php mysql PDO封装

来源:互联网 发布:linux查看当前用户名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/03 16:55




<?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8");/** * autor:sujianbin * 2016-09-15 * 采用pdo对象方式连接 * MYSQL中只有INNODB和BDB类型的数据表才能支持事务处理!其他的类型是不支持的!(alter table tablename ENGINE = InnoDB) * 支持预处理技术,主要在连接和编译过程精简,还可以SQL防止注入,快速执行 */class pdoModel{    private $linkId = '';//数据库连接标识    private $PDOStatement = null;//PDOStatement对象      private static $charset = 'utf8';//设置字符集    private static $host = 'localhost';//主机名或ip地址    private static $DBPort = '3306';//端口号    private static $DBUser = 'root';//用户名    private static $DBPass = 'root';//密码    private static $DBName = 'wsttc';//数据库名称    private static $debug = 1;//是否开启调试模式(项目上线后请关闭)    private static $db_log = 0;//是否开启日志    private $querySql ='';//预处理sql语句    private $params = array();//预处理数组    private $autoCommit = TRUE;//是否开启自动提交,不适用于查询操作,默认自动提交,如若关闭操作时请先调用方法关闭    protected $transactionCount = 0;//事务标识数    private $db_press = 'su_';//数据库表前缀    /**     * 构造函数     */    public function __construct() {        if (!class_exists('PDO')){            throw new Exception('not found PDO');            return false;         }        try{            $this->linkId = new PDO('mysql:dbname='.self::$DBName.';host='.self::$host.';port='.self::$DBPort,self::$DBUser,self::$DBPass,array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES '".self::$charset."';"));            session_start();            date_default_timezone_set("PRC");            if(self::$debug){                error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);             }else{                error_reporting(NULL);                ini_set('display_errors','Off');            }        }catch (PDOException $e){            exit($e->getMessage());        }    }    /**     * __get()方法用来获取私有属性     */    public function __get($property_name){     if(isset($this->$property_name)){       return($this->$property_name);     }else{       return null;     }    }    /**     * __set()方法用来设置私有属性     */    public function __set($property_name,$value){     $this->$property_name = $value;    }    /**     * 释放查询结果     */    private function free() {        $this->PDOStatement = null;        $this->params = array();    }    /**     * 销毁变量     * @return 无     */    protected function destroy(){        $this->db_log($this->_sql());        $array = array('field'=>'','join'=>'','where'=>'','group'=>'','having'=>'','order'=>'','limit'=>'','pk'=>'');        foreach($array as $key=>$value){            unset($this->$key);        }    }    /**     * 获取毫秒技术     * @param  string $format     [description]     * @param  [type] $utimestamp [description]     * @return [type]             [description]     */    private function udate($format = 'u', $utimestamp = null) {        if (is_null($utimestamp))            $utimestamp = microtime(true);        $timestamp = floor($utimestamp);        $milliseconds = round(($utimestamp - $timestamp) * 1000000);        return date(preg_replace('`(?<!\\\\)u`', $milliseconds, $format), $timestamp);    }    /**     * 写入日志     * @param  string $sql 执行的sql语句     * @return 无     */    private function db_log($sql){        if($this->db_log){            $file = 'cache/log.txt';            if(!file_exists($file)){                mkdir ("cache");                $myfile = fopen($file, "w");            }            $filesize = filesize($file)/1024/1024;//1M            if($filesize > 1){                file_put_contents($file,"");//防止日志太大            }            if(preg_match('/INSERT|UPDATE|insert|update/',$sql)){                file_put_contents($file,$this->udate('Y-m-d H:i:s.u')."  ".$sql."\r\n\r\n",FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);            }        }    }    /**     * 过滤字符     * @param  string $item 需要过滤的字符     * @return string  返回过滤后的字符     */    private function saddslashes($item){        $item=trim($item);        if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $item = addslashes($item);        return $item;    }    /**      *开启事务      */    public function beginTransaction(){        if (!$this->transactionCounter++) {            return $this->linkId->beginTransaction();        }        $this->exec('SAVEPOINT trans'.$this->transactionCounter);        return $this->transactionCounter >= 0;    }    /**      *提交事务      */    public function commit(){        if (!