delphi 子查询语句不能用

来源:互联网 发布:海淀法院 时代网络大厦 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:55
//子查询语句不能用,需改为视图    SQLQuery1.SQL.Add('select,b.meter_num,b.gas_cust_code,c.Unit_Price from gas_cust a inner join meter_info b on '+' and CHAR_LENGTH(a.code)=5  and a.cust_status=''正常''  '+' and b.gas_cust_code not in   '+'(  '+'select cust_id as gas_cust_code from busi_read_meter_log where fee_month='''+yf+''' '+')'+' inner join gas_price c on  ');
(select cust_id as gas_cust_code from busi_read_meter_log where ..)
改为固定值后没问题,直接用sql语句查有问题,不知具体原因,错误提示(Column 'dep_id' in IN/ALL/ANY subquery is ambiguous

{SQLQuery1.SQL.Add('select * from v_gas0tocreate ');SQLQuery1.SQL.Add(' where gas_cust_code not in (select cust_id as gas_cust_code from busi_read_meter_log where fee_month='''+yf+''')'); }


adoq1.first;while not adoq1.Eof dobegin  if 布尔变量=true then  begin    adoq1.Next;//一定要加这一句,否则会死循环    Continue;  end;  adoq1.Next; //这个是不是也要加呢 不然如果不是第一个不是true 也会死循环把end;

第二种情况:delphi连接mysql,使用limit 0,30会报 list index out of bounds (-1),如下

SQLQuery1.Close;  SQLQuery1.SQL.Clear;  SQLQuery1.SQL.Add('select *,''居民'' type,'''+cbbmonth.Text+''' fee_month,'''' No from (  '+'select xqname,sum(ql) ql from pbql where fee_month='''+cbbmonth.Text+''' and type=''居民普表'' group by xqname'+') a order by convert(xqname USING gbk) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci limit 0,30');  SQLQuery1.Active:=True;

改成limit 30后就正常,如下

SQLQuery1.Close;  SQLQuery1.SQL.Clear;  SQLQuery1.SQL.Add('select *,''居民'' type,'''+cbbmonth.Text+''' fee_month,'''' No from (  '+'select xqname,sum(ql) ql from pbql where fee_month='''+cbbmonth.Text+''' and type=''居民普表'' group by xqname'+') a order by convert(xqname USING gbk) COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci limit 30');  SQLQuery1.Active:=True;

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