
来源:互联网 发布:java if else嵌套 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 13:18


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/* * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2 * http://jquery.com/ * * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * http://docs.jquery.com/License * * Date: 2009-02-19 17:34:21 -0500 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009) * Revision: 6246 */(function() {    var l = this,g,y = l.jQuery,p = l.$,o = l.jQuery = l.$ = function(E, F) {        return new o.fn.init(E, F)    },D = /^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#([\w-]+)$/,f = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;    o.fn = o.prototype = {init:function(E, H) {        E = E || document;        if (E.nodeType) {            this[0] = E;            this.length = 1;            this.context = E;            return this        }        if (typeof E === "string") {            var G = D.exec(E);            if (G && (G[1] || !H)) {                if (G[1]) {                    E = o.clean([G[1]], H)                } else {                    var I = document.getElementById(G[3]);                    if (I && I.id != G[3]) {                        return o().find(E)                    }                    var F = o(I || []);                    F.context = document;                    F.selector = E;                    return F                }            } else {                return o(H).find(E)            }        } else {            if (o.isFunction(E)) {                return o(document).ready(E)            }        }        if (E.selector && E.context) {            this.selector = E.selector;            this.context = E.context        }        return this.setArray(o.isArray(E) ? 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E[0] : E, this)    },attr:function(F, H, G) {        var E = F;        if (typeof F === "string") {            if (H === g) {                return this[0] && o[G || "attr"](this[0], F)            } else {                E = {};                E[F] = H            }        }        return this.each(function(I) {            for (F in E) {                o.attr(G ? this.style : this, F, o.prop(this, E[F], G, I, F))            }        })    },css:function(E, F) {        if ((E == "width" || E == "height") && parseFloat(F) < 0) {            F = g        }        return this.attr(E, F, "curCSS")    },text:function(F) {        if (typeof F !== "object" && F != null) {            return this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode(F))        }        var E = "";        o.each(F || this, function() {            o.each(this.childNodes, function() {                if (this.nodeType != 8) {                    E += this.nodeType != 1 ? this.nodeValue : o.fn.text([this])                }            })        });        return E    },wrapAll:function(E) {        if (this[0]) {            var F = o(E, this[0].ownerDocument).clone();            if (this[0].parentNode) {                F.insertBefore(this[0])            }            F.map(function() {                var G = this;                while (G.firstChild) {                    G = G.firstChild                }                return G            }).append(this)        }        return this    },wrapInner:function(E) {        return this.each(function() {            o(this).contents().wrapAll(E)        })    },wrap:function(E) {        return this.each(function() {            o(this).wrapAll(E)        })    },append:function() {        return this.domManip(arguments, true, function(E) {            if (this.nodeType == 1) {                this.appendChild(E)            }        })    },prepend:function() {        return this.domManip(arguments, true, function(E) {            if (this.nodeType == 1) {                this.insertBefore(E, this.firstChild)            }        })    },before:function() {        return this.domManip(arguments, false, function(E) {            this.parentNode.insertBefore(E, this)        })    },after:function() {        return this.domManip(arguments, false, function(E) {            this.parentNode.insertBefore(E, this.nextSibling)        })    },end:function() {        return this.prevObject || o([])    },push:[].push,sort:[].sort,splice:[].splice,find:function(E) {        if (this.length === 1) {            var F = this.pushStack([], "find", E);            F.length = 0;            o.find(E, this[0], F);            return F        } else {            return this.pushStack(o.unique(o.map(this, function(G) {                return o.find(E, G)            })), "find", E)        }    },clone:function(G) {        var E = this.map(function() {            if (!o.support.noCloneEvent && !o.isXMLDoc(this)) {                var I = this.outerHTML;                if (!I) {                    var J = this.ownerDocument.createElement("div");                    J.appendChild(this.cloneNode(true));                    I = J.innerHTML                }                return o.clean([I.replace(/ jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, "").replace(/^\s*/, "")])[0]            } else {                return this.cloneNode(true)            }        });        if (G === true) {            var H = this.find("*").andSelf(),F = 0;            E.find("*").andSelf().each(function() {                if (this.nodeName !== H[F].nodeName) {                    return                }                var I = o.data(H[F], "events");                for (var K in I) {                    for (var J in I[K]) {                        o.event.add(this, K, I[K][J], I[K][J].data)                    }                }                F++            })        }        return E    },filter:function(E) {        return this.pushStack(o.isFunction(E) && o.grep(this, function(G, F) {            return E.call(G, F)        }) || o.multiFilter(E, o.grep(this, function(F) {            return F.nodeType === 1        })), "filter", E)    },closest:function(E) {        var G = o.expr.match.POS.test(E) ? o(E) : null,F = 0;        return this.map(function() {            var H = this;            while (H && H.ownerDocument) {                if (G ? G.index(H) > -1 : o(H).is(E)) {                    o.data(H, "closest", F);                    return H                }                H = H.parentNode;                F++            }        })    },not:function(E) {        if (typeof E === "string") {            if (f.test(E)) {                return this.pushStack(o.multiFilter(E, this, true), "not", E)            } else {                E = o.multiFilter(E, this)            }        }        var F = E.length && E[E.length - 1] !== g && !E.nodeType;        return this.filter(function() {            return F ? o.inArray(this, E) < 0 : this != E        })    },add:function(E) {        return this.pushStack(o.unique(o.merge(this.get(), typeof E === "string" ? o(E) : o.makeArray(E))))    },is:function(E) {        return !!E && o.multiFilter(E, this).length > 0    },hasClass:function(E) {        return !!E && this.is("." + E)    },val:function(K) {        if (K === g) {            var E = this[0];            if (E) {                if (o.nodeName(E, "option")) {                    return(E.attributes.value || {}).specified ? E.value : E.text                }                if (o.nodeName(E, "select")) {                    var I = E.selectedIndex,L = [],M = E.options,H = E.type == "select-one";                    if (I < 0) {                        return null                    }                    for (var F = H ? I : 0,J = H ? I + 1 : M.length; F < J; F++) {                        var G = M[F];                        if (G.selected) {                            K = o(G).val();                            if (H) {                                return K                            }                            L.push(K)                        }                    }                    return L                }                return(E.value || "").replace(/\r/g, "")            }            return g        }        if (typeof K === "number") {            K += ""        }        return this.each(function() {            if (this.nodeType != 1) {                return            }            if (o.isArray(K) && /radio|checkbox/.test(this.type)) {                this.checked = (o.inArray(this.value, K) >= 0 || o.inArray(this.name, K) >= 0)            } else {                if (o.nodeName(this, "select")) {                    var N = o.makeArray(K);                    o("option", this).each(function() {                        this.selected = (o.inArray(this.value, N) >= 0 || o.inArray(this.text, N) >= 0)                    });                    if (!N.length) {                        this.selectedIndex = -1                    }                } else {                    this.value = K                }            }        })    },html:function(E) {        return E === g ? (this[0] ? this[0].innerHTML.replace(/ jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, "") : null) : this.empty().append(E)    },replaceWith:function(E) {        return this.after(E).remove()    },eq:function(E) {        return this.slice(E, +E + 1)    },slice:function() {        return this.pushStack(Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments), "slice", Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(","))    },map:function(E) {        return this.pushStack(o.map(this, function(G, F) {            return E.call(G, F, G)        }))    },andSelf:function() {        return this.add(this.prevObject)    },domManip:function(J, M, L) {        if (this[0]) {            var I = (this[0].ownerDocument || this[0]).createDocumentFragment(),F = o.clean(J, (this[0].ownerDocument || this[0]), I),H = I.firstChild;            if (H) {                for (var G = 0,E = this.length; G < E; G++) {                    L.call(K(this[G], H), this.length > 1 || G > 0 ? I.cloneNode(true) : I)                }            }            if (F) {                o.each(F, z)            }        }        return this;        function K(N, O) {            return M && o.nodeName(N, "table") && o.nodeName(O, "tr") ? (N.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || N.appendChild(N.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) : N        }    }};    o.fn.init.prototype = o.fn;    function z(E, F) {        if (F.src) {            o.ajax({url:F.src,async:false,dataType:"script"})        } else {            o.globalEval(F.text || F.textContent || F.innerHTML || "")        }        if (F.parentNode) {            F.parentNode.removeChild(F)        }    }    function e() {        return +new Date    }    o.extend = o.fn.extend = function() {        var J = arguments[0] || {},H = 1,I = arguments.length,E = false,G;        if (typeof J === "boolean") {            E = J;            J = arguments[1] || {};            H = 2        }        if (typeof J !== "object" && !o.isFunction(J)) {            J = {}        }        if (I == H) {            J = this;            --H        }        for (; H < I; H++) {            if ((G = arguments[H]) != null) {                for (var F in G) {                    var K = J[F],L = G[F];                    if (J === L) {                        continue                    }                    if (E && L && typeof L === "object" && !L.nodeType) {                        J[F] = o.extend(E, K || (L.length != null ? [] : {}), L)                    } else {                        if (L !