
来源:互联网 发布:linux查看cpu核数命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 09:36







/** * Created by wyouflf on 15/10/9. * ImageDecoder for ImageLoader */public final class ImageDecoder {    private final static int BITMAP_DECODE_MAX_WORKER;//处理器最大的数量    private final static AtomicInteger bitmapDecodeWorker = new AtomicInteger(0);//锁    private final static Object bitmapDecodeLock = new Object();    private final static Object gifDecodeLock = new Object();//gif锁    private final static byte[] GIF_HEADER = new byte[]{'G', 'I', 'F'};//git文件的头文件标识符    private final static byte[] WEBP_HEADER = new byte[]{'W', 'E', 'B', 'P'};//webp文件头文件标识符    private final static Executor THUMB_CACHE_EXECUTOR = new PriorityExecutor(1, true);//缩略图处理器    private final static LruDiskCache THUMB_CACHE = LruDiskCache.getDiskCache("xUtils_img_thumb");//缩略图硬件缓存    static {        int cpuCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();        BITMAP_DECODE_MAX_WORKER = cpuCount > 4 ? 2 : 1;    }    private ImageDecoder() {    }    /*package*/    static void clearCacheFiles() {        THUMB_CACHE.clearCacheFiles();    }    /**     * decode image file for ImageLoader     *     * @param file     * @param options     * @param cancelable     * @return     * @throws IOException     */    /*package*/    static Drawable decodeFileWithLock(final File file,                                       final ImageOptions options,                                       final Callback.Cancelable cancelable) throws IOException {        if (file == null || !file.exists() || file.length() < 1) return null;        if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {            throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");        }        Drawable result = null;        if (!options.isIgnoreGif() && isGif(file)) {            Movie movie = null;            synchronized (gifDecodeLock) { // decode with lock                movie = decodeGif(file, options, cancelable);            }            if (movie != null) {                result = new GifDrawable(movie, (int) file.length());            }        } else {            Bitmap bitmap = null;            { // decode with lock                try {                    while (bitmapDecodeWorker.get() >= BITMAP_DECODE_MAX_WORKER                            && (cancelable == null || !cancelable.isCancelled())) {//获取处理器资源                        synchronized (bitmapDecodeLock) {                            try {                                bitmapDecodeLock.wait();                            } catch (InterruptedException iex) {                                throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");                            } catch (Throwable ignored) {                            }                        }                    }                    if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {                        throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");                    }                    bitmapDecodeWorker.incrementAndGet();                    // get from thumb cache                    if (options.isCompress()) {//尝试从缓存中获取                        bitmap = getThumbCache(file, options);                    }                    if (bitmap == null) {                        bitmap = decodeBitmap(file, options, cancelable);//具体的解析图片工作                        // save to thumb cache                        if (bitmap != null && options.isCompress()) {//存储到缓存                            final Bitmap finalBitmap = bitmap;                            THUMB_CACHE_EXECUTOR.execute(new Runnable() {                                @Override                                public void run() {                                    saveThumbCache(file, options, finalBitmap);                                }                            });                        }                    }                } finally {                    bitmapDecodeWorker.decrementAndGet();                    synchronized (bitmapDecodeLock) {                        bitmapDecodeLock.notifyAll();                    }                }            }            if (bitmap != null) {                result = new ReusableBitmapDrawable(x.app().getResources(), bitmap);            }        }        return result;    }    public static boolean isGif(File file) {//判断是否为gif        FileInputStream in = null;        try {            in = new FileInputStream(file);            byte[] header = IOUtil.readBytes(in, 0, 3);            return Arrays.equals(GIF_HEADER, header);        } catch (Throwable ex) {            LogUtil.e(ex.getMessage(), ex);        } finally {            IOUtil.closeQuietly(in);        }        return false;    }    public static boolean isWebP(File file) {//判断是否为webp        FileInputStream in = null;        try {            in = new FileInputStream(file);            byte[] header = IOUtil.readBytes(in, 8, 4);            return Arrays.equals(WEBP_HEADER, header);        } catch (Throwable ex) {            LogUtil.e(ex.getMessage(), ex);        } finally {            IOUtil.closeQuietly(in);        }        return false;    }    /**     * 转化文件为Bitmap, 更好的支持WEBP.     *     * @param file     * @param options     * @param cancelable     * @return     * @throws IOException     */    public static Bitmap decodeBitmap(File file, ImageOptions options, Callback.Cancelable cancelable) throws IOException {//最核心的解析图片操作        {// check params            if (file == null || !file.exists() || file.length() < 1) return null;            if (options == null) {                options = ImageOptions.DEFAULT;            }            if (options.getMaxWidth() <= 0 || options.getMaxHeight() <= 0) {                options.optimizeMaxSize(null);            }        }        Bitmap result = null;        try {            if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {                throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");            }            // prepare bitmap options            final BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOps = new BitmapFactory.Options();            bitmapOps.inJustDecodeBounds = true;            bitmapOps.inPurgeable = true;            bitmapOps.inInputShareable = true;            BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), bitmapOps);//第一遍解析获取图片大小            bitmapOps.inJustDecodeBounds = false;            bitmapOps.inPreferredConfig = options.getConfig();            int rotateAngle = 0;            int rawWidth = bitmapOps.outWidth;            int rawHeight = bitmapOps.outHeight;            int optionWith = options.getWidth();            int optionHeight = options.getHeight();            if (options.isAutoRotate()) {                rotateAngle = getRotateAngle(file.getAbsolutePath());                if ((rotateAngle / 90) % 2 == 1) {                    rawWidth = bitmapOps.outHeight;                    rawHeight = bitmapOps.outWidth;                }            }            if (!options.isCrop() && optionWith > 0 && optionHeight > 0) {                if ((rotateAngle / 90) % 2 == 1) {                    bitmapOps.outWidth = optionHeight;                    bitmapOps.outHeight = optionWith;                } else {                    bitmapOps.outWidth = optionWith;                    bitmapOps.outHeight = optionHeight;                }            }            bitmapOps.inSampleSize = calculateSampleSize(                    rawWidth, rawHeight,                    options.getMaxWidth(), options.getMaxHeight());            if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {                throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");            }            // decode file            Bitmap bitmap = null;            if (isWebP(file)) {                bitmap = WebPFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), bitmapOps);//解析具体内容            }            if (bitmap == null) {                bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), bitmapOps);//第二遍解析具体内容            }            if (bitmap == null) {                throw new IOException("decode image error");            }            { // 旋转和缩放处理                if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {                    throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");                }                if (rotateAngle != 0) {                    bitmap = rotate(bitmap, rotateAngle, true);                }                if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {                    throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");                }                if (options.isCrop() && optionWith > 0 && optionHeight > 0) {                    bitmap = cut2ScaleSize(bitmap, optionWith, optionHeight, true);                }            }            if (bitmap == null) {                throw new IOException("decode image error");            }            { // 圆角和方块处理                if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {                    throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");                }                if (options.isCircular()) {                    bitmap = cut2Circular(bitmap, true);                } else if (options.getRadius() > 0) {                    bitmap = cut2RoundCorner(bitmap, options.getRadius(), options.isSquare(), true);                } else if (options.isSquare()) {                    bitmap = cut2Square(bitmap, true);                }            }            if (bitmap == null) {                throw new IOException("decode image error");            }            result = bitmap;        } catch (IOException ex) {            throw ex;        } catch (Throwable ex) {            LogUtil.e(ex.getMessage(), ex);            result = null;        }        return result;    }    /**     * 转换文件为Movie, 可用于创建GifDrawable.     *     * @param file     * @param options     * @param cancelable     * @return     * @throws IOException     */    public static Movie decodeGif(File file, ImageOptions options, Callback.Cancelable cancelable) throws IOException {        {// check params            if (file == null || !file.exists() || file.length() < 1) return null;            /*if (options == null) {                options = ImageOptions.DEFAULT; // not use            }            if (options.getMaxWidth() <= 0 || options.getMaxHeight() <= 0) {                options.optimizeMaxSize(null);            }*/        }        InputStream in = null;        try {            if (cancelable != null && cancelable.isCancelled()) {                throw new Callback.CancelledException("cancelled during decode image");            }            int buffSize = 1024 * 16;            in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file), buffSize);            