android 特效闹钟GoogleClock

来源:互联网 发布:gis数据挖掘前景 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 12:02
简介:The core of it is SVG .

An imitation of the clock in Google I/O 2016 . Almost all of the animations and images in it are made by the SVG , so this library may be a wonderful material to learn the SVG's usage in Android . Chinese README is here .




You can install GoogleClock by adding the following dependency to your build.gradle:

allprojects {        repositories {            ...            maven { url "" }        }}
dependencies {            compile 'com.github.lypeer:GoogleClock:1.0.0'}


Simple Usage :

Just to add the GoogleClock to your activity's xml :

<com.lypeer.googleioclock.GoogleClock        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>

And then the clock will appear .

Complex Usage

Of course , you can do some configuration in the xml :

<com.lypeer.googleioclock.GoogleClock        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        app:lyClockWidth="32dp"        app:lyHourWidth="32dp"        app:lyMinWidth="32dp"        app:lySecWidth="32dp"        app:lyDividerHorizontal="32dp"        app:lyDividerVertical="32dp"        app:lyTheme="@style/LyTheme3"        />

You can configure the following xml attributes for the clock :

attributevalue typedefalut valuedescriptionlyClockWidthdimen0dpThe size of numbers in the clock . But it's priority is lower than the below three attributes .lyHourWidthdimen48dpThe size of the hour part in the clock .lyMinWidthdimen48dpThe size of the minutes part in the clock .lySecWidthdimen32dpThe size of the second part in the clock .lyDividerHorizontaldimen4dpThe divider's width between the two number in hour , minute and snecond .lyDividerVerticaldimen16dpThe devider's width of the two lines (Hours and mintues are in the same line while seconds the other).lyThemereferenceLyThemeThe custom theme .

Your can define a custom theme to change more in the clock , such as following :

<style name="LyTheme2" parent="LyTheme">        <item name="lyColor0">@color/colorRed</item>        <item name="lyColor1">@color/colorYellow</item>        <item name="lyColor2">@color/colorGreen</item>        <item name="lyColor3">@color/colorBlue</item>        <item name="lyColorColon">@color/colorDarkBlue</item>        <item name="lyThickness">@integer/lyThickness_4</item>        <item name="lyColonThickness">@integer/lyThickness_1</item></style>

You should let The custom theme's parent be LyTheme so that you can only override the attributes you want to change . If not , your theme must contains all of the attributes in LyTheme , or some view may can't work . LyTheme contains following attributes :

attributesvalue typedefault valuedescriptionlyColor0color@color/colorRedThe first color in the numbers .lyColor1color@color/colorYellowThe second color in the numbers .lyColor2color@color/colorGreenThe third color in the numbers .lyColor3color@color/colorBlueThe forth color in the numbers .lyColorColoncolor@color/colorDarkBlueThe color of the colon .lyThicknessinteger4Number's thickness .lyColonThicknessinteger1Colon's thickness .

Ok , that's all about usage . There is a demo in the library .


  • org.greenrobot:eventbus:3.0.0

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