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搜索是电脑棋手AI的核心,有效的搜索算法很关键。本文给出了一些常用的搜索算法代码,以及这些算法的改进。例如配合置换表,历史启发表,开局库。算法的深入学习可以参考注释里给出的地址 : )

/* * @(#) * Author: 88250 <>, * Created on May 24, 2008, 10:51:52 AM *  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. *  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */package;import;import;import;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.List;/** * This class descripts some search algorithms of game tree. * @author 88250 <>, * @version, Jun 7, 2008 */public class SearchEngine {    /**     * value while win a game     */    public static final int WIN = 54;    /**     * chessboard situation     */    public Situation situation;    /**     * the best move     */    public Motion bestMotion;    /**     * situation libaray     */    private Book book = new Book();    /**     * default search depth     */    public static int SEARCH_DEPTH = 5;    /**     * For Performance Test.     * @param args should be <code>null</code>     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        SearchEngine instance;        instance = new SearchEngine(new Situation());        System.out.println("Getting start search!");        long startTime = System.nanoTime();        //instance.basicAlphaBetaSearch(SEARCH_DEPTH, -WIN, WIN);        //instance.alphaBetaWithHistoryHeuristicSearch(SEARCH_DEPTH, -WIN, WIN);        //instance.alphaBetaWithTranspositonSearch(SEARCH_DEPTH, -WIN, WIN);        //instance.principalVariationSearch(SEARCH_DEPTH, -WIN, WIN);        //instance.principalVariationWithHHSearch(SEARCH_DEPTH, -WIN, WIN);        instance.negaScoutWithHHTTSearch(SEARCH_DEPTH, -WIN, WIN);        long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;        System.out.println("Evaluated node count: " + Situation.nodeEvaluatedCount);        System.out.println("TT hit count: " + TranspositionTable.hashHitCount);        System.out.println("Best motion: " + instance.bestMotion.toString());        System.out.println("Elapsed Time: " + estimatedTime / 1000000000.0 + "s");        System.out.println("");    }    /**     * Finds the best move on the specified chessboard situation.     * @param boardSituation the specified chessboard situation     * @return the evaluate value     */    public int findTheBestMove(int[][] boardSituation) {        TranspositionTable.initHashCode(boardSituation);        return negaScoutWithHHTTSearch(SEARCH_DEPTH, -WIN, WIN);    }    /**     * Search the FEN book for a good move.     * @return if find a move in the book, retusns <code>true</code>,     * otherwise, returns <code>false</code>     */    public boolean bookSearch() {        List<Motion> motions = situation.generatePossibleMoves();        for (Motion motion : motions) {            situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY, motion.toX, motion.toY);            if (book.exists(situation.chessboard)) {                // this situation exists in book!                bestMotion = motion;                situation.unMove();                return true;            }            situation.unMove();        }        return false;    }    /**     * Basic Alpha-Beta search method.     * @param depth depth of search      * @param alpha min value to max value, the "floor"     * @param beta  max value to min value, the "ceiling"     * @return if game is over, returns <code>-WIN</code>, if depth arrived,      * returns evaluat value(leaf node value), otherwise, returns bound(     * determined by cut-off)     */    final int basicAlphaBetaSearch(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {        if (situation.gameOver() != 0) {            return -WIN;        }        if (depth <= 0) {            return situation.evaluate();        }        List<Motion> motions = situation.generatePossibleMoves();        for (Motion motion : motions) {            situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY, motion.toX, motion.toY);            int score = -basicAlphaBetaSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);            situation.unMove();            if (score > alpha) {                alpha = score;                if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                    bestMotion = motion;                }                if (alpha >= beta) {                    return beta;                }            }        }        return alpha;    }    /**     * Alpha-Beta with History Heuristic search method.     * @param depth depth of search      * @param alpha min value to max value, the "floor"     * @param beta  max value to min value, the "ceiling"     * @return if game is over, returns <code>-WIN</code>, if depth arrived,      * returns evaluat value(leaf node value), otherwise, returns bound(     * determined by cut-off)     */    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    final int alphaBetaWithHistoryHeuristicSearch(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {        if (situation.gameOver() != 0) {            return -WIN;        }        if (depth <= 0) {            return situation.evaluate();        }        List<Motion> motions = situation.generatePossibleMoves();        // History heuristic        if (depth < SEARCH_DEPTH) {            for (Motion motion : motions) {                motion.value = HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(motion.fromX,                                                              motion.fromY,                                                              motion.toX, motion.toY);            }            // XXX do sort algorithm by myself for performance?            