Rotate Array

来源:互联网 发布:和俄罗斯女人啪啪知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:23

Given an array of integers A and let n to be its length.

Assume Bk to be an array obtained by rotating the array A k positions clock-wise, we define a "rotation function" F on A as follow:

F(k) = 0 * Bk[0] + 1 * Bk[1] + ... + (n-1) * Bk[n-1].

Calculate the maximum value of F(0), F(1), ..., F(n-1).

n is guaranteed to be less than 105.


A = [4, 3, 2, 6]F(0) = (0 * 4) + (1 * 3) + (2 * 2) + (3 * 6) = 0 + 3 + 4 + 18 = 25F(1) = (0 * 6) + (1 * 4) + (2 * 3) + (3 * 2) = 0 + 4 + 6 + 6 = 16F(2) = (0 * 2) + (1 * 6) + (2 * 4) + (3 * 3) = 0 + 6 + 8 + 9 = 23F(3) = (0 * 3) + (1 * 2) + (2 * 6) + (3 * 4) = 0 + 2 + 12 + 12 = 26So the maximum value of F(0), F(1), F(2), F(3) is F(3) = 26.

According to the problem statement
F(0) = (0A) + (1B) + (2C) + (3D) + (4E)
F(1) = (4
A) + (0B) + (1C) + (2D) + (3E)
F(2) = (3A) + (4B) + (0C) + (1D) + (2*E)

This problem at a glance seem like a difficult problem. I am not very strong in mathematics, so this is how I visualize this problem

We can construct F(1) from F(0) by two step:
Step 1. taking away one count of each coin from F(0), this is done by subtracting "sum" from "iteration" in the code below
after step 1 F(0) = (-1A) + (0B) + (1C) + (2D) + (3*E)

Step 2. Add n times the element which didn't contributed in F(0), which is A. This is done by adding "A[j-1]len" in the code below.
after step 2 F(0) = (4
A) + (0B) + (1C) + (2D) + (3E)

At this point F(0) can be considered as F(1) and F(2) to F(4) can be constructed by repeating the above steps.

By this mind, I solve this problem using c++

class Solution {
    int maxRotateFunction(vector<int>& A) {
        if(A.size() == 0) return 0;
        int sum = 0,iterator = 0;
        int len = A.size();
        for(int i = 0;i < len;++i){ sum += A[i];iterator += (i * A[i]);}
        int res =  iterator;
        for(int j = 0;j < len -1;++j){
            iterator = iterator - sum + A[j]*len;
            res = max(res,iterator);
        return res;

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