
来源:互联网 发布:如何利用网络推广 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 20:07




package com.aomei.myexample.Utils;import;import android.content.Context;import;import android.util.SparseArray;import android.view.LayoutInflater;import android.view.View;import android.view.WindowManager;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.PopupWindow;import android.widget.TextView;/** * 封装的PopupWidow的工具类 * * @author hf  2016-09-09 13:31 * @version 1.0 * @des * @版本 $Rev$ * @change $Author$  $Date$ * @des 用英文装个逼不容易啊--调用很简单,直接new完传递参数,实现方法,通过builder调用方法,可以自己扩展 */public abstract class PopUtils {    private Context mContext;    private int mlayoutResId;    private int mHeight;    private int mwidth;    private ClickListener mCallback;    /**     * The constructor of MyPopupWindow     *     * @param context     Interface to global information about an application environment     * @param layoutResId The resource id of the layout embedded inside the PopupWindow     * @param width       the width of the PopupWindow     * @param height      the height of the PopupWindow     * @param view        a parent view to get the android.view.View.getWindowToken() token from     * @param gravity     the gravity which controls the placement of the popup window     * @param x           the PopupWindow's x location offset     * @param y           the PopupWindow's y location offset     */    public PopUtils(Context context, int layoutResId, int width, int height, View view, int gravity, int x, int y, ClickListener callback) {        this.mContext = context;        this.mlayoutResId = layoutResId;        this.mwidth = width;        this.mHeight = height;        setCallBack(callback);        PopBuilder builder = PopBuilder.createPopupWindow(context, layoutResId, width, height, view, gravity, x, y, mCallback);    }    public static class PopBuilder {        private ClickListener mCallback;        private static PopupWindow window;        private SparseArray<View> mViews;        private View mItem;        private PopBuilder(Context context, View view, ClickListener callback) {            this.mViews = new SparseArray<>();            this.mItem = view;            this.mCallback = callback;        }                public static PopBuilder createPopupWindow(final Context context, int layoutResId, int width, int height, View parent, int gravity, int x, int y, ClickListener callback) {            // 利用layoutInflater获得View            LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) ((Activity) context)                    .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);            View view = inflater.inflate(layoutResId, null);            PopBuilder builder = new PopBuilder(context, view, callback);            window = new PopupWindow(view, width, height);            // 设置popWindow弹出窗体可点击,这句话必须添加,并且是true            window.setFocusable(true);            window.setTouchable(true);            // 设置触摸外面时消失            window.setOutsideTouchable(true);            window.setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN);            // 监听PopupWindow关闭,如果为关闭状态则设置为空            window.setOnDismissListener(new PopupWindow.OnDismissListener() {                @Override                public void onDismiss() {                    window = null;                    // 主界面完全显示                    WindowManager.LayoutParams params = ((Activity) context).getWindow().getAttributes();                    params.alpha = 1.0f;                    ((Activity) context).getWindow().setAttributes(params);                }            });            // 实例化一个ColorDrawable颜色为透明,不设置为半透明是因为带圆角            ColorDrawable dw = new ColorDrawable(context.getResources().getColor(android.R.color.transparent));            window.setBackgroundDrawable(dw);            window.showAtLocation(parent, gravity, x, y);            // 主界面变暗            WindowManager.LayoutParams params = ((Activity) context).getWindow().getAttributes();            params.alpha = 0.4f;            ((Activity) context).getWindow().setAttributes(params);            //点击事件回调            if (window != null) {                callback.setUplistener(builder);            }            return builder;        }        /**         * 得到视图         *         * @param id 控件资源id         * @param <T> 类型         *         * @return T         */        public <T extends View> T getView(int id) {            T t = (T) mViews.get(id);            if (t == null) {                t = (T) mItem.findViewById(id);                mViews.put(id, t);            }            return t;        }        /**         * 使窗口消失         * @return         */        public PopBuilder dismiss() {            if (window != null) {                window.dismiss();            }            return this;        }        /**         * 设置是否可见         *         * @param id         控件id         * @param visibility 是否可见         *         * @return PopBuilder         */        public PopBuilder setVisibility(int id, int visibility) {            getView(id).setVisibility(visibility);            return this;        }        /**         * 设置图片资源         *         * @param id          控件id         * @param drawableRes drawable资源id         *         * @return PopBuilder         */        public PopBuilder setImageResource(int id, int drawableRes) {            View view = getView(id);            if (view instanceof ImageView) {                ((ImageView) view).setImageResource(drawableRes);            } else {                view.setBackgroundResource(drawableRes);            }            return this;        }        /**         * 设置文本         *         * @param id   控件id         * @param text 文本内容         *         * @return PopBuilder         */        public PopBuilder setText(int id, CharSequence text) {            View view = getView(id);            if (view instanceof TextView) {                ((TextView) view).setText(text);            }            return this;        }    }    /**     * 用于回调的接口     */    public interface ClickListener {        void setUplistener(PopBuilder builder);    }    /**     * 设置回调对象     * @param callBack 回调对象     */    private void setCallBack(ClickListener callBack) {        this.mCallback = callBack;    }}


PopUtils utils = new PopUtils(ThirdActivity.this, R.layout.activity_sqlite, 600, 400, mBtnSend, Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0, new PopUtils.ClickListener() {                    @Override                    public void setUplistener(final PopUtils.PopBuilder builder) {                        builder.setText(, "查询");                        builder.getView( View.OnClickListener() {                            @Override                            public void onClick(View v) {                                builder.dismiss();                            }                        });                    }                }) {                };

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