--$this->transactionCounter) {            return $this->linkId->commit();        }        return $this->transactionCounter >= 0;    }    /**      *事务回滚      */    public function rollback(){        if (--$this->transactionCounter) {            $this->exec('ROLLBACK TO trans'.$this->transactionCounter + 1);            return true;        }        return $this->linkId->rollback();    }    /**     * 析构函数     * 释放结果集和销毁变量     */    public function __destruct(){        $this->destroy();        $this->free();    }    /**     * 函数执行错误处理     * @param  string $functionName 函数名称     * @param  array  $args         包含信息的数组     * @return 返回执行状态     */    public function __call($functionName,$args){      if(strstr($functionName,'getFieldBy')){       $search = str_replace('getFieldBy','',$functionName);       return $this->getFieldBy($args,$search);      }else if(!function_exists($functionName)){          $msg = "你所调用的函数: ".$functionName."不存在";          echo $msg;exit;        }    }    /**      *输出最后执行的sql语句      */    public function getsql(){        if(is_array($this->params) && strpos($this->querySql,'?')){            $sql = '';            $array = explode('?',$this->querySql);            foreach ($array as $key => $value) {                if(!empty($this->params[$key]) || $this->params[$key] == '0'){                    if(strpos($this->params[$key],"{$this->db_press}")==0 && strpos($this->params[$key],'.')){                        $sql .= $array[$key].$this->params[$key];                    }else{                        $sql .= $array[$key]."'".$this->params[$key]."'";                    }                }else{                    $sql .=$array[$key];                }            }            return $sql;        }        return $this->querySql;    }    /**     * getsql函数的别名     * @return string 返回sql语句     */    public function _sql(){        return $this->getsql();    }    /**     * 给表加上前缀     * @param  string $table 表名     * @return string 返回完整等我表名     */    protected function db_press($table){        return "`".$this->db_press.$table."`";    }    /**      *公共函数获取表信息      *@param string $table 表名      *@param array $array 对提交的所有数据进行过滤      */    private function common($table,$array=''){        $this->params = '';        $this->table = $this->db_press($table);        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->query("DESC {$this->table}");        if(self::$debug && !$this->PDOStatement){            echo "\nPDO::errorInfo():\n";            print_r($this->linkId->errorInfo());die;        }        $results = $this->PDOStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);        foreach($results as $k=>$v){            $result[] = $v['Field'];            if($v['Key'] == 'PRI'){                $zhujian = $v['Field'];            }        }        $arr = $left = $right = '';        //获取前台处理后的数组        if(empty($array)){            $data = count($_POST) != 0 ? $_POST:'';        }else{            $data = count($_POST) != 0 ? $array + $_POST : $array;        }        $sqlR = '';        if(is_array($data)){            foreach ($data as $key => $value) {                 //过滤字段处理                if(in_array($key,$result)){                  //为字段加上`符号和过滤字段                  $value = $this->saddslashes($value);                  $left =$left. '`'.$key.'`'.',';                  $right[] = $value;                  $arr=$arr."`".$key."`=?".',';                  $sqlR .= '?,';                }            }        }        $sqlR = substr($sqlR,0,-1);        $left = substr($left,0,-1);        $sql = substr($arr,0,-1);        $temp['left'] = $left;        $temp['right'] = $right;        $temp['sql'] = $sql;        $temp['zhujian'] = $zhujian;        $temp['sqlR'] = $sqlR;        return $temp;    }    /**      * 需要查询的字段      * @param  string $field 查询的字段      * @return $this 返回当前对象      */    public function field($field){        if(!empty($field)){            if(strpos($field,',') && !strpos($field,'.')){                $field = explode(',',$field);                foreach ($field as $key => $value) {                    $field[$key] = '`'.$value.'`';                 }                $this->field = implode(',',$field);            }else if(strpos($field,'.')){                $this->field = $field;            }else{                $this->field = '`'.$field.'