List Control控件item的可编辑操作实现

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 真武七截阵 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 22:01


  1. 简介
  2. 实施步骤
  3. 总结




  1. 使用MFC向导,创建一个基于对话框的应用程序。程序命名为MultipleColumns。应用程序向导会默认生成OK和Cancel按钮,在这里,我们移除这两个按钮。
  2. 添加一个 List-Control控件,将view属性设置为Report,这是多列显示需要的风格。
  3. 添加两个按钮,命名为OK和Cancel。
  4. 添加一个Edit box控件,将Border属性设置为False。
  5. 用类向导为OK和Cancel按钮添加消息处理函数。为函数添加如下代码:
    void CMultipleColumnsDlg::OK() {    CDialog::EndDialog (0); // Add this line}
    void CMultipleColumnsDlg::OnExit() {    CDialog::EndDialog (0); // Add this line}
  6. CMulipleColumnsDlg类中添加InsertItems()函数
    void InsertItems();


    // This function inserts the default values // into the listControlvoid CMultipleColumnsDlg::InsertItems(){    HWND hWnd = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_LIST1);    // Set the LVCOLUMN structure with the required     // column information    LVCOLUMN list;    list.mask =  LVCF_TEXT |LVCF_WIDTH|         LVCF_FMT |LVCF_SUBITEM;    list.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; = 50;    list.pszText   = "S.No";    list.iSubItem = 0;    //Inserts the column    ::SendMessage(hWnd,LVM_INSERTCOLUMN,         (WPARAM)0,(WPARAM)&list); = 100;    list.pszText   = "Name";    list.iSubItem = 1;    ::SendMessage(hWnd  ,LVM_INSERTCOLUMN,         (WPARAM)1,(WPARAM)&list); = 100;    list.pszText   = "Address";    list.iSubItem = 2;    ::SendMessage(hWnd  ,LVM_INSERTCOLUMN,         (WPARAM)1,(WPARAM)&list); = 100;    list.pszText   = "Country";    list.iSubItem = 2;    ::SendMessage(hWnd  ,LVM_INSERTCOLUMN,         (WPARAM)1,(WPARAM)&list);    // Inserts first Row with four columns .    SetCell(hWnd,"1",0,0);    SetCell(hWnd,"Prabhakar",0,1);    SetCell(hWnd,"Hyderabad",0,2);    SetCell(hWnd,"India",0,3);    // Inserts second Row with four columns .    SetCell(hWnd,"2",1,0);    SetCell(hWnd,"Uday",1,1);     SetCell(hWnd,"Chennai",1,2);    SetCell(hWnd,"India",1,3);    // Inserts third Row with four columns .    SetCell(hWnd,"3",2,0);    SetCell(hWnd,"Saradhi",2,1);     SetCell(hWnd,"Bangolore",2,2);    SetCell(hWnd,"India",2,3);    // Inserts fourth Row with four columns .    SetCell(hWnd,"4",3,0);    SetCell(hWnd,"Surya",3,1);     SetCell(hWnd,"Calcutta",3,2);    SetCell(hWnd,"India",3,3);}
  7. CMulipleColumnsDlg类中添加另外一个函数SetCell( )函数
    void SetCell(HWND hWnd1, CString value, int nRow, int nCol);


    // This function set the text in the specified // SubItem depending on the Row and Column valuesvoid CMultipleColumnsDlg::SetCell(HWND hWnd1,         CString value, int nRow, int nCol){    TCHAR     szString [256];    wsprintf(szString,value ,0);    //Fill the LVITEM structure with the     //values given as parameters.    LVITEM lvItem;    lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;    lvItem.iItem = nRow;    lvItem.pszText = szString;    lvItem.iSubItem = nCol;    if(nCol >0)        //set the value of listItem        ::SendMessage(hWnd1,LVM_SETITEM,             (WPARAM)0,(WPARAM)&lvItem);    else        //Insert the value into List        ListView_InsertItem(hWnd1,&lvItem);}
  8. 再在CMulipleColumnsDlg类中添加函数GetItemText()函数
    CString GetItemText(HWND hWnd, int nItem, int nSubItem) const;


    //this function will returns the item //text depending on the item and SubItem IndexCString CMultipleColumnsDlg::GetItemText(    HWND hWnd, int nItem, int nSubItem) const{    LVITEM lvi;    memset(&lvi, 0, sizeof(LVITEM));    lvi.iSubItem = nSubItem;    CString str;    int nLen = 128;    int nRes;    do    {        nLen *= 2;        lvi.cchTextMax = nLen;        lvi.pszText = str.GetBufferSetLength(nLen);        nRes  = (int)::SendMessage(hWnd,             LVM_GETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)nItem,            (LPARAM)&lvi);    } while (nRes == nLen-1);    str.ReleaseBuffer();    return str;}
  9. CMultipleColumnsDlg类中添加两个int型变量
    int nItem, nSubItem;
  10. 从类向导中为 List control控件添加NM_CLICK通知消息。在函数处理中添加如下代码
  11. //This function Displays an EditBox at the position //where user clicks on a particular SubItem with //Rectangle are equal to the SubItem, thus allows to //modify the valuevoid CMultipleColumnsDlg::OnClickList(        NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {    Invalidate();    HWND hWnd1 =  ::GetDlgItem (m_hWnd,IDC_LIST1);    LPNMITEMACTIVATE temp = (LPNMITEMACTIVATE) pNMHDR;    RECT rect;    //get the row number    nItem = temp->iItem;    //get the column number    nSubItem = temp->iSubItem;    if(nSubItem == 0 || nSubItem == -1 || nItem == -1)        return ;    //Retrieve the text of the selected subItem     //from the list    CString str = GetItemText(hWnd1,nItem ,        nSubItem);    RECT rect1,rect2;    // this macro is used to retrieve the Rectanle     // of the selected SubItem    ListView_GetSubItemRect(hWnd1,temp->iItem,        temp->iSubItem,LVIR_BOUNDS,&rect);    //Get the Rectange of the listControl    ::GetWindowRect(temp->hdr.hwndFrom,&rect1);    //Get the Rectange of the Dialog    ::GetWindowRect(m_hWnd,&rect2);    int x=rect1.left-rect2.left;    int;        if(nItem != -1)     ::SetWindowPos(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd,IDC_EDIT1),        HWND_TOP,rect.left+x,,         rect.right-rect.left - 3, -1,NULL);    ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd,IDC_EDIT1),SW_SHOW);    ::SetFocus(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd,IDC_EDIT1));    //Draw a Rectangle around the SubItem    ::Rectangle(::GetDC(temp->hdr.hwndFrom),        rect.left,,rect.right,rect.bottom);    //Set the listItem text in the EditBox    ::SetWindowText(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd,IDC_EDIT1),str);    *pResult = 0;}
  12. afx_msg void OnOK();

    MultipleColumnsDlg.cpp 中添加如下代码:

    // This function handles the ENTER key void CMultipleColumnsDlg::OnOK() {       CWnd* pwndCtrl = GetFocus();    // get the control ID which is     // presently having the focus    int ctrl_ID = pwndCtrl->GetDlgCtrlID();    CString str;    switch (ctrl_ID)    {   //if the control is the EditBox         case IDC_EDIT1:        //get the text from the EditBox        GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1,str);        //set the value in the listContorl with the        //specified Item & SubItem values        SetCell(::GetDlgItem (m_hWnd,IDC_LIST1),            str,nItem,nSubItem);        ::SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWnd,IDC_EDIT1,            WM_KILLFOCUS,0,0);        ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd,IDC_EDIT1),            SW_HIDE);            break;             default:            break;    }}
  13. 最后一步是在OnInitDialog函数中添加如下代码
    //Set the style to listControlListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(::GetDlgItem         (m_hWnd,IDC_LIST1),LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT |         LVS_EX_GRIDLINES); InsertItems();::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd,IDC_EDIT1),SW_HIDE);
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