
来源:互联网 发布:java 线程模型 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 23:43

  • initrc的构成
  • initrc的读取
  • initrc中service和action下命令的执行
  • 结构体关系图



/* ---system/core/init/init.c--- */int main(int argc, char **argv){    //将init.rc中的东西都解析出来    init_parse_config_file("/init.rc");}




import /init.usb.rc


init.rc文件中占半壁江山的东东,都是些native的service,因为这时候还未到android启动的时候,首先能启动的是一些核心的native service。但是单纯的service自己并不会启动,这里的service只是描述了service的构成。

#service后面跟着service名字  native应用程序bin文件 有些service还有一些启动参数service servicemanager /system/bin/servicemanager    class core    user system    group system    critical    onrestart restart healthd    onrestart restart zygote    onrestart restart media    onrestart restart surfaceflinger    onrestart restart drm


struct service {        /* list of all services */    struct listnode slist;    //service名字    const char *name;    //service属于哪个类,例如class core,属于core这个class,后续init后去启动所有class为core的service    const char *classname;    unsigned flags;    pid_t pid;    //service启动的时间,崩的时间,次数,有些service是critial,如果崩的次数多余4次android就会    //重启进入recovery    time_t time_started;    /* time of last start */    time_t time_crashed;    /* first crash within inspection window */    int nr_crashed;         /* number of times crashed within window */    uid_t uid;    gid_t gid;    gid_t supp_gids[NR_SVC_SUPP_GIDS];    size_t nr_supp_gids;    char *seclabel;    //service下面的socket    struct socketinfo *sockets;    struct svcenvinfo *envvars;    //如果service崩了,下次重启的时候,还要干啥?启动其他的相关service什么的    struct action onrestart;  /* Actions to execute on restart. */    /* keycodes for triggering this service via /dev/keychord */    int *keycodes;    int nkeycodes;    int keychord_id;    int ioprio_class;    int ioprio_pri;    //service启动的时候,有可能有启动参数    int nargs;    /* "MUST BE AT THE END OF THE STRUCT" */    char *args[1];}; /*     ^-------'args' MUST be at the end of this struct! */



on early-init    # Set init and its forked children's oom_adj.    write /proc/1/oom_score_adj -1000    # Apply strict SELinux checking of PROT_EXEC on mmap/mprotect calls.    write /sys/fs/selinux/checkreqprot 0    # Set the security context for the init process.    # This should occur before anything else (e.g. ueventd) is started.    setcon u:r:init:s0    # Set the security context of /adb_keys if present.    restorecon /adb_keys    #启动ueventd这个service    start ueventd# Configuration for namespaces support    mkdir /var 0770 root system    mount tmpfs none /var mode=0770,uid=0,gid=1000    mkdir /var/run 0750 root system    mkdir /var/run/netns 0700 root root    # create mountpoints    mkdir /mnt 0775 root system


struct action {        /* node in list of all actions */    struct listnode alist;        /* node in the queue of pending actions */    struct listnode qlist;        /* node in list of actions for a trigger */    struct listnode tlist;    unsigned hash;    //action的名字    const char *name;    //action下面有很多的命令,其实都是类似linux的命令,必须去执行,mkdir start什么的    struct listnode commands;    struct command *current;};


struct command{        /* list of commands in an action */    struct listnode clist;     //命令函数    int (*func)(int nargs, char **args);    // 函数参数    int nargs;    char *args[1];};

继续看early-init这个action,init将mkdir这些command都保存在action的commands双向链表中,而这些命令中有类似start ueventd这样的启动上面service的命令。



on property:vold.decrypt=trigger_restart_framework    class_start main    class_start late_start




/* ---system/core/init/init.c--- */int main(int argc, char **argv){    //将init.rc中的东西都解析出来    init_parse_config_file("/init.rc");}




action_for_each_trigger("early-init", action_add_queue_tail);
//取出action_list中的early-init这个on,执行func,也就是action_add_queue_tailvoid action_for_each_trigger(const char *trigger,                             void (*func)(struct action *act)){    struct listnode *node;    struct action *act;    list_for_each(node, &action_list) {        act = node_to_item(node, struct action, alist);        if (!strcmp(act->name, trigger)) {            func(act);        }    }}
//将该action添加到全局的queue listvoid action_add_queue_tail(struct action *act){    if (list_empty(&act->qlist)) {        list_add_tail(&action_queue, &act->qlist);    }}

前面讲过,还有一种on property这种属性触发的action,因为某个属性的值设置的时间可能不确定,例如有些是系统启动后才去设置属性,这类action是如何添加到action_queue中的?

  //init执行时首先会去初始化property service   queue_builtin_action(property_service_init_action, "property_service_init");
static int property_service_init_action(int nargs, char **args){    /* read any property files on system or data and     * fire up the property service.  This must happen     * after the properties are set above so     * that /data/local.prop cannot interfere with them.     */    start_property_service();    return 0;}

init中其实就是创建了property相关的一个unix域套接字,我们能够想象在通过adb 调用命令setprop时,setprop的函数实现肯定会和这个域套接字打交道,关于这个后续分析。

void start_property_service(void){    int fd;    load_properties_from_file(PROP_PATH_SYSTEM_BUILD);    load_properties_from_file(PROP_PATH_SYSTEM_DEFAULT);    load_override_properties();    /* Read persistent properties after all default values have been loaded. */    load_persistent_properties();    //PROP_SERVICE_NAME为 "property_service"    fd = create_socket(PROP_SERVICE_NAME, SOCK_STREAM, 0666, 0, 0);    if(fd < 0) return;    fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);    fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);    listen(fd, 8);    property_set_fd = fd;}