`';            }        }else{            $this->field = '*';        }        return $this;    }    /**     * 连接方式,联合查询     * @return 返回当前对象     */    public function join($join){        if(!empty($join)){            $this->join = $join;        }        return $this;    }    /**      * 排序条件      * @param  string $having 字段      * @return $this 返回当前对象      */    public function having($having){        $this->having = $having?'HAVING '.$having :'';        return $this;    }    /**      * 排序条件      * @param  string $group groupby字段      * @return $this 返回当前对象      */    public function group($group){        $this->group = $group?'GROUP BY '.$group :'';        return $this;    }    /**      * 排序条件      * @param  string $order 排序条件      * @return $this 返回当前对象      */    public function order($order){        $this->order = $order?'ORDER BY '.$order :'';        return $this;    }    /**      * 查询数量      * @param  int $offset 开始位置      * @param  int $length 查询长度      * @return $this 返回当前对象       */    public function limit($offset,$length){        $this->limit = $length?('LIMIT '.$offset.','.$length) :'';        return $this;    }    /**      * 查询条件      * @param  array|string $condition 查询条件      * @return $this 返回当前对象       */    public function where($condition=''){        $this->params = '';        if(!empty($condition)){            if(is_array($condition)){                $conditions = $this->condition($condition);                $this->where = $conditions['right'];                $this->where = $this->where?'and '.$this->where:'';                $this->params = $conditions['params'];            }else{                $this->where = 'and '.$condition;            }        }        return $this;    }    /**     * 判断条件是否加`     * @param  string $value 条件字段     * @return string       返回条件字段     */    public function parseK($value){        if(strpos($value,'.')){            return $value;        }else{            return "`".$value."`";        }    }    /**     * 解析条件数组     * @param  array $condition 条件数组     * @return array 返回数组,包含右侧prepare语句和param数组     */    public function condition($condition){        $right = '';        $params = '';        if(is_array($condition)){            foreach($condition as $k=>$v){                if(is_array($v)){                    if(empty($v['description'])){                        $right.="and ".$this->parseK($k)." ".$v['terms']." ? ";                        $params[] = $v['value'];                    }else{                        if(is_array($v['value'])){                            $right.='and (';                            foreach($v['value'] as $k1=>$v1){                                $params[] = $v1;                                if(is_array($v['terms'])){                                    if(count($v['value']) != $k1+1){                                        $right.= " ".$this->parseK($k)." ".$v['terms'][$k1].' ? '.$v['description']." ";                                       }else{                                        $right.= " ".$this->parseK($k)." ".$v['terms'][$k1].' ?';                                      }                                 }else{                                    if(count($v['value']) != $k1+1){                                        $right.= " ".$this->parseK($k)." ".$v['terms'].' ? '.$v['description']." ";                                       }else{                                        $right.= " ".$this->parseK($k)." ".$v['terms'].' ?';                                      }                                 }                            }                            $right.=') ';                        }else{                            $right.= $v['description']." ".$this->parseK($k)." ".$v['terms']." ? ";                            $params[] = $v['value'];                        }                    }                }else{                    $right.="and ".$this->parseK($k).' =? ';                    $params[] = $v;                }            }            $right = preg_replace('/and /', '', $right, 1); //只替换一次(去掉第一次出现的字符and )             $condition['right'] = $right;            $condition['params'] = $params;         }else{            $condition = array('right'=>$condition,$params=>'');        }        return $condition;    }    /**      * 值类型      * @param string 预处理值      * @param int 返回值类型      */    protected function pdoParamType($value){      if(is_int($value))          $type = PDO::PARAM_INT;      elseif(is_bool($value))          $type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;      elseif(is_null($value))          $type = PDO::PARAM_NULL;      elseif(is_string($value))          $type = PDO::PARAM_STR;      else          $type = FALSE;      return $type;    }        /**      * 把一个值绑定到一个参数      * @param array $params 预处理值数组      */    protected function bindPdoParam($params){        if(is_array($params)){            foreach($params as $key=>$val){              $val  = array($key+1,$val,$this->pdoParamType($val));              call_user_func_array(array($this->PDOStatement,'bindValue'),$val);          }        }    }    /**      * 添加单条数据      * @param  string $table  表名      * @param  array  $data   需要改变的数组参数值      * @return 返回执行结果      */    public function add($table,$data=''){        $temp = $this->common($table,$data);        $left = $temp['left'];        $sqlR = $temp['sqlR'];        $this->querySql = "INSERT INTO {$this->table} ($left) VALUES ($sqlR)";        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->params = $temp['right'];        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);         $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($this->PDOStatement->rowCount()){                return $this->PDOStatement->rowCount();            }else{                return null;             }        }    }      /**      * 修改单条数据      * @param  string $table  表名      * @param  int    $id     主键id       * @param  array  $data   需要改变的数组参数值      * @return 返回执行结果      */    public function save($table,$id,$data=''){        $temp = $this->common($table,$data);        $sql = $temp['sql'];        $zhujian = $temp['zhujian'];        $this->querySql = "UPDATE {$this->table} SET $sql WHERE `{$zhujian}` = ?";        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->params = $temp['right'];        $this->params[] = (int)$id;        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $result = $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($result){                return $result;            }else{                return null;             }        }    }    /**      * 基于add、save方法后,添加和修改可统一使用update      * @param  string $table 表名      * @param  array $data 传值处理数组      * @return 返回执行结果      */    public function update($table,$data=''){        $temp = $this->common($table,$data);        $zhujian = $temp['zhujian'];        if(empty($_POST[$zhujian])){//add            return $this->add($table,$data);        }else{            $id = $_POST[$zhujian];            return $this->save($table,$id,$data);        }    }    /**      * 根据主键删除单表的数据      * @param  string  $table 表名      * @param  int     $id    主键id      * @return string  返回结果      */    public function del($table,$id){        $temp = $this->common($table);        $zhujian = $temp['zhujian'];        $this->querySql = "DELETE FROM {$this->table}  WHERE   `{$zhujian}` = ?";        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->params[] = (int)$id;        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($this->PDOStatement->rowCount()){                return $this->PDOStatement->rowCount();            }else{                return null;             }        }    }    /**     * 根据所传主键批量删除数据     * @param  string $table 表名     * @param  string|array  $ids   主键组成的字符串(必须以逗号隔开)或者数组     * @return int 返回删除总数        */    public function dels($table,$ids){        $temp = $this->common($table);        $zhujian = $temp['zhujian'];        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $right = '';        if(is_array($ids)){            $this->params = $ids;            foreach($ids as $k=>$v){                if($k == 0){                    $right.='?';                }else{                    $right.=',?';                }            }           }else{            $this->params = explode(',',$ids);            foreach($this->params as $k=>$v){                if($k == 0){                    $right.='?';                }else{                    $right.