Kaggle之Grupo Bimbo Inventory Demand

来源:互联网 发布:vs code php 开发 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:35

Grupo Bimbo Inventory Demand


Grupo Bimbo Inventory Demand 在这个比赛中,我们需要预测某个产品在某个销售点每周的需求量。数据包含墨西哥9周的销售数据。每周,货运车辆把产品发往销售点,每笔交易包含销售量和退货量,其中退货量主要由未销售出的和过期的产品组成。每个产品的需求量是指该商品这周的销售量减去下周的退货量。


  1. 测试数据中可能包含训练数据中不存在的商品。这在实际的生活中是十分常见的。所以模型必须很好的适应这一点。

  2. 同一个客户id可能含有不同的客户名字,因为客户名并没有归一化

  3. 需求量是一个大于等于零的值,Venta_uni_hoy - Dev_uni_proxima有时候为负是因为有时候退货量有时候累计了好几星期。

Semana — Week number (From Thursday to Wednesday) - 星期几Agencia_ID — Sales Depot ID - 销售地idCanal_ID — Sales Channel ID - 销售渠道idRuta_SAK — Route ID (Several routes = Sales Depot)Cliente_ID — Client ID - 客户idNombreCliente — Client name - 客户名Producto_ID — Product ID - 产品idNombreProducto — Product Name - 产品名Venta_uni_hoy — Sales unit this week (integer) - 本周销量Venta_hoy — Sales this week (unit: pesos) - 本周销售额Dev_uni_proxima — Returns unit next week (integer) - 退货量Dev_proxima — Returns next week (unit: pesos) - 退货销售额Demanda_uni_equil — Adjusted Demand (integer) (This is the target you will predict) - 需求量(目标值)




