {        if (Object.keys(obj.events).length !== 0) return true;        if (obj instanceof AlloyPaper.Container) {            for (var i = 0, len = obj.children.length; i < len; i++) {                var child = obj.children[i];                if (child instanceof AlloyPaper.Container) {                    return this.isbindingEvent(child);                } else {                    if (Object.keys(child.events).length !== 0) return true;                }            }        }        return false;    },    "clear": function() {        this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);    },    "renderObj": function(ctx, o) {        var mtx = o._matrix;        ctx.save();        ctx.globalAlpha = o.complexAlpha;        ctx.globalCompositeOperation = o.complexCompositeOperation;        o.shadow && this._applyShadow(ctx, o.shadow);        var mmyCanvas = o.cacheCanvas || o.txtCanvas || o.shapeCanvas;        if (mmyCanvas) {            ctx.setTransform(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);            ctx.drawImage(mmyCanvas, 0, 0);        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Bitmap || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Sprite) {            if (o._clipFn) {                ctx.beginPath();                o._clipFn.call(ctx);                ctx.closePath();                ctx.clip();            }             var rect = o.rect;            ctx.setTransform(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);            ctx.drawImage(o.img, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], 0, 0, rect[2], rect[3]);        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Graphics || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Text) {            ctx.setTransform(mtx.a, mtx.b, mtx.c, mtx.d, mtx.tx, mtx.ty);            o.draw(ctx);        }        ctx.restore();    },    "_applyShadow" : function(ctx, shadow) {        ctx.shadowColor = shadow.color || "transparent";        ctx.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX||0;        ctx.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY||0;        ctx.shadowBlur = shadow.blur||0;    },    "clearBackUpCanvasCache": function() {},    "checkPointInAABB": function(x, y, AABB) {        var minX = AABB[0];        if (x < minX) return false;        var minY = AABB[1];        if (y < minY) return false;        var maxX = minX + AABB[2];        if (x > maxX) return false;        var maxY = minY + AABB[3];        if (y > maxY) return false;        return true;    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.CanvasRenderer---------------------endAlloyPaper.WebGLRenderer = Class.extend({    "ctor": function(canvas) {        this.surface = canvas;        this.snapToPixel = true;        this.canvasRenderer = new AlloyPaper.CanvasRenderer();        this.textureCache = {};        this.textureCanvasCache = {};        this.initSurface(this.surface);    },    "initSurface": function(surface) {        var options = {            depth: false,            alpha: true,            preserveDrawingBuffer: true,            antialias: false,            premultipliedAlpha: true        };        var ctx = undefined;        try {            ctx = surface.ctx = surface.getContext("webgl", options) || surface.getContext("experimental-webgl", options);            ctx.viewportWidth = surface.width;            ctx.viewportHeight = surface.height;        } catch (e) {}        if (!ctx) {            alert("Could not initialise WebGL. Make sure you've updated your browser, or try a different one like Google Chrome.");        }        var textureShader = ctx.createShader(ctx.FRAGMENT_SHADER);        ctx.shaderSource(textureShader, "" + "precision mediump float;\n" + "varying vec3 vTextureCoord;\n" + "varying float vAlpha;\n" + "uniform float uAlpha;\n" + "uniform sampler2D uSampler0;\n" + "void main(void) { \n" + "vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler0, vTextureCoord.st);  \n" + "gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb, color.a * vAlpha);\n" + "}");        ctx.compileShader(textureShader);        if (!ctx.getShaderParameter(textureShader, ctx.COMPILE_STATUS)) {            alert(ctx.getShaderInfoLog(textureShader));        }        var vertexShader = ctx.createShader(ctx.VERTEX_SHADER);        ctx.shaderSource(vertexShader, "" + "attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\n" + "attribute vec3 aTextureCoord;\n" + "attribute float aAlpha;\n" + "uniform bool uSnapToPixel;\n" + "const mat4 pMatrix = mat4(" + 2 / ctx.viewportWidth + ",0,0,0, 0," + -2 / ctx.viewportHeight + ",0,0, 0,0,-2,   0, -1,1,-1,1); \n" + "varying vec3 vTextureCoord;\n" + "varying float vAlpha;\n" + "void main(void) { \n" + "vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord; \n" + "vAlpha = aAlpha; \n" + "gl_Position = pMatrix * vec4(aVertexPosition.x,aVertexPosition.y,0.0, 1.0);\n" + "}");        ctx.compileShader(vertexShader);        if (!ctx.getShaderParameter(vertexShader, ctx.COMPILE_STATUS)) {            alert(ctx.getShaderInfoLog(vertexShader));        }        var program = surface.shader = ctx.createProgram();        ctx.attachShader(program, vertexShader);        ctx.attachShader(program, textureShader);        ctx.linkProgram(program);        if (!ctx.getProgramParameter(program, ctx.LINK_STATUS)) {            alert("Could not initialise shaders");        }        ctx.enableVertexAttribArray(program.vertexPositionAttribute = ctx.getAttribLocation(program, "aVertexPosition"));        ctx.enableVertexAttribArray(program.uvCoordAttribute = ctx.getAttribLocation(program, "aTextureCoord"));        ctx.enableVertexAttribArray(program.colorAttribute = ctx.getAttribLocation(program, "aAlpha"));        program.alphaUniform = ctx.getUniformLocation(program, "uAlpha");        program.snapToUniform = ctx.getUniformLocation(program, "uSnapToPixel");        ctx.useProgram(program);        this._vertexDataCount = 5;        this._degToRad = Math.PI / 180;        if (window.Float32Array) {            this.vertices = new window.Float32Array(this._vertexDataCount * 4);        } else {            this.vertices = new Array(this._vertexDataCount * 4);        }        this.arrayBuffer = ctx.createBuffer();        this.indexBuffer = ctx.createBuffer();        ctx.bindBuffer(ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.arrayBuffer);        ctx.bindBuffer(ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer);        var byteCount = this._vertexDataCount * 4;        ctx.vertexAttribPointer(program.vertexPositionAttribute, 2, ctx.FLOAT, 0, byteCount, 0);        ctx.vertexAttribPointer(program.uvCoordAttribute, 2, ctx.FLOAT, 0, byteCount, 2 * 4);        ctx.vertexAttribPointer(program.colorAttribute, 1, ctx.FLOAT, 0, byteCount, 4 * 4);        if (window.Uint16Array) {            this.indices = new window.Uint16Array(6);        } else {            this.indices = new Array(6);        }        for (var i = 0, l = this.indices.length; i < l; i += 6) {            var j = i * 4 / 6;            this.indices.set([j, j + 1, j + 2, j, j + 2, j + 3], i);        }        ctx.bufferData(ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertices, ctx.STREAM_DRAW);        ctx.bufferData(ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indices, ctx.STATIC_DRAW);        ctx.viewport(0, 0, ctx.viewportWidth, ctx.viewportHeight);        ctx.colorMask(true, true, true, true);        ctx.blendFuncSeparate(ctx.SRC_ALPHA, ctx.