Spring Data JPA 直接调用存储过程的方法

来源:互联网 发布:自制地图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:04
@NamedNativeQueries(        {                @NamedNativeQuery(                        name = "FixedFeeOrderValidCalculate",                        query = "insert into kh.tb_cust_tdyw" +                                " (month,cust_no,user_id,broker_account,index_type,index_value,trade_date)" +                                " select ?1 ,cr.customer_no ,cr.belong_userid ,cr.broker_account,?2,1,cr.rels_begin" +                                "  from kh.tb_yxkh_cust_rel cr" +                                " inner join meso.tb_customer cust on cust.customer_no = cr.customer_no" +                                " where cr.rels_begin between ?3 || '01' and ?4 || '31' " +                                " and cust.open_date between ?5 || '01' and ?6 || '31'"                ),                @NamedNativeQuery(                        name = "RatioFeeOrderValidCalculate",                        query = "insert into kh.tb_cust_tdyw" +                                "      (month,cust_no,user_id,broker_account,index_type,index_value,trade_date)" +                                "select t.month as month,t.cust_no,t.user_id,t.broker_account,?1," +                                "  sum(nvl((select case " +                                "    when not exists (select i.item_value from KH.TB_SDEPT_INDEX i " +                                "    where i.branch_code = us.dept_id and i.item_id = ?2 and i.version = '2016') then " +                                "    (select i.item_value from KH.TB_SDEPT_INDEX i " +                                "    where i.branch_code = '9999' and i.item_id = ?3 and i.version = '2016') " +                                "  else (select i.item_value from KH.TB_SDEPT_INDEX i" +                                "   where i.branch_code = us.dept_id and i.item_id = ?4 and i.version = '2016') end" +                                "  from dual) * nvl(t.index_value, 0), 0)),'' " +                                " from KH.TB_CUST_TDYW t inner join KH.TB_USER_SNAP us" +                                " on us.user_id = t.user_id and us.trademonth = ?5" +                                " where t.month = ?6 and t.index_type = ?7" +                                " group by t.month, t.cust_no, t.user_id, t.broker_account"                ), @NamedNativeQuery(                        name = "FixedFeeOrderValidCalculate",                        query = "      select sp.trademonth, " +                                "             sp.branch_code, " +                                "             sp.auth_id, " +                                "             sp.cust_no, " +                                "             sp.sorder_id, " +                                "             sp.pay_way, " +                                "             sp.price_money, " +                                "             sp.service_rate, " +                                "             sp.prod_no, " +                                "             sp.trade_day, " +                                "             sp.user_id, " +                                "             sp.begin_date, " +                                "             sp.end_date, " +                                "             nvl(decode(sp.charg_range, 0, am.avg_net_ofs_assets, 1, am.total_avg_asset), 0), " +                                "             '1', " +                                "             case " +                                "               when num > 1 then  " +                                "                round((case " +                                "                        when tmp1.totsum / 3000 > 3 then " +                                "                         sp.price_money / tmp1.totsum * 3 " +                                "                        else " +                                "                         sp.price_money / 3000 " +                                "                      end), 2) " +                                "               else " +                                "                round((case " +                                "                        when sp.price_money / 3000 > 3 then " +                                "                         3 " +                                "                        else " +                                "                         sp.price_money / 3000 " +                                "                      end), 2) " +                                "             end, " +                                "             sp.charg_range, " +                                "             '1', " +                                "             sysdate, " +                                "             sysdate, " +                                "             '1', " +                                "             null, " +                                "             'B' " +                                "        from kh.tb_sproduct_sale sp " +                                "       inner join (select sp.auth_id auth_id, " +                                "                          sp.user_id user_id, " +                                "                          sum(sp.price_money) totsum, " +                                "                          count(1) as num " +                                "                     from kh.tb_sproduct_sale sp " +                                "                    where sp.pay_way = ?1 " +                                "                      and sp.pay_status = ?2 " +                                "                      and sp.del_flag = ?3 " +                                "                      and sp.trademonth = ?4 " +                                "                    group by sp.auth_id, sp.user_id) tmp1 " +                                "          on tmp1.auth_id = sp.auth_id " +                                "         and sp.user_id = tmp1.user_id " +                                "        left join xc.tb_mt_cust_asset_gather am " +                                "          on am.customer_no = sp.cust_no " +                                "         and am.trademonth = ?4 " +                                "       where sp.pay_way = ?1  " +                                "         and sp.pay_status = ?2 " +                                "         and sp.del_flag = ?3 " +                                "         and sp.trademonth = ?4"resultSetMapping = "returnorderValidCalc"),@SqlResultSetMappings(        {                @SqlResultSetMapping(                        name = "returnorderValidCalc",                        entities = {},                        columns = {                                @ColumnResult(name = "tradeMonth"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "branchCode"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "authID"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "custNO"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "orderID"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "signType"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "tollSum"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "serviceFarex"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "prodNO"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "tradeDate"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "userID"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "startDate"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "endDate"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "asset"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "tradeType"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "validNum"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "chargRange"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "createBy"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "createDT"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "updateDT"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "updateBy"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "deleteBy"),                                @ColumnResult(name = "actByType"),                        }                )        })    })