Collections.sort(motions);        }        for (Motion motion : motions) {            situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY, motion.toX, motion.toY);            int score = -alphaBetaWithHistoryHeuristicSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);            situation.unMove();            if (score > alpha) {                alpha = score;                HistoryHeuristicTable.setValue(motion.fromX, motion.fromY,                                               motion.toX, motion.toY,                                               (HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(                                               motion.fromX,                                               motion.fromY,                                               motion.toX,                                               motion.toY) +                                               2 << depth));                if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                    bestMotion = motion;                }                if (alpha >= beta) {                    return beta;                }            }        }        return alpha;    }    /**     * Principal Variation SearchEngine method.     * <p>Probably the best of the alpha-beta variants, this goes by      * several names: <em><b>NegaScout</b></em>, <em>Principal Variation SearchEngine</em>,     * or <em>PVS</em> for short. The idea is that alpha-beta search works      * best if the first recursive search is likely to be the one      * with the best score. Techniques such as sorting the move list     * or using a best move stored in the hash table make it especially     * likely that the first move is best. If it is, we can search     * the other moves more quickly by using the assumption that     * they are not likely to be as good. So PVS performs that first     * search with a normal window, but on subsequent searches uses a     * zero-width window to test each successive move against the first     * move. Only if the zero-width search fails does it do a normal search.      * </p>     * <p>     * More detalis, please visits:<br>     * <a href="">     * ICS 180, Winter 1999: Strategy and board game programming</a><br>     * or Read this paper:<br>     * Alexander Reinefild, AN IMPROVEMENT TO THE SCOUT TREE SEARCH ALGORITHM,     * 1983     * </p>     * @param depth depth search      * @param alpha min value to max value, the "floor"     * @param beta  max value to min value, the "ceiling"     * @return if game is over, returns <code>-WIN</code>, if depth arrived,      * returns evaluat value(leaf node value), otherwise, returns bound(     * determined by cut-off)     */    final int principalVariationSearch(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {        if (situation.gameOver() != 0) {            return -WIN;        }        if (depth <= 0) {            return situation.evaluate();        }        List<Motion> motions = situation.generatePossibleMoves();        situation.makeMove(motions.get(0).fromX, motions.get(0).fromY,                           motions.get(0).toX, motions.get(0).toY);        int best = -principalVariationSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);        situation.unMove();        if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {            bestMotion = motions.get(0);        }        for (int i = 1; i < motions.size(); i++) {            if (best < beta) {                if (best > alpha) {                    alpha = best;                }                Motion motion = motions.get(i);                situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY, motion.toX, motion.toY);                int score = -principalVariationSearch(depth - 1, -alpha - 1, -alpha);                if (score > alpha && score < beta) {                    // fail high, re-search                    best = -principalVariationSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -score);                    if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                        bestMotion = motion;                    }                } else if (score > best) {                    best = score;                    if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                        bestMotion = motion;                    }                }                situation.unMove();            }        }        return best;    }    /**     * Principal Variation with History Heuristic SearchEngine method(fail-soft version).     * @param depth depth search      * @param alpha min value to max value, the "floor"     * @param beta  max value to min value, the "ceiling"     * @return if game is over, returns <code>-WIN</code>, if depth arrived,      * returns evaluat value(leaf node value), otherwise, returns bound(     * determined by cut-off)     */    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    final int principalVariationWithHHSearch(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {        if (situation.gameOver() != 0) {            return -WIN;        }        if (depth <= 0) {            return situation.evaluate();        }        List<Motion> motions = situation.generatePossibleMoves();        // History heuristic        if (depth < SEARCH_DEPTH) {            for (Motion motion : motions) {                motion.value = HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(motion.fromX,                                                              motion.fromY,                                                              motion.toX, motion.toY);            }            Collections.sort(motions);        }        Motion motion = motions.get(0);        situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY,                           motion.toX, motion.toY);        int best = -principalVariationWithHHSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);        situation.unMove();        if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {            bestMotion = motion;            int oldValue = HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(motion.fromX,                                                          motion.fromY,                                                          motion.toX,                                                          motion.toY);            HistoryHeuristicTable.setValue(motions.get(0).fromX,                                           motions.get(0).fromY,                                           motions.get(0).toX,                                           motions.get(0).toY,                                           (oldValue + 2 << depth));        }        for (int i = 1; i < motions.size(); i++) {            if (best < beta) {                if (best > alpha) {                    alpha = best;                }                motion = motions.get(i);                situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY, motion.toX, motion.toY);                int score = -principalVariationWithHHSearch(depth - 1, -alpha - 1,                                                            -alpha);                if (score > alpha && score < beta) {                    best = -principalVariationWithHHSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -score);                    if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                        bestMotion = motion;                    }                } else if (score > best) {                    int oldValue = HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(motion.fromX,                                                                  motion.fromY,                                                                  motion.toX,                                                                  motion.toY);                    HistoryHeuristicTable.setValue(motion.fromX,                                                   motion.fromY,                                                   motion.toX,                                                   motion.toY,                                                   (oldValue + 2 << depth));                    best = score;                    if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                        bestMotion = motion;                    }                }                situation.unMove();            }        }        return best;    }    /**     * Alpha-Beta with Transposition Table search method.     * @param depth depth search      * @param alpha min value to max value, the "floor"     * @param beta  max value to min value, the "ceiling"     * @return if game is over, returns <code>-WIN</code>, if depth arrived,      * returns evaluat value(leaf node value), otherwise, returns bound(     * determined by cut-off)     */    final int alphaBetaWithTranspositonSearch(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {        if (situation.gameOver() != 0) {            return -WIN;        }        // lookup transposition table        int score = TranspositionTable.lookup(depth, alpha, beta);        if (score != 88250) {            // hit the target!            return score;        }        if (depth <= 0) {            score = situation.evaluate();            // save the node  , depth, score);            return score;        }        NodeType hashItemType = NodeType.unknown;        List<Motion> motions = situation.generatePossibleMoves();        for (Motion motion : motions) {            int toId = situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY, motion.toX,                                          motion.toY);            score = -alphaBetaWithTranspositonSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);            situation.unMove();            if (score > alpha) {                alpha = score;                hashItemType = NodeType.exact;                if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                    bestMotion = motion;                }                if (alpha >= beta) {          , depth, alpha);                    return beta;                }            }        }        if (hashItemType != NodeType.unknown) {  , depth, alpha);        } else {  , depth, alpha);        }        return alpha;    }    /**     * NegaScout with History Heuristic and Transposition Table search.     * @param depth depth search      * @param alpha min value to max value, the "floor"     * @param beta  max value to min value, the "ceiling"     * @return if game is over, returns <code>-WIN</code>, if depth arrived,      * returns evaluat value(leaf node value), otherwise, returns bound(     * determined by cut-off)     */    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    final int negaScoutWithHHTTSearch(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {        if (situation.gameOver() != 0) {            return -WIN;        }        // lookup transpositiont table        int score = TranspositionTable.lookup(depth, alpha, beta);        if (score != 88250) {            // hit the target!            return score;        }        if (depth <= 0) {            score = situation.evaluate();  , depth, score);            return score;        }        List<Motion> motions = situation.generatePossibleMoves();        // History heuristic        if (depth < SEARCH_DEPTH) {            for (Motion motion : motions) {                motion.value = HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(motion.fromX,                                                              motion.fromY,                                                              motion.toX, motion.toY);            }            Collections.sort(motions);        }        int bestmove = 0;        int a = alpha;        int b = beta;        int t;        int oldValue;        NodeType hashItemType = NodeType.unknown;        for (int i = 0; i < motions.size(); i++) {            Motion motion = motions.get(i);            int toId = situation.makeMove(motion.fromX, motion.fromY, motion.toX,                                          motion.toY);            t = -negaScoutWithHHTTSearch(depth - 1, -b, -a);            if (t > a && t < beta && i > 0) {                a = -negaScoutWithHHTTSearch(depth - 1, -beta, -t);                hashItemType = NodeType.exact;                if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                    bestMotion = motion;                }                bestmove = i;            }            situation.unMove();            if (a < t) {                hashItemType = NodeType.exact;                a = t;                if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH) {                    bestMotion = motion;                }            }            if (a >= beta) {      , depth, a);                