== g) {                            J[F] = L                        }                    }                }            }        }        return J    };    var b = /z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i,q = document.defaultView || {},s = Object.prototype.toString;    o.extend({noConflict:function(E) {        l.$ = p;        if (E) {            l.jQuery = y        }        return o    },isFunction:function(E) {        return s.call(E) === "[object Function]"    },isArray:function(E) {        return s.call(E) === "[object Array]"    },isXMLDoc:function(E) {        return E.nodeType === 9 && E.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" || !!E.ownerDocument && o.isXMLDoc(E.ownerDocument)    },globalEval:function(G) {        if (G && /\S/.test(G)) {            var F = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement,E = document.createElement("script");            E.type = "text/javascript";            if (o.support.scriptEval) {                E.appendChild(document.createTextNode(G))            } else {                E.text = G            }            F.insertBefore(E, F.firstChild);            F.removeChild(E)        }    },nodeName:function(F, E) {        return F.nodeName && F.nodeName.toUpperCase() == E.toUpperCase()    },each:function(G, K, F) {        var E,H = 0,I = G.length;        if (F) {            if (I === g) {                for (E in G) {                    if (K.apply(G[E], F) === false) {                        break                    }                }            } else {                for (; H < I;) {                    if (K.apply(G[H++], F) === false) {                        break                    }                }            }        } else {            if (I === g) {                for (E in G) {                    if (K.call(G[E], E, G[E]) === false) {                        break                    }                }            } else {                for (var J = G[0]; H < I && K.call(J, H, J) !== false; J = G[++H]) {                }            }        }        return G    },prop:function(H, I, G, F, E) {        if (o.isFunction(I)) {            I = I.call(H, F)        }        return typeof I === "number" && G == "curCSS" && !b.test(E) ? I + "px" : I    },className:{add:function(E, F) {        o.each((F || "").split(/\s+/), function(G, H) {            if (E.nodeType == 1 && !o.className.has(E.className, H)) {                E.className += (E.className ? " " : "") + H            }        })    },remove:function(E, F) {        if (E.nodeType == 1) {            E.className = F !== g ? o.grep(E.className.split(/\s+/), function(G) {                return !o.className.has(F, G)            }).join(" ") : ""        }    },has:function(F, E) {        return F && o.inArray(E, (F.className || F).toString().split(/\s+/)) > -1    }},swap:function(H, G, I) {        var E = {};        for (var F in G) {            E[F] = H.style[F];            H.style[F] = G[F]        }        I.call(H);        for (var F in G) {            H.style[F] = E[F]        }    },css:function(H, F, J, E) {        if (F == "width" || F == "height") {            var L,G = {position:"absolute",visibility:"hidden",display:"block"},K = F == "width" ? 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H.offsetWidth : H.offsetHeight;                if (E === "border") {                    return                }                o.each(K, function() {                    if (!E) {                        L -= parseFloat(o.curCSS(H, "padding" + this, true)) || 0                    }                    if (E === "margin") {                        L += parseFloat(o.curCSS(H, "margin" + this, true)) || 0                    } else {                        L -= parseFloat(o.curCSS(H, "border" + this + "Width", true)) || 0                    }                })            }            if (H.offsetWidth !== 0) {                I()            } else {                o.swap(H, G, I)            }            return Math.max(0, Math.round(L))        }        return o.curCSS(H, F, J)    },curCSS:function(I, F, G) {        var L,E = I.style;        if (F == "opacity" && !o.support.opacity) {            L = o.attr(E, "opacity");            return L == "" ? 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U : V + "></" + T + ">"                });                var O = S.replace(/^\s+/, "").substring(0, 10).toLowerCase();                var Q = !O.indexOf("<opt") && [1,"<select multiple='multiple'>","</select>"] || !O.indexOf("<leg") && [1,"<fieldset>","</fieldset>"] || O.match(/^<(thead|tbody|tfoot|colg|cap)/) && [1,"<table>","</table>"] || !O.indexOf("<tr") && [2,"<table><tbody>","</tbody></table>"] || (!O.indexOf("<td") || !O.indexOf("<th")) && [3,"<table><tbody><tr>","</tr></tbody></table>"] || !O.indexOf("<col") && [2,"<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>","</colgroup></table>"] || !o.support.htmlSerialize && [1,"div<div>","</div>"] || [0,"",""];                L.innerHTML = Q[1] + S + Q[2];                while (Q[0]--) {                    L = L.lastChild                }                if (!o.support.tbody) {                    var R = /<tbody/i.test(S),N = !O.indexOf("<table") && !R ? L.firstChild && L.firstChild.childNodes : Q[1] == "<table>" && !R ? L.childNodes : [];                    for (var M = N.length - 1; M >= 0; --M) {                        if (o.nodeName(N[M], "tbody") && !N[M].childNodes.length) {                            N[M].parentNode.removeChild(N[M])                        }                    }                }                if (!o.support.leadingWhitespace && /^\s/.test(S)) {                    L.insertBefore(K.createTextNode(S.match(/^\s*/)[0]), L.firstChild)                }                S = o.makeArray(L.childNodes)            }            if (S.nodeType) {                G.push(S)            } else {                G = o.merge(G, S)            }        });        if (I) {            for (var J = 0; G[J]; J++) {                if (o.nodeName(G[J], "script") && (!G[J].type || G[J].type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript")) {                    E.push(G[J].parentNode ? 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I.value : J.nodeName.match(/(button|input|object|select|textarea)/i) ? 0 : J.nodeName.match(/^(a|area)$/i) && J.href ? 0 : g                }                return J[G]            }            if (!o.support.style && H && G == "style") {                return o.attr(J.style, "cssText", K)            }            if (L) {                J.setAttribute(G, "" + K)            }            var E = !o.support.hrefNormalized && H && F ? J.getAttribute(G, 2) : J.getAttribute(G);            return E === null ? g : E        }        if (!o.support.opacity && G == "opacity") {            if (L) {                J.zoom = 1;                J.filter = (J.filter || "").replace(/alpha\([^)]*\)/, "") + (parseInt(K) + "" == "NaN" ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + K * 100 + ")")            }            return J.filter && J.filter.indexOf("opacity=") >= 0 ? (parseFloat(J.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1]) / 100) + "" : ""        }        G = G.replace(/-([a-z])/ig, function(M, N) {            return N.toUpperCase()        });        if (L) {            J[G] = K        }        return J[G]    },trim:function(E) {        return(E || "").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")    },makeArray:function(G) {        var E = [];        if (G != null) {            var F = G.length;            if (F == null || typeof G === "string" || o.isFunction(G) || G.setInterval) {                E[0] = G            } else {                while (F) {                    E[--F] = G[F]                }            }        }        return E    },inArray:function(G, H) {        for (var E = 0,F = H.length; E < F; E++) {            if (H[E] === G) {                return E            }        }        return -1    },merge:function(H, E) {        var F = 0,G,I = H.length;        if (!o.support.getAll) {            while ((G = E[F++]) != null) {                if (G.nodeType != 8) {                    H[I++] = G                }            }        } else {            while ((G = E[F++]) != null) {                H[I++] = G            }        }        return H    },unique:function(K) {        var F = [],E = {};        try {            for (var G = 0,H = K.length; G < H; G++) {                var J = o.data(K[G]);                if (!E[J]) {                    E[J] = true;                    F.push(K[G])                }            }        } catch(I) {            F = K        }        return F    },grep:function(F, J, E) {        var G = [];        for (var H = 0,I = F.length; H < I; H++) {            if (!E != !J(F[H], H)) {                G.push(F[H])            }        }        return G    },map:function(E, J) {        var F = [];        for (var G = 0,H = E.length; G < H; G++) {            var I = J(E[G], G);            if (I != null) {                F[F.length] = I            }        }        return F.concat.apply([], F)    }});    var C = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();    o.browser = {version:(C.match(/.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [0,"0"])[1],safari:/webkit/.test(C),opera:/opera/.test(C),msie:/msie/.test(C) && !/opera/.test(C),mozilla:/mozilla/.test(C) && !/(compatible|webkit)/.test(C)};    o.each({parent:function(E) {        return E.parentNode    },parents:function(E) {        return o.dir(E, "parentNode")    },next:function(E) {        return o.nth(E, 2, "nextSibling")    },prev:function(E) {        return o.nth(E, 2, "previousSibling")    },nextAll:function(E) {        return o.dir(E, "nextSibling")    },prevAll:function(E) {        return o.dir(E, "previousSibling")    },siblings:function(E) {        return o.sibling(E.parentNode.firstChild, E)    },children:function(E) {        return o.sibling(E.firstChild)    },contents:function(E) {        return o.nodeName(E, "iframe") ? E.contentDocument || E.contentWindow.document : o.makeArray(E.childNodes)    }}, function(E, F) {        o.fn[E] = function(G) {            var H = o.map(this, F);            if (G && typeof G == "string") {                H = o.multiFilter(G, H)            }            return this.pushStack(o.unique(H), E, G)        }    });    o.each({appendTo:"append",prependTo:"prepend",insertBefore:"before",insertAfter:"after",replaceAll:"replaceWith"}, function(E, F) {        o.fn[E] = function(G) {            var J = [],L = o(G);            for (var K = 0,H = L.length; K < H; K++) {                var I = (K > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this).get();                o.fn[F].apply(o(L[K]), I);                J = J.concat(I)            }            return this.pushStack(J, E, G)        }    });    o.each({removeAttr:function(E) {        o.attr(this, E, "");        if (this.nodeType == 1) {            this.removeAttribute(E)        }    },addClass:function(E) {        o.className.add(this, E)    },removeClass:function(E) {        o.className.remove(this, E)    },toggleClass:function(F, E) {        if (typeof E !