Hololens 学习摘要及翻译记录 二 World coordinates

来源:互联网 发布:易语言盗号源码2016 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 00:31





Building blocks of Holographic apps : 

一、Coordinate systems : https://developer.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/holographic/coordinate_systems

A.Spatial coordinate Systems : 空间坐标系

1.All 3D graphics applications use Cartesian coordinate systems.

2.Spatial coordinate systems express their coordinate values in meters.

3.Spatial coordinate systems on Windows Holographic are always right-handed, which means that the positive X-axis points right, the positive Y-axis points up (aligned to gravity) and the positive Z-axis points backwards.

B.Stationary frame of reference : 固定参照系

1.Describing the position of a hologram in the real-world requires a reference point that remains stationary as the device moves through the environment. The system provides a simple affordance for this purpose which is called a "stationary frame of reference". The coordinate system provided by this frame of reference works to keep the positions of objects near the user as stable as possible, relative to the world.

2.In a game engine such as Unity, a stationary frame of reference is what defines the engine's "world origin". Objects that are placed at a specific world coordinate use the stationary frame of reference to define their position in the real-world using those same coordinates. An app will typically create one stationary frame of reference on startup and use its coordinate system throughout the app's lifetime.

3.Over time, as the system learns more about the user's environment it may determine that distances between various points in the real-world are shorter or longer than the system previously believed. Therefore, the system adjusts as the user walks around a larger area resulting in holograms that you've placed in a stationary coordinate system may be seen to drift off their original position.

C.Spatial anchors :空间锚点

1.To avoid drift and ensure that a hologram remains exactly at a specific spot in the world, even as the system discovers more about the world, you can place that hologram using a spatial anchor.


2.A spatial anchor represents an important point in the world that the system should keep track of over time. Each anchor has a coordinate system that adjusts as needed, relative to other spatial anchors or frames of reference, in order to ensure that anchored holograms stay precisely in place.


Why a single rigid coordinate system cannot be used for the whole scene : 


1.Today, when writing games, data visualization apps, or virtual reality apps, the typical approach is to establish one absolute world coordinate system that all other coordinates can reliably map back to. In that environment, you can always find a stable transform that defines a relationship between any two objects in that world. If you didn't move those objects their relative transform would always remain the same. This kind of global coordinate system works well when rendering a purely virtual world where you know all of the geometry in advance.


2.In contrast, as a mixed-reality device, HoloLens has a dynamic sensor-driven understanding of the world -- continuously adjusting its knowledge over time of the spatial anchors you create. As a result, your app must be prepared for the spatial anchors you create to change their relationships to each other over time.


3.For example, the device may currently believe two locations in the world to be 4 meters apart, and then later refine that understanding, learning that the locations are in fact 3.9 meters apart. If those holograms had initially been placed 4 meters apart in a single rigid coordinate system, one of them would then always appear 0.1 meters off from the real-world.


The solution : Spatial anchors : 解决办法:空间锚点

1.HoloLens solves this issue by letting you create spatial anchors to mark important points in the world where the user has placed holograms. As the device learns about the world, these spatial anchors can adjust their position relative to one another as needed to ensure that each anchor stays precisely where it was placed relative to the real-world. By placing a hologram in the coordinate systems of a nearby spatial anchor, you can ensure that this hologram maintains optimal stability.


2.This continuous adjustment of spatial anchors relative to one another is the key difference between coordinate systems from spatial anchors and stationary frames of reference:

持续的调整空间锚点 对 其他空间锚点 和 固定参照系 上有两个关键的不同点:

  • Holograms placed in the stationary frame of reference all retain a rigid relationship to one another. However, that frame's coordinate system may drift relative to the world over time to ensure that holograms next to the user appear stable.
  • 放置在固定参照系中的全息影像相对于其他对象都是保持不变的。然而,固定参照系本身的坐标系会随着对世界的认知而发生改变,这样才能保证下一个在使用者周围会出现的全息影像是稳定的。
  • Holograms placed using one spatial anchor may drift relative to holograms placed using another spatial anchor. This allows Windows to improve its understanding of the position of each spatial anchor, even if, for example, one anchor needs to adjust itself left and another anchor needs to adjust right.
  • 放置在空间锚点中的全息影像会相对于放置在其他空间锚点中的影像发生漂移。系统能够提高对各个锚点位置的认知,比如一个锚点需要左移而另一个锚点需要右移
3.In contrast to a stationary frame of reference, which always optimizes for stability near the user, spatial anchors ensure stability near their origins. This helps those holograms stay precisely in place over time, but it also means that holograms rendered too far away from their spatial anchor's origin will experience increasingly severe lever-arm effects. This is because small updates to the position and orientation of the spatial anchor are magnified proportional to the distance from that anchor. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that anything you render based on a spatial anchor's coordinate system is within about 3 meters of its origin.

