
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝二手苹果能买吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:50

404. Sum of Left Leaves


func isLeaf(root * TreeNode) bool{    if root == nil || root.Left!=nil || root.Right!=nil{        return false    }    return true;}func sumOfLeftLeaves(root *TreeNode) int {    res := 0    if root != nil{        if isLeaf(root.Left){            res += root.Left.Val        }else{            res += sumOfLeftLeaves(root.Left)        }        res += sumOfLeftLeaves(root.Right)    }    return res}

405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal

负数的转换需要先转为补码再计算。注意用long long int 防止溢出。

class Solution {public:    string toHex(int num) {        string a[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" };        string res;        if (num == 0){            return "0";        }        long long int t;        if (num <0){            t = unsigned(num);        }        else{            t = num;        }        while (t>0){            res = a[t % 16] + res;            t /= 16;        }        return res;    }};

406. Queue Reconstruction by Height


type P [][]int func(p P) Len()int{    return len(p)}func(p P)Swap(i,j int){    p[i][0],p[i][1],p[j][0],p[j][1] = p[j][0],p[j][1],p[i][0],p[i][1]}func (p P)Less(i,j int)bool{    if p[i][1]!=p[j][1]{        return p[i][1] < p[j][1]    }    return p[i][0] < p[j][0]}//1.sort//2.取当前队列func reconstructQueue(people [][]int) [][]int {    res := make([][]int,len(people))    for i:=0;i<len(res);i++{        res[i]  = make([]int,2)    }    n := len(people)    for  i:=0;i<n;i++{        sort.Sort(P(people))        res[i][0],res[i][1] = people[0][0],people[0][1]        for j:=1;j<len(people);j++{            if people[0][0] >=people[j][0]{                people[j][1] --;            }        }        people = people[1:]    }    for i :=1;i<len(res);i++ {        count :=0        for j :=0;j<i;j++ {            if res[i][0] <= res[j][0]{                count ++;            }        }        res[i][1] = count    }    return res;}

407. Trapping Rain Water II


func dfs(heightMap [][]int, x,y int){    if x < 0 || x >= len(heightMap) || y <0 || y >= len(heightMap[0]){        return    }    if heightMap[x][y] != 0{        return    }    heightMap[x][y] = 65535    dfs(heightMap,x+1,y)    dfs(heightMap,x-1,y)    dfs(heightMap,x,y+1)    dfs(heightMap,x,y-1)}func getArea(heightMap [][]int) int{    for i:=0;i<len(heightMap[0]);i++{        dfs(heightMap,0,i)        dfs(heightMap,len(heightMap)-1,i)    }    for i:=0;i<len(heightMap);i++{        dfs(heightMap,i,0)        dfs(heightMap,i,len(heightMap[0])-1)    }    count :=0    for i :=0;i<len(heightMap);i++{        for j:=0;j<len(heightMap[0]);j++{            if heightMap[i][j] == 0{                count ++            }else if heightMap[i][j] ==65535{                heightMap[i][j] = 0;            }        }    }    return count}/*func getMin(heightMap [][]int) int{    min := 65535    m,n := len(heightMap),len(heightMap[0])    for i:=1;i<m-1;i++{        for j:=1;j<n-1;j++{            if heightMap[i][j] == 0{                continue;            }            if min > heightMap[i][j]{                min = heightMap[i][j]            }        }    }    return min}*/func getMin2(heightMap [][]int) int{    min := 65535    m,n := len(heightMap),len(heightMap[0])    for i:=0;i<m;i++{        for j:=0;j<n;j++{            if heightMap[i][j] == 0{                continue;            }            if min > heightMap[i][j]{                min = heightMap[i][j]            }        }    }    return min}func trapRainWater(heightMap [][]int) int {    res ,tmp:= 0,1    if len(heightMap) == 0 || len(heightMap[0]) == 0{        return 0    }    for true{        m,n := len(heightMap),len(heightMap[0])        min := getMin2(heightMap)        for i:=0;i<m;i++{            for j:=0;j<n;j++{                if heightMap[i][j] < min{                    heightMap[i][j] = 0                    continue;                }                heightMap[i][j] -= min            }        }        min = getMin2(heightMap)        if min == 65535{            break        }        tmp  = min* getArea(heightMap)        res += tmp    }    return res}
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