== "boolean") {            E = !o.className.has(this, F)        }        o.className[E ? "add" : "remove"](this, F)    },remove:function(E) {        if (!E || o.filter(E, [this]).length) {            o("*", this).add([this]).each(function() {                o.event.remove(this);                o.removeData(this)            });            if (this.parentNode) {                this.parentNode.removeChild(this)            }        }    },empty:function() {        o(this).children().remove();        while (this.firstChild) {            this.removeChild(this.firstChild)        }    }}, function(E, F) {        o.fn[E] = function() {            return this.each(F, arguments)        }    });    function j(E, F) {        return E[0] && parseInt(o.curCSS(E[0], F, true), 10) || 0    }    var h = "jQuery" + e(),v = 0,A = {};    o.extend({cache:{},data:function(F, E, G) {        F = F == l ? A : F;        var H = F[h];        if (!H) {            H = F[h] = ++v        }        if (E && !o.cache[H]) {            o.cache[H] = {}        }        if (G !== g) {            o.cache[H][E] = G        }        return E ? o.cache[H][E] : H    },removeData:function(F, E) {        F = F == l ? A : F;        var H = F[h];        if (E) {            if (o.cache[H]) {                delete o.cache[H][E];                E = "";                for (E in o.cache[H]) {                    break                }                if (!E) {                    o.removeData(F)                }            }        } else {            try {                delete F[h]            } catch(G) {                if (F.removeAttribute) {                    F.removeAttribute(h)                }            }            delete o.cache[H]        }    },queue:function(F, E, H) {        if (F) {            E = (E || "fx") + "queue";            var G = o.data(F, E);            if (!G || o.isArray(H)) {                G = o.data(F, E, o.makeArray(H))            } else {                if (H) {                    G.push(H)                }            }        }        return G    },dequeue:function(H, G) {        var E = o.queue(H, G),F = E.shift();        if (!G || G === "fx") {            F = E[0]        }        if (F !== g) {            F.call(H)        }    }});    o.fn.extend({data:function(E, G) {        var H = E.split(".");        H[1] = H[1] ? "." + H[1] : "";        if (G === g) {            var F = this.triggerHandler("getData" + H[1] + "!", [H[0]]);            if (F === g && this.length) {                F = o.data(this[0], E)            }            return F === g && H[1] ? this.data(H[0]) : F        } else {            return this.trigger("setData" + H[1] + "!", [H[0],G]).each(function() {                o.data(this, E, G)            })        }    },removeData:function(E) {        return this.each(function() {            o.removeData(this, E)        })    },queue:function(E, F) {        if (typeof E !== "string") {            F = E;            E = "fx"        }        if (F === g) {            return o.queue(this[0], E)        }        return this.each(function() {            var G = o.queue(this, E, F);            if (E == "fx" && G.length == 1) {                G[0].call(this)            }        })    },dequeue:function(E) {        return this.each(function() {            o.dequeue(this, E)        })    }});    /*     * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v0.9.3     *  Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation     *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.     *  More information: http://sizzlejs.com/     */    (function() {        var R = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?/g,L = 0,H = Object.prototype.toString;        var F = function(Y, U, ab, ac) {            ab = ab || [];            U = U || document;            if (U.nodeType !== 1 && U.nodeType !== 9) {                return[]            }            if (!Y || typeof Y !== "string") {                return ab            }            var Z = [],W,af,ai,T,ad,V,X = true;            R.lastIndex = 0;            while ((W = R.exec(Y)) !== null) {                Z.push(W[1]);                if (W[2]) {                    V = RegExp.rightContext;                    break                }            }            if (Z.length > 1 && M.exec(Y)) {                if (Z.length === 2 && I.relative[Z[0]]) {                    af = J(Z[0] + Z[1], U)                } else {                    af = I.relative[Z[0]] ? [U] : F(Z.shift(), U);                    while (Z.length) {                        Y = Z.shift();                        if (I.relative[Y]) {                            Y += Z.shift()                        }                        af = J(Y, af)                    }                }            } else {                var ae = ac ? {expr:Z.pop(),set:E(ac)} : F.find(Z.pop(), Z.length === 1 && U.parentNode ? U.parentNode : U, Q(U));                af = F.filter(ae.expr, ae.set);                if (Z.length > 0) {                    ai = E(af)                } else {                    X = false                }                while (Z.length) {                    var ah = Z.pop(),ag = ah;                    if (!I.relative[ah]) {                        ah = ""                    } else {                        ag = Z.pop()                    }                    if (ag == null) {                        ag = U                    }                    I.relative[ah](ai, ag, Q(U))                }            }            if (!ai) {                ai = af            }            if (!ai) {                throw"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + (ah || Y)            }            if (H.call(ai) === "[object Array]") {                if (!X) {                    ab.push.apply(ab, ai)                } else {                    if (U.nodeType === 1) {                        for (var aa = 0; ai[aa] != null; aa++) {                            if (ai[aa] && (ai[aa] === true || ai[aa].nodeType === 1 && K(U, ai[aa]))) {                                ab.push(af[aa])                            }                        }                    } else {                        for (var aa = 0; ai[aa] != null; aa++) {                            if (ai[aa] && ai[aa].nodeType === 1) {                                ab.push(af[aa])                            }                        }                    }                }            } else {                E(ai, ab)            }            if (V) {                F(V, U, ab, ac);                if (G) {                    hasDuplicate = false;                    ab.sort(G);                    if (hasDuplicate) {                        for (var aa = 1; aa < ab.length; aa++) {                            if (ab[aa] === ab[aa - 1]) {                                ab.splice(aa--, 1)                            }                        }                    }                }            }            return ab        };        F.matches = function(T, U) {            return F(T, null, null, U)        };        F.find = function(aa, T, ab) {            var Z,X;            if (!aa) {                return[]            }            for (var W = 0,V = I.order.length; W < V; W++) {                var Y = I.order[W],X;                if ((X = I.match[Y].exec(aa))) {                    var U = RegExp.leftContext;                    if (U.substr(U.length - 1) !== "\\") {                        X[1] = (X[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");                        Z = I.find[Y](X, T, ab);                        if (Z != null) {                            aa = aa.replace(I.match[Y], "");                            break                        }                    }                }            }            if (!Z) {                Z = T.getElementsByTagName("*")            }            return{set:Z,expr:aa}        };        F.filter = function(ad, ac, ag, W) {            var V = ad,ai = [],aa = ac,Y,T,Z = ac && ac[0] && Q(ac[0]);            while (ad && ac.length) {                for (var ab in I.filter) {                    if ((Y = I.match[ab].exec(ad)) != null) {                        var U = I.filter[ab],ah,af;                        T = false;                        if (aa == ai) {                            ai = []                        }                        if (I.preFilter[ab]) {                            Y = I.preFilter[ab](Y, aa, ag, ai, W, Z);                            if (!Y) {                                T = ah = true                            } else {                                if (Y === true) {                                    continue                                }                            }                        }                        if (Y) {                            for (var X = 0; (af = aa[X]) != null; X++) {                                if (af) {                                    ah = U(af, Y, X, aa);                                    var ae = W ^ !!ah;                                    if (ag && ah != null) {                                        if (ae) {                                            T = true                                        } else {                                            aa[X] = false                                        }                                    } else {                                        if (ae) {                                            ai.push(af);                                            T = true                                        }                                    }                                }                            }                        }                        if (ah !== g) {                            if (!ag) {                                aa = ai                            }                            ad = ad.replace(I.match[ab], "");                            if (!T) {                                return[]                            }                            break                        }                    }                }                if (ad == V) {                    if (T == null) {                        throw"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + ad                    } else {                        break                    }                }                V = ad            }            return aa        };        var I = F.selectors = {order:["ID","NAME","TAG"],match:{ID:/#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,CLASS:/\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,NAME:/\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,ATTR:/\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,TAG:/^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*_-]|\\.)+)/,CHILD:/:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/,POS:/:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/,PSEUDO:/:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\2\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/},attrMap:{"class":"className","for":"htmlFor"},attrHandle:{href:function(T) {            return T.getAttribute("href")        }},relative:{"+":function(aa, T, Z) {            var X = typeof T === "string",ab = X && !