=',?';                }                }        }        $this->querySql = "DELETE FROM {$this->table}  WHERE `{$zhujian}` IN ($right)";        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($this->PDOStatement->rowCount()){                return $this->PDOStatement->rowCount();            }else{                return null;             }        }    }    /**     * 根据条件删除数据     * @param  string $table     表名     * @param  array  $condition 条件     * @return int 返回删除总数     */    public function delc($table,$condition){        $this->table = $this->db_press($table);        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $conditions = $this->condition($condition);        $right = $conditions['right'];        $this->params = $conditions['params'];        $this->querySql = "DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE $right";        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($this->PDOStatement->rowCount()){                return $this->PDOStatement->rowCount();            }else{                return null;             }        }    }    /**      * 获取表的表名或者单表时的主键和字段      * @param  string $table 表名集合      * @return 无返回,已将值设置为类变量      */    public function getTable($table){        if(!strpos($table,',')){//单表查找主键            $tables = $this->db_press($table);            $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->query("DESC {$tables}");            if(self::$debug && !$this->PDOStatement){                $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();                if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                    echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                    echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                    print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;                }            }            $result = $this->PDOStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);            $this->pk = $result['Field'];        }else{            $tables = explode(',',$table);            foreach ($tables as $key => $value) {                $tables[$key] = $this->db_press($value);             }            $tables = implode(',',$tables);        }        return $tables;    }    public function querySql($sql){        $this->querySql = $sql;        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);         $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        return $this->PDOStatement;    }    /**     * 根据主键查询单条记录     * @param  string $table 表名     * @param  int $id    主键     * @return array/string   成功返回当条记录失败返回null     */    public function find($table,$id){        $this->field = ($this->field)?($this->field) :'*';        if(!$this->where)            $this->params = '';        $this->querySql = "SELECT {$this->field} FROM {$this->getTable($table)} WHERE `{$this->pk}` = ? {$this->where} {$this->group} {$this->having} {$this->order} {$this->limit}";        //销毁变量        $this->destroy();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->params[] = (int)$id;        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        $results = $this->PDOStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($results){              return $results;          }else{              return null;           }        }    }    /**      * 查询符合条件的所有数据      * @param  string $table 表名      * @return array/string   成功返回满足条件的所有记录失败返回null      */    public function select($table){        $this->field = ($this->field)?($this->field) :'*';        if(!$this->where)            $this->params = '';        $this->querySql = "SELECT {$this->field} FROM {$this->getTable($table)} {$this->join} WHERE 1 {$this->where} {$this->group} {$this->having} {$this->order} {$this->limit}";        //销毁变量        $this->destroy();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql;                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());                die;            }        }        $results = $this->PDOStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);        if($results){            return $results;        }else{            return null;         }    }    /**      * 根据主键设置某个字段的值      * @param string $table  表名      * @param int $id     主键      * @param string $field_name  字段名      * @param string $field_value 字段值      * @return 返回设置的值      */    public function setField($table,$id,$field_name,$field_value){        $this->querySql = "UPDATE {$this->getTable($table)} SET `{$field_name}` = ? WHERE `{$this->pk}` = ?";        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $this->pk = '';        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->params = array($field_value,(int)$id);        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $results = $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($results){                return $field_value;            }else{                return null;            }        }    }    /**      * 根据查询字段返回需要的字段      * @param  