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ctx.SRC_ALPHA, ctx.ONE);        ctx.enable(ctx.BLEND);        ctx.disable(ctx.DEPTH_TEST);        surface.init = true;        this.ctx = ctx;    },    "_initTexture": function(src, ctx) {        if (!this.textureCache[src.src]) {            src.glTexture = ctx.createTexture();            src.glTexture.image = src;            ctx.activeTexture(ctx.TEXTURE0);            ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, src.glTexture);            ctx.texImage2D(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.RGBA, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, src.glTexture.image);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);            this.textureCache[src.src] = src.glTexture;            ctx.uniform1i(ctx.getUniformLocation(ctx.canvas.shader, "uSampler0"), 0);        } else {            src.glTexture = this.textureCache[src.src];            ctx.activeTexture(ctx.TEXTURE0);            ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, src.glTexture);        }    },    "_initCache": function(o, src, ctx) {        if (!this.textureCanvasCache[o.cacheID]) {            this.textureCanvasCache[this._preCacheId] = null;            src.glTexture = ctx.createTexture();            src.glTexture.image = src;            ctx.activeTexture(ctx.TEXTURE0);            ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, src.glTexture);            ctx.texImage2D(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.RGBA, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, src.glTexture.image);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);            ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);            ctx.uniform1i(ctx.getUniformLocation(ctx.canvas.shader, "uSampler0"), 0);            this.textureCanvasCache[o.cacheID] = src.glTexture;        } else {            src.glTexture = this.textureCanvasCache[o.cacheID];            ctx.activeTexture(ctx.TEXTURE0);            ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, src.glTexture);        }    },    "updateCache": function(ctx, o, w, h) {        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w + 1, h + 1);        this.renderCache(ctx, o);    },    "renderCache": function(ctx, o) {        if (!o.isVisible()) {            return;        }        if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Container || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Stage) {            var list = o.children.slice(0);            for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {                ctx.save();                this.canvasRenderer.render(ctx, list[i]);                ctx.restore();            }        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Bitmap || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Sprite) {            var rect = o.rect;            ctx.drawImage(o.img, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], 0, 0, rect[2], rect[3]);        } else if (o.txtCanvas) {            ctx.drawImage(o.txtCanvas, 0, 0);        } else if (o.shapeCanvas) {            ctx.drawImage(o.shapeCanvas, 0, 0);        }    },    "clear": function() {        this.ctx.clear(this.ctx.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);    },    "renderObj": function(ctx, o) {        var mtx = o._matrix,            leftSide = 0,            topSide = 0,            rightSide = 0,            bottomSide = 0;        var uFrame = 0,            vFrame = 0,            u = 1,            v = 1,            img = 0;        if (o.complexCompositeOperation === "lighter") {            ctx.blendFunc(ctx.SRC_ALPHA, ctx.ONE);        } else {            ctx.blendFunc(ctx.SRC_ALPHA, ctx.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);        }        var mmyCanvas = o.cacheCanvas || o.txtCanvas || o.shapeCanvas;        if (mmyCanvas) {            this._initCache(o, mmyCanvas, ctx);            rightSide = leftSide + mmyCanvas.width;            bottomSide = topSide + mmyCanvas.height;        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Bitmap || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Sprite) {            var rect = o.rect;            img = o.img;            this._initTexture(img, ctx);            rightSide = leftSide + rect[2];            bottomSide = topSide + rect[3];            u = rect[2] / img.width;            v = rect[3] / img.height;            uFrame = rect[0] / img.width;            vFrame = rect[1] / img.height;        }        var a = mtx.a,            b = mtx.b,            c = mtx.c,            d = mtx.d,            tx = mtx.tx,            ty = mtx.ty,            lma = leftSide * a,            lmb = leftSide * b,            tmc = topSide * c,            tmd = topSide * d,            rma = rightSide * a,            rmb = rightSide * b,            bmc = bottomSide * c,            bmd = bottomSide * d;        var alpha = o.complexAlpha;        this.vertices.set([lma + tmc + tx, lmb + tmd + ty, uFrame, vFrame, alpha, lma + bmc + tx, lmb + bmd + ty, uFrame, vFrame + v, alpha, rma + bmc + tx, rmb + bmd + ty, uFrame + u, vFrame + v, alpha, rma + tmc + tx, rmb + tmd + ty, uFrame + u, vFrame, alpha], 0);        ctx.bufferSubData(ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.vertices);        ctx.drawElements(ctx.TRIANGLES, 6, ctx.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);    },    "clearBackUpCanvasCache": function() {        this.textureCanvasCache[1] = null;    }});//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.DisplayObject---------------------beginAlloyPaper.DisplayObject = Class.extend({    "ctor": function() {        this.alpha = this.scaleX = this.scaleY = this.scale = 1;        this.x = this.y = this.rotation = this.originX = this.originY = this.skewX = this.skewY = this.width = this.height = this.regX = this.regY = 0;        this.textureReady = true;        this.visible = true;        this._matrix = new AlloyPaper.Matrix2D();        this._hitMatrix = new AlloyPaper.Matrix2D();        this.events = {};        this.id = AlloyPaper.UID.get();        this.cacheID = 0;        this.baseInstanceof = "DisplayObject";        this.tickFPS = 60;        var self = this;        this._watch(this, "originX", function(prop, value) {            if (typeof value === "string") {                self.regX = parseInt(value);            } else {                self.regX = self.width * value;            }        });        this._watch(this, "originY", function(prop, value) {            if (typeof value === "string") {                self.regY = parseInt(value);            } else {                self.regY = self.height * value;            }        });        this._watch(this, "filter", function(prop, value) {            self.setFilter.apply(self, value);        });        this._watch(this, "scale", function(prop, value) {            this.scaleX = this.scaleY = this.scale;        });        this.cursor = "default";        this.onHover(function () {            //this._setCursor(this, this.cursor);        }, function () {            this._setCursor(this, AlloyPaper.DefaultCursor);        });    },    "_watch": function(target, prop, onPropertyChanged) {        if (typeof prop === "string") {            target["__" + prop] = this[prop];            Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {                get: function() {                    return this["__" + prop];                },                set: function(value) {                    this["__" + prop] = value;                    onPropertyChanged.apply(target, [prop, value]);                }            });        } else {            for (var i = 0, len = prop.length; i < len; i++) {                var propName = prop[i];                target["__" + propName] = this[propName];                (function(propName) {                    Object.defineProperty(target, propName, {                        get: function() {                            return this["__" + propName];                        },                        set: function(value) {                            this["__" + propName] = value;                            onPropertyChanged.apply(target, [propName, value]);                        }                    });                })(propName);            }        }    },    "isVisible": function() {        return !!