/\W/.test(T),Y = X && !ab;            if (ab && !Z) {                T = T.toUpperCase()            }            for (var W = 0,V = aa.length,U; W < V; W++) {                if ((U = aa[W])) {                    while ((U = U.previousSibling) && U.nodeType !== 1) {                    }                    aa[W] = Y || U && U.nodeName === T ? U || false : U === T                }            }            if (Y) {                F.filter(T, aa, true)            }        },">":function(Z, U, aa) {            var X = typeof U === "string";            if (X && !/\W/.test(U)) {                U = aa ? U : U.toUpperCase();                for (var V = 0,T = Z.length; V < T; V++) {                    var Y = Z[V];                    if (Y) {                        var W = Y.parentNode;                        Z[V] = W.nodeName === U ? W : false                    }                }            } else {                for (var V = 0,T = Z.length; V < T; V++) {                    var Y = Z[V];                    if (Y) {                        Z[V] = X ? Y.parentNode : Y.parentNode === U                    }                }                if (X) {                    F.filter(U, Z, true)                }            }        },"":function(W, U, Y) {            var V = L++,T = S;            if (!U.match(/\W/)) {                var X = U = Y ? U : U.toUpperCase();                T = P            }            T("parentNode", U, V, W, X, Y)        },"~":function(W, U, Y) {            var V = L++,T = S;            if (typeof U === "string" && !U.match(/\W/)) {                var X = U = Y ? U : U.toUpperCase();                T = P            }            T("previousSibling", U, V, W, X, Y)        }},find:{ID:function(U, V, W) {            if (typeof V.getElementById !== "undefined" && !W) {                var T = V.getElementById(U[1]);                return T ? [T] : []            }        },NAME:function(V, Y, Z) {            if (typeof Y.getElementsByName !== "undefined") {                var U = [],X = Y.getElementsByName(V[1]);                for (var W = 0,T = X.length; W < T; W++) {                    if (X[W].getAttribute("name") === V[1]) {                        U.push(X[W])                    }                }                return U.length === 0 ? null : U            }        },TAG:function(T, U) {            return U.getElementsByTagName(T[1])        }},preFilter:{CLASS:function(W, U, V, T, Z, aa) {            W = " " + W[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";            if (aa) {                return W            }            for (var X = 0,Y; (Y = U[X]) != null; X++) {                if (Y) {                    if (Z ^ (Y.className && (" " + Y.className + " ").indexOf(W) >= 0)) {                        if (!V) {                            T.push(Y)                        }                    } else {                        if (V) {                            U[X] = false                        }                    }                }            }            return false        },ID:function(T) {            return T[1].replace(/\\/g, "")        },TAG:function(U, T) {            for (var V = 0; T[V] === false; V++) {            }            return T[V] && Q(T[V]) ? U[1] : U[1].toUpperCase()        },CHILD:function(T) {            if (T[1] == "nth") {                var U = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(T[2] == "even" && "2n" || T[2] == "odd" && "2n+1" || !/\D/.test(T[2]) && "0n+" + T[2] || T[2]);                T[2] = (U[1] + (U[2] || 1)) - 0;                T[3] = U[3] - 0            }            T[0] = L++;            return T        },ATTR:function(X, U, V, T, Y, Z) {            var W = X[1].replace(/\\/g, "");            if (!Z && I.attrMap[W]) {                X[1] = I.attrMap[W]            }            if (X[2] === "~=") {                X[4] = " " + X[4] + " "            }            return X        },PSEUDO:function(X, U, V, T, Y) {            if (X[1] === "not") {                if (X[3].match(R).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(X[3])) {                    X[3] = F(X[3], null, null, U)                } else {                    var W = F.filter(X[3], U, V, true ^ Y);                    if (!V) {                        T.push.apply(T, W)                    }                    return false                }            } else {                if (I.match.POS.test(X[0]) || I.match.CHILD.test(X[0])) {                    return true                }            }            return X        },POS:function(T) {            T.unshift(true);            return T        }},filters:{enabled:function(T) {            return T.disabled === false && T.type !== "hidden"        },disabled:function(T) {            return T.disabled === true        },checked:function(T) {            return T.checked === true        },selected:function(T) {            T.parentNode.selectedIndex;            return T.selected === true        },parent:function(T) {            return !!T.firstChild        },empty:function(T) {            return !T.firstChild        },has:function(V, U, T) {            return !!F(T[3], V).length        },header:function(T) {            return/h\d/i.test(T.nodeName)        },text:function(T) {            return"text" === T.type        },radio:function(T) {            return"radio" === T.type        },checkbox:function(T) {            return"checkbox" === T.type        },file:function(T) {            return"file" === T.type        },password:function(T) {            return"password" === T.type        },submit:function(T) {            return"submit" === T.type        },image:function(T) {            return"image" === T.type        },reset:function(T) {            return"reset" === T.type        },button:function(T) {            return"button" === T.type || T.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON"        },input:function(T) {            return/input|select|textarea|button/i.test(T.nodeName)        }},setFilters:{first:function(U, T) {            return T === 0        },last:function(V, U, T, W) {            return U === W.length - 1        },even:function(U, T) {            return T % 2 === 0        },odd:function(U, T) {            return T % 2 === 1        },lt:function(V, U, T) {            return U < T[3] - 0        },gt:function(V, U, T) {            return U > T[3] - 0        },nth:function(V, U, T) {            return T[3] - 0 == U        },eq:function(V, U, T) {            return T[3] - 0 == U        }},filter:{PSEUDO:function(Z, V, W, aa) {            var U = V[1],X = I.filters[U];            if (X) {                return X(Z, W, V, aa)            } else {                if (U === "contains") {                    return(Z.textContent || Z.innerText || "").indexOf(V[3]) >= 0                } else {                    if (U === "not") {                        var Y = V[3];                        for (var W = 0,T = Y.length; W < T; W++) {                            if (Y[W] === Z) {                                return false                            }                        }                        return true                    }                }            }        },CHILD:function(T, W) {            var Z = W[1],U = T;            switch (Z) {case"only":case"first":while (U = U.previousSibling) {                if (U.nodeType === 1) {                    return false                }            }if (Z == "first") {                return true            }U = T;case"last":while (U = U.nextSibling) {                if (U.nodeType === 1) {                    return false                }            }return true;case"nth":var V = W[2],ac = W[3];if (V == 1 && ac == 0) {                return true            }var Y = W[0],ab = T.parentNode;if (ab && (ab.sizcache !== Y || !T.nodeIndex)) {                var X = 0;                for (U = ab.firstChild; U; U = U.nextSibling) {                    if (U.nodeType === 1) {                        U.nodeIndex = ++X                    }                }                ab.sizcache = Y            }var aa = T.nodeIndex - ac;if (V == 0) {                return aa == 0            } else {                return(aa % V == 0 && aa / V >= 0)            }            }        },ID:function(U, T) {            return U.nodeType === 1 && U.getAttribute("id") === T        },TAG:function(U, T) {            return(T === "*" && U.nodeType === 1) || U.nodeName === T        },CLASS:function(U, T) {            return(" " + (U.className || U.getAttribute("class")) + " ").indexOf(T) > -1        },ATTR:function(Y, W) {            var V = W[1],T = I.attrHandle[V] ? I.attrHandle[V](Y) : Y[V] != null ? Y[V] : Y.getAttribute(V),Z = T + "",X = W[2],U = W[4];            return T == null ? X === "!=" : X === "=" ? Z === U : X === "*=" ? Z.indexOf(U) >= 0 : X === "~=" ? (" " + Z + " ").indexOf(U) >= 0 : !U ? Z && T !== false : X === "!=" ? Z != U : X === "^=" ? Z.indexOf(U) === 0 : X === "$=" ? Z.substr(Z.length - U.length) === U : X === "|=" ? Z === U || Z.substr(0, U.length + 1) === U + "-" : false        },POS:function(X, U, V, Y) {            var T = U[2],W = I.setFilters[T];            if (W) {                return W(X, V, U, Y)            }        }}};        var M = I.match.POS;        for (var O in I.match) {            I.match[O] = RegExp(I.match[O].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source)        }        var E = function(U, T) {            U = Array.prototype.slice.call(U);            if (T) {                T.push.apply(T, U);                return T            }            return U        };        try {            Array.prototype.slice.call(document.documentElement.childNodes)        } catch(N) {            E = function(X, W) {                var U = W || [];                if (H.call(X) === "[object Array]") {                    Array.prototype.push.apply(U, X)                } else {                    if (typeof X.length === "number") {                        for (var V = 0,T = X.length; V < T; V++) {                            U.push(X[V])                        }                    } else {                        for (var V = 0; X[V]; V++) {                            U.push(X[V])                        }                    }                }                return U            }        }        var G;        if (document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition) {            G = function(U, T) {                var V = U.compareDocumentPosition(T) & 4 ? -1 : U === T ? 0 : 1;                if (V === 0) {                    hasDuplicate = true                }                return V            }        } else {            if ("sourceIndex" in document.documentElement) {                G = function(U, T) {                    var V = U.sourceIndex - T.sourceIndex;                    if (V === 0) {                        hasDuplicate = true                    }                    return V                }            } else {                if (document.createRange) {                    G = function(W, U) {                        var V = W.ownerDocument.createRange(),T = U.ownerDocument.createRange();                        V.selectNode(W);                        V.collapse(true);                        T.selectNode(U);                        T.collapse(true);                        var X = V.