oldValue = HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(motion.fromX,                                                          motion.fromY,                                                          motion.toX,                                                          motion.toY);                HistoryHeuristicTable.setValue(motion.fromX,                                               motion.fromY,                                               motion.toX,                                               motion.toY,                                               (oldValue + 2 << depth));                return a;            }            b = a + 1;  // set a new numm window        }        oldValue = HistoryHeuristicTable.getValue(motions.get(bestmove).fromX,                                                  motions.get(bestmove).fromY,                                                  motions.get(bestmove).toX,                                                  motions.get(bestmove).toY);        HistoryHeuristicTable.setValue(motions.get(bestmove).fromX,                                       motions.get(bestmove).fromY,                                       motions.get(bestmove).toX,                                       motions.get(bestmove).toY,                                       (oldValue + 2 << depth));        if (hashItemType != NodeType.unknown) {  , depth, alpha);        } else {  , depth, alpha);        }        return a;    }    /**     * Constructor with parameters.     * @param situation the specified situation     */    public SearchEngine(Situation situation) {        this.situation = situation;    }}
/* * @(#) * Author: 88250 <>, * Created on Jun 5, 2008, 4:45:31 PM *  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. *  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */package;import;import;import;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;/** * Opening book, endgame book, or any chessboard situation book. * Currently, this class ONLY can read FEN file. * @author 88250 <>, * @version, Jun 5, 2008 */final public class Book {    /**     * book situation hash map     */    public Map<Integer, FEN> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, FEN>();    /**     * Packaged default constructor.     */    Book() {        List<FEN> fens = FENAccessor.readFile("book_final");        Integer hashCode = 0;        for (FEN fen : fens) {            hashCode = TranspositionTable.calcCurHashCode(fen.chessboard);            hashMap.put(hashCode, fen);        }    }    /**     * This book exists the specified chessboard situation?     * @param chessboard the specified chessboard     * @return if exists, returns <code>true</code>, otherwise,     * returns <code>false</code>     */    final public boolean exists(int[][] chessboard) {        FEN f = hashMap.get(TranspositionTable.calcCurHashCode(chessboard));        if (f != null && f.isBlackDone == false) {            return true;        }        return false;    }}
/* * @(#) * Author: 88250 <>, * Created on May 29, 2008, 11:51:10 PM *  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. *  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */package;/** * A <em>History Heuristic Table</em> maintains all best motion in * the past. * ({@link}) * @author 88250 <>, * @version, Jun 7, 2008 */final class HistoryHeuristicTable {    /**     * hold all best moves     */    static int[][][][] holds = new int[9][10][9][10];    /**     * singleton     */    private static HistoryHeuristicTable instance = new HistoryHeuristicTable();    /**     * Gets the single instance of the class.     * @return history heuristic instance     */    final public static HistoryHeuristicTable getInstance() {        if (instance == null) {            instance = new HistoryHeuristicTable();        }        return instance;    }    /**     * Private default constructor.     */    private HistoryHeuristicTable() {    }    /**     * Returns the history motion.     * @param fromX x coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param fromY y coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param toX x coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @param toY y coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @return this move's value     */    final static int getValue(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) {        return holds[fromX][fromY][toX][toY];    }    /**     * Sets the history motion.     * @param fromX x coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param fromY y coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param toX x coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @param toY y coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @param newValue the new value     */    final static void setValue(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY, int newValue) {        holds[fromX][fromY][toX][toY] = newValue;    }}/* * @(#) * Author: 88250 <>, * Created on Jun 1, 2008, 11:04:57 AM *  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. *  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */package;import java.util.Random;/** * A <em>Transpositon Table</em> maintains a mass of node had evaluated. * In the table, we use <code>HashTable</code> to store each game tree node. * @author 88250 <>, * @version, Jun 7, 2008 */final public class TranspositionTable {// XXX currently, using 32-bits hash code    /**     * transposition table's size     */    final static int SIZE = 1024 * 32 * 8;    /**     * holds the chessboard condition<br>     * <ul>     * <li>15: 14 kinds of chessman, from 1 to 14</li>     * </li>9, 10: 9 * 10 matrics form chessboard     * </ul>     * @see     * @see     */    static int[][][] hashCodes = new int[15][9][10];    /**     * the holds, [0, 1] for min value and max value     */    static HashNode[][] items = new HashNode[2][SIZE];    /**     * a 32-bits integer, acts for current hash code     */    static int curHashCode;    /**     * Transposition table hit count     */    public static int hashHitCount = 0;    /**     * singleton     */    private static TranspositionTable instance = new TranspositionTable();    /**     * Gets the single instance.     * @return transposition table single instance     */    public static TranspositionTable getInstance() {        if (instance == null) {            instance = new TranspositionTable();        }        return instance;    }    /**     * Initializes the hash code of the specified chessboard situation.     * @param chessboard the specified chessboard situation     */    final static void initHashCode(int[][] chessboard) {        curHashCode = calcCurHashCode(chessboard);    }    /**     * Private default constructor.     */    private TranspositionTable() {        Random random = new Random();        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {            for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {                for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {                    hashCodes[i][j][k] = Math.abs(random.nextInt());                }            }        }        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {            for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {                items[i][j] = new HashNode();            }        }    }    /**     * Calculates the hash code for the specified chessboard situation.     * @param chessboard the specified chessboar situation     * @return 32-bits hash code     */    final public static int calcCurHashCode(int[][] chessboard) {        int ret = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {                ret ^= hashCodes[chessboard[i][j]][i][j];            }        }        return ret;    }    /**     * Save a chessboard situation into transposition table.     * @param type type of this hash item      * @param depth depth depth of search     * @param value value of this hash value     */    final public static void save(NodeType type, int depth, int value) {        // depth % 2: 0 for max, 1 for min        HashNode item = items[depth % 2][curHashCode % SIZE];        item.depth = depth;        item.hashCode = curHashCode;        item.type = type;        item.value = value;    }    /**     * Lookup a chessboard situation in transposition table.     * @param depth depth of search     * @param alpha min value to max value, the "floor"     * @param beta  max value to min value, the "ceiling"     * @return if find the result, returns value, otherwise,     * returns <code>88250</code>     */    final public static int lookup(int depth, int alpha, int beta) {        // depth % 2: 0 for max, 1 for min        HashNode item = items[depth % 2][curHashCode % SIZE];        if (item.depth == depth && item.hashCode == curHashCode) {            hashHitCount++;            switch (item.type) {                case exact:                    return item.value;                case lowerBound:                    if (item.value >= beta) {                        return item.value;                    } else {                        break;                    }                case upperBound:                    if (item.value <= alpha) {                        return item.value;                    } else {                        break;                    }            }        }        // doesn't hit the target        return 88250;    }    /**     * Recovery the hash value of a motion had done.     * @param fromX x coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param fromY y coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param toX x coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @param toY y coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @param chessmanId the target position's chessman      * @param chessboard current chessboard situation     */    final public static void unMoveHash(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY,                                        int chessmanId, int[][] chessboard) {        int toId = chessboard[toX][toY];        // retrieves the random number before the motion done        curHashCode ^= hashCodes[toId][fromX][fromY];        // removes chessman which position is toId        curHashCode ^= hashCodes[toId][toX][toY];        if (chessmanId != 0) {            // recovery hash value chessman be eaten            curHashCode ^= hashCodes[chessmanId][toX][toY];        }    }    /**     * Generates the hash value of a motion on the current situation.     * @param fromX x coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param fromY y coordinate of which chessman do this move     * @param toX x coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @param toY y coordinate of which chessman's destination     * @param chessboard current chessboard situation     */    final public static void moveHash(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY,                                      int[][] chessboard) {        int fromId, toId;        fromId = chessboard[fromX][fromY];        toId = chessboard[toX][toY];        // removes chessman which position is fromId        curHashCode ^= hashCodes[fromId][fromX][fromY];        if (toId != 0) {            // if toId position has a chessman, removes it            curHashCode ^= hashCodes[toId][toX][toY];        }        // retrieves the random number at toId        curHashCode ^= hashCodes[fromId][toX][toY];    }    /**     * Hash item type description.     */    enum NodeType {        /**         * the hash item's value had evaluated         */        exact,        /**         * the hash item's value is low bound         */        lowerBound,        /**         * the hash item's value is upper bound         */        upperBound,        /**         * the hash item's value is unknown         */        unknown    };    /**     * Hash item description.     */    final class HashNode {        /**         * 32-bits hash code         */        int hashCode;        /**         * item's type         */        NodeType type = NodeType.unknown;        /**         * search depth         */        int depth;        /**         * item's value         */        int value;    }}

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