查看_call()方法调用  $args         * @param  查看_call()方法调用  $search      * @param  string $field_c 条件字段      * @param  string $field_f 需要查找字段      * @return 返回需要查询的字段值      */    public function getFieldBy($args,$search){        $field_c = $search;        $table = $args[0];        $table = $this->db_press($table);        $where = "`{$field_c}` = ?";//        $field_f = $args[2];        $this->querySql = "SELECT `{$field_f}` FROM {$table} WHERE {$where}";        //释放前次的查询结果        if ( !empty($this->PDOStatement) ) $this->free();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->params[] = $args[1];        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        $results = $this->PDOStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);        if($results){            return $results[$field_f];        }else{            return null;         }     }    /**      * 将数据自动加上对应数据      * @param string $table 表名      * @param int $id 主键       * @param string $field 字段名      * @param int $num   增加数量      */    public function setInc($table,$id,$field,$num){        $this->getTable($table);        $method = getFieldBy.$this->pk;        $this->pk = '';        $fields = $this->$method($table,$id,$field);        $fields+=$num;        $results = $this->setField($table,$id,$field,$fields);        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($results){                return $results;            }else{                return null;            }        }    }    /**      * 将数据自动减去对应数据最低值为0      * @param string $table 表名      * @param int $id 主键       * @param string $field 字段名      * @param int $num   减去数量      */    public function setDec($table,$id,$field,$num){        $this->getTable($table);        $method = getFieldBy.$this->pk;         $this->pk = '';        $fields = $this->$method($table,$id,$field);        $fields -= $num;        if($fields < 0){            $fields = 0;        }        $results = $this->setField($table,$id,$field,$fields);        if($this->autoCommit != FALSE){            if($results){                return $results;            }else{                return null;            }        }      }    /**      * 查询满足条件的总数      * @param  string table表名      * @param  string field字段名      * @return 返回满足条件的数量      */    public function count($table,$field=''){        if(!strpos($table,',')){            $table = $this->db_press($table);        }else{            $table = explode(',',$table);            foreach ($table as $key => $value) {                $value = $this->db_press($value);                $table[$key] = $value;             }            $table = implode(',',$table);         }        $this->field = $field?"count($field) as counts":"count(*) as counts";        if(!$this->where)            $this->params = '';        $this->querySql = "SELECT {$this->field} FROM {$table} {$this->join} WHERE 1 {$this->where} {$this->group} {$this->having} {$this->order} {$this->limit}";        //销毁变量        $this->destroy();        $this->PDOStatement = $this->linkId->prepare($this->querySql);        $this->bindPdoParam($this->params);        $this->PDOStatement->execute();        if(self::$debug){            $errorInfo = $this->PDOStatement->errorInfo();            if($errorInfo[0] != 0){                echo '<br/>bindSql:'.$this->querySql.'<br/>';                echo "\nPDOStatement::errorInfo():\n";                print_r($this->PDOStatement->errorInfo());die;            }        }        $results = $this->PDOStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);        $counts = $results["counts"];        return $counts?$counts:0;    }    /**      * 查询分页方法      * @param  string  $table      表名      * @param  string  $page       当前页码      * @param  string  $num        默认显示页数10      * @param  string  $num_page   默认分页数8      * @param  string  $fields     需要查询的字段      * @param  string  $order      排序条件      * @param  string $first    第一页(根据需要传入)      * @param  string $pre      上一页(根据需要传入)      * @param  string $next     下一页(根据需要传入)      * @param  string $end      尾页(根据需要传入)      * @return array    成功返回数组$list['list']为查询数据$list['page_show']为分页样式                 */    public function search($table,$page = '',$num = '',$num_page = '',$first = '第一页',$pre= '上一页',$next = '下一页',$end = '尾页'){        //每页显示数量        $_pageNum = $num ? $num : 10;        $start = ceil(($page-1)*$_pageNum);        if(!