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, T);                        if (X === 0) {                            hasDuplicate = true                        }                        return X                    }                }            }        }        (function() {            var U = document.createElement("form"),V = "script" + (new Date).getTime();            U.innerHTML = "<input name='" + V + "'/>";            var T = document.documentElement;            T.insertBefore(U, T.firstChild);            if (!!document.getElementById(V)) {                I.find.ID = function(X, Y, Z) {                    if (typeof Y.getElementById !== "undefined" && !Z) {                        var W = Y.getElementById(X[1]);                        return W ? W.id === X[1] || typeof W.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && W.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === X[1] ? [W] : g : []                    }                };                I.filter.ID = function(Y, W) {                    var X = typeof Y.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && Y.getAttributeNode("id");                    return Y.nodeType === 1 && X && X.nodeValue === W                }            }            T.removeChild(U)        })();        (function() {            var T = document.createElement("div");            T.appendChild(document.createComment(""));            if (T.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0) {                I.find.TAG = function(U, Y) {                    var X = Y.getElementsByTagName(U[1]);                    if (U[1] === "*") {                        var W = [];                        for (var V = 0; X[V]; V++) {                            if (X[V].nodeType === 1) {                                W.push(X[V])                            }                        }                        X = W                    }                    return X                }            }            T.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";            if (T.firstChild && typeof T.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" && T.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#") {                I.attrHandle.href = function(U) {                    return U.getAttribute("href", 2)                }            }        })();        if (document.querySelectorAll) {            (function() {                var T = F,U = document.createElement("div");                U.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";                if (U.querySelectorAll && U.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0) {                    return                }                F = function(Y, X, V, W) {                    X = X || document;                    if (!W && X.nodeType === 9 && !Q(X)) {                        try {                            return E(X.querySelectorAll(Y), V)                        } catch(Z) {                        }                    }                    return T(Y, X, V, W)                };                F.find = T.find;                F.filter = T.filter;                F.selectors = T.selectors;                F.matches = T.matches            })()        }        if (document.getElementsByClassName && document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName) {            (function() {                var T = document.createElement("div");                T.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";                if (T.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0) {                    return                }                T.lastChild.className = "e";                if (T.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1) {                    return                }                I.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");                I.find.CLASS = function(U, V, W) {                    if (typeof V.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !W) {                        return V.getElementsByClassName(U[1])                    }                }            })()        }        function P(U, Z, Y, ad, aa, ac) {            var ab = U == "previousSibling" && !ac;            for (var W = 0,V = ad.length; W < V; W++) {                var T = ad[W];                if (T) {                    if (ab && T.nodeType === 1) {                        T.sizcache = Y;                        T.sizset = W                    }                    T = T[U];                    var X = false;                    while (T) {                        if (T.sizcache === Y) {                            X = ad[T.sizset];                            break                        }                        if (T.nodeType === 1 && !ac) {                            T.sizcache = Y;                            T.sizset = W                        }                        if (T.nodeName === Z) {                            X = T;                            break                        }                        T = T[U]                    }                    ad[W] = X                }            }        }        function S(U, Z, Y, ad, aa, ac) {            var ab = U == "previousSibling" && !ac;            for (var W = 0,V = ad.length; W < V; W++) {                var T = ad[W];                if (T) {                    if (ab && T.nodeType === 1) {                        T.sizcache = Y;                        T.sizset = W                    }                    T = T[U];                    var X = false;                    while (T) {                        if (T.sizcache === Y) {                            X = ad[T.sizset];                            break                        }                        if (T.nodeType === 1) {                            if (!ac) {                                T.sizcache = Y;                                T.sizset = W                            }                            if (typeof Z !== "string") {                                if (T === Z) {                                    X = true;                                    break                                }                            } else {                                if (F.filter(Z, [T]).length > 0) {                                    X = T;                                    break                                }                            }                        }                        T = T[U]                    }                    ad[W] = X                }            }        }        var K = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(U, T) {            return U.compareDocumentPosition(T) & 16        } : function(U, T) {            return U !== T && (U.contains ? U.contains(T) : true)        };        var Q = function(T) {            return T.nodeType === 9 && T.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" || !!T.ownerDocument && Q(T.ownerDocument)        };        var J = function(T, aa) {            var W = [],X = "",Y,V = aa.nodeType ? [aa] : aa;            while ((Y = I.match.PSEUDO.exec(T))) {                X += Y[0];                T = T.replace(I.match.PSEUDO, "")            }            T = I.relative[T] ? T + "*" : T;            for (var Z = 0,U = V.length; Z < U; Z++) {                F(T, V[Z], W)            }            return F.filter(X, W)        };        o.find = F;        o.filter = F.filter;        o.expr = F.selectors;        o.expr[":"] = o.expr.filters;        F.selectors.filters.hidden = function(T) {            return T.offsetWidth === 0 || T.offsetHeight === 0        };        F.selectors.filters.visible = function(T) {            return T.offsetWidth > 0 || T.offsetHeight > 0        };        F.selectors.filters.animated = function(T) {            return o.grep(o.timers, function(U) {                return T === U.elem            }).length        };        o.multiFilter = function(V, T, U) {            if (U) {                V = ":not(" + V + ")"            }            return F.matches(V, T)        };        o.dir = function(V, U) {            var T = [],W = V[U];            while (W && W != document) {                if (W.nodeType == 1) {                    T.push(W)                }                W = W[U]            }            return T        };        o.nth = function(X, T, V, W) {            T = T || 1;            var U = 0;            for (; X; X = X[V]) {                if (X.nodeType == 1 && ++U == T) {                    break                }            }            return X        };        o.sibling = function(V, U) {            var T = [];            for (; V; V = V.nextSibling) {                if (V.nodeType == 1 && V != U) {                    T.push(V)                }            }            return T        };        return;        l.Sizzle = F    })();    o.event = {add:function(I, F, H, K) {        if (I.nodeType == 3 || I.nodeType == 8) {            return        }        if (I.setInterval && I != l) {            I = l        }        if (!H.guid) {            H.guid = this.guid++        }        if (K !== g) {            var G = H;            H = this.proxy(G);            H.data = K        }        var E = o.data(I, "events") || o.data(I, "events", {}),J = o.data(I, "handle") || o.data(I, "handle", function() {            return typeof o !== "undefined" && !o.event.triggered ? o.event.handle.apply(arguments.callee.elem, arguments) : g        });        J.elem = I;        o.each(F.split(/\s+/), function(M, N) {            var O = N.split(".");            N = O.shift();            H.type = O.slice().sort().join(".");            var L = E[N];            if (o.event.specialAll[N]) {                o.event.specialAll[N].setup.call(I, K, O)            }            if (!L) {                L = E[N] = {};                if (!o.event.special[N] || o.event.special[N].setup.call(I, K, O) === false) {                    if (I.addEventListener) {                        I.addEventListener(N, J, false)                    } else {                        if (I.attachEvent) {                            I.attachEvent("on" + N, J)                        }                    }                }            }            L[H.guid] = H;            o.event.global[N] = true        });        I = null    },guid:1,global:{},remove:function(K, H, J) {        if (K.nodeType == 3 || K.nodeType == 8) {            return        }        var G = o.data(K, "events"),F,E;        if (G) {            if (H === g || (typeof H === "string" && H.charAt(0) == ".")) {                for (var I in G) {                    this.remove(K, I + (H || ""))                }            } else {                if (H.type) {                    J = H.handler;                    H = H.type                }                o.each(H.split(/\s+/), function(M, O) {                    var Q = O.split(".");                    O = Q.shift();                    var N = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + Q.slice().sort().join(".*\\.") + "(\\.