(this.visible && this.alpha > 0 && this.scaleX != 0 && this.scaleY != 0 && this.textureReady);    },    "on": function(type, fn) {        this.events[type] || (this.events[type] = []);        this.events[type].push(fn);    },    "off": function (type, fn) {        var fns=this.events[type];        if (fns) {            var i = 0, len = fns.length;            for (; i < len; i++) {                if (fns[i] === fn) {                    fns.splice(i, 1);                    break;                }            }        }    },    "execEvent": function (type, event) {        if (this.events) {            var fns = this.events[type],                result = true;            if (fns) {                for (var i = 0, len = fns.length; i < len; i++) {                    result = fns[i].call(this, event);                }            }            return result;        }    },    "_setCursor": function (obj, type) {        if (obj) {            if (obj.parent instanceof AlloyPaper.Stage) {                obj.parent.setCursor(type);            } else {                this._setCursor(obj.parent, type);            }        }    },    "clone": function() {        var o = new AlloyPaper.DisplayObject();        this.cloneProps(o);        return o;    },    "cloneProps": function(o) {        o.visible = this.visible;        o.alpha = this.alpha;        o.originX = this.originX;        o.originY = this.originY;        o.rotation = this.rotation;        o.scaleX = this.scaleX;        o.scaleY = this.scaleY;        o.skewX = this.skewX;        o.skewY = this.skewY;        o.x = this.x;        o.y = this.y;        o.regX = this.regX;        o.regY = this.regY;    },    "cache": function() {        if (!this.cacheCanvas) {            this.cacheCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");            var bound = this.getBound();            this.cacheCanvas.width = bound.width;            this.cacheCanvas.height = bound.height;            this.cacheCtx = this.cacheCanvas.getContext("2d");        }        this.cacheID = AlloyPaper.UID.getCacheID();        this.updateCache(this.cacheCtx, this, bound.width, bound.width);    },    "uncache": function() {        this.cacheCanvas = null;        this.cacheCtx = null;        this.cacheID = null;    },    "setFilter": function(r, g, b, a) {        if (this.width === 0 || this.height === 0) return;        this.uncache();        this.cache();        var imageData = this.cacheCtx.getImageData(0, 0, this.cacheCanvas.width, this.cacheCanvas.height);        var pix = imageData.data;        for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {            if (pix[i + 3] > 0) {                pix[i] *= r;                pix[i + 1] *= g;                pix[i + 2] *= b;                pix[i + 3] *= a;            }        }        this.cacheCtx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);    },    "getBound": function() {        return {            width: this.width,            height: this.height        };    },    "toCenter": function() {        this.originX = .5;        this.originY = .5;        this.x = this.parent.width / 2;        this.y = this.parent.height / 2;    },    "destroy": function() {        this.cacheCanvas = null;        this.cacheCtx = null;        this.cacheID = null;        this._matrix = null;        this.events = null;        if (this.parent) {            this.parent.remove(this);        }    },    "initAABB": function() {        var x,            y,            width = this.width,            height = this.height,            mtx = this._matrix;        var x_a = width * mtx.a,            x_b = width * mtx.b;        var y_c = height * mtx.c,            y_d = height * mtx.d;        var tx = mtx.tx,            ty = mtx.ty;        var minX = tx,            maxX = tx,            minY = ty,            maxY = ty;        if ((x = x_a + tx) < minX) {            minX = x;        } else if (x > maxX) {            maxX = x;        }        if ((x = x_a + y_c + tx) < minX) {            minX = x;        } else if (x > maxX) {            maxX = x;        }        if ((x = y_c + tx) < minX) {            minX = x;        } else if (x > maxX) {            maxX = x;        }        if ((y = x_b + ty) < minY) {            minY = y;        } else if (y > maxY) {            maxY = y;        }        if ((y = x_b + y_d + ty) < minY) {            minY = y;        } else if (y > maxY) {            maxY = y;        }        if ((y = y_d + ty) < minY) {            minY = y;        } else if (y > maxY) {            maxY = y;        }        this.AABB = [minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY];        this.rectPoints = [{            x: tx,            y: ty},{            x: x_a + tx,            y: x_b + ty},{            x: x_a + y_c + tx,            y: x_b + y_d + ty},{            x: y_c + tx,            y: y_d + ty}];    },    "updateCache": function(ctx, o, w, h) {        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w + 1, h + 1);        this.renderCache(ctx, o);    },    "renderCache": function(ctx, o) {        if (!o.isVisible()) {            return;        }        if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Container || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Stage) {            var list = o.children.slice(0);            for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {                ctx.save();                this.render(ctx, list[i]);                ctx.restore();            }        } else if (o instanceof AlloyPaper.Bitmap || o instanceof AlloyPaper.Sprite) {            var rect = o.rect;            ctx.drawImage(o.img, rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], 0, 0, rect[2], rect[3]);        } else if (o.txtCanvas) {            ctx.drawImage(o.txtCanvas, 0, 0);        } else if (o.shapeCanvas) {            ctx.drawImage(o.shapeCanvas, 0, 0);        }    },    "onClick": function(fn) {        this.on("click", fn);    },    "onMouseDown": function(fn) {        this.on("pressdown", fn);    },    "onMouseMove": function(fn) {        this.on("mousemove", fn);    },    "onMouseUp": function(fn) {        this.on("pressup", fn);    },    "onMouseOver": function(fn) {        this.on("mouseover", fn);    },    "onMouseOut": function(fn) {        this.on("mouseout", fn);    },    "onHover": function(over, out) {        this.on("mouseover", over);        this.on("mouseout", out);    },    "onPressDown": function(fn) {        this.on("pressdown", fn);    },    "onPressMove": function(fn) {        this.on("pressmove", fn);    },    "onPressUp": function(fn) {        this.on("pressup", fn);    },    "onMouseWheel": function(fn) {        this.on("mousewheel", fn);    },    "onTouchStart": function(fn) {        this.on("pressdown", fn);    },    "onTouchMove": function(fn) {        this.on("pressmove", fn);    },    "onTouchEnd": function(fn) {        this.on("pressup", fn);    },    "onTouchCancel": function () {        this.on("touchcancel", fn);    },    "onDbClick": function(fn) {        this.on("dblclick", fn);    },    "addEventListener": function (type, handler) {        this.on(this._normalizeEventType(type), handler);    },    "removeEventListener": function (type, handler) {        this.off(this._normalizeEventType(type), handler);    },    "_normalizeEventType": function (type) {        var newType = { "touchstart": "pressdown", "touchmove": "pressmove", "touchend": "pressup" }[type];        if (newType) return newType;        return type;    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.DisplayObject---------------------endAlloyPaper.Bitmap = AlloyPaper.DisplayObject.extend({    "ctor": function(img) {        this._super();        Object.defineProperty(this, "rect", {            get: function () {                return this["__rect"];            },            set: function (value) {                this["__rect"] = value;                this.width = value[2];                this.height = value[3];                this.regX = value[2] * this.originX;                this.regY = value[3] * this.originY;            }        });        if (arguments.length === 0) return;        if (typeof img == "string") {            this._initWithSrc(img);            this.imgSrc = img;        } else {            this._init(img);            this.imgSrc = img.src;        }    },    "_initWithSrc": function(img) {        var cacheImg = AlloyPaper.Cache[img];        