$this->where)          $this->params = '';        //将值赋给变量否则会被销毁        $where1 = $this->where;        $order1 = $this->order;        $field1 = $this->field;        $join1 = $this->join;        $params = $this->params;        //获取查询的总数        $counts = $this->count($table);        //echo $this->_sql();        //$counts = count($results);        //将变量再赋值给类变量,完成查询        $this->where = $where1;        $this->order = $order1;        $this->field = $field1;        $this->join = $join1;        $this->limit = " LIMIT $start,$_pageNum";        $this->params = $params;        $list = $this->select($table);        $this->destroy();        if($counts != 0){            //赋值数据结果集            $list['list'] = $list;            //默认分页显示数8            $num_page = $num_page ? $num_page : 8;            //赋值分页结果集            $list['page_show'] = $this->page($page,$counts,$num,$num_page,$first,$pre,$next,$end);            //赋值查询的总数            $list['counts'] = $counts;            return $list;        }else{            return null;        }    }     /**     * 根据结果集数组进行分页       * @param  array $array    结果集数据       * @param  int $page     当前页码       * @param  string  $page       当前页码       * @param  string  $num        默认显示页数10       * @param  string  $num_page   默认分页数8       * @param  string $first    第一页(根据需要传入)       * @param  string $pre      上一页(根据需要传入)       * @param  string $next     下一页(根据需要传入)       * @param  string $end      尾页(根据需要传入)       * @return array    成功返回数组$list['list']为查询数据$list['page_show']为分页样式 $list['counts']为总数       */    public function getPage($array,$page,$num='',$num_page='',$first='第一页',$pre='上一页',$next='下一页',$ends='尾页'){        if(!empty($array)){            $counts = count($array);            $_pageNum = $num ? $num : 10;            $start = ceil(($page-1)*$_pageNum);            $end = $start + $_pageNum;            if($counts>0){                foreach ($array as $key=>$v){                    if($key>=$start && $key<$end){                        $list[] = $v;                    }                }            }            $lists['list'] = $list;            $num_page = $num_page ? $num_page : 8;            $lists['page_show'] = $this->page($page,$counts,$num,$num_page,$first,$pre,$next,$ends);            $lists['counts'] = $counts;            return $lists;        }else{            return null;        }    }    /**       * 分页方法       * @param  int $page     当前页码       * @param  int $counts   总数       * @param  integer $num 每页显示数(默认10条)       * @param  integer $num_page 默认分页数(默认8条)       * @param  string $first    第一页(根据需要传入)       * @param  string $pre      上一页(根据需要传入)       * @param  string $next     下一页(根据需要传入)       * @param  string $end      尾页(根据需要传入)     */    public function page($page,$counts,$num='',$num_page='',$first = '',$pre='',$next='',$end=''){        //获取当前url使得查询去除分页影响        $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];        $url1 = strpos($url,"&page");        if(!empty($url1)){          $url = substr($url,0,$url1);        }else{          $url = $url;        }        //分页显示样式处理        //第一页        $first = $first ? $first : '';        //上一页        $pre = $pre ? $pre : '«';        //下一页        $next = $next ? $next : '»';        //最后一页        $end = $end ? $end : '';        //分页结果处理        //默认显示数量为10        $_pageNum = $num ? $num : 10;        //默认分页显示数8        $num_page = $num_page ? $num_page : 8;          //总页数        $pages = ceil($counts/$_pageNum);        //当前页面小于1 则为1        $page = $page<1?1:$page;        //当前页大于总页数 则为总页数        $page = $page > $pages ? $pages : $page;        //页数小当前页 则为当前页        $pages = $pages < $page ? $page : $pages;        //计算开始页        //计算基数        $_start = 1 + floor(($page-1)/$num_page)*$num_page;        $_start = $_start<1 ? 1 : $_start;        //计算结束页        $_end = $_start + $num_page;        $_end = $_end>$pages? $pages : $_end;        //当前显示的页码个数不够最大页码数,在进行左右调整        $_curPageNum = $_end-$_start+1;        //左调整        if($_curPageNum<$_pageNum && $_start>1){              $_start = $_start - ($_pageNum-$_curPageNum);            $_start = $_start<1 ? 1 : $_start;            $_curPageNum = $_end-$_start+1;        }        //右边调整        if($_curPageNum<$_pageNum && $_end<$pages){             $_end = $_end + ($_pageNum-$_curPageNum);            $_end = $_end>$pages? $pages : $_end;        }        //初始化变量        $_pageHtml = '';        if(!empty($first)){            if($_start == 1){                $_pageHtml .= '<li><a  title="第一页" href="'.