|$)");                    if (G[O]) {                        if (J) {                            delete G[O][J.guid]                        } else {                            for (var P in G[O]) {                                if (N.test(G[O][P].type)) {                                    delete G[O][P]                                }                            }                        }                        if (o.event.specialAll[O]) {                            o.event.specialAll[O].teardown.call(K, Q)                        }                        for (F in G[O]) {                            break                        }                        if (!F) {                            if (!o.event.special[O] || o.event.special[O].teardown.call(K, Q) === false) {                                if (K.removeEventListener) {                                    K.removeEventListener(O, o.data(K, "handle"), false)                                } else {                                    if (K.detachEvent) {                                        K.detachEvent("on" + O, o.data(K, "handle"))                                    }                                }                            }                            F = null;                            delete G[O]                        }                    }                })            }            for (F in G) {                break            }            if (!F) {                var L = o.data(K, "handle");                if (L) {                    L.elem = null                }                o.removeData(K, "events");                o.removeData(K, "handle")            }        }    },trigger:function(I, K, H, E) {        var G = I.type || I;        if (!E) {            I = typeof I === "object" ? I[h] ? I : o.extend(o.Event(G), I) : o.Event(G);            if (G.indexOf("!") >= 0) {                I.type = G = G.slice(0, -1);                I.exclusive = true            }            if (!H) {                I.stopPropagation();                if (this.global[G]) {                    o.each(o.cache, function() {                        if (this.events && this.events[G]) {                            o.event.trigger(I, K, this.handle.elem)                        }                    })                }            }            if (!H || H.nodeType == 3 || H.nodeType == 8) {                return g            }            I.result = g;            I.target = H;            K = o.makeArray(K);            K.unshift(I)        }        I.currentTarget = H;        var J = o.data(H, "handle");        if (J) {            J.apply(H, K)        }        if ((!H[G] || (o.nodeName(H, "a") && G == "click")) && H["on" + G] && H["on" + G].apply(H, K) === false) {            I.result = false        }        if (!E && H[G] && !I.isDefaultPrevented() && !(o.nodeName(H, "a") && G == "click")) {            this.triggered = true;            try {                H[G]()            } catch(L) {            }        }        this.triggered = false;        if (!I.isPropagationStopped()) {            var F = H.parentNode || H.ownerDocument;            if (F) {                o.event.trigger(I, K, F, true)            }        }    },handle:function(K) {        var J,E;        K = arguments[0] = o.event.fix(K || l.event);        K.currentTarget = this;        var L = K.type.split(".");        K.type = L.shift();        J = !L.length && !K.exclusive;        var I = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + L.slice().sort().join(".*\\.") + "(\\.|$)");        E = (o.data(this, "events") || {})[K.type];        for (var G in E) {            var H = E[G];            if (J || I.test(H.type)) {                K.handler = H;                K.data = H.data;                var F = H.apply(this, arguments);                if (F !== g) {                    K.result = F;                    if (F === false) {                        K.preventDefault();                        K.stopPropagation()                    }                }                if (K.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {                    break                }            }        }    },props:"altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode metaKey newValue originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),fix:function(H) {        if (H[h]) {            return H        }        var F = H;        H = o.Event(F);        for (var G = this.props.length,J; G;) {            J = this.props[--G];            H[J] = F[J]        }        if (!H.target) {            H.target = H.srcElement || document        }        if (H.target.nodeType == 3) {            H.target = H.target.parentNode        }        if (!H.relatedTarget && H.fromElement) {            H.relatedTarget = H.fromElement == H.target ? 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/**功能:带有节假日设置的万年历*作者:www.sucaijiayuan.com*/var lunarInfo = new Array(        0x4bd8, 0x4ae0, 0xa570, 0x54d5, 0xd260, 0xd950, 0x5554, 0x56af, 0x9ad0, 0x55d2,        0x4ae0, 0xa5b6, 0xa4d0, 0xd250, 0xd255, 0xb54f, 0xd6a0, 0xada2, 0x95b0, 0x4977,        0x497f, 0xa4b0, 0xb4b5, 0x6a50, 0x6d40, 0xab54, 0x2b6f, 0x9570, 0x52f2, 0x4970,        0x6566, 0xd4a0, 0xea50, 0x6a95, 0x5adf, 0x2b60, 0x86e3, 0x92ef, 0xc8d7, 0xc95f,        0xd4a0, 0xd8a6, 0xb55f, 0x56a0, 0xa5b4, 0x25df, 0x92d0, 0xd2b2, 0xa950, 0xb557,        0x6ca0, 0xb550, 0x5355, 0x4daf, 0xa5b0, 0x4573, 0x52bf, 0xa9a8, 0xe950, 0x6aa0,        0xaea6, 0xab50, 0x4b60, 0xaae4, 0xa570, 0x5260, 0xf263, 0xd950, 0x5b57, 0x56a0,        0x96d0, 0x4dd5, 0x4ad0, 0xa4d0, 0xd4d4, 0xd250, 0xd558, 0xb540, 0xb6a0, 0x95a6,        0x95bf, 0x49b0, 0xa974, 0xa4b0, 0xb27a, 0x6a50, 0x6d40, 0xaf46, 0xab60, 0x9570,        0x4af5, 0x4970, 0x64b0, 0x74a3, 0xea50, 0x6b58, 0x5ac0, 0xab60, 0x96d5, 0x92e0,        0xc960, 0xd954, 0xd4a0, 0xda50, 0x7552, 0x56a0, 0xabb7, 0x25d0, 0x92d0, 0xcab5,        0xa950, 0xb4a0, 0xbaa4, 0xad50, 0x55d9, 0x4ba0, 0xa5b0, 0x5176, 0x52bf, 0xa930,        0x7954, 0x6aa0, 0xad50, 0x5b52, 0x4b60, 0xa6e6, 0xa4e0, 0xd260, 0xea65, 0xd530,        0x5aa0, 0x76a3, 0x96d0, 0x4afb, 0x4ad0, 0xa4d0, 0xd0b6, 0xd25f, 0xd520, 0xdd45,        0xb5a0, 0x56d0, 0x55b2, 0x49b0, 0xa577, 0xa4b0, 0xaa50, 0xb255, 0x6d2f, 0xada0,        0x4b63, 0x937f, 0x49f8, 0x4970, 0x64b0, 0x68a6, 0xea5f, 0x6b20, 0xa6c4, 0xaaef,        0x92e0, 0xd2e3, 0xc960, 0xd557, 0xd4a0, 0xda50, 0x5d55, 0x56a0, 0xa6d0, 0x55d4,        0x52d0, 0xa9b8, 0xa950, 0xb4a0, 0xb6a6, 0xad50, 0x55a0, 0xaba4, 0xa5b0, 0x52b0,        0xb273, 0x6930, 0x7337, 0x6aa0, 0xad50, 0x4b55, 0x4b6f, 0xa570, 0x54e4, 0xd260,        0xe968, 0xd520, 0xdaa0, 0x6aa6, 0x56df, 0x4ae0, 0xa9d4, 0xa4d0, 0xd150, 0xf252,        0xd520);var solarMonth = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);var Gan = new Array("甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚", "辛", "壬", "癸");var Zhi = new Array("子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午", "未", "申", "酉", "戌", "亥");var Animals = new Array("鼠", "牛", "虎", "兔", "龙", "蛇", "马", "羊", "猴", "鸡", "狗", "猪");var solarTerm = new Array("小寒", "大寒", "立春", "雨水", "惊蛰", "春分", "清明", "谷雨", "立夏", "小满", "芒种", "夏至", "小暑", "大暑", "立秋", "处暑", "白露", "秋分", "寒露", "霜降", "立冬", "小雪", "大雪", "冬至")var sTermInfo = new Array(0, 21208, 42467, 63836, 85337, 107014, 128867, 150921, 173149, 195551, 218072, 240693, 263343, 285989, 308563, 331033, 353350, 375494, 397447, 419210, 440795, 462224, 483532, 504758)var nStr1 = new Array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十')var nStr2 = new Array('初', '十', '廿', '卅', ' ')var jcName0 = new Array('建', '除', '满', '平', '定', '执', '破', '危', '成', '收', '开', '闭');var jcName1 = new Array('闭', '建', '除', '满', '平', '定', '执', '破', '危', '成', '收', '开');var jcName2 = new Array('开', '闭', '建', '除', '满', '平', '定', '执', '破', '危', '成', '收');var jcName3 = new Array('收', '开', '闭', '建', '除', '满', '平', '定', '执', '破', '危', '成');var jcName4 = new Array('成', '收', '开', '闭', '建', '除', '满', '平', '定', '执', '破', '危');var jcName5 = new Array('危', '成', '收', '开', '闭', '建', '除', '满', '平', '定', '执', '破');var jcName6 = new Array('破', '危', '成', '收', '开', '闭', '建', '除', '满', '平', '定', '执');var jcName7 = new Array('执', '破', '危', '成', '收', '开', '闭', '建', '除', '满', '平', '定');var jcName8 = new Array('定', '执', '破', '危', '成', '收', '开', '闭', '建', '除', '满', '平');var jcName9 = new Array('平', '定', '执', '破', '危', '成', '收', '开', '闭', '建', '除', '满');var jcName10 = new Array('满', '平', '定', '执', '破', '危', '成', '收', '开', '闭', '建', '除');var jcName11 = new Array('除', '满', '平', '定', '执', '破', '危', '成', '收', '开', '闭', '建');function jcr(d) {    var jcrjx;    if (d == '建') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px; font-size:12px"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 出行.上任.会友.上书.见工<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 动土.开仓.嫁娶.纳采';    if (d == '除') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 除服.疗病.出行.拆卸.入宅<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 求官.上任.开张.搬家.探病';    if (d == '满') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 祈福.祭祀.结亲.开市.交易<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 服药.求医.栽种.动土.迁移';    if (d == '平') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 祭祀.修填.涂泥.余事勿取<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 移徙.入宅.嫁娶.开市.安葬';    if (d == '定') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 易.立券.会友.签约.纳畜<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 种植.置业.卖田.掘井.造船';    if (d == '执') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 祈福.祭祀.求子.结婚.立约<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 开市.交易.搬家.远行';    if (d == '破') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 求医.赴考.祭祀.余事勿取<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 动土.出行.移徙.开市.修造';    if (d == '危') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 经营.交易.求官.纳畜.动土<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 登高.行船.安床.入宅.博彩';    if (d == '成') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 祈福.入学.开市.求医.成服<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 词讼.安门.移徙';    if (d == '收') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 祭祀.求财.签约.嫁娶.订盟<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 开市.安床.安葬.入宅.破土';    if (d == '开') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 疗病.结婚.交易.入仓.求职<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 安葬.动土.针灸';    if (d == '闭') jcrjx = '<span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/yi.gif"/></span> 祭祀.交易.收财.安葬<br><br><span style="vertical-align:middle; margin:1px;"><img src="images/ji.gif"/></span> 宴会.安床.出行.嫁娶.