in.mark(buffSize);            Movie movie = Movie.decodeStream(in);            if (movie == null) {                throw new IOException("decode image error");            }            return movie;        } catch (IOException ex) {            throw ex;        } catch (Throwable ex) {            LogUtil.e(ex.getMessage(), ex);            return null;        } finally {            IOUtil.closeQuietly(in);        }    }    /**     * 计算压缩采样倍数     *     * @param rawWidth     * @param rawHeight     * @param maxWidth     * @param maxHeight     * @return     */    public static int calculateSampleSize(final int rawWidth, final int rawHeight,                                          final int maxWidth, final int maxHeight) {        int sampleSize = 1;        if (rawWidth > maxWidth || rawHeight > maxHeight) {            if (rawWidth > rawHeight) {                sampleSize = Math.round((float) rawHeight / (float) maxHeight);            } else {                sampleSize = Math.round((float) rawWidth / (float) maxWidth);            }            if (sampleSize < 1) {                sampleSize = 1;            }            final float totalPixels = rawWidth * rawHeight;            final float maxTotalPixels = maxWidth * maxHeight * 2;            while (totalPixels / (sampleSize * sampleSize) > maxTotalPixels) {                sampleSize++;            }        }        return sampleSize;    }    /**     * 裁剪方形图片     *     * @param source     * @param recycleSource 裁剪成功后销毁原图     * @return     */    public static Bitmap cut2Square(Bitmap source, boolean recycleSource) {        int width = source.getWidth();        int height = source.getHeight();        if (width == height) {            return source;        }        int squareWith = Math.min(width, height);        Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, (width - squareWith) / 2,                (height - squareWith) / 2, squareWith, squareWith);        if (result != null) {            if (recycleSource && result != source) {                source.recycle();                source = null;            }        } else {            result = source;        }        return result;    }    /**     * 裁剪圆形图片     *     * @param source     * @param recycleSource 裁剪成功后销毁原图     * @return     */    public static Bitmap cut2Circular(Bitmap source, boolean recycleSource) {        int width = source.getWidth();        int height = source.getHeight();        int diameter = Math.min(width, height);        Paint paint = new Paint();        paint.setAntiAlias(true);        Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(diameter, diameter, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);        if (result != null) {            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result);            canvas.drawCircle(diameter / 2, diameter / 2, diameter / 2, paint);            paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));            canvas.drawBitmap(source, (diameter - width) / 2, (diameter - height) / 2, paint);            if (recycleSource) {                source.recycle();                source = null;            }        } else {            result = source;        }        return result;    }    /**     * 裁剪圆角     *     * @param source     * @param radius     * @param isSquare     * @param recycleSource 裁剪成功后销毁原图     * @return     */    public static Bitmap cut2RoundCorner(Bitmap source, int radius, boolean isSquare, boolean recycleSource) {        if (radius <= 0) return source;        int sourceWidth = source.getWidth();        int sourceHeight = source.getHeight();        int targetWidth = sourceWidth;        int targetHeight = sourceHeight;        if (isSquare) {            targetWidth = targetHeight = Math.min(sourceWidth, sourceHeight);        }        Paint paint = new Paint();        paint.setAntiAlias(true);        Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(targetWidth, targetHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);        if (result != null) {            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result);            RectF rect = new RectF(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight);            canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint);            paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));            canvas.drawBitmap(source,                    (targetWidth - sourceWidth) / 2, (targetHeight - sourceHeight) / 2, paint);            if (recycleSource) {                source.recycle();                source = null;            }        } else {            result = source;        }        return result;    }    /**     * 裁剪并缩放至指定大小     *     * @param source     * @param dstWidth     * @param dstHeight     * @param recycleSource 裁剪成功后销毁原图     * @return     */    public static Bitmap cut2ScaleSize(Bitmap source, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, boolean recycleSource) {        final int width = source.getWidth();        final int height = source.getHeight();        if (width == dstWidth && height == dstHeight) {            return source;        }        // scale        Matrix m = new Matrix();        int l = 0, t = 0, r = width, b = height;        {            float sx = dstWidth / (float) width;            float sy = dstHeight / (float) height;            if (sx > sy) {                sy = sx;                