$url.'&page=1">'.$first.'</a></li>';            }else{                $_pageHtml .= '<li><a  title="第一页" href="'.$url.'&page=1">'.$first.'</a></li>';            }        }        if($page>1){            $_pageHtml .= '<li><a  title="上一页" href="'.$url.'&page='.($page-1).'">'.$pre.'</a></li>';        }        for ($i = $_start; $i <= $_end; $i++) {            if($i == $page){                //当前页                $_pageHtml .= '<li><a class="current">'.$i.'</a></li>';            }else{                //跳转指定页                $_pageHtml .= '<li><a href="'.$url.'&page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a></li>';            }        }        if(!empty($end)){          if($_end == $pages){              $_pageHtml .= '<li><a  title="最后一页" href="'.$url.'&page='.$pages.'">'.$end.'</a></li>';          }else{              $_pageHtml .= '<li><a  title="最后一页" href="'.$url.'&page='.$pages.'">'.$end.'</a></li>';          }        }        if($page<$_end){            $_pageHtml .= '<li><a  title="下一页" href="'.$url.'&page='.($page+1).'">'.$next.'</a></li>';        }        //返回分页数据        if($pages>1){            return $_pageHtml;        }else{            return null;        }    }}?>


echo "测试PDO";
require_once 'libs/pdoModel.class.php';
$mysqlObj = new pdoModel();
$data['cat_id'] = '';
$data['cat_name'] = 'pdo';
$data['spec'] = 1;
$data['cname'] = 'pdo'; 
$result = $mysqlObj->add("categorys",$data);
echo "添加成功".$result.'条数据';
echo $mysqlObj->getsql();
$data['cat_name'] = 'pdo1?get=2';
$data['spec'] = 1;
$result = $mysqlObj->save("category",104,$data);
echo "修改成功".$result.'条数据';
echo $mysqlObj->getsql();

echo '<br>根据主键删除<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->del('category',85);
echo "删除成功".$result.'条数据';
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>根据主键批量删除<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->dels('category','81,82,83,84');
echo "删除成功".$result.'条数据';
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>根据条件删除<br/>';
$conditiondelc['parent_id'] = 77; //建议数组传递,安全性高一点
$conditiondelc = 'parent_id = 77';//字符串形式,不熟悉该封装的人用的会比较熟练一点
$result = $mysqlObj->delc('category',$conditiondelc);
echo "删除成功".$result.'条数据';
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>根据主键查找单条记录<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->field('cat_id')->find('category','64');
echo "成功查询单条记录";
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>根据特定条件查询所有记录<br/>';
$conditionselect['parent_id'] = 0;
$conditionselect['cat_name'] = array('terms'=>array('like','='),'value'=>array('%政策%','%1%'),'description'=>'or');
$conditionselect['class_id'] = array('terms'=>'=','value'=>'0','description'=>'and');
//$conditionselect = "parent_id = 0 and (cat_name like '%政策%' or cat_name = '%1%') and class_id = 0"; //字符串形式,不熟悉该封装的人用的会比较熟练一点
$result = $mysqlObj->field('cat_id,cat_name')->where($conditionselect)->group('cat_id')->order('order_id asc,cat_id desc')->limit(0,1)->select('category');
echo "成功查询所有记录";
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>测试where等语句条件是否会影响,证明无影响<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->field('cat_id,cat_name')->select('category');
echo "成功查询所有记录";
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>根据主键设置某个字段的值<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->setField('category',68,'detail','办事指南1');
echo "成功根据主键设置某个字段的值";
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>根据查询字段返回需要的字段<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->getFieldBycat_id('category',68,'detail');
echo "成功返回需要的字段detail的值为:".$result;
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>将数据自动加上对应数据这里测试在原有基础上+2<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->setInc('category',64,'order_id',2);
echo "返回该字段现有的数值:".$result;
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>将数据自动减去对应数据这里测试在原有基础上-1<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->setDec('category',64,'order_id',1);
echo "返回该字段现有的数值:".$result;
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>查询获取的数量<br/>';//可使用where,order等除了field方法之外的连贯操作方法
$result = $mysqlObj->count('category','cat_id');
echo "返回查询获取的数量值:".$result;
echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

echo '<br>开启事务<br/>';
$result = $mysqlObj->beginTransaction();
}catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "返回查询获取的数量值:".$result;
//echo $mysqlObj->_sql();

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