EasyPusher Android实时推送当前屏幕画面

来源:互联网 发布:sql约束表达式大全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 07:39

由于Android 5.0提供了捕获当前屏幕画面的SDK,基于该SDK,EasyPusher实现了实时推送手机屏幕画面的功能。经测试,效果很不错,延迟也比较低,画面也比较流畅。该功能可运用到小型会议PPT演示、手游直播等行业。

具体来说,MediaProjection 类可以将当前屏幕画面采集到一个surface里面,而MediaCodec可以从一个surface里面获取视频数据源。我们让MediaProjection投射到MediaCodec创建的Surface,MediaCodec就可以获取到MediaProjection投射的视频了。如图所示:

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0MediaProjectionMediaProjectionSurfaceSurfaceMediaCodecMediaCodecEasyPusherEasyPusher投射屏幕提供视频源编码编码数据通过Pusher推送


VirtualDisplay createVirtualDisplay (String name,                 int width,                 int height,                 int dpi,                 int flags,                 Surface surface,                 VirtualDisplay.Callback callback,                 Handler handler)Creates a VirtualDisplay to capture the contents of the screen.Parametersname    String: The name of the virtual display, must be non-empty.要创建的投射器的名称,非空width   int: The width of the virtual display in pixels. Must be greater than 0.投射后视频的宽度,这里的宽度就是实际上后面MediaCodec初始化的宽度.height  int: The height of the virtual display in pixels. Must be greater than 0.投射后视频的高度,这里的宽度就是实际上后面MediaCodec初始化的高度.dpi int: The density of the virtual display in dpi. Must be greater than 0.投射器的像素密度,未理解啥意思,我们直接用DisplayMetrics的densityDpi即可.flags   int: A combination of virtual display flags. See DisplayManager for the full list of flags.我们传DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_AUTO_MIRROR|DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PUBLIC|DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PRESENTATION 即可。surface Surface: The surface to which the content of the virtual display should be rendered, or null if there is none initially.投射器要投射到的Surfacecallback    VirtualDisplay.Callback: Callback to call when the virtual display's state changes, or null if none.投射器更改后的状态回调,我们这里不需要,传null即可。handler Handler: The Handler on which the callback should be invoked, or null if the callback should be invoked on the calling thread's main Looper.回调函数将在该Handler所在的线程调用,我们也不需要,传null即可。
createInputSurfaceSurface createInputSurface ()Requests a Surface to use as the input to an encoder, in place of input buffers. 该接口创建一个作为编码器输入的Surface。





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