if (cacheImg) {            this._init(cacheImg);        } else {            var self = this;            this.textureReady = false;            this.img = document.createElement("img");            this.img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";            this.img.onload = function () {                if (!self.rect) self.rect = [0, 0, self.img.width, self.img.height];                AlloyPaper.Cache[img] = self.img;                self.textureReady = true;                self.imageLoadHandle && self.imageLoadHandle();                if (self.filter) self.filter = self.filter;            };            this.img.src = img;        }    },    "_init": function(img) {        if (!img) return;        this.img = img;        this.img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";        this.width = img.width;        this.height = img.height;        this.rect = [0, 0, img.width, img.height];    },    "useImage": function(img) {        if (typeof img == "string") {            this._initWithSrc(img);        } else {            this._init(img);            this.imageLoadHandle && this.imageLoadHandle();        }    },    "onImageLoad": function(fn) {        this.imageLoadHandle = fn;    },    "clone": function () {        if (this.textureReady) {            var o = new AlloyPaper.Bitmap(this.img);            o.rect = this.rect.slice(0);            this.cloneProps(o);            return o;        } else {            var o = new AlloyPaper.Bitmap(this.imgSrc);            this.rect&&(o.rect = this.rect.slice(0));            this.cloneProps(o);            return o;        }    },    "clip": function (fn) {        this._clipFn = fn;    },    "flipX": function() {},    "flipY": function() {}});//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Container---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Container = AlloyPaper.DisplayObject.extend({    "ctor": function() {        this._super();        this.children = [];        this.baseInstanceof = "Container";    },    "add": function(obj) {        var len = arguments.length;        if (len > 1) {            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {                var item = arguments[i];                if (item) {                    this.children.push(item);                    item.parent = this;                }            }        } else {            if (obj) {                this.children.push(obj);                obj.parent = this;            }        }    },    "remove": function(obj) {        var len = arguments.length,            childLen = this.children.length;        if (len > 1) {            for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {                var currentObj = arguments[j];                for (var k = childLen; --k >= 0;) {                    if (currentObj&&this.children[k].id == currentObj.id) {                        currentObj.parent = null;                        this.children.splice(k, 1);                        break;                    }                }            }        } else {            for (var i = childLen; --i >= 0;) {                if (obj&&this.children[i].id == obj.id) {                    obj.parent = null;                    this.children.splice(i, 1);                    break;                }            }        }    },    "clone": function() {        var o = new AlloyPaper.Container();        this.cloneProps(o);        var arr = o.children = [];        for (var i = this.children.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {            var clone = this.children[i].clone();            arr.unshift(clone);        }        return o;    },    "removeAll": function() {        var kids = this.children;        while (kids.length) {            kids.pop().parent = null;        }    },    "destroy": function() {        this._super();        var kids = this.children;        while (kids.length) {            var kid = kids.pop();            kid.destroy();            kid = null;        }    },    "swapChildrenAt": function(index1, index2) {        var kids = this.children;        var o1 = kids[index1];        var o2 = kids[index2];        if (!o1 || !o2) {            return;        }        kids[index1] = o2;        kids[index2] = o1;    },    "swapChildren": function(child1, child2) {        var kids = this.children;        var index1, index2;        for (var i = 0, l = kids.length; i < l; i++) {            if (kids[i] == child1) {                index1 = i;            }            if (kids[i] == child2) {                index2 = i;            }            if (index1 != null && index2 != null) {                break;            }        }        if (i == l) {            return;        }        kids[index1] = child2;        kids[index2] = child1;    },    "swapToTop": function(child) {        this.swapChildren(child, this.children[this.children.length - 1]);    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Container---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Graphics---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Graphics = AlloyPaper.DisplayObject.extend({    "ctor": function() {        this._super();        this.cmds = [];        this.assMethod = ["fillStyle", "strokeStyle", "lineWidth"];    },    "draw": function(ctx) {        for (var i = 0, len = this.cmds.length; i < len; i++) {            var cmd = this.cmds[i];            if (this.assMethod.join("-").match(new RegExp("\\b" + cmd[0] + "\\b", "g"))) {                ctx[cmd[0]] = cmd[1][0];            } else {                ctx[cmd[0]].apply(ctx, Array.prototype.slice.call(cmd[1]));            }        }    },    "clearRect": function(x, y, width, height) {        this.cmds.push(["clearRect", arguments]);        return this;    },    "clear": function() {        this.cmds.length = 0;        return this;    },    "strokeRect": function() {        this.cmds.push(["strokeRect", arguments]);        return this;    },    "fillRect": function() {        this.cmds.push(["fillRect", arguments]);        return this;    },    "beginPath": function() {        this.cmds.push(["beginPath", arguments]);        return this;    },    "arc": function() {        this.cmds.push(["arc", arguments]);        return this;    },    "closePath": function() {        this.cmds.push(["closePath", arguments]);        return this;    },    "fillStyle": function() {        this.cmds.push(["fillStyle", arguments]);        return this;    },    "fill": function() {        this.cmds.push(["fill", arguments]);        return this;    },    "strokeStyle": function() {        this.cmds.push(["strokeStyle", arguments]);        return this;    },    "lineWidth": function() {        this.cmds.push(["lineWidth", arguments]);        return this;    },    "stroke": function() {        this.cmds.push(["stroke", arguments]);        return this;    },    "moveTo": function() {        this.cmds.push(["moveTo", arguments]);        return this;    },    "lineTo": function() {        this.cmds.push(["lineTo", arguments]);        return this;    },    "bezierCurveTo": function() {        this.cmds.push(["bezierCurveTo", arguments]);        return this;    },    "clone": function() {}});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Graphics---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Label---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Label = AlloyPaper.DisplayObject.extend({    "ctor": function(option) {        this._super();        this.value = option.value;        this.fontSize = option.fontSize;        this.fontFamily = option.fontFamily;        this.color = option.color;        this.textAlign = "center";        this.textBaseline = "top";        this.fontWeight = option.fontWeight || "";        this.maxWidth = option.maxWidth || 2e3;        this.square = option.square || false;        this.txtCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");        this.txtCtx = this.txtCanvas.getContext("2d");        this.setDrawOption();        this.shadow = option.shadow;        this._watch(this, ["value", "fontSize", "color", "fontFamily"], function() {            