
来源:互联网 发布:上香拜佛软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 13:03

public class FloattoString{

//if given 230991.291, should return the String "230,991.291"
//if given 200.0, should return the string "200"
//if given 87238.001, should return the string "87,238.001"
//if give -23870.0, should return the string "-23,870"

public String doubleToString(double value){
 String strValue=value+"";
 String strInt="";//取其整形部分
 String strDec="";//取其小数部分
 String result="";
 int pos=strValue.lastIndexOf(".");

  strInt=strValue.substring(0, pos);

  int intValue=Integer.parseInt(strInt);

  String resultTemp="";
 return result;

 private String getResult(int value){
  int intValue=value;
  String result="";
   int t1=intValue/1000;
   int t2=intValue%1000;
  return result;
public static void main(String[] args){
 //if given 230991.291, should return the String "230,991.291"
 //if given 200.0, should return the string "200"
 //if given 87238.001, should return the string "87,238.001"
 //if give -23870.0, should return the string "-23,870"
 double a=(double)230991.291;
 double b=(double)200.0;
 double c=(double)87238.001;
 double d=(double)-23870.0;
 double e=(double)1234567;
 FloattoString fs=new FloattoString();
 String rs=fs.doubleToString(a);