移徙';    return(jcrjx);}//国历节日  *表示放假日var sFtv = new Array(        "0101*元旦",        "0106  中国13亿人口日",        "0110  中国110宣传日",        "0202  世界湿地日",        "0204  世界抗癌症日",        "0210  世界气象日",        "0214  情人节",        "0221  国际母语日",        "0207  国际声援南非日",        "0303  全国爱耳日",        "0308  妇女节",        "0312  植树节 孙中山逝世纪念日",        "0315  消费者权益保护日",        "0321  世界森林日",        "0322  世界水日",        "0323  世界气象日",        "0324  世界防治结核病日",        "0401  愚人节",        "0407  世界卫生日",        "0422  世界地球日",        "0501*国际劳动节",        "0504  中国青年节",        "0505  全国碘缺乏病日",        "0508  世界红十字日",        "0512  国际护士节",        "0515  国际家庭日",        "0517  世界电信日",        "0518  国际博物馆日",        "0519  中国汶川地震哀悼日 全国助残日",        "0520  全国学生营养日",        "0522  国际生物多样性日",        "0523  国际牛奶日",        "0531  世界无烟日",        "0601  国际儿童节",        "0605  世界环境日",        "0606  全国爱眼日",        "0617  防治荒漠化和干旱日",        "0623  国际奥林匹克日",        "0625  全国土地日",        "0626  国际反毒品日",        "0701  建党节 香港回归纪念日",        "0707  抗日战争纪念日",        "0711  世界人口日",        "0801  八一建军节",        "0815  日本正式宣布无条件投降日",        "0908  国际扫盲日",        "0909  毛泽东逝世纪念日",        "0910  教师节",        "0916  国际臭氧层保护日",        "0917  国际和平日",        "0918  九·一八事变纪念日",        "0920  国际爱牙日",        "0927  世界旅游日",        "0928  孔子诞辰",        "1001*国庆节 国际音乐节 国际老人节",        "1002  国际减轻自然灾害日",        "1004  世界动物日",        "1007  国际住房日",        "1008  世界视觉日 全国高血压日",        "1009  世界邮政日",        "1010  辛亥革命纪念日 世界精神卫生日",        "1015  国际盲人节",        "1016  世界粮食节",        "1017  世界消除贫困日",        "1022  世界传统医药日",        "1024  联合国日",        "1025  人类天花绝迹日",        "1026  足球诞生日",        "1031  万圣节",        "1107  十月社会主义革命纪念日",        "1108  中国记者日",        "1109  消防宣传日",        "1110  世界青年节",        "1112  孙中山诞辰",        "1114  世界糖尿病日",        "1117  国际大学生节",        "1201  世界艾滋病日",        "1203  世界残疾人日",        "1209  世界足球日",        "1210  世界人权日",        "1212  西安事变纪念日",        "1213  南京大屠杀",        "1220  澳门回归纪念日",        "1221  国际篮球日",        "1224  平安夜",        "1225  圣诞节 世界强化免疫日",        "1226  毛泽东诞辰")//农历节日  *表示放假日var lFtv = new Array(        "0101*春节",        "0102*大年初二",        "0103*大年初三",        "0104*大年初四",        "0105*大年初五",        "0106*大年初六",        "0107*大年初七",        "0105  路神生日",        "0115  元宵节",        "0202  龙抬头",        "0219  观世音圣诞",        "0404  寒食节",        "0408  佛诞节 ",        "0505*端午节",        "0606  天贶节 姑姑节",        "0624  彝族火把节",        "0707  七夕情人节",        "0714  鬼节(南方)",        "0715  盂兰节",        "0730  地藏节",        "0815*中秋节",        "0909  重阳节",        "1001  祭祖节",        "1117  阿弥陀佛圣诞",        "1208  腊八节 释迦如来成道日",        "1223  过小年",        "1229*腊月二十九",        "0100*除夕");//某月的第几个星期几; 5,6,7,8 表示到数第 1,2,3,4 个星期几var wFtv = new Array(        "0110  黑人节",        "0150  世界麻风日",        "0121  日本成人节",        "0520  母亲节",        "0530  全国助残日",        "0630  父亲节",        "0716  合作节",        "0730  被奴役国家周",        "0932  国际和平日",        "0940  国际聋人节 世界儿童日",        "1011  国际住房日",        "1144  感恩节")/***************************************************************************** 日期计算 *****************************************************************************///====================================== 返回农历 y年的总天数function lYearDays(y) {    var i, sum = 348;    for (i = 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1) sum += (lunarInfo[y - 1900] & i) ? 1 : 0;    return(sum + leapDays(y));}//====================================== 返回农历 y年闰月的天数function leapDays(y) {    if (leapMonth(y)) return( (lunarInfo[y - 1899] & 0xf) == 0xf ? 30 : 29);    else return(0);}//====================================== 返回农历 y年闰哪个月 1-12 , 没闰返回 0function leapMonth(y) {    var lm = lunarInfo[y - 1900] & 0xf;    return(lm == 0xf ? 0 : lm);}//====================================== 返回农历 y年m月的总天数function monthDays(y, m) {    return( (lunarInfo[y - 1900] & (0x10000 >> m)) ? 30 : 29 );}//====================================== 算出农历, 传入日期控件, 返回农历日期控件//                                       该控件属性有 .year .month .day .isLeapfunction Lunar(objDate) {    var i, leap = 0, temp = 0;    var offset = (Date.UTC(objDate.getFullYear(), objDate.getMonth(), objDate.getDate()) - Date.UTC(1900, 0, 31)) / 86400000;    for (i = 1900; i < 2100 && offset > 0; i++) {        temp = lYearDays(i);        offset -= temp;    }    if (offset < 0) {        offset += temp;        i--;    }    this.year = i;    leap = leapMonth(i); //闰哪个月    this.isLeap = false;    for (i = 1; i < 13 && offset > 0; i++) {        //闰月        if (leap > 0 && i == (leap + 1) && this.isLeap == false) {            --i;            this.isLeap = true;            temp = leapDays(this.year);        }        else {            temp = monthDays(this.year, i);        }        //解除闰月        if (this.isLeap == true && i == (leap + 1)) this.isLeap = false;        offset -= temp;    }    if (offset == 0 && leap > 0 && i == leap + 1)        if (this.isLeap) {            this.isLeap = false;        }        else {            this.isLeap = true;            --i;        }    if (offset < 0) {        offset += temp;        --i;    }    this.month = i;    this.day = offset + 1;}//==============================返回公历 y年某m+1月的天数function solarDays(y, m) {    if (m == 1)        return(((y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0) || (y % 400 == 0)) ? 29 : 28);    else        return(solarMonth[m]);}//============================== 传入 offset 返回干支, 0=甲子function cyclical(num) {    return(Gan[num % 10] + Zhi[num % 12]);}//============================== 阴历属性function calElement(sYear, sMonth, sDay, week, lYear, lMonth, lDay, isLeap, cYear, cMonth, cDay) {    this.isToday = false;    //瓣句    this.sYear = sYear;   //公元年4位数字    this.sMonth = sMonth;  //公元月数字    this.sDay = sDay;    //公元日数字    this.week = week;    //星期, 1个中文    //农历    this.lYear = lYear;   //公元年4位数字    this.lMonth = lMonth;  //农历月数字    this.lDay = lDay;    //农历日数字    this.isLeap = isLeap;  //是否为农历闰月?    //八字    this.cYear = cYear;   //年柱, 2个中文    this.cMonth = cMonth;  //月柱, 2个中文    this.cDay = cDay;    //日柱, 2个中文    this.color = '';    this.lunarFestival = ''; //农历节日    this.solarFestival = ''; //公历节日    this.solarTerms = ''; //节气}//===== 某年的第n个节气为几日(从0小寒起算)function sTerm(y, n) {    var offDate = new Date(( 31556925974.7 * (y - 1900) + sTermInfo[n] * 60000  ) + Date.UTC(1900, 0, 6, 2, 5));    return(offDate.getUTCDate());}//============================== 返回阴历 (y年,m+1月)function cyclical6(num, num2) {    if (num == 0) return(jcName0[num2]);    if (num == 1) return(jcName1[num2]);    if (num == 2) return(jcName2[num2]);    if (num == 3) return(jcName3[num2]);    if (num == 4) return(jcName4[num2]);    if (num == 5) return(jcName5[num2]);    if (num == 6) return(jcName6[num2]);    if (num == 7) return(jcName7[num2]);    if (num == 8) return(jcName8[num2]);    if (num == 9) return(jcName9[num2]);    if (num == 10) return(jcName10[num2]);    if (num == 11) return(jcName11[num2]);}function CalConv2(yy, mm, dd, y, d, m, dt, nm, nd) {    var dy = d + '' + dd    if ((yy == 0 && dd == 6) || (yy == 6 && dd == 0) || (yy == 1 && dd == 7) || (yy == 7 && dd == 1) || (yy == 2 && dd == 8) || (yy == 8 && dd == 2) || (yy == 3 && dd == 9) || (yy == 9 && dd == 3) || (yy == 4 && dd == 10) || (yy == 10 && dd == 4) || (yy == 5 && dd == 11) || (yy == 11 && dd == 5)) {        return '<FONT color=#0000A0>日值岁破 大事不宜</font>';    }    else if ((mm == 0 && dd == 6) || (mm == 6 && dd == 0) || (mm == 1 && dd == 7) || (mm == 7 && dd == 1) || (mm == 2 && dd == 8) || (mm == 8 && dd == 2) || (mm == 3 && dd == 9) || (mm == 9 && dd == 3) || (mm == 4 && dd == 10) || (mm == 10 && dd == 4) || (mm == 5 && dd == 11) || (mm == 11 && dd == 5)) {        return '<FONT color=#0000A0>日值月破 大事不宜</font>';    }    else if ((y == 0 && dy == '911') || (y == 1 && dy == '55') || (y == 2 && dy == '111') || (y == 3 && dy == '75') || (y == 4 && dy == '311') || (y == 5 && dy == '95') || (y == 6 && dy == '511') || (y == 7 && dy == '15') || (y == 8 && dy == '711') || (y == 9 && dy == '35')) {        return '<FONT color=#0000A0>日值上朔 大事不宜</font>';    }    else if ((m == 1 && dt == 13) || (m == 2 && dt == 11) || (m == 3 && dt == 9) || (m == 4 && dt == 7) || (m == 5 && dt == 5) || (m == 6 && dt == 3) || (m == 7 && dt == 1) || (m == 7 && dt == 29) || (m == 8 && dt == 27) || (m == 9 && dt == 25) || (m == 10 && dt == 23) || (m == 11 && dt == 21) || (m == 12 && dt == 19)) {        return '<FONT color=#0000A0>日值杨公十三忌 大事不宜</font>';    }    else {        return 0;    }}function calendar(y, m) {    var sDObj, lDObj, lY, lM, lD = 1, lL, lX = 0, tmp1, tmp2, lM2,lY2,lD2,tmp3,dayglus,bsg,xs,xs1,fs,fs1,cs,cs1    var cY, cM, cD; //年柱,月柱,日柱    var lDPOS = new Array(3);    var n = 0;    var firstLM = 0;    sDObj = new Date(y, m, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);    //当月一日日期    this.length = solarDays(y, m);    //公历当月天数    this.firstWeek = sDObj.getDay();    //公历当月1日星期几    ////////年柱 1900年立春后为庚子年(60进制36)    if (m < 2) cY = cyclical(y - 1900 + 36 - 1);    else cY = cyclical(y - 1900 + 36);    var term2 = sTerm(y, 2); //立春日期    ////////月柱 1900年1月小寒以前为 丙子月(60进制12)    var firstNode = sTerm(y, m * 2) //返回当月「节」为几日开始    cM = cyclical((y - 1900) * 12 + m + 12);    lM2 = (y - 1900) * 12 + m + 12;    //当月一日与 1900/1/1 相差天数    //1900/1/1与 1970/1/1 相差25567日, 1900/1/1 日柱为甲戌日(60进制10)    var dayCyclical = Date.UTC(y, m, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) / 86400000 + 25567 + 10;    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {        if (lD > lX) {            sDObj = new Date(y, m, i + 1);    //当月一日日期            lDObj = new Lunar(sDObj);     //农历            lY = lDObj.year;           //农历年            lM = lDObj.month;          //农历月            lD = lDObj.day;            //农历日            lL = lDObj.isLeap;         //农历是否闰月            lX = lL ? leapDays(lY) : monthDays(lY, lM); //农历当月最后一天            if (n == 0) firstLM = lM;            lDPOS[n++] = i - lD + 1;        }        //依节气调整二月分的年柱, 以立春为界        if (m == 1 && (i + 1) == term2) {            cY = cyclical(y - 1900 + 36);            lY2 = (y - 1900 + 36);        }        //依节气月柱, 以「节」为界        if ((i + 1) == firstNode) {            cM = cyclical((y - 1900) * 12 + m + 13);            lM2 = (y - 1900) * 12 + m + 13;        }        //日柱        cD = cyclical(dayCyclical + i);        lD2 = (dayCyclical + i);        this[i] = new calElement(y, m + 1, i + 1, nStr1[(i + this.firstWeek) % 7],                lY, lM, lD++, lL,                cY, cM, cD);        this[i].sgz5 = CalConv2(lY2 % 12, lM2 % 12, (lD2) % 12, lY2 % 10, (lD2) % 10, lM, lD - 1, m + 1, cs1);        this[i].sgz3 = cyclical6(lM2 % 12, (lD2) % 12);    }    //节气    tmp1 = sTerm(y, m * 2) - 1;    tmp2 = sTerm(y, m * 2 + 1) - 1;    this[tmp1].solarTerms = solarTerm[m * 2];    this[tmp2].solarTerms = solarTerm[m * 2 + 1];    if (m == 3) this[tmp1].color = 'red'; //清明颜色    //国历节日    for (i  in  sFtv)        if (sFtv[i].match(/^(\d{2})(\d{2})([\s\*])(.+)$/))            if (Number(RegExp.$1) == (m + 1)) {                this[Number(RegExp.$2) - 1].solarFestival += RegExp.$4 + '  '                if (RegExp.$3 == '*')  this[Number(RegExp.$2) - 1].color = 'red'            }    //农历节日    for (i  in  lFtv)        if (lFtv[i].match(/^(\d{2})(.{2})([\s\*])(.+)$/)) {            tmp1 = Number(RegExp.$1) - firstLM            if (tmp1 == -11)  tmp1 = 1            if (tmp1 >= 0 && tmp1 < n) {                tmp2 = lDPOS[tmp1] + Number(RegExp.$2) - 1                if (tmp2 >= 0 && tmp2 < this.length) {                    this[tmp2].lunarFestival += RegExp.$4 + '  '                    if (RegExp.