this.setDrawOption();        });    },    "setDrawOption": function() {        var drawOption = this.getDrawOption({            txt: this.value,            maxWidth: this.maxWidth,            square: this.square,            size: this.fontSize,            alignment: this.textAlign,            color: this.color || "black",            fontFamily: this.fontFamily,            fontWeight: this.fontWeight,            shadow: this.shadow        });        this.cacheID = AlloyPaper.UID.getCacheID();        this.width = drawOption.calculatedWidth;        this.height = drawOption.calculatedHeight;    },    "getDrawOption": function(option) {        var canvas = this.txtCanvas;        var ctx = this.txtCtx;        var canvasX, canvasY;        var textX, textY;        var text = [];        var textToWrite = option.txt;        var maxWidth = option.maxWidth;        var squareTexture = option.square;        var textHeight = option.size;        var textAlignment = option.alignment;        var textColour = option.color;        var fontFamily = option.fontFamily;        var fontWeight = option.fontWeight;        ctx.font = textHeight + "px " + fontFamily;        if (maxWidth && this.measureText(ctx, textToWrite) > maxWidth) {            maxWidth = this.createMultilineText(ctx, textToWrite, maxWidth, text);            canvasX = this.getPowerOfTwo(maxWidth);        } else {            text.push(textToWrite);            canvasX = this.getPowerOfTwo(ctx.measureText(textToWrite).width);        }        canvasY = this.getPowerOfTwo(textHeight * (text.length + 1));        if (squareTexture) {            canvasX > canvasY ? canvasY = canvasX : canvasX = canvasY;        }        option.calculatedWidth = canvasX;        option.calculatedHeight = canvasY;        canvas.width = canvasX;        canvas.height = canvasY;        switch (textAlignment) {        case "left":            textX = 0;            break;        case "center":            textX = canvasX / 2;            break;        case "right":            textX = canvasX;            break;        }        textY = canvasY / 2;        ctx.fillStyle = textColour;        ctx.textAlign = textAlignment;        ctx.textBaseline = "middle";        ctx.font = fontWeight + " " + textHeight + "px " + fontFamily;        if (option.shadow) {            ctx.shadowColor = option.shadow.color || "transparent";            ctx.shadowOffsetX = option.shadow.offsetX || 0;            ctx.shadowOffsetY = option.shadow.offsetY || 0;            ctx.shadowBlur = option.shadow.blur || 0;        }         var offset = (canvasY - textHeight * (text.length + 1)) * .5;        option.cmd = [];        for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {            if (text.length > 1) {                textY = (i + 1) * textHeight + offset;            }            option.cmd.push({                text: text[i],                x: textX,                y: textY            });            ctx.fillText(text[i], textX, textY);        }        return option;    },    "getPowerOfTwo": function(value, pow) {        var temp_pow = pow || 1;        while (temp_pow < value) {            temp_pow *= 2;        }        return temp_pow;    },    "measureText": function(ctx, textToMeasure) {        return ctx.measureText(textToMeasure).width;    },    "createMultilineText": function(ctx, textToWrite, maxWidth, text) {        textToWrite = textToWrite.replace("\n", " ");        var currentText = textToWrite;        var futureText;        var subWidth = 0;        var maxLineWidth;        var wordArray = textToWrite.split(" ");        var wordsInCurrent, wordArrayLength;        wordsInCurrent = wordArrayLength = wordArray.length;        while (this.measureText(ctx, currentText) > maxWidth && wordsInCurrent > 1) {            wordsInCurrent--;            currentText = futureText = "";            for (var i = 0; i < wordArrayLength; i++) {                if (i < wordsInCurrent) {                    currentText += wordArray[i];                    if (i + 1 < wordsInCurrent) {                        currentText += " ";                    }                } else {                    futureText += wordArray[i];                    if (i + 1 < wordArrayLength) {                        futureText += " ";                    }                }            }        }        text.push(currentText);        maxLineWidth = this.measureText(ctx, currentText);        if (futureText) {            subWidth = this.createMultilineText(ctx, futureText, maxWidth, text);            if (subWidth > maxLineWidth) {                maxLineWidth = subWidth;            }        }        return maxLineWidth;    },    "draw": function(ctx) {        ctx.fillStyle = this.color;        ctx.font = this.font;        ctx.textAlign = this.textAlign || "left";        ctx.textBaseline = this.textBaseline || "top";        ctx.fillText(this.text, 0, 0);    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Label---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Particle---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Particle = AlloyPaper.Bitmap.extend({    "ctor": function(option) {        this._super(option.texture);        this.originX = .5;        this.originY = .5;        this.position = option.position;        this.x = this.position.x;        this.y = this.position.y;        this.rotation = option.rotation || 0;        this.velocity = option.velocity;        this.acceleration = option.acceleration || new AlloyPaper.Vector2(0, 0);        this.rotatingSpeed = option.rotatingSpeed || 0;        this.rotatingAcceleration = option.rotatingAcceleration || 0;        this.hideSpeed = option.hideSpeed || .01;        this.zoomSpeed = option.hideSpeed || .01;        this.isAlive = true;        this.img = option.texture;        this.img.src = "";    },    "tick": function() {        this.velocity.add(this.acceleration);        this.position.add(this.velocity.multiply(.1));        this.rotatingSpeed += this.rotatingAcceleration;        this.rotation += this.rotatingSpeed;        this.alpha -= this.hideSpeed;        this.x = this.position.x;        this.y = this.position.y;    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Particle---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.ParticleSystem---------------------beginAlloyPaper.ParticleSystem = AlloyPaper.Container.extend({    "ctor": function(option) {        this._super();        this.speed = option.speed;        this.angle = option.angle;        this.angleRange = option.angleRange;        this.emitArea = option.emitArea;        this.gravity = option.gravity || {            x: 0,            y: 0        };        this.filter = option.filter;        this.compositeOperation = "lighter";        this.emitCount = option.emitCount;        this.maxCount = option.maxCount || 1e3;        this.emitX = option.emitX;        this.emitY = option.emitY;        if (typeof option.texture === "string") {            if (AlloyPaper.Cache[option.texture]) {                this.texture = AlloyPaper.Cache[option.texture];                this.generateFilterTexture(this.texture);            } else {                this.bitmap = new AlloyPaper.Bitmap();                this.bitmap._parent = this;                this.bitmap.onImageLoad(function() {                    this._parent.texture = this.img;                    this._parent.generateFilterTexture(this.img);                    delete this._parent;                });                this.bitmap.useImage(option.texture);            }        } else {            this.texture = option.texture;            this.generateFilterTexture(option.texture);        }        this.totalCount = option.totalCount;        this.emittedCount = 0;        this.tickFPS = 60;        this.hideSpeed = option.hideSpeed || .01;    },    "generateFilterTexture": function(texture) {        var bitmap = new AlloyPaper.Bitmap(texture);        bitmap.filter = this.filter;        this.filterTexture = bitmap.cacheCanvas;    },    "changeFilter": function (filter) {        var bitmap = new