Design Twitter解题报告

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝那家零食店好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 07:10


class Twitter {private:    int cnt=0;    unordered_map<int,set<int>> friends;    unordered_map<int,map<int,int>> tweets;public:    /** Initialize your data structure here. */    Twitter() {        cnt=0;    }        /** Compose a new tweet. */    void postTweet(int userId, int tweetId) {        follow(userId,userId);        tweets[userId].insert(pair<int,int>(cnt++,tweetId));    }        /** Retrieve the 10 most recent tweet ids in the user's news feed. Each item in the news feed must be posted by users who the user followed or by the user herself. Tweets must be ordered from most recent to least recent. */    vector<int> getNewsFeed(int userId) {        vector<int> res;        map<int,int> top10;        for(auto it=friends[userId].begin();it!=friends[userId].end();it++){            int t=*it;            for(auto a=tweets[t].begin();a!=tweets[t].end();a++){                if(top10.size()>0&&top10.begin()->first>a->first&&top10.size()>10) break;//这里判断,因为map是排序的,是从小到大排序,如果first比a的都大,说明first比a更近,所以就不用接着比较了。                top10.insert(pair<int,int>(a->first,a->second));                if(top10.size()>10) top10.erase(top10.begin());            }        }        for (auto it = top10.rbegin(); it != top10.rend(); ++it) {            res.push_back(it->second);        }        return res;    }        /** Follower follows a followee. If the operation is invalid, it should be a no-op. */    void follow(int followerId, int followeeId) {        friends[followerId].insert(followeeId);    }        /** Follower unfollows a followee. If the operation is invalid, it should be a no-op. */    void unfollow(int followerId, int followeeId) {        if(followerId!=followeeId){            friends[followerId].erase(followeeId);        }    }};/** * Your Twitter object will be instantiated and called as such: * Twitter obj = new Twitter(); * obj.postTweet(userId,tweetId); * vector<int> param_2 = obj.getNewsFeed(userId); * obj.follow(followerId,followeeId); * obj.unfollow(followerId,followeeId); */

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