$3 == '*')  this[tmp2].color = 'red'                }            }        }    //复活节只出现在3或4月    if (m == 2 || m == 3) {        var estDay = new easter(y);        if (m == estDay.m)            this[estDay.d - 1].solarFestival = this[estDay.d - 1].solarFestival + ' 复活节(Easter Sunday)';    }    //黑色星期五    if ((this.firstWeek + 12) % 7 == 5)        this[12].solarFestival += '黑色星期五';    //今日    if (y == tY && m == tM) this[tD - 1].isToday = true;}//======================================= 返回该年的复活节(春分后第一次满月周后的第一主日)function easter(y) {    var term2 = sTerm(y, 5); //取得春分日期    var dayTerm2 = new Date(Date.UTC(y, 2, term2, 0, 0, 0, 0)); //取得春分的公历日期控件(春分一定出现在3月)    var lDayTerm2 = new Lunar(dayTerm2); //取得取得春分农历    if (lDayTerm2.day < 15) //取得下个月圆的相差天数        var lMlen = 15 - lDayTerm2.day;    else        var lMlen = (lDayTerm2.isLeap ? leapDays(y) : monthDays(y, lDayTerm2.month)) - lDayTerm2.day + 15;    //一天等于 1000*60*60*24 = 86400000 毫秒    var l15 = new Date(dayTerm2.getTime() + 86400000 * lMlen); //求出第一次月圆为公历几日    var dayEaster = new Date(l15.getTime() + 86400000 * ( 7 - l15.getUTCDay() )); //求出下个周日    this.m = dayEaster.getUTCMonth();    this.d = dayEaster.getUTCDate();}//======================  中文日期function cDay(d) {    var s;    switch (d) {        case  10:            s = '初十';  break;        case  20:            s = '二十';  break;            break;        case  30:            s = '三十';  break;            break;        default  :            s = nStr2[Math.floor(d / 10)];            s += nStr1[d % 10];    }    return(s);}var cld;//存放节假日var hDays = [];function drawCld(SY, SM) {    var i,sD,s,size;    cld = new calendar(SY, SM);    $("#GZ")[0].innerHTML = '  农历' + cyclical(SY - 1900 + 36) + '年 【' + Animals[(SY - 4) % 12] + '年】';    for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) {        sObj = $("#SD" + i)[0];        lObj = $("#LD" + i)[0];        sObj.className = '';        sD = i - cld.firstWeek;        if (sD > -1 && sD < cld.length) {  //日期内            sObj.innerHTML = sD + 1;            //wly 注册点击事件$("#GD" + i).unbind('click').click(function(){mOck(this,sD + 1);});var nowDays = SY+''+addZ((SM+1))+addZ((sD+1));var hstr = hDays.join();if(hstr.indexOf(nowDays)>-1){ $("#GD" + i).addClass("selday");}            if (cld[sD].isToday)  $("#GD" + i).addClass("jinri");  //今日颜色            sObj.style.color = cld[sD].color;  //国定假日颜色            if (cld[sD].lDay == 1)  //显示农历月                lObj.innerHTML = '<b>' + (cld[sD].isLeap ? '闰' : '') + cld[sD].lMonth + '月' + (monthDays(cld[sD].lYear, cld[sD].lMonth) == 29 ? '小' : '大') + '</b>';            else  //显示农历日                lObj.innerHTML = cDay(cld[sD].lDay);            s = cld[sD].lunarFestival;            if (s.length > 0) {  //农历节日                if (s.length > 8)  s = s.substr(0, 5) + '...';                s = s.fontcolor('red');            }            else {  //国历节日                s = cld[sD].solarFestival;                if (s.length > 0) {                    if (s.length > 8)  s = s.substr(0, 5) + '...';                    s = (s == '黑色星期五') ? s.fontcolor('black') : s.fontcolor('#0066FF');                }                else {  //廿四节气                    s = cld[sD].solarTerms;                    if (s.length > 0)  s = s.fontcolor('limegreen');                }            }            if (cld[sD].solarTerms == '清明') s = '清明节'.fontcolor('red');            if (cld[sD].solarTerms == '芒种') s = '芒种'.fontcolor('red');            if (cld[sD].solarTerms == '夏至') s = '夏至'.fontcolor('red');            if (cld[sD].solarTerms == '冬至') s = '冬至'.fontcolor('red');            if (s.length > 0)  lObj.innerHTML = s;        }        else {  //非日期            $("#GD" + i).addClass("unover");        }    }}/*清除数据*/function clear() {    for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) {        sObj = $("#SD" + i)[0];        sObj.innerHTML = '';        lObj = $("#LD" + i)[0];        lObj.innerHTML = '';        $("#GD" + i).removeClass("unover");        $("#GD" + i).removeClass("jinri");        $("#GD" + i).removeClass("selday");    }}var Today = new Date();var tY = Today.getFullYear();var tM = Today.getMonth();var tD = Today.getDate();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////var width = "130";var offsetX = 2;var offsetY = 18;var x = 0;var y = 0;var snow = 0;var sw = 0;var cnt = 0;var dStyle;// 将农历iLunarMonth月格式化成农历表示的字符串function FormatLunarMonth(iLunarMonth) {    var szText = new String("正二三四五六七八九十");    var strMonth;    if (iLunarMonth <= 10) {        strMonth = szText.substr(iLunarMonth - 1, 1);    }    else if (iLunarMonth == 11) strMonth = "十一";    else strMonth = "十二";    return strMonth + "月";}// 将农历iLunarDay日格式化成农历表示的字符串function FormatLunarDay(iLunarDay) {    var szText1 = new String("初十廿三");    var szText2 = new String("一二三四五六七八九十");    var strDay;    if ((iLunarDay != 20) && (iLunarDay != 30)) {        strDay = szText1.substr((iLunarDay - 1) / 10, 1) + szText2.substr((iLunarDay - 1) % 10, 1);    }    else if (iLunarDay != 20) {        strDay = szText1.substr(iLunarDay / 10, 1) + "十";    }    else {        strDay = "二十";    }    return strDay;}//显示详细日期资料function mOvr(thisObj, v) {    var s,festival,jy;    sObj = $("#SD" + v);    var d = sObj.html() - 1;    if (sObj.html() != '') {        if (cld[d].sgz5 != 0) {            jy = cld[d].sgz5;        } else {            jy = jcr(cld[d].sgz3);        }        var arr = [];        if (cld[d].solarTerms == '' && cld[d].solarFestival == '' && cld[d].lunarFestival == '')            arr.push('<div id="teshu"></div>');        else        arr.push('<div id="teshu"><FONT  COLOR="#ff0000"  STYLE="font-size:12px;">' + cld[d].solarTerms + ' ' + cld[d].solarFestival + ' ' + cld[d].lunarFestival + '</FONT></div>');        arr.push('<div style="width:65px; height:30px; color:#666666; float:left; font-size:60px; text-align:center;">' + cld[d].sDay + '</div>');        arr.push('<font color="black" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:13px;">    ' + cld[d].sYear + '年' + cld[d].sMonth + '月' + cld[d].sDay + '日</font>');        arr.push('<font style="font-size:12px;line-height:28px"><b>' + '星期' + cld[d].week + '</b></font><br>');        arr.push('<font style="font-size:12px;color:#000000;" >农历' + (cld[d].isLeap ? '闰' : ' ') + FormatLunarMonth(cld[d].lMonth) + FormatLunarDay(cld[d].lDay) + '</font>');        arr.push('<font style="font-size:12px">  ' + cld[d].cYear + '年 ' + cld[d].cMonth + '月 ' + cld[d].cDay + '日</font><br><br>');        arr.push('<div style="width:95%; height:70px; margin-top:30px; padding-top:8px; border-top:1px solid #CCCCCC; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">' + jy + '</div>');        //thisObj.style.backgroundColor = '#fbfbad';        var d = $(thisObj);        var pos = d.offset();        var t = pos.top + d.height() + 5; // 弹出框的上边位置        var l = pos.left + d.width() - 150;  // 弹出框的左边位置        <!--        var winWidth = 0;        var winHeight = 0;        function findDimensions() {            // 获取窗口宽度            if (window.innerWidth)                winWidth = window.innerWidth;            else if ((document.body) && (document.body.clientWidth))                winWidth = document.body.clientWidth;            // 获取窗口高度            if (window.innerHeight)                winHeight = window.innerHeight; 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i > -1; i--) {         if (arr[i] == obj) {             arr.splice(i, 1);//参数(删除的元素下标,从该下标起删除几个元素)       }      }}//去重数组function delMoreArry(){var newArray = [],      temp = {};  for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){           temp[typeof(this[i])+this[i]] = this[i];      }  for(var j in temp){           newArray.push(temp[j]);     } return newArray;}function addZ(obj){ return obj<10?'0'+obj:obj;}function getH(obj){ var d = new Date(Date.parse(obj)); var c=d.getDay(); if(c==0||c==6){  return true; }else{ return false; } //switch(c){    case 0:        a='星期日';        break;    case 1:        a='星期一';        break;    case 2:        a='星期二';        break;    case 3:        a='星期三';    case 4:        a='星期四';    case 5:        a='星期五';    case 6:        a='星期六';}}//------王立岩------end---//清除详细日期资料function mOut(thisObj) { //   thisObj.style.backgroundColor = '';    if (cnt >= 1) {        sw = 0    }    if (sw == 0) {        snow = 0;        document.getElementById("details").style.display = 'none';    }    else  cnt++;}/*初始化日期*/$(function() {    initRiliIndex();    clear();    $("#nian").html(tY);    $("#yue").html(tM + 1);    drawCld(tY, tM);    /*年份递减*/    $("#nianjian").click(function() {        dateSelection.goPrevYear();    });    /*年份递加*/    $("#nianjia").click(function() {        dateSelection.goNextYear();    });    /*月份递减*/    $("#yuejian").click(function() {        dateSelection.goPrevMonth();    });    /*月份递加*/    $("#yuejia").click(function() {        dateSelection.goNextMonth();    });});var global = {    currYear : -1, // 当前年    currMonth : -1, // 当前月,0-11    currDate : null, // 当前点选的日期    uid : null,    username : null,    email : null,    single : false    // 是否为独立页调用,如果是值为日历id,使用时请注意对0的判断,使用 single !== false 或者 single === false};var dateSelection = {    currYear : -1,    currMonth : -1,    minYear : 1901,    maxYear : 2100,    beginYear : 0,    endYear : 0,    tmpYear : -1,    tmpMonth : -1,    init : function(year, month) {        if (typeof year == 'undefined' || typeof month == 'undefined') {            year = global.currYear; 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           }        }        this.setMonth(month);    },    prevYear : function() {        var year = this.currYear - 1;        if (year >= this.minYear) {            this.setYear(year);        }    },    nextYear : function() {        var year = this.currYear + 1;        if (year <= this.maxYear) {            this.setYear(year);        }    },    prevYearPage : function() {        this.endYear = this.beginYear - 1;        this.showYearContent(null, this.endYear);    },    nextYearPage : function() {        this.beginYear = this.endYear + 1;        this.showYearContent(this.beginYear, null);    },    selectYear : function() {//杨:select        var selectY = $('select[@name="SY"] option[@selected]').text();        this.setYear(selectY);        this.commit();    },    selectMonth : function() {        var selectM = $('select[@name="SM"] option[@selected]').text();        this.setMonth(selectM - 1);        this.commit();    },    setYear : function(value) {        if (this.tmpYear == -1 && this.currYear != -1) {            this.tmpYear = this.currYear;        }        $('#SY' + this.currYear).removeClass('curr');        this.currYear = value;        $('#SY' + this.currYear).addClass('curr');    },    setMonth : function(value) {        if (this.tmpMonth == -1 && this.currMonth != -1) {            this.tmpMonth = this.currMonth;        }        $('#SM' + this.currMonth).removeClass('curr');        this.currMonth = value;        $('#SM' + this.currMonth).addClass('curr');    },    showYearContent : function(beginYear, endYear) {        if (!beginYear) {            if (!endYear) {                endYear = this.currYear + 1;            }            this.endYear = endYear;            if (this.endYear > this.maxYear) {                this.endYear = this.maxYear;            }            this.beginYear = this.endYear - 3;            if (this.beginYear < this.minYear) {                this.beginYear = this.minYear;                this.endYear = this.beginYear + 3;            }        }        if (!endYear) {            if (!beginYear) {                beginYear = this.currYear - 2; 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