Spatial anchor persistence : 持续空间锚
1.Spatial anchors can also allow your app to remember an important location even after your app suspends or the device is shut down.
2.You can save to disk the spatial anchors your app creates, and then load them back again later, by persisting them to your app's spatial anchor store. When saving or loading an anchor, you provide a string key that is meaningful to your app, in order to identify the anchor later. Think of this key as the filename for your anchor. If you want to associate other data with that anchor, such as a 3D model that the user placed at that location, save that to your app's local storage and associate it with the key you chose.
通过空间锚仓库将空间锚维持,将空间锚保存到磁盘,晚点再加载回来。在保存或加载一个空间锚时,你要提供一个有意义的string key给你的应用来识别空间锚。这个key你可以是锚点的文件名。如果你想协作其他数据,比如放置在空间中的3D模型,你也可以跟这个key连协储存的。
3.By persisting anchors to the store, your users can place individual holograms or place a workspace around which an app will place its various holograms, and then find those holograms later where they expect them, over many uses of your app.

Spatial anchor sharing
1.Your app can also share spatial anchors with other devices. By transferring a spatial anchor along with its supporting understanding of the environment and sensor data around it to a second HoloLens, both devices can then reason about the same location. By having each device render a hologram using that shared spatial anchor, both users will see the hologram appear at the same place in the real world.

Best practices :  最佳的实践
1.For guidelines on how best to use spatial anchors, and when to use a stationary frame of reference instead, check out the Spatial anchors best practices page.
怎样使用空间锚和什么时候用固定参考系代替,可以查看 Spatial anchors best practices 页面。

D.Attached frame of reference : 附加参照系
1.Some holograms are designed to follow the user, floating at a chosen heading and distance from the user at all times. These holograms can be placed in an "attached frame of reference", which moves with the user as they walk around. One key note is that an attached frame of reference has a fixed orientation, defined when it's first created. The reference frame does not rotate as the user turns their head or body. This lets the user comfortably look around at various holograms placed within that frame of reference, while still bringing those holograms along as the user walks around. Content rendered with this behavior relative to the user is called 'body-locked' content.
2.When the device can't figure out where it is in the world, an attached frame of reference provides the only coordinate system which can be used to render holograms. This makes it ideal for displaying fallback UI to tell the user that their device can't find them in the world. All apps should include such a fallback to help the user get things working again with UI similar to that shown in the holographic shell.

E.Head-locked content

F.Handling tracking errors : 错误追踪处理
1.In some environments, it is possible that the device is not able to locate itself correctly in world. This will lead to previously positioned holograms to either not show up or appear at incorrect places. We now discuss the conditions in which this can happen, its impact on user experience, and tips to recover from this situation.

Device cannot track due to insufficient sensor data : 设备无法追踪是由于缺少传感数据
1.Sometimes, the device's sensors are not able to figure out where the device is. This can happen if the room is dark, or if the sensors are covered by hair or hands, or if the surroundings do not have enough texture.


2。When this happens, the device will be unable to track its position with enough accuracy to render world-locked holograms. You won't be able to figure out where a spatial anchor or the stationary coordinate frame is relative to the device, but you can still render body-locked content in the attached frame of reference.


3.Your app should tell the user how to get positional tracking back, rendering some fallback body-locked content that describes some tips, such as uncovering the sensors and turning on more lights.


Device tracks incorrectly due to dynamic changes in the environment : 设备追踪不正确是由于环境中动态变化的东西

1.Sometimes, the device cannot track properly if there are lot of dynamic changes in the environment. For example, many people walking around in the room. In this case, the holograms may seem to jump or drift as the device tries to track itself in this dynamic environment. We recommend using the device in a less dynamic environment if you hit this scenario.


Device tracks incorrectly because the environment has changed significantly over time : 随着时间的推移,环境有了显著的变化,会导致设备追踪不正确。

Sometimes, when you start using a device in an environment which has undergone lot of changes (e.g. significant movement of furniture, wall hangings etc.), it is possible that some holograms may appear shifted from their original locations. The earlier holograms may also jump around as the user moves around in this new space. This is because the device's understanding of your space no longer holds and it tries to remap the environment while trying to reconcile the hologram positions. In this scenario, it is advised to remove the original holograms. If the newly placed holograms also seem to shift and jump, please ask the user to remove the current space on the device by going to Settings > System > Spaces. Please note that removing a space leads to loss of all the holograms.


Device track incorrectly due to identical spaces in an environment : 在环境中具有相同的空间,会导致设备追踪不正确。

Sometimes, a home/space may have two identical portions. For example, two identical rooms in a home, two identical corner areas, two large identical posters that cover the device's field of view. In such scenarios, the device may, at times, get confused between the identical parts and mark them as the same in its internal representation. This may cause the holograms from some areas to appear in other locations. The device may start to lose tracking often since its internal representation of the environment has been corrupted. In this case, it is advised to remove the current space by going to Settings > System > Spaces. Please note that removing a space leads to loss of all the holograms. This will cause the device to track well in the unique areas of the environment. However, the problem may re-occur if the device gets confused between the identical areas again.


See also

  • Spatial anchors
  • Shared holographic experiences
  • World anchor in Unity
  • Coordinate systems in DirectX
  • Shared spatial anchors in DirectX
  • Case study - Looking through holes in your reality

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