CXF Attachment接受文件流 (解决)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝交换笔记本主板的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:58

CXF文件上传解决 (解决一下问题)

   org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Invalid URL encoding: not a valid digit (radix 16): -17

   java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid URL encoding: not a valid digit (radix 16): -17 

(CXF+Spring 的配置这里就不叙述了)






@POST@Path("/uploadCrawler")@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })boolean uploadCrawler(@Multipart(value = "<span style="color:#FF0000;">files</span>") Attachment file,@FormParam("crawlerName") String crawlerName, @FormParam("remark") String remark);


 前期由于不懂。input 文件域 的name属性是自己定义的,然后@Multipart(value = "files")也是自己定义的,然后就会出现以上问题,通过大牛的知道,对源码的调试,可以看出 input的name属性必须为 files,这样CXF才不会将其变为String,才不会出现以上问题。


 private static final String MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE = "form-data";      private static final String MAX_FORM_PARAM_COUNT = "maxFormParameterCount";      private static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_FILES_PARAM = "files";  

 public static void populateMapFromMultipart(MultivaluedMap<String, String> params,                                                MultipartBody body,                                                Message m,                                                boolean decode) {        List<Attachment> atts = body.getAllAttachments();        checkNumberOfParts(m, atts.size());        for (Attachment a : atts) {            ContentDisposition cd = a.getContentDisposition();            if (cd != null && !MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(cd.getType())) {                continue;            }            String cdName = cd == null ? null : cd.getParameter("name");            String contentId = a.getContentId();            String name = StringUtils.isEmpty(cdName) ? contentId : cdName.replace("\"", "").replace("'", "");            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {                 throw ExceptionUtils.toBadRequestException(null, null);            }            if (CONTENT_DISPOSITION_FILES_PARAM.equals(name)) {                // this is a reserved name in Content-Disposition for parts containing files                continue;            }            try {                String value = IOUtils.toString(a.getDataHandler().getInputStream());                params.add(HttpUtils.urlDecode(name),                           decode ? HttpUtils.urlDecode(value) : value);            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {                LOG.warning("Illegal URL-encoded characters, make sure that no "                    + "@FormParam and @Multipart annotations are mixed up");                throw ExceptionUtils.toInternalServerErrorException(ex, null);            } catch (IOException ex) {                throw ExceptionUtils.toBadRequestException(null, null);            }        }    }



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