在entity的实体类的前面用 @NamedNativeQuery注解定义一整条存储过程的sql。

对于select型的sql语句 执行完后,select出的是一个实体表中的某几列。如果没有或者不想定义临时的entity去接收查询结果时, 可以用@SqlResultSetMappings 注解 定义几个列去接收select的查询结果

二者通过returnorderValidCalc 连接。


package com.foundersc.crm.brokerage.util;import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;import javax.persistence.EntityManager;import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;import javax.persistence.Query;import java.util.List;/** * 获得支持事务操作的entityManager实体 * * Created by zhongxuhui on 16/9/8. */public class EntityManagerTransaction {    private EntityManager entityManager;    private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;    public EntityManagerTransaction() {        String config = "classpath*:spring/spring-jpa.xml";        ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(config);        entityManagerFactory = ctx.getBean(EntityManagerFactory.class);        entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();    }    public int update (String methodName, String[] params) {        entityManager.getTransaction().begin();        Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(methodName);        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {            query.setParameter(i + 1, params[i]);        }        int result = query.executeUpdate();        entityManager.getTransaction().commit();        close();        return result;    }    public List<Object[]> query(String methodName, String[] params) {        Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(methodName);        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {            query.setParameter(i + 1, params[i]);        }        List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList();        entityManager.close();        return list;    }    private void close() {        entityManager.close();        entityManagerFactory.close();    }}

在 ServiceRepository 里面实例化一个EntityManagerTransaction类

private static EntityManagerTransaction entityManagerTransaction = new EntityManagerTransaction();public List getRequestList(String methodName, String[] params) {        return  entityManagerTransaction.query(methodName,params);       }      public int SaveOrUpdateFromSelect(String methodName, String[] params){          int result= entityManagerTransaction.update(methodName,params);          if (0==result){              log.info("no lines had been affected!");          }          else {              log.info(result+" lines has benn affected!");          }          return result;      }


public void FixedFeeOrderValidCalculate(String tradeMonth){        String[] params = new String[4];        params[0] = "1" ;//固定费用客户        params[1] = "2" ;//已支付的        params[2] = "0" ;//状态正常        params[3] = tradeMonth;        int result=serviceProductOrderValidNumRepository.SaveOrUpdateFromSelect("FixedFeeOrderValidCalculate",params); //FixedFeeOrderValidCalculate 是在@NamedNativeQuery注解里定义好的存储过程的名称    }public void RatioFeeOrderValidCalculate(String tradeMonth){        String[] params = new String[4];        params[0] = "2" ;//固定费用客户        params[1] = "2" ;//已支付的        params[2] = "0" ;//状态正常        params[3] = tradeMonth;        int result=serviceProductOrderValidNumRepository.SaveOrUpdateFromSelect("RatioFeeOrderValidCalculate",params);    }//RatioFeeOrderValidCalculate 是entity前的注解里定义好的存储过程的sql
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