在init的for循环中会对上面的property fd进行poll,

nr = poll(ufds, fd_count, timeout);




int property_set(const char *name, const char *value){    prop_info *pi;    int ret;    size_t namelen = strlen(name);    size_t valuelen = strlen(value);    if (!is_legal_property_name(name, namelen)) return -1;    if (valuelen >= PROP_VALUE_MAX) return -1;    pi = (prop_info*) __system_property_find(name);    //read only的是不能修改的    if(pi != 0) {        /* ro.* properties may NEVER be modified once set */        if(!strncmp(name, "ro.", 3)) return -1;        __system_property_update(pi, value, valuelen);    } else {        ret = __system_property_add(name, namelen, value, valuelen);        if (ret < 0) {            ERROR("Failed to set '%s'='%s'\n", name, value);            return ret;        }    }    //如果是设置net.开头的属性,    //如果是net.change,不做任何东西    //net.change是为了记录当前哪个net.开头的属性被设置了    //[net.change]: [net.qtaguid_enabled]    /* If name starts with "net." treat as a DNS property. */    if (strncmp("net.", name, strlen("net.")) == 0)  {        if (strcmp("net.change", name) == 0) {            return 0;        }       /*        * The 'net.change' property is a special property used track when any        * 'net.*' property name is updated. It is _ONLY_ updated here. Its value        * contains the last updated 'net.*' property.        */        property_set("net.change", name);    } else if (persistent_properties_loaded &&            strncmp("persist.", name, strlen("persist.")) == 0) {        /*         * Don't write properties to disk until after we have read all default properties         * to prevent them from being overwritten by default values.         */        write_persistent_property(name, value);    } else if (strcmp("selinux.reload_policy", name) == 0 &&               strcmp("1", value) == 0) {        selinux_reload_policy();    }    property_changed(name, value);    return 0;}void property_changed(const char *name, const char *value){    if (property_triggers_enabled)        queue_property_triggers(name, value);}void queue_property_triggers(const char *name, const char *value){    struct listnode *node;    struct action *act;    list_for_each(node, &action_list) {        act = node_to_item(node, struct action, alist);        if (!strncmp(act->name, "property:", strlen("property:"))) {            const char *test = act->name + strlen("property:");            int name_length = strlen(name);            //如果属性值相同,则将act加入到action_queue            if (!strncmp(name, test, name_length) &&                    test[name_length] == '=' &&                    (!strcmp(test + name_length + 1, value) ||                     !strcmp(test + name_length + 1, "*"))) {                action_add_queue_tail(act);            }        }    }}

通过上面的步骤,我们已经将on property这种属性触发的action添加到全局链表action_queue中了,那么action_queue中的command是如何被执行的呢?

在init的for循环中,execute_one_command()函数会去从action_queue中取下action,然后执行该action下面的一个个command,这些command中有start service,也有一些类似mkdir的命令。init.rc中的service有些是执行一次结束后就退出的,有些是意外退出需要init把他们重启起来的,是用信号处理函数和socketpair实现的,后续再详细分析下该实现。

    for(;;) {        int nr, i, timeout = -1;        execute_one_command();    //重启service,有些执行完不用重启,有些需要重启        restart_processes();        if (!signal_fd_init && get_signal_fd() > 0) {    //信号处理函数在子进程挂掉后会给signal_fd写东西    //这时候socketpair的对端,signal_recv_fd会受到,这里监听了该signal_recv_fd            ufds[fd_count].fd = get_signal_fd();            ufds[fd_count].events = POLLIN;            ufds[fd_count].revents = 0;            fd_count++;            signal_fd_init = 1;        }        }void execute_one_command(void){    int ret;    // 从全局的action_queue中取    //如果当前command是action中的最后一个,取下一个action    if (!cur_action || !cur_command || is_last_command(cur_action, cur_command)) {        //从全局的action_queue中取出一个action        cur_action = action_remove_queue_head();        cur_command = NULL;        if (!cur_action)            return;        INFO("processing action %p (%s)\n", cur_action, cur_action->name);        //从action中的commands中取第一个command        cur_command = get_first_command(cur_action);    } else {        //继续取当前action中的command        cur_command = get_next_command(cur_action, cur_command);    }    if (!cur_command)        return;    //执行command的func函数    ret = cur_command->func(cur_command->nargs, cur_command->args);    INFO("command '%s' r=%d\n", cur_command->args[0], ret);}

disabled,表示不会随着class一起启动,即不受class_start影响,需要显示start service名字,

#define SVC_DISABLED    0x01  /* do not autostart with class */#define SVC_ONESHOT     0x02  /* do not restart on exit */#define SVC_RUNNING     0x04  /* currently active */#define SVC_RESTARTING  0x08  /* waiting to restart */#define SVC_CONSOLE     0x10  /* requires console */#define SVC_CRITICAL    0x20  /* will reboot into recovery if keeps crashing */#define SVC_RESET       0x40  /* Use when stopping a process, but not disabling                                 so it can be restarted with its class */#define SVC_RC_DISABLED 0x80  /* Remember if the disabled flag was set in the rc script */#define SVC_RESTART     0x100 /* Use to safely restart (stop, wait, start) a service */




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