AlloyPaper.Bitmap(this.texture);        bitmap.filter = filter;        this.filterTexture = bitmap.cacheCanvas;    },    "emit": function() {        var angle = (this.angle + AlloyPaper.Util.random(-this.angleRange / 2, this.angleRange / 2)) * Math.PI / 180;        var halfX = this.emitArea[0] / 2,            harfY = this.emitArea[1] / 2;        var particle = new AlloyPaper.Particle({    position: new AlloyPaper.Vector2(this.emitX + AlloyPaper.Util.random(-halfX, halfX), this.emitY + AlloyPaper.Util.random(-harfY, harfY)),    velocity: new AlloyPaper.Vector2(this.speed * Math.cos(angle), this.speed * Math.sin(angle)),    texture: this.filterTexture,    acceleration: this.gravity,    hideSpeed: this.hideSpeed});        this.add(particle);        this.emittedCount++;    },    "tick": function() {        if (this.filterTexture) {            var len = this.children.length;            if (this.totalCount && this.emittedCount > this.totalCount) {                if (len === 0) this.destroy();            } else {                if (len < this.maxCount) {                    for (var k = 0; k < this.emitCount; k++) {                        this.emit();                    }                }            }            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {                var item = this.children[i];                if (item.isVisible()) {                    item.tick();                } else {                    this.remove(item);                    i--;                    len--;                }            }        }    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.ParticleSystem---------------------end//begin----------------- AlloyPaper.ParticleExplosion -------------------beginAlloyPaper.ParticleExplosion = AlloyPaper.Container.extend({    ctor: function (ps, callback) {        this._super();        this.ps = ps;        this.add(ps);        this.callback = callback;        this.tickFPS = 0;        setTimeout(function () {            this.ps.maxCount = 0;            this.tickFPS = 60;        }.bind(this), 1000);    },    tick: function () {        if (this.ps.children.length === 0) {            this.tickFPS = 0;            this.parent.remove(this);            this.callback();        }    }});//end-----------------AlloyPaper.ParticleExplosion-------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Shape---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Shape = AlloyPaper.DisplayObject.extend({    "ctor": function(width, height, debug) {        this._super();        this.cmds = [];        this.assMethod = ["fillStyle", "strokeStyle", "lineWidth"];        this.width = width;        this.height = height;        this._width = width;        this._height = height;        this.shapeCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");        this.shapeCanvas.width = this.width;        this.shapeCanvas.height = this.height;        this.shapeCtx = this.shapeCanvas.getContext("2d");        if (debug) {            this.fillStyle("red");            this.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);        }        this._watch(this, "scaleX", function(prop, value) {            this.width = this._width * value;            this.height = this._height * this.scaleY;            this.shapeCanvas.width = this.width;            this.shapeCanvas.height = this.height;            this.shapeCtx.scale(value, this.scaleY);            this.end();        });        this._watch(this, "scaleY", function(prop, value) {            this.width = this._width * this.scaleX;            this.height = this._height * value;            this.shapeCanvas.width = this.width;            this.shapeCanvas.height = this.height;            this.shapeCtx.scale(this.scaleX, value);            this.end();        });    },    "end": function() {        this._preCacheId = this.cacheID;        this.cacheID = AlloyPaper.UID.getCacheID();        var ctx = this.shapeCtx;        for (var i = 0, len = this.cmds.length; i < len; i++) {            var cmd = this.cmds[i];            if (this.assMethod.join("-").match(new RegExp("\\b" + cmd[0] + "\\b", "g"))) {                ctx[cmd[0]] = cmd[1][0];            } else {                ctx[cmd[0]].apply(ctx, Array.prototype.slice.call(cmd[1]));            }        }    },    "clearRect": function(x, y, width, height) {        this.cacheID = AlloyPaper.UID.getCacheID();        this.shapeCtx.clearRect(x, y, width, height);    },    "clear": function() {        this.cacheID = AlloyPaper.UID.getCacheID();        this.cmds.length = 0;        this.shapeCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);    },    "strokeRect": function() {        this.cmds.push(["strokeRect", arguments]);        return this;    },    "fillRect": function() {        this.cmds.push(["fillRect", arguments]);        return this;    },    "beginPath": function() {        this.cmds.push(["beginPath", arguments]);        return this;    },    "arc": function() {        this.cmds.push(["arc", arguments]);        return this;    },    "closePath": function() {        this.cmds.push(["closePath", arguments]);        return this;    },    "fillStyle": function() {        this.cmds.push(["fillStyle", arguments]);        return this;    },    "fill": function() {        this.cmds.push(["fill", arguments]);        return this;    },    "strokeStyle": function() {        this.cmds.push(["strokeStyle", arguments]);        return this;    },    "lineWidth": function() {        this.cmds.push(["lineWidth", arguments]);        return this;    },    "stroke": function() {        this.cmds.push(["stroke", arguments]);        return this;    },    "moveTo": function() {        this.cmds.push(["moveTo", arguments]);        return this;    },    "lineTo": function() {        this.cmds.push(["lineTo", arguments]);        return this;    },    "bezierCurveTo": function() {        this.cmds.push(["bezierCurveTo", arguments]);        return this;    },    "clone": function() {}});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Shape---------------------end//begin-------------------AlloyPaper.Sprite---------------------beginAlloyPaper.Sprite = AlloyPaper.DisplayObject.extend({    "ctor": function(option) {        this._super();        this.option = option;        this.x = option.x || 0;        this.y = option.y || 0;        this.currentFrameIndex = 0;        this.animationFrameIndex = 0;        this.currentAnimation = option.currentAnimation || null;        this.rect = [0, 0, 10, 10];        this.visible = false;        this.bitmaps = [];        this._loadedCount = 0;        var len = this.option.imgs.length;        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {            var urlOrImg = this.option.imgs[i];            if (typeof urlOrImg === "string") {                if (AlloyPaper.Cache[urlOrImg]) {                    this.bitmaps.push(new AlloyPaper.Bitmap(AlloyPaper.Cache[urlOrImg]));                    this._loadedCount++;                } else {                    (function(){                        var bmp = new AlloyPaper.Bitmap();                        bmp._sprite = this;                        bmp.onImageLoad(function() {                            bmp._sprite._loadedCount++;                            if (bmp._sprite._loadedCount === len) {                                bmp._sprite.visible = true;                                delete bmp._sprite;                            }                        });                        bmp.useImage(this.option.imgs[i]);                        this.bitmaps.push(bmp);                    })();                }            } else {                this._loadedCount++;                this.bitmaps.push(new AlloyPaper.Bitmap(urlOrImg));            }        }        if (this._loadedCount === len) {            this.visible = true;        }        this.img = this.bitmaps[0].img;        this.interval = 1e3 / option.framerate;        this.loop = null;        this.paused = false;        this.animationEnd = option.animationEnd || null;        if (this.currentAnimation) {            