# A Python implementation of the awesome script by Bohdan Pavlyshenko: http://tinyurl.com/jd6k2kr# and with inspiration from Rodolfo Lomascolo's  http://tinyurl.com/z6qmxfk## Author: willgrafimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport xgboost as xgbimport pdbfrom sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_errorfrom sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_splitfrom subprocess import check_output## --------------------------全局变量-----------------------------------------#LAG_WEEK_VAL = 3 # set to 3 to use lagged features.BIG_LAG = True # set to True if to use more than 1 lagged_featc## --------------------------函数-----------------------------------------def get_dataframe():    '''    载入训练集和测试集,对于训练集我们设置目标为『Demanda_uni_equil』列,测试集目标列暂设定为0.    这里有一个全局变量LAG_WEEK_VAL,表示week大于LAG_WEEK_VAL的数据作为训练集(训练集中只有第三周到第9周的数据,目标是预测第10和11周的数据)    '''    print('Loading training data')    train = pd.read_csv('train.csv',                        usecols=['Semana','Agencia_ID','Ruta_SAK','Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','Demanda_uni_equil'])    print('Loading test data')    test = pd.read_csv('test.csv',                       usecols=['Semana','Agencia_ID','Ruta_SAK','Cliente_ID','Producto_ID','id'])    print('Merging train & test data')    # lagged week features    train = train.loc[train['Semana'] > LAG_WEEK_VAL,]    train['id'] = 0    test['Demanda_uni_equil'] = None    train['target'] = train['Demanda_uni_equil']    test['target'] = 0    # 将训练集和测试集结合到一起    return pd.concat([train, test])def create_lagged_feats(data, num_lag):    '''    构建滞后的销量特征。即使用3~8周的销售数据构造特征,为接下来9、10、11周的预测做准备。    举例来说,第三周的销售数据统计特征作为第四周销量影响因子    特征列名命名为: target_lNUMBER    '''    # 根据这三列生成特征    keys = ['Semana', 'Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']    lag_feat = 'target_l' + str(num_lag)    print('Creating lagged feature: %s' % lag_feat)    data1 = df.loc[: , ['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']]    # 对week数加1,为接下来的join做准备    data1['Semana'] = df.loc[: , 'Semana'].apply(lambda x: x + 1)    # 拷贝训练集中的目标列,并命名为target_lNUMBER,为了接下来求平均值做准备    data1[lag_feat] = df.loc[: , 'target']    # groupby 'Semana', 'Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID'并求target列的平均值    data1 = pd.groupby(data1, keys).mean().reset_index()    # JOIN:把平均值的统计特征join到data中    return pd.merge(data, data1, how='left', on=keys, left_index=False, right_index=False,                    suffixes=('', '_lag' + str(num_lag)), copy=False)def create_freq_feats(data, column_name):    '''    求列的频率特征,也就是求对应列每周的平均值    '''    freq_feat = column_name + '_freq'    print('Creating frequency feature: %s' % freq_feat)    # 列+周的target计数    freq_frame = pd.groupby(data, [column_name, 'Semana'])['target'].count().reset_index()    freq_frame.rename(columns={'target': freq_feat}, inplace=True)    # 计算平均值    freq_frame = pd.groupby(freq_frame, [column_name])[freq_feat].mean().reset_index()    # 将平均值join回原来的data中    return pd.merge(data, freq_frame, how='left', on=[column_name], left_index=False,                    right_index=False, suffixes=('', '_freq'), copy=False)def build_model(df, features, model_params):    '''    构建模型训练和测试      df: dataframe to be modled - 用来训练和测试的数据      features: column names of df that should be used in model - 特征列      params: {xgb_param_key: 'xgb_param_value'} - 参数    '''    mask = df['Demanda_uni_equil'].isnull()    test = df[mask]    train = df[~mask]    train.loc[: , 'target'] = train.loc[: , 'target'].apply(lambda x: np.log(x + 1))    xlf = xgb.XGBRegressor(**model_params)    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train[features], train['target'], test_size=0.01, random_state=1)    xlf.fit(x_train, y_train, eval_metric='rmse', verbose=1, eval_set=[(x_test, y_test)], early_stopping_rounds=100)    preds = xlf.predict(x_test)    print('RMSE of log(Demanda_uni_equil[x_test]) : %s" ' % str(mean_squared_error(y_test,preds) ** 0.5))    # 预测第10周的销量    print('Predicting Demanda_uni_equil for Semana 10')    data_test_10 = test.loc[test['Semana'] == 10, features]    preds = xlf.predict(data_test_10)    data_test_10['Demanda_uni_equil'] = np.exp(preds) - 1    data_test_10['id'] = test.loc[test['Semana'] == 10, 'id'].astype(int).tolist()    # 把预测的第10周的销量结果作为特征来预测11周的数据    print('Creating lagged demand feature for Semana 11')    data_test_lag = data_test_10[['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']]    data_test_lag['target_l1'] = data_test_10['Demanda_uni_equil']    data_test_lag = pd.groupby(data_test_lag,['Cliente_ID','Producto_ID']).mean().reset_index()    # 预测第11周的销量    print('Predicting Demanda_uni_equil for Semana 11')    data_test_11 = test.loc[test['Semana'] == 11, features.difference(['target_l1'])]    data_test_11 = pd.merge(data_test_11, data_test_lag, how='left', on=['Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID'],                            left_index=False, right_index=False, sort=True, copy=False)    data_test_11 = data_test_11.loc[: , features]#.replace(np.nan, 0, inplace=True)    preds = xlf.predict(data_test_11)    data_test_11['Demanda_uni_equil'] = np.exp(preds) - 1    data_test_11['id'] = test.loc[test['Semana'] == 11, 'id'].astype(int).tolist()    return pd.concat([data_test_10.loc[: , ['id', 'Demanda_uni_equil']],                      data_test_11.loc[: , ['id', 'Demanda_uni_equil']]],                      axis=0, copy=True)## --------------------------执行-----------------------------------------## 首先载入训练集和测试集,并进行基本的数据预处理df = get_dataframe()## 构建特征for i in range(1, 1 + 5):    if not BIG_LAG and i > 1:        break    df = create_lagged_feats(df, num_lag=i)df = df[df['Semana'] > 8]## 计算列频率特征for col_name in ['Agencia_ID', 'Ruta_SAK', 'Cliente_ID', 'Producto_ID']:    df = create_freq_feats(df, col_name)## 选择部分特征来构建模型feature_names = df.columns.difference(['id', 'target', 'Demanda_uni_equil'])print('Data Cleaned.  Using features: %s' % feature_names)## 模型参数xgb_params = {    'max_depth': 10,    'learning_rate': 0.01,    'n_estimators': 75,    'subsample': .85,    'colsample_bytree': 0.7,    'objective': 'reg:linear',    'silent': True,    'nthread': -1,    'gamma': 0,    'min_child_weight': 1,    'max_delta_step': 0,    'subsample': 0.85,    'colsample_bytree': 0.7,    'colsample_bylevel': 1,    'reg_alpha': 0,    'reg_lambda': 1,    'scale_pos_weight': 1,    'missing': None,    'seed': 1}## 训练模型并写入结果submission = build_model(df, feature_names, xgb_params)submission.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False)
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