
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网帽子女士鸭舌帽 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 21:31

----- 2017.3.06更新----
Equal Error Rate , 这个在说话人识别,说话人确认中最常用的评价标准,是一种使错误接受率(nontarget_is_target / (target_is_target + nontarget_is_target)) 和 错误拒绝率(target_is_nontarget / (target_is_nontarget + nontarget_is_nontarget))的一个相对平衡点阈值点,然后这个阈值点可以作为实际使用阶段的固定的阈值。
还记得trials文件嘛,还记得没有cvs文件自己伪造trials文件嘛, 还记得不明白为什么要制造50%或者80%的nontarget嘛,就是为了要计算EER。所以在伪造trials文件的时候,最好是分布均匀,也就是要涉及到每一个人,每一个人都要有一定数量的nontarget,其实也可以每个人对其他所有人都做一个nontarget,到底是取一部分还是所有的这个我也不确定,等验证过后再更新(记得验证)。

false reject and false accept. Clearly, the false reject rate and the false accept rate depend on the threshold. When the two rates are equal, the common value is called equal error rate (EER).

什么是false reject(用fr表示), 就是本来应该accept 的结果 reject了:
FR = target_is_nontarget / (target_is_nontarget + nontarget_is_nontarget)
而false accept(用fa表示),就是本来应该reject的结果accept了:
FA = nontarget_is_target / (target_is_target + nontarget_is_target)
当E(fr) = E(fa) = E 时, E即 EER的值。
--> 然后看一下kaldi源码:
eer=compute-eer <(python local/ $trials local/scores_gmm_${num_components}_${x}_${y}/plda_scores) 2> /dev/null
python local/ data/test/trials exp/scores_gmm_2048_ind_female/plda_scores

-30.99115 target-28.06169 target-17.78868 target-87.6428 nontarget-74.32495 nontarget-74.18333 nontarget-5.662024 target-7.832421 target-26.46083 target-74.93365 nontarget-86.17784 nontarget-50.90917 nontarget-26.51904 target-14.09044 target...
#Ki就是上面的lines流, 把没用的代码全都删掉,可以去看kaldi的源码 while (std::getline(ki.Stream(), line)) {      std::vector<std::string> split_line;      SplitStringToVector(line, " \t", true, &split_line);      BaseFloat score;      if (split_line[1] == "target")        target_scores.push_back(score);      else if (split_line[1] == "nontarget")        nontarget_scores.push_back(score);      else         KALDI_ERR << "blablabla"    }    BaseFloat threshold;    #定义一个threshold,两个list: target_scores, nontarget_scores    BaseFloat eer = ComputeEer(&target_scores, &nontarget_scores, &threshold);    KALDI_LOG << "Equal error rate is " << (100.0 * eer)              << "%, at threshold " << threshold;    std::cout.precision(4);    std::cout << (100.0 * eer);    return 0;

下面看ComputeEer(&target_scores, &nontarget_scores, &threshold)的实现

 {  #将两个都从大到小排列  std::sort(target_scores->begin(), target_scores->end());  std::sort(nontarget_scores->begin(), nontarget_scores->end());  size_t target_position = 0,      target_size = target_scores->size();  for (; target_position + 1 < target_size; target_position++) {        size_t nontarget_size = nontarget_scores->size(), #计算nontarget的个数        #比如nontarget_size=100 ,target_size=100 这个 nontarget_n 属于[0,100],         #所以nontarget_positon 从99到-1        nontarget_n = nontarget_size * target_position * 1.0 / target_size;         nontarget_position = nontarget_size - 1 - nontarget_n;    if (nontarget_position  < 0)      nontarget_position = 0;    #所以当nontarget_position 小于 target_position 的值的时候    if ((*nontarget_scores)[nontarget_position] <        (*target_scores)[target_position])      break;  }  *threshold = (*target_scores)[target_position];  BaseFloat eer = target_position * 1.0 / target_size;  return eer;}


ComputeEer computes the Equal Error Rate (EER) for the given scores   and returns it as a proportion beween 0 and 1.   If we set the threshold at x, then the target error-rate is the   proportion of target_scores below x; and the non-target error-rate   is the proportion of non-target scores above x.  We seek a   threshold x for which these error rates are the same; this   error rate is the EER.   We compute this by iterating over the positions in target_scores: 0, 1, 2,   and so on, and for each position consider whether the cutoff could be here.   For each of these position we compute the corresponding position in   nontarget_scores where the cutoff would be if the EER were the same.   For instance, if the vectors had the same length, this would be position   length() - 1, length() - 2, and so on.  As soon as the value at that   position in nontarget_scores at that position is less than the value from   target_scores, we have our EER.


#coding: utf-8'''首先计算这一步,将target的得分和nontarget的得分文件python local/ data/test/trials exp/scores_gmm_2048_ind_female/plda_scores > scores'''target_scores = []nontarget_scores = []f = open('scores').readlines()#将两个数组读出来for line in f:    splits = line.strip().split(' ')    if splits[1] == 'target':        target_scores.append(eval(splits[0]))    else:        nontarget_scores.append(eval(splits[0]))#排序,从小到大排序target_scores = sorted(target_scores)nontarget_scores = sorted(nontarget_scores)print target_scorestarget_size = len(target_scores)target_position = 0for target_position in range(target_size):    nontarget_size = len(nontarget_scores)    nontarget_n = nontarget_size * target_position * 1.0 / target_size    nontarget_position = int(nontarget_size - 1 - nontarget_n)    if nontarget_position < 0:        nontarget_position = 0    if nontarget_scores[nontarget_position] < target_scores[target_position]:        print "nontarget_scores[nontarget_position] is",  nontarget_position, nontarget_scores[nontarget_position]        print "target_scores[target_position] is",  target_position, target_scores[target_position]        breakthreshold = target_scores[target_position]print "threshold is --> ",  thresholdeer = target_position * 1.0 / target_sizeprint "eer is --> ",  eer

今天突然又想到一个问题,如果不用plda来计算score, 不管是余弦距离也好或者是其他的也好只要有分数,都可以用这个脚本”compute-eer score-file(target/nontarget score)”来计算EER.


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