ADB not responding. If you'd like to retry, then please manually kill "adb.exe" and click 'Restart'

来源:互联网 发布:sql怎么去掉重复值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:54

解决 adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.

[摘要:比来Android Studio总是提醒一个题目,adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart',restart出用,kil] 

最近Android Studio老是提示一个问题,adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart',restart没用,kill-server和start-server也没用,最后发现,某手机助手程序偷偷占用了adb运行的端口号5037...

知道原因之后那就简单了,查看那个程序占用5037端口  ->运行cmd,netstat -ano | findstr "5037",果不其然



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