l = 0;                r = width;                t = (int) ((height - dstHeight / sx) / 2);                b = (int) ((height + dstHeight / sx) / 2);            } else {                sx = sy;                l = (int) ((width - dstWidth / sx) / 2);                r = (int) ((width + dstWidth / sx) / 2);                t = 0;                b = height;            }            m.setScale(sx, sy);        }        Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, l, t, r - l, b - t, m, true);        if (result != null) {            if (recycleSource && result != source) {                source.recycle();                source = null;            }        } else {            result = source;        }        return result;    }    /**     * 旋转图片     *     * @param source     * @param angle     * @param recycleSource     * @return     */    public static Bitmap rotate(Bitmap source, int angle, boolean recycleSource) {        Bitmap result = null;        if (angle != 0) {            Matrix m = new Matrix();            m.setRotate(angle);            try {                result = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), m, true);            } catch (Throwable ex) {                LogUtil.e(ex.getMessage(), ex);            }        }        if (result != null) {            if (recycleSource && result != source) {                source.recycle();                source = null;            }        } else {            result = source;        }        return result;    }    /**     * 获取图片旋转角度     *     * @param filePath     * @return     */    public static int getRotateAngle(String filePath) {        int angle = 0;        try {            ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(filePath);            int orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(                    ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION,                    ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED);            switch (orientation) {                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:                    angle = 90;                    break;                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:                    angle = 180;                    break;                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:                    angle = 270;                    break;                default:                    angle = 0;                    break;            }        } catch (Throwable ex) {            LogUtil.e(ex.getMessage(), ex);        }        return angle;    }    /**     * 压缩bitmap, 更好的支持webp.     *     * @param bitmap     * @param format     * @param quality     * @param out     * @throws IOException     */    public static void compress(Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat format, int quality, OutputStream out) throws IOException {        if (format == Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP) {            byte[] data = WebPFactory.encodeBitmap(bitmap, quality);            out.write(data);        } else {            bitmap.compress(format, quality, out);        }    }    /**     * 根据文件的修改时间和图片的属性保存缩略图     *     * @param file     * @param options     * @param thumbBitmap     */    private static void saveThumbCache(File file, ImageOptions options, Bitmap thumbBitmap) {        if (!WebPFactory.available()) return;        DiskCacheEntity entity = new DiskCacheEntity();        entity.setKey(                file.getAbsolutePath() + "@" + file.lastModified() + options.toString());        DiskCacheFile cacheFile = null;        OutputStream out = null;        try {            cacheFile = THUMB_CACHE.createDiskCacheFile(entity);            if (cacheFile != null) {                out = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile);                byte[] encoded = WebPFactory.encodeBitmap(thumbBitmap, 80);                out.write(encoded);                out.flush();                cacheFile = cacheFile.commit();            }        } catch (Throwable ex) {            IOUtil.deleteFileOrDir(cacheFile);            LogUtil.w(ex.getMessage(), ex);        } finally {            IOUtil.closeQuietly(cacheFile);            IOUtil.closeQuietly(out);        }    }    /**     * 根据文件的修改时间和图片的属性获取缩略图     *     * @param file     * @param options     * @return     */    private static Bitmap getThumbCache(File file, ImageOptions options) {        if (!WebPFactory.available()) return null;        DiskCacheFile cacheFile = null;        try {            cacheFile = THUMB_CACHE.getDiskCacheFile(                    file.getAbsolutePath() + "@" + file.lastModified() + options.toString());            if (cacheFile != null && cacheFile.exists()) {                BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOps = new BitmapFactory.Options();                bitmapOps.inJustDecodeBounds = false;                bitmapOps.inPurgeable = true;                bitmapOps.inInputShareable = true;                bitmapOps.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;                return WebPFactory.decodeFile(cacheFile.getAbsolutePath(), bitmapOps);            }        } catch (Throwable ex) {            LogUtil.w(ex.getMessage(), ex);        } finally {            IOUtil.closeQuietly(cacheFile);        }        return null;    }}

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