this.gotoAndPlay(this.currentAnimation);        }        this.tickAnimationEnd = option.tickAnimationEnd || null;    },    "play": function() {        this.paused = false;    },    "pause": function () {        this.paused = true;    },    "reset": function() {        this.currentFrameIndex = 0;        this.animationFrameIndex = 0;    },    "gotoAndPlay": function(animation, times) {        this.paused = false;        this.reset();        clearInterval(this.loop);        this.currentAnimation = animation;        var self = this;        var playTimes = 0;        this.loop = setInterval(function() {            if (!self.paused) {                var opt = self.option;                var frames = opt.animations[self.currentAnimation].frames,                    len = frames.length;                self.animationFrameIndex++;                if (self.animationFrameIndex > len - 1) {                    playTimes++;                    self.animationFrameIndex = 0;                    if (self.tickAnimationEnd) {                        self.tickAnimationEnd();                    }                    if (times && playTimes == times) {                        if (self.animationEnd) self.animationEnd();                        self.paused = true;                        clearInterval(self.loop);                        self.parent.remove(self);                    }                }                self.rect = opt.frames[frames[self.animationFrameIndex]];                self.width = self.rect[2];                self.height = self.rect[3];                var rect = self.rect,                    rectLen = rect.length;                rectLen > 4 && (self.regX = rect[2] * rect[4]);                rectLen > 5 && (self.regY = rect[3] * rect[5]);                rectLen > 6 && (self.img = self.bitmaps[rect[6]].img);            }        }, this.interval);    },    "gotoAndStop": function(animation) {        this.reset();        clearInterval(this.loop);        var self = this;        self.currentAnimation = animation;        var opt = self.option;        var frames = opt.animations[self.currentAnimation].frames;        self.rect = opt.frames[frames[self.animationFrameIndex]];        self.width = self.rect[2];        self.height = self.rect[3];        var rect = self.rect,            rectLen = rect.length;        rectLen > 4 && (self.regX = rect[2] * rect[4]);        rectLen > 5 && (self.regY = rect[3] * rect[5]);        rectLen > 6 && (self.img = self.bitmaps[rect[6]].img);    }});//end-------------------AlloyPaper.Sprite---------------------endAlloyPaper.Stage = AlloyPaper.Container.extend({    "ctor": function(canvas, openWebGL) {        this._super();        this.canvas = typeof canvas == "string" ? document.querySelector(canvas) : canvas;        this.width = this.canvas.width;        this.height = this.canvas.height;        this.AABB = [0, 0, this.width, this.height];        this.hitAABB = true;        this.hitRenderer = new AlloyPaper.CanvasRenderer();        this.hitCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");        this.hitCanvas.width = 1;        this.hitCanvas.height = 1;        this.stageRenderer = new AlloyPaper.Renderer(this, openWebGL);        this.hitCtx = this.hitCanvas.getContext("2d");        this._scaleX = this._scaleY = null;        this.offset = this._getXY(this.canvas);        this.overObj = null;        this._paused = false;        this.fps = 63;        this.interval = Math.floor(1e3 / this.fps);        this.toList = [];        this.tickFns = [];        this.beginTick = null;        this.endTick = null;        var self = this;        self.loop = setInterval(function() {            if (self._paused) return;            self.beginTick && self.beginTick();            self._tick(self);            self.endTick && self.endTick();        }, self.interval);        Object.defineProperty(this, "useRequestAnimFrame", {            set: function(value) {                this._useRequestAnimFrame = value;                if (value) {                    clearInterval(self.loop);                    self.loop = AlloyPaper.RAF.requestInterval(function() {                        self._tick(self);                    }, self.interval);                } else {                    AlloyPaper.RAF.clearRequestInterval(self.loop);                    self.loop = setInterval(function() {                        self._tick(self);                    }, self.interval);                }            },            get: function() {                return this._useRequestAnimFrame;            }        });        this._watch(this, "fps", function(prop, value) {            this.interval = Math.floor(1e3 / value);            var self = this;            if (this.useRequestAnimFrame) {                clearInterval(this.loop);                try {                    AlloyPaper.RAF.clearRequestInterval(this.loop);                } catch (e) {}                this.loop = AlloyPaper.RAF.requestInterval(function() {                    self._tick(self);                }, this.interval);            } else {                AlloyPaper.RAF.clearRequestInterval(this.loop);                try {                    clearInterval(this.loop);                } catch (e) {}                this.loop = setInterval(function() {                    self._tick(self);                }, this.interval);            }        });        this._initDebug();        this._pressmoveObjs = null;        this.baseInstanceof = "Stage";        this.overObj = null;        this._moveInterval = 16;        this._preMoveTime = new Date();        this._currentMoveTime = new Date();        Object.defineProperty(this, "moveFPS", {            set: function(value) {                this._moveFPS = value;                this._moveInterval = 1e3 / value;            },            get: function() {                return this._moveFPS;            }        });        this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this._handleMouseMove.bind(this), false);        this.canvas.addEventListener("click", this._handleClick.bind(this), false);        this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this._handleMouseDown.bind(this), false);        this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this._handleMouseUp.bind(this), false);        this.canvas.addEventListener("dblclick", this._handleDblClick.bind(this), false);        this.addEvent(this.canvas, "mousewheel", this._handleMouseWheel.bind(this));        this.canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", this._handleMouseMove.bind(this), false);        this.canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this._handleMouseDown.bind(this), false);        this.canvas.addEventListener("touchend", this._handleMouseUp.bind(this), false);        this.canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", this._handleTouchCancel.bind(this), false);        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.adjustLayout.bind(this), false);        window.addEventListener("load", this.adjustLayout.bind(this), false);        window.addEventListener("resize", this.adjustLayout.bind(this), false);        this.autoUpdate = true;        this.scaleType = "normal";        this.setCursor(AlloyPaper.DefaultCursor);    },    "adjustLayout": function() {        this.offset = this._getXY(this.canvas);        this.style=this._getStyle();        if (this._scaleX) {            this.scaleToScreen(this._scaleX, this._scaleY);        }    },    "pause": function () {        this._paused = true;        this._pauseSprite(this);        this._pauseTween();    },    "play": function () {        this._paused = false;        this._playSprite(this);        this._playTween();    },    "_pauseSprite": function (obj) {        for (var i = 0, len = obj.children.length; i < len; i++) {            var child = obj.children[i];            if (child instanceof AlloyPaper.Container) {                this._pauseSprite(child);            } else if (child instanceof AlloyPaper.Sprite) {                child.pause();            }        }    },    "_pauseTween": function () {        for (var i = 0, len = this.toList.length; i < len; i++) {            this.toList[i].pause();        }    },    "_playSprite": function (obj) {        for (var i = 0, len = obj.children.length; i < len; i++) {            var child = obj.children[i];            if (child instanceof AlloyPaper.Container) {                this._playSprite(child);            } else if (child instanceof AlloyPaper.Sprite) {                child.play();            }        }    },    "_playTween": function () {        for (var i = 0, len = this.toList.length; i < len; i++) {            this.toList[i].play();        }    },    "toggle": function () {        if (this._paused) {            this.play();        } else {            this.pause();        }    },    "openDebug": function() {},    "closeDebug": function() {},    "_initDebug": function() {        this.debugDiv = document.createElement("div");        this.debugDiv.style.cssText = "display:none;position:absolute;z-index:2000;left:0;bottom:0;background-color:yellow;font-size:16px;";        document.body.appendChild(this.debugDiv);        Object.defineProperty(this, "debug", {            set: function(value) {                this._debug = value;                if (this._debug) {                    this.debugDiv.style.display = "block";                } else {                    this.debugDiv.style.display = "none";                }            },            get: function() {                return this._debug;            }        });    },    "_handleMouseWheel": function(event) {        this._correctionEvent(event, event.type);        var callbacks = this.events["mousewheel"];        if (callbacks) {            for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i++) {                var callback = callbacks[i];                callback(event);            }        }        if (this.overObj) {            this.hitRenderer._bubbleEvent(this.overObj, "mousewheel", event);        }    },    "update": function() {        this.stageRenderer.update();    },    "_correctionEvent": function (evt, type) {        this.adjustLayout();        if (evt.touches||evt.changedTouches) {            var firstTouch = evt.touches[0] || evt.changedTouches[0];            if (firstTouch) {                evt.stageX = firstTouch.pageX;                evt.stageY = firstTouch.pageY;            }        } else {            evt.stageX = evt.pageX;            evt.stageY = evt.pageY;        }        //if (this.scaleType !== "normal") {            var p = this._correction(evt.stageX, evt.stageY);            evt.stageX = Math.round(p.x);            evt.stageY = Math.round(p.y);        //}        var callbacks = this.events[type];        if (callbacks) {            for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i++) {                var callback = callbacks[i];                callback(evt);            }        }    },    "_handleClick": function(evt) {        this._correctionEvent(evt, evt.type);        this._getObjectUnderPoint(evt, evt.type);    },    "_handleMouseMove": function(evt) {        this._currentMoveTime = new Date();        if (this._currentMoveTime - this._preMoveTime > this._moveInterval / 2) {            this._correctionEvent(evt, evt.type);            if (this._pressmoveObjs) {                var pressmoveHandle = this._pressmoveObjs.events["pressmove"];                pressmoveHandle && this._pressmoveObjs.execEvent("pressmove", evt);            }            var child = this._getObjectUnderPoint(evt, "mousemove");            if (child) {                if (this.overObj) {                    if (child.id != this.overObj.id) {                        this.hitRenderer._bubbleEvent(this.overObj, "mouseout", evt);                        this.hitRenderer._bubbleEvent(child, "mouseover", evt);                        this.overObj = child;                    } else {                        this.hitRenderer._bubbleEvent(child, "mousemove", evt);                    }                    this._setCursorByOverObject(child);                } else {                    this.overObj = child;                    this.hitRenderer._bubbleEvent(child, "mouseover", evt);                }            } else {                if (this.overObj) {                    this.hitRenderer._bubbleEvent(this.overObj, "mouseout", evt);                    this.overObj = null;                }            }            this._preMoveTime = this._currentMoveTime;        }    },    "_getPressmoveTarget": function(o) {        if (o.events["pressmove"]) {            this._pressmoveObjs = o;        }        if (o.parent) this._getPressmoveTarget(o.parent);    },    "_handleMouseDown": function(evt) {        this._correctionEvent(evt, "pressdown");        var child = this._getObjectUnderPoint(evt, "pressdown");        if (child) {            this._getPressmoveTarget(child);        }    },    "_handleMouseUp": function(evt) {        this._pressmoveObjs = null;        this._correctionEvent(evt, "pressup");        this._getObjectUnderPoint(evt, "pressup");    },    "_handleTouchCancel": function (evt) {        this._pressmoveObjs = null;        this._correctionEvent(evt, "touchcancel");        this._getObjectUnderPoint(evt, "touchcancel");    },    "_handleDblClick": function(evt) {        this._correctionEvent(evt, evt.type);        this._getObjectUnderPoint(evt, evt.type);    },    "_getObjectUnderPoint": function(evt, type) {        if (this.hitAABB) {            return this.hitRenderer.hitAABB(this.hitCtx, this, evt, type);        } else {            return this.hitRenderer.hitRender(this.hitCtx, this, evt, type);        }    },    "_getXY": function(el) {        var _t = 0,            _l = 0;        if (document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect && el.getBoundingClientRect) {            var box = el.getBoundingClientRect();            _l = box.left;            _t = box.top;        } else {            while (el.offsetParent) {                _t += el.offsetTop;                _l += el.offsetLeft;                el = el.offsetParent;            }            return [_l, _t];        }        return [_l + Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollLeft), _t + Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop)];    },    "_tick": function(container) {        if (container && container.tick && container.tickFPS > 0) {            this._initInterval(container);            if (!container.hasOwnProperty("_tickInterval")) {                container.tick();            } else {                container._tickIntervalCurrent = new Date();                if (!container._tickIntervalLast) {                    container._tickIntervalLast = new Date();                    container._tickIntervalPrev = new Date();                }                var itv = (container._tickIntervalCurrent - container._tickIntervalLast) +( container._tickIntervalCurrent - container._tickIntervalPrev); 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                       if (itv > child._tickInterval) {                            child.tick();                            child._tickIntervalLast = child._tickIntervalCurrent;                        }                        child._tickIntervalPrev= new Date();                    }                }                if (child.baseInstanceof == "Container") {                    this._tick(child);                }            }        }    },    "_initInterval": function(obj) {        if (obj.hasOwnProperty("tickFPS")) {            obj._tickInterval = 1e3 / obj.tickFPS;        }    },    "tick": function () {        for (var i = 0, len = this.tickFns.length; i < len; i++) {            var fn = this.tickFns[i];            if (!fn.hasOwnProperty("_ARE_PrevDate")) {                fn();                continue;            }            fn._ARE_CurrentDate = new Date();            var interval = (fn._ARE_CurrentDate - fn._ARE_PrevDate) + (fn._ARE_CurrentDate - fn._ARE_LastDate);            if (interval > fn._ARE_Interval) {                fn(); 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