Node.js readline模块

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么增加权重 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 16:08


  • Class: Interface
  • Event: ‘close’
  • Event: ‘line’
  • Event: ‘pause’
  • Event: ‘resume’
  • Event: ‘SIGCONT’
  • Event: ‘SIGINT’
  • Event: ‘SIGTSTP’
  • rl.close()
  • rl.pause()
  • rl.prompt([preserveCursor])
  • rl.question(query, callback)
  • rl.resume()
  • rl.setPrompt(prompt)
  • rl.write(data[, key])
  • readline.clearLine(stream, dir)
  • readline.clearScreenDown(stream)
  • readline.createInterface(options)
  • Use of the completer Function
  • readline.cursorTo(stream, x, y)
  • readline.emitKeypressEvents(stream[, interface])
  • readline.moveCursor(stream, dx, dy)
  • Example: Tiny CLI
  • Example: Read File Stream Line-by-Line

The readline module provides an interface for reading data from a Readable stream (such as process.stdin) one line at a time.





const readline = require('readline');

The following simple example illustrates the basic use of the readline module.


const readline = require('readline');const rl = readline.createInterface({    input: process.stdin,    output: process.stdout});rl.question('What do you think of Node.js? ', (answer) => {    console.log('Thank you for you valuable feedback: ' + answer);    rl.close();});


Note Once this code is invoked, the Node.js application will not terminate until the readline.Interface is closed because the interface waits for data to be received on the input stream.


Class: Interface

Instances of the readline.Interface class are constructed using the readline.createInterface() method. Every instance is associated with a single input Readable stream and a single output Writable stream. The output stream is used to print prompts for user input that arrives on, and is read from, the input stream.


Event: ‘close’

The ‘close’ event is emitted when one of the following occur:

  • The rl.close() method is called and the readline.Interface instance has relinquished control over the input and output streams;
  • The input stream receives its ‘end’ event;
  • The input stream receives <ctrl>-D to signal end-of-transmission (EOT);
  • The input stream receives <ctrl>-C to signal SIGINT and there is no SIGINT event listener registered on the readline.Interface instance.

The listener function is called without passing any arguments.
The readline.Interface instance should be considered to be “finished” once the ‘close’ event is emitted.


  • rl.close() 方法被调用后,readline.Interaface实例便会放弃输入输出流的控制权;
  • 输入流收到它自己的’end’事件;
  • 输入流收到<ctrl>-D,发送传输结束信号(EOF,end-of-transmission);
  • 输入流收到<ctrl>-C,发送SIGINT信号,并且在readline.Interfacce实例上并没有注册SIGINT事件的监听器;


Event: ‘line’

The ‘line’ event is emitted whenever the input stream receives an end-of-line input (\n, \r, or \r\n). This usually occurs when the user presses the <Enter>, or <Return> keys.

The listener function is called with a string containing the single line of received input.

无论何时,当输入流收到行结束符(\n, \r, 或者 \r\n)的时候,’line’事件都好被触发。它通常发生在用户按下<Enter>或<Return>按键时。


Event: ‘pause’

The ‘pause’ event is emitted when one of the following occur:

  • The input stream is paused.
  • The input stream is not paused and receives the SIGCONT event. (See events SIGTSTP and SIGCONT)

The listener function is called without passing any arguments.


  • 输入流停止。
  • 输入流没有停止,但是且接收到SIGCONT事件(参阅SIGTSTP 和 SIGCONT 事件)


Event: ‘resume’

The ‘resume’ event is emitted whenever the input stream is resumed.

The listener function is called without passing any arguments.


Event: ‘SIGCONT’

The ‘SIGCONT’ event is emitted when a Node.js process previously moved into the background using -Z (i.e. SIGTSTP) is then brought back to the foreground using fg(1).

If the input stream was paused before the SIGTSTP request, this event will not be emitted.

当使用<ctrl>-Z将Node.js进程移动到后台时,SIGCONT事件将会被触发。然后可以使用 fg(1) 命令将它移动到前台。


Event: ‘SIGINT’

The ‘SIGINT’ event is emitted whenever the input stream receives a -C input, known typically as SIGINT. If there are no ‘SIGINT’ event listeners registered when the input stream receives a SIGINT, the ‘pause’ event will be emitted.

The listener function is invoked without passing any arguments.



rl.on('SIGINT', () => {    rl.question('Are you sure you want to exit?', (answer) => {        if(answer.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) {            rl.pause();        }    });});

Event: ‘SIGTSTP’

The ‘SIGTSTP’ event is emitted when the input stream receives a -Z input, typically known as SIGTSTP. If there are no SIGTSTP event listeners registered when the input stream receives a SIGTSTP, the Node.js process will be sent to the background.

When the program is resumed using fg(1), the ‘pause’ and SIGCONT events will be emitted. These can be used to resume the input stream.

The ‘pause’ and ‘SIGCONT’ events will not be emitted if the input was paused before the process was sent to the background.

The listener function is invoked without passing any arguments.




Example:Tiny CLI (小型命令行)

const readline = require('readline');const rl = readline.createInterface({    input: process.stdin,    output: process.stdout,    prompt: 'TinyCLI>'  });rl.prompt();rl.on('line', (line) => {    switch(line.trim()) {    case 'hello':        console.log('world');        break;    default:        console.log(`Say what? I might have heard '${line.trim()}'`);        break;    }    rl.prompt();}).on('close', () => {    console.log('Have a great day, Bye!');    //没有exit则会继续监听输入,线程并不会退出    //process.exit(0);}).on('SIGINT', () => {    console.log('Ctrl+C => SIGINT');});

ctrl-c 发送 SIGINT 信号给前台进程组中的所有进程。常用于终止正在运行的程序。
ctrl-z 发送 SIGTSTP 信号给前台进程组中的所有进程,常用于挂起一个进程。
ctrl-d 不是发送信号,而是表示一个特殊的二进制值,表示 EOF。
ctrl-\ 发送 SIGQUIT 信号给前台进程组中的所有进程,终止前台进程并生成 core 文件。
kill -SIGCONT PID 发送 SIGCONT信号,让一个停止(stopped)的进程继续执行.


Example:Read File Stream Line-by-Line

const readline = require('readline');const fs = require('fs');const rl = readline.createInterface({    input: fs.createReadStream('C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/readlineDemo.js'),    terminal: true});rl.on('line', (line) => {    console.log('line = ', line);}).on('close', () => {    console.log('readline is closed');});

当流创建的时候文件里的所有数据便会被都出来,存储在Interface对象的以数组的方式存储在history属性中。然后当输入流中新增了一行的时候,才会触发 ‘line’ 事件。

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