
来源:互联网 发布:python 迭代器 生成器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 23:51

DiskBlockManager管理和维护了逻辑上的Block和存储在Disk上的物理的Block的映射。默认情况下,一个逻辑的Block会根据它的BlockId生成的名字映射到一个物理上的文件。但是,也可以使用mapBlockToFileSegment方法映射到一个文件的一段区域。 这些物理文件会被hash到由spark.local.dir(或者通过SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS来设置)上的不同目录中

1. DiskBlockManager的构造过程

1. 调用createLocalDirs方法创建本地文件目录,然后创建二维数组subDirs,用来缓存一级目录localDirs及二级目录。二级目录的是数量配置通过spark.diskStore.subDirectories属性设置,默认为64。
2. 添加运行时环境结束时的钩子,用于在进程关闭时创建线程,通过调用DiskBlockManager的stop方法,清除一些临时目录。

/** * Creates and maintains the logical mapping between logical blocks and physical on-disk * locations. By default, one block is mapped to one file with a name given by its BlockId. * However, it is also possible to have a block map to only a segment of a file, by calling * mapBlockToFileSegment(). * * Block files are hashed among the directories listed in spark.local.dir (or in * SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS, if it's set). */private[spark] class DiskBlockManager(blockManager: BlockManager, conf: SparkConf)  extends Logging {  private[spark]  val subDirsPerLocalDir = blockManager.conf.getInt("spark.diskStore.subDirectories", 64)  /* Create one local directory for each path mentioned in spark.local.dir; then, inside this   * directory, create multiple subdirectories that we will hash files into, in order to avoid   * having really large inodes at the top level. */  private[spark] val localDirs: Array[File] = createLocalDirs(conf)  if (localDirs.isEmpty) {    logError("Failed to create any local dir.")    System.exit(ExecutorExitCode.DISK_STORE_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIR)  }  // The content of subDirs is immutable but the content of subDirs(i) is mutable. And the content  // of subDirs(i) is protected by the lock of subDirs(i)  private val subDirs = Array.fill(localDirs.length)(new Array[File](subDirsPerLocalDir))  private val shutdownHook = addShutdownHook()  ...}


  private def addShutdownHook(): AnyRef = {    ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook(ShutdownHookManager.TEMP_DIR_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY + 1) { () =>      logInfo("Shutdown hook called")      DiskBlockManager.this.doStop()    }  }  /** Cleanup local dirs and stop shuffle sender. */  private[spark] def stop() {    // Remove the shutdown hook.  It causes memory leaks if we leave it around.    try {      ShutdownHookManager.removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook)    } catch {      case e: Exception =>        logError(s"Exception while removing shutdown hook.", e)    }    doStop()  }  private def doStop(): Unit = {    // Only perform cleanup if an external service is not serving our shuffle files.    // Also blockManagerId could be null if block manager is not initialized properly.    if (!blockManager.externalShuffleServiceEnabled ||      (blockManager.blockManagerId != null && blockManager.blockManagerId.isDriver)) {      localDirs.foreach { localDir =>        if (localDir.isDirectory() && localDir.exists()) {          try {            if (!ShutdownHookManager.hasRootAsShutdownDeleteDir(localDir)) {              Utils.deleteRecursively(localDir)            }          } catch {            case e: Exception =>              logError(s"Exception while deleting local spark dir: $localDir", e)          }        }      }    }  }

2. 获取磁盘文件方法 getFile

1. 根据文件名计算哈希值;
2. 根据哈希值与本地文件一级目录的总数求余,记为dirId;
3. 根据哈希值与本地文件一级目录的总数求商,此商再与耳机目录的数目求余,记为subDirId;
4. 如果dirId/subDirId存在,则获取dirId/subDirId目录下的文件,否则新建dirId/subDirId目录

  /** Looks up a file by hashing it into one of our local subdirectories. */  // This method should be kept in sync with  // org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.ExternalShuffleBlockResolver#getFile().  def getFile(filename: String): File = {    // Figure out which local directory it hashes to, and which subdirectory in that    val hash = Utils.nonNegativeHash(filename)    val dirId = hash % localDirs.length    val subDirId = (hash / localDirs.length) % subDirsPerLocalDir    // Create the subdirectory if it doesn't already exist    val subDir = subDirs(dirId).synchronized {      val old = subDirs(dirId)(subDirId)      if (old != null) {        old      } else {        val newDir = new File(localDirs(dirId), "%02x".format(subDirId))        if (!newDir.exists() && !newDir.mkdir()) {          throw new IOException(s"Failed to create local dir in $newDir.")        }        subDirs(dirId)(subDirId) = newDir        newDir      }    }    new File(subDir, filename)  }

3. 创建临时Block文件


  /** Produces a unique block id and File suitable for storing local intermediate results. */  def createTempLocalBlock(): (TempLocalBlockId, File) = {    var blockId = new TempLocalBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())    while (getFile(blockId).exists()) {      blockId = new TempLocalBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())    }    (blockId, getFile(blockId))  }  /** Produces a unique block id and File suitable for storing shuffled intermediate results. */  def createTempShuffleBlock(): (TempShuffleBlockId, File) = {    var blockId = new TempShuffleBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())    while (getFile(blockId).exists()) {      blockId = new TempShuffleBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())    }    (blockId, getFile(blockId))